.Comparing the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Therapy Based on the Activation of Spiritual-Islamic Schemas with Reality Therapy on the Marital Satisfaction of Women Involved in Conflict

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

This research was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness based on the activation of spiritual-Islamic schemas and reality therapy on the marital satisfaction of women involved in conflict. 


In terms of the method, it was a quasi-experiment with an extended pre-test-post-test design with two test groups and one control group. The statistical population of the research included women involved in conflict, referring to the family counseling center in Karaj city. Among them, 45 people who obtained the lowest score of marital satisfaction in the Enrich questionnaire, which was the tool of this research, were selected by targeted sampling. Univariate and multivariate covariance analysis methods were used for statistical analysis of data. 


The findings showed that both mindfulness therapy based on the activation of spiritual-Islamic schemas and reality therapy have an effect on women’s marital satisfaction (P<0.001). Also, there is a significant difference between the groups of mindfulness therapy based on the activation of spiritual-Islamic schemas, reality therapy and evidence, in terms of the adjusted scores of marital satisfaction components in the post-test stage, and the mindfulness therapy based on activation Spiritual-Islamic schemas have a greater effect on the promotion of marital satisfaction and the components of conflict resolution, financial management, child and parenting, relatives and friends, and religious orientation in women (P<0.001, ƞ=2.604): Therefore, from this approach, used as a therapeutic model.

Journal of Islamic Lifestyle Centered on Health, Volume:7 Issue: 4, 2024
55 to 72
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