How Spiritual Obstacles Affect Economic Challenges in Islamic Society from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
Investigating spiritual obstacles and damages that challengethe economic growth in the Islamic society and affect theIslamic economy is the subject of this research. The purposeof the author in this article is to investigate the relationship andimpact of spiritual obstacles in economic growth andsustenance and livelihood of people and economy in theIslamic government from the perspective of the verses of theHoly Quran.In fact, in this research, the author seeks to investigate therelationship between obstacles such as symptoms and turningaway from the remembrance of God, blasphemy andcommitting sins as obstacles that have a negative impact oneconomic growth and cause disruptions in the economicsystem and many challenges and harms. It creates betweenpeople in Islamic society and Islamic government.Since the attitude of the religion of Islam and the Holy Qur'antowards man and his livelihood is all-round and complete likeother aspects of his life, therefore, regarding the obstacles andharms that exist on the way of Islamic economy, only materialand tangible obstacles are mentioned. He did not stop thereand analyzed the spiritual obstacles of economic challengesand explained the solutions to overcome these obstacles. Theresearch method of this article is descriptive and analyticalwith library technique.