The human body in proverbs and expressions: A comparative study of Persian and French
This research focuses on the comparative study of proverbs and expressions in French and Persian languages. This branch of linguistics has keywords in different areas of meaning, such as plants, animals, human body, colors, numbers, nature, etc. To define the subject, the authors of the article chose the terms related to the human body and targeted five organs, that is to say "the head, the eyes, the heart, the tongue, the hands". The researchers wondered if the French terms in question are equivalent to those in Persian. If so, is the member used in both languages the same or different? This comparative-analytical study is based on the studies of linguists in this field. Along with the examination of the terms cited, one encounters cases where two different organs, the repetition of the name of an organ, or the combination of the name of an organ and an adjective create a new expression. Also, the symbolic role of the limbs used in French and Persian proverbs and expressions is very evident. According to the search results, often these French expressions have equivalents in Persian, or find structures in our language in the form of explanatory sentences. In the equivalent of some expressions, the organ is not used as a keyword, and in some others it is used in conjunction with the name of another organ.
Body language , Equivalent , French , Persian languages , Human body , Proverbs , expressions , Symbol
Les noms composés français, leurs équivalents en persan et vice versa ; Sont-ils toujours composés ?
Nahid Djalili Marand*, Mahboubeh Mobasheri
Language Related Research, Jul- Aug 2025 -
Les noms propres dans les textes touristiques : leur transfert vers une autre langue
Nahid Djalili Marand*, Atefeh Navarchi, Mahdieh Rézaee
Plume, Spring-Summer 2025