The precedence of warning over evangelism in the expression of the Holy Quran
"Warning and preaching" are among the most used words in the prophetic biography of divine prophets. The question of the present research is that, from the perspective of the Holy Quran, what is the relationship between warning and preaching in terms of action and implementation? In order to answer this question, the present article deals with the rereading of the Holy Quran with this perspective and using library sources in a descriptive-analytical way. The findings of the research show that from the point of view of the Qur'an in terms of action, among the three possible assumptions, i.e. the simultaneity of warning and tidings, the precedence of tidings over warning, and vice versa, warning has rank precedence over tidings. Because in order to reach God's good news, it is necessary for the warnings to have an effect on humans, and the divine prophets also preached in the Qur'an as warnings. In some verses where the good news is preceded by the warning, the subject is not the same. In other words, divine prophets were warnings to the criminal stream and evangelists to the believing stream.
A Survey of the Index of Knowledge in Successful Management as Taught by Nahj al-Balaghah
*, Mostafa Delashd Tehrani
Journal of Nahjolbalagheh,