Studying the Obligation of Zakat upon Non-Muslim Religious Minorities
Based on the Islamic jurisprudential sources non-Muslims have right to accept the agreement of dhimmah (Arabic: الذمه) and to become citizens of the Islamic state and attain Civil rights of citizens. There are obvious disagreements between the jurists of Islamic schools about the possibility of the obligation of Zakat upon Non-Muslim Religious Minorities .As the well-known Imāmīyyah jurists and Mālikī jurists accept the obligation of Zakat whereas other schools and a few of Imāmīyyah jurists have disagreed with any obligation (Arabic: تکلیف taklif; commission) for furu’ al-fiqh (branches of jurisprudence) for infidels. The author with classifying the opinions and with applying the generalities and particularities of evidences has studied their opinions and after balancing the opinions has evaluated that the claim of any group faces with problems and the answer is a middle ground. It requires Islamic law proof Alongside Jizya Islamic state obliges infidels to pay Zakat. But approving some jurists’ opinions needs to prove Jizya for Zakat does not indicate to be disagreed with the opinions of those who agree with the obligation of Zakat on infidels before Allah almighty, Although the obligation or commission over infidels depends on their knowledge. But all roots of Islam and practical laws are obligatory over infidels.
Challenges of Referring to Weakening Religion in the Process of Jurisprudential Inference
Mohammadtaghi Fakhlaei *, Hasan Hosseiniyar, Alireza Abedi Sarasiya
The Research Journal Fighi & Usuli Research, -
Prison diversion in the point of view of the Comparative jurisprudence
Abdolvahed Jaheed, AliReza Abedi Sarasia *, Hossein Naseri Moghaddam
Fighe Maqaran,