"The Relationship between Influencing Factors of Cognitive Failure and Students' Academic Failure"

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (بدون رتبه معتبر)

The present study investigated Factors affecting cognitive failure including, Age, Sex, occupation, type of degree,  Terms of conditional  and also Cognitive failure associated with Academic failure.  The study is descriptive and correlation.  Statistical Society Includes all students  of Azad University , Yadegar-e-Emam Khomeini (RH) SHahreray  Branch(N=22904). Students were studying in 93-92 first term. Relative cluster random sampling method was used. 384 samples were selected as the main studied participants. . Cognitive Failure Questionnaire (CFQ) and Personal profile were the data collection instruments. Cronbach's alpha for the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire ./79 Obtained. In order to investigate the relationship between variables and comparing them appropriate statistical  procedure, Pearson correlation coefficient, Path Analysis,  T-Test and one – way ANOVA were used. There was not significant discrepancy between cognitive failure and academic failure. Also the relationship between cognitive failure and Sex, occupation, type of degree,  Terms of conditional was  not significant. The relationship between Age and cognitive  failure was Positive. Although cognitive failure predicted Occupational accidents and traffic , but  cognitive failure could not be a predictor of Academic failure. Could be due to the anxiety of test conditions. Because it increases the level of consciousness and cognitive control students.

Journal of Educational Psychology, Volume:5 Issue: 4, 2015
11 to 23
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