The Effectiveness of the Training Package of Quality of Life in School on Help-seeking and Academic Satisfaction of Students

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Students can be one of the biggest social assets of any country, so paying attention to their all-round growth is considered one of the important duties of an educational system. The purpose of the present research was to investigate the effectiveness of the training package of quality of life in school on the help-seeking and academic satisfaction of students.


the research design was quasi-experimental with pre-test-post-test control group. The statistical population of the research includes; all the female students from the second year of elementary schools in Khorram Abad.  The sampling method was a multi-stage cluster, where the target sample was randomly allocated in two experimental (20 people) and control (20 people) groups. The data were collected using Ryan and Pintrich's academic help-seeking (1997), Sheikhul-Islami and Ahmadi's academic satisfaction questionnaires (2012). The experimental group was trained by the quality of life package at school for 12 sessions, and they did not receive a training certificate; after completing the training course, both groups were given a post-test. The data were analyzed using multivariate and univariate analysis of covariance.


The results obtained from the analysis showed that there is a significant difference (P<0.001) between the post-test grades of help-seeking and academic satisfaction of the students in the experimental group.


Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of the educational package of the quality of life in school leads to an increase in the amount of help-seeking and academic satisfaction of students.

Social Psychology Research, Volume:13 Issue: 51, 2023
93 to 107  
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Abbasi، Mohammad
    Corresponding Author (2)
    Abbasi, Mohammad
    Associate Professor Department of Psychology, University of Lorestan, خرم آباد, Iran
  • Ghadampour، Ezatolah
    Author (3)
    Ghadampour, Ezatolah
    Full Professor dapartment of psychology, University of Lorestan, خرم آباد, Iran
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