Representation and Construction of Children's Rights in Iranian Fiction 1285-1320
Familiarization of Iranians with the political and social structures of the West laid the foundation for the formation of modern ideas in Iran; the first clear example of it can be seen in the Iranian constitution. The formation of the constitutional system caused changes in the social-cultural fields as well as in the political field; Attention to issues such as citizenship rights, women's rights and children's rights are among them.
The present research was collected using a qualitative method using the content analysis technique.
The investigation of fictional sources in the dual representation and creation of children's rights in fiction literature from the constitutional period (1285) to the end of the first Pahlavi period (1320) shows that after the constitution and at the same time as the modern state was formed in Iran, some limited social policies It has also been done in relation to children's rights. In the fiction literature of this period in relation to children's rights, three issues of dropping out of education, child marriage and children of divorce have received the most attention; Also, in the construction of childhood, a child with social rights has been introduced who, while enjoying modern education, experiences childhood during his childhood.
The representation of discriminations regarding children's rights in these fictional texts and the discussion of children's rights after that has created social understanding regarding children's rights in Iranian society. The expansion of this social understanding has played an important role in social policies regarding children's rights in Iran from 1285 to 1320.