Social Security in the Opinion of Imam Khomeini and Supreme Leader
Security in all its dimensions has been one of the most important obl i g a ti o n s for governments of the past to the present. In the 21st century, the im p o rt a n ce and aspects of security, such as cyber and psychological security, have b ec ome more important than ever. The social security dimension has been particularly important since it is the origin of other dimensions of sec u r ity in a society. Obviously, Imam Khomeini and Supreme Leader emphasized on security. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the dimensions of social security in the opinion of Imam Khomeini and of Supreme Leader. G i v en the ontological and anthropological foundations of Imam Khomeini a n d the Supreme Leader, Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader have co n s i d e r ed social security at both the macro and micro levels. At the macro level, we c an mention the sense of security in society, educational justice, public co n s e n sus and participation, the coherence of the (spiritual) inner dimension of security with the objective and material dimension, social justice and a sense of equality among citizens. At the micro level, we can include elements such as reducing discriminatory laws, combating class and social divisions, ad d r e ssing economic, educational of destitute community, elections, monitoring the performance of institutions and managers, combating corruption.