A Study of Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Work-Family Conflict with Job Stress of school counselors in Shiraz

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (بدون رتبه معتبر)
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between quality of work life and work-family conflict with Job stress among Shiraz High School Counselors. Due to the nature and purposes of research is used of the practical and implementation of the correlation method. The study was included all counselors of 4 area education that using of Morgan table to selected 214 people as sample. The samples were 214 people that were selected by simple random sampling method. For data collection was used of questionnaire, work - family conflict of notes Mayer and Mac Marianne (1996), Work-Family Conflict and Job stress. For analyzing data was used from the test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression method. The results showed that quality of work life ( QWL) has significant negative relationship with Job stress and work-family conflict (WFC) has significant negative relationship with Job stress. Also results showed that negative predicted work - family conflict, job stress. And finding indicates that among the QWL Dimension, five dimensions are the most predictive variance of Job stress.
Journal of work psychology, Volume:1 Issue: 2, 2022
25 to 36
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