The communication standards among Internet of Things (IoT) devices; To what extent is their compatibility with the current regulatory framework for standard basic patents (SEPs)
IoT, as a new technological paradigm, is advancing with significant economic and social implications. While network connectivity brings functional infrastructure, challenges regarding licensing and enforcement of essential patents within the Standard Essential Patents (SEP) framework in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector cast a wide shadow on IoT technology development. Focusing on the European Union's legal approach based on competition law, this article explores existing legal aspects mainly arising from the mobile industry's challenges to address IoT tools and their encompassing technologies. Using a descriptive-analytical method, it seeks to answer whether the current patent regulations framework adequately aligns with the needs and Standard Essential Patents (SEP) for IoT development or not. Ultimately, it concludes that updating and aligning current regulations with the unique features of Standard Essential Patents for IoT will enable the creation of a more flexible and effective legal framework for patent protection in this domain domain.
Legal principles governing the processing of personal data in information exchange networks
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Journal of Culmination of Low, -
A comparative study in the analysis of the legal format of the cryptocurrency Technology mining mechanism: needs and policies
Hosen Sadeghi*, Fatemeh Nouri,
Roshd -e- Fanavari, -
Feasibility of Describing the Primary Judgment in The Appeals Court: Judgment in Unknown Type to Verdict Or order
, Jamshid Zargari *
Legal Research Quarterly,