Does David Hume Accept the Existence of God?
The most natural result of Hume's philosophy is his explanation of the existence of God. That God does not exist. However, recently researchers are trying to moderate Hume's contradictory approach to the existence of God, and to show that Hume accepts the existence of God. This has been done, mainly, by relying on another reading of Hume's attitude to the design argument. This article, for the first time in the scientific community, wants to criticize the new explanation of our commentators with Hume's naturalistic explanation through our belief in the existence of body, and also by applying Hume's skeptical and naturalistic principles.
David Hume's Weak and Non-Dogmatic AtheismA critical View on Downright Atheist, Downright Agnostic, Genuine Theist and Attenuated Deist Interpretations of David Hume
Farideh Lazemi *, Argoun
Quarterly Journal of Philosophical Meditations,