Detection of Pneumonic Manheimiosis in Slaughtered Goats using Immunohistochemistry, Bacteriology and Histopathology
Pneumonic Mennheimiosis caused by Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica is one of the most important etiological agent of pneumonia in cattle, sheep, and goats throughout the world. This study was conducted in Semnan province, North East Iran to determine the incidence and prevalence of M. haemolytica antigens using immunohistochemistry labelling of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of goats with natural pneumonia and slaughtered in slaughterhouse and then comparing its results with the results of bacterial isolation. For this purpose, a total of goat lungs slaughtered at abattoir were grossly examined and pneumonia was detected in cases ( %). With the exception of verminous pneumonia which were observed in cases, bacteriological and immunohistochemical examinations were performed on pneumonic lungs. The presence of M. haemolytica and its antigens were detected in ( ) and (% ) out of pneumonic lungs respectively. Bacterial antigens were found most frequently in the cytoplasm of bronchial and bronchiolar epithelial cells, in the degenerating leukocytes in the alveoli, and in the degenerating leukocytes in the necrotic area, less frequently in the epithelial cells of bronchial glands, and lymphoid cells. In conclusion, detection of M. haemolytica antigens in pneumonic lungs using immunohistochemistry appear to be more reliable compared to bacterial isolation.
The First Report of Occurance of Prostate in Uterine Tissue of a Lamb Affected by Male Pseudohermaphroditism
Journal of Veterinary Laboratory Research, -
Ethiopathologic study on probable role of M. heamolytica in pneumonia of slaughtered camel (Camelus deromedarius) in Semnan, Iran
Journal of Veterinary Laboratory Research,