The therapeutic effect of conditioned medium of human amniotic membrane stem cells on heart failure in rats
The conditioned medium of stem cells plays an important role in the treatment of various diseases such as heart damage, but its molecular mechanisms are unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate one of the mechanisms of the effect of this substance in the treatment of male rats with heart failure.
A total of 20 male rats were divided into four groups, control, heart failure, heart failure receiving culture medium, and medium condition groups. Heart failure was induced in all groups except the comtrol group with isoproterenol, then, culture medium and conditioned medium were injected into the related animals 28 days after HF induction. Afterward, the expressions of caspase 3 and 9 factors were examined.
Changes in the expressions of caspase 3, caspase 9, and GAPDH genes in the four groups were evaluated real-time PCR. Furthermore, the average expressions of caspase 3 and 9 in four groups were compared using ELISA. All data revealed that the induction of heart failure increased the expression of apoptotic factors compared to the control group, and that the treatment with a conditioned medium caused a significant decrease in apoptotic factors compared to the heart failure group (P≤0.05).
It was concluded that the conditioned medium of human amniotic membrane mesenchymal stem cells was able to improve heart failure by targeting the apoptosis pathway.
The findings of this study highlighted the importance of this compound as a suitable candidate for treating heart failure in the future.