A Study of Clark H. Pinnock's View on "God's Love Relationship with Man" based on the Perspective of Imami Theologians
One of the most important attributes that Pinnock ascribes to God is "love". According to him, traditional Christian theologians - influenced by Greek thought - put the love attribute under "God's moral attributes" and pushed it to the sidelines. However, based on the Bible, "love" is one of God's inherent attributes and he is basically the lover (and, also, the beloved). Therefore, paying attention to this issue is very important in Christianity. From the point of view of Imami theologians, although Pinnock's belief in the love relationship between God and human has advantages over traditional theology, there are criticisms on the requirements he considers for this relationship. They believe that firstly, those aspects of the relationship that indicate weakness and influence cannot be ascribed to God, and secondly, although love is an important aspect of the relation between God and human, this relation is servitude-focused and not love-centered.In this research, Pinnock's view is studied from the perspective of Imami theologians using a descriptive-analytical method.