Disclosure of Social Responsibility, Stock Price Informativeness with an Emphasis on the Mediating Role of Corporate Governance
Stock price informativeness, as a measure of the future state of the company to express information that is not easily accessible to outsiders is very attractive among investors and capital market analysts. In addition, if entities can base their financial decisions on stock prices; They will be able to reduce the differences between market factors and information about the company and achieve a consistent pattern in their strategic decisions. To achieve this goal, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between social responsibility disclosure, Stock price informativeness with emphasis on the mediating role of corporate governance. For this purpose, the data of 186 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange and using a regression model based on composite data and using Eviews8 software has been tested. The statistical results of testing the research hypotheses show that there is a positive and significant relationship between corporate social responsibility and Stock price informativeness and corporate governance. Therefore, the mediating role of corporate governance is approved. Therefore, in companies with higher social responsibility, the impact of corporate social responsibility and corporate governance on, Stock price informativeness is stronger at the same time.Research innovation: This research is the first research that has examined the relationship between disclosure of social responsibility and stock price informativeness in Iran as a developing country. The present research helps to develop science and knowledge in this field.