Investigating the Impact of Video Mapping on Environmental Graphics and Audience Attraction: A Case Study of Successful Executive Video Mapping in Iran
The use of advanced technologies of"holography" and "videoamping" in Theater and performing arts directors and designers have been interested in holography and video-amping technologies for the past decade, and it is expected that these technologies will be used more widely in theater and other live arts in the coming years. Theater and technology are complementary in most advanced countries today. While it is clear that theater and technology must be synchronized, a brief comparison shows how behind we are in this area from a global perspective and the contemporary art scene. The present study seeks to examine how video mapping impacts graphics, identify the relationship between video mapping and environmental graphics, examine the role of environmental graphics in attracting viewers, and examine the aesthetics of digital art.Section two is concerned with the research background, and section three examines research methods. Section four discusses the urban principles and regulations and billboards in the environmental advertisement. Eventually,section five is concerned withthe summarization and presentation of the conclusion.