Investigating the agronomic value of two new bean cultivars applying for commercialization

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

This experiment was conducted to investigate the agricultural value of two new varieties of beans: Sepehr and Sembol, which were introduced by the private sector with the aim of registering the named varieties in the national list of plant varieties.


These cultivars (Sepehr and Sembol) along with 4 domestic control cultivars were studied in 3 locations (Karaj, Zanjan, and Khomein) based on complete randomized block design in 3 replications during two crop seasons (2019-2020 and 2020-2021).


Results showed that flowering occurred significantly earlier in candidate cultivars (Sepehr and Sembol) than control cultivars (8 and 4 days respectively). As the same way, physiological seed ripening in candidate cultivars occurred earlier than control cultivars (8 and 10 days earlier than mean of other cultivars respectively). The number of seeds in the pods of Sepehr and Sembol candidate cultivars did not significantly differ from the control cultivars. Sepehr and Sembol cultivars produced larger seeds and hundred seeds weight of these cultivars was greatly higher than other cultivars (9.7 and 24.1 percent higher than mean of other cultivars respectively), but the seed yield in these two cultivars was significantly lower than control cultivars (19.89 and 18.27 percent lower than mean of other cultivars respectively).


Finally, the candidate cultivars Sepehr and Sembol can play an effective role as new germplasms in the country's bean production due to their erect type and ease of harvesting, early maturity and consumption of one to two times less water, marketability and production of larger seeds.

Journal of Crop Improvment, Volume:25 Issue: 3, 2023
633 to 649