Environmental terrorism risk management solutions with a focus on prevention in the light of international law
The inescapable dependence and connection of living organisms with the environment, along with the ease of contagion and the cross-border nature of the harmful effects of destructive environmental actions, increases the risk of serious vulnerability of humans if the environment becomes a target or tool by terrorist groups. Such a way that it is possible, as a result of environmental terrorism, the life and health of a wide range of human societies may suffer irreparable injuries and cause extensive damages. For this reason, in order to fight against environmental terrorism and control the risks its injuries, it is not enough to criminalize and determine the legal punishment for the perpetrators, but it is necessary to think of comprehensive and universal preventive measures. In order to avoid the terrible dangers of environmental terrorism as much as possible, must considering the international norms, measures to prevent environmental terrorism be foreseen. The present research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and in the form of citations through the use of library and electronic resources including books, articles, dissertations, regulations and international documents in Persian and English languages. Deterrent norms in the prevention of environmental terrorism in international documents, in the form of measures such as the prohibition of supporting terrorism, norms related to humanitarian rights, curbing the development of weapons of mass destruction, norms related to environmental protection, necessary measures to protect agricultural products and other basic needs. And also assuming the occurrence of terrorist behaviors, supporting the victims and restoring the previous situation under the light of transitional justice, they are among the measures that will be effective in preventing or mitigating the risks caused by environmental terrorism. International documents and norms indicate that the experiences of historical events have made the international communities understand the terrible dangers of environmental terrorism and predict measures, albeit incomplete, to prevent the occurrence or neutralize the effects of such terrorism.