The role of biodiversity protection in achieving sustainable development
One of the threats to the earth is the loss of biodiversity. Given that the oceans have the highest amount of biodiversity and due to their transboundary nature, the management of marine resources requires interventions at the (national, regional and global) levels. to reduce threats. Based on this, we will address the issue of what role does the protection of biodiversity play in the realization of sustainable development?
The present research was carried out with a descriptive-analytical method.
The world is facing more challenges that have far-reaching consequences for humanity. Some of these challenges are socio-economic, such as increasing poverty and political crisis, as well as environmental challenges, such as air pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss. On the other hand, environmental rights are an important tool for monitoring and managing sustainable development, which is effective in determining environmental protection policies and reasonable and sustainable use of natural resources. Based on this, the sustainable development of the oceans and regulation through the application of the rule of law is one of the new phenomena in the international law of the seas. The declarations of Stockholm 1972, Rio 1992, Johannesburg 2002 stated that the achievement of sustainable development requires the protection of the environment and called for the orientation of international environmental law in line with the concept of sustainable development. In addition, other conventions such as the Law of the Sea, London, Basel, Nagoya and Cartagena are also trying to regulate the protection of the environment and biodiversity, which have been able to create changes in the internal regulations of governments in this regard.