Executive variables of the success and failure of the employment creation policies of fast-yielding enterprises in Khuzestan province
Industrial towns with the aim of establishing organized small and medium-sized, quick-yielding and even large industries based on the optimal location of industrial activities and the coordination of industries with local and cultural conditions and the optimal use of existing production capacities in each province will increase the efficiency of the economic system; In this regard, Khuzestan province is considered one of the main hubs of industry and services in the country, and the country's officials have always referred to this province as a strategic province in terms of the country's development, if the state of industry and services in the country, especially Khuzestan province, is Let's take a look at one of the main poles of the country's industry. Therefore, in order to investigate how the implementation of the aforementioned plan works, this research has tried to analyze the success and failure of the employment policies of high-yielding enterprises in Khuzestan province; In this regard, the question raised is how the success and failure of the employment policies of the fast-yielding company have been ranked and diagnosed? In fact, the lack of systematic planning and policy-making in accordance with the needs of the province, the weakness and inefficiency of the monitoring system in the executive field has caused that, in a macro view, organizational-executive variable, environmental-executive variable, operational-executive variable and psychological-executive variable affect the success and failure of early-yielding enterprise projects in the executive field. Khuzestan province) to have a significant effect. But this significance should be interpreted as which is the priority; Therefore, for the purpose of social pathology and planning, the purpose and necessity of the research is more justified; Based on this, the research results show that all fouorganizational and operational priorities hKolmogorov-Smirnov test was usade at the end to help future researches.