The Methods of Talking to God with Imam Masoom (A. S.) Based on the Verse 51 of Shura (with an Emphasis on the Opinions of Qomi, Tabarsi, Feiz Kashani, Imam Khomeini and Allameh Tabataba`i)
The religious view considers human verbal communication with Almighty God as possible. In the verse 51 of Surah Shura, the methods of God's speech with mankind are introduced as "Revelation", "min wara`i hijab" and "irsali rasul". Since, based on Imamiyyah theology, one of the basic issues for the continuous and eternal guidance of humanity is the possibility of the verbal communication of the infallible Imam (a.s.) with God. The problem of this research has been taken as: How does God speak to his appointees? This research, with analytical-inferential method and librarian study, examines the point of view of commentators such as Qomi, Tabarsi, Feiz Kashani, Imam Khomeini and Allameh Tabataba`i in the interpretation of this verse. The research findings show that the verbal communication of Imam with God is possible firstly, and secondly, this communication is established through two methods of inspiration and hadith. Therefore, God's speech with Imam (a.s.) is in the so-called Qur'anic way of "min wara`i hijab".