Palestine as a Camp; the Zionist Regime's “Thanatopolitic”Approach to the Gaza Crisis
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The foregoing research is to investigate What approach the Zionist regime has taken after the October 7th, 2023 events against “hamas” and in general Palestinians living in Gaza.Method
the Research is based on qualitative, interpretive method, and for data collection is used library resources and articles and scientific analysis of cyberspace databases.Results
Using Foucault, Schmidt and Giorgio Agambens’ theoretical concepts about the mechanisms of social control based on biopolitical and thanatopolitic approach; The findings show that the Zionist regime has been trying to do in recent months, given the lack of existential legitimacy and subsequent threats perceived by Palestinian resistance groups to its ontological security or historical existence, in the form of a thanatopolitic approach, redefine and reproduce the rule of "exception", and strategies such as; Othering (inhumanization, animalization) and securitization of space, location and identity, has led the people of Gaza as "Homosacer" or an inverted subject of biopolitics in "Bare life" (the position of death and elimination, and at best, in a minimal form of life); the subjects based on the regulations and orders issued by the Zionist regime's repressive Aparatus in exception; the daily forms of repression and, according to Agamben, are exposed to victimization and elimination without punishment.Conclusion
The result of this study based on the latest Palestinian survey shows that despite the intensity and extent of the thanatopolitic mechanism employed by the Zionist regime towards the Gaza people and the many calamities that have suffered during the recent war, the Palestinian people, especialy Gaza strip, while supporting hamas, continue to adhere to the original aspirations of the “Resistance groups” as well as the sovereignty of the Palestinian people over the occupied territories.Keywords:
The State Of Exception , Thanatopolitics , Gaza , Israel , Hamas , Camp
A Quarerly Journal of Political Studies of Islamic World, Volume:13 Issue: 49, 2024
75 to 105
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