Investigating how Muslim thinkers confront the Western order; From Western modernism to religious traditionalism
Since about 200 years ago, the Islamic world has shown many reactions after encountering the western civilization and observing their growth and progress, as well as being aware of its backwardness. Each of these reactions, while being based on the basics, are trying to overcome backwardness and reach development and prosperity. From the point of view of the historical sequence, at the beginning, the modernist thought flow was formed, which, while giving authenticity to the "Islamic tradition", tried to reconstruct it in the land of "Western modernity"; Rafa Tahtawi, Khairuddin Tounsi were examples of this movement. The contradiction between the duality of Islamic tradition and Western modernity caused reactions. Modernism was the manifestation of this reaction, which actually turned towards western modernity to get rid of backwardness. The modernist gave originality to the western civilization and rejected the Islamic tradition. Malkam Khan and Ali Abdul Razaq were the manifestation of this current. This stream also faced a crisis of acceptance among Muslim communities. In response to this crisis, the flow of traditionalism is formed, which, on the contrary, gives authenticity to tradition and rejects modernity. Seyyed Qutb among the Sunnis and Imam Khomeini (RA) among the Shiites were among the founders of this thought, who took the flag of resistance against the West and all its manifestations. In this research, while analyzing these three currents with a paradigmatic approach, we explain the confrontation of the thought of resistance against the domination of the West.