Meaning of Spiritual Intelligence in teachings of Quran and Hadith
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The term spiritual intelligence combines the concepts of spirituality and intelligence into a new structure that has matured in the light of psychologists' attention and interest in the field of religion and spirituality. Now this question is raised, what is the Islamic color and the religious manifestation of spiritual intelligence among the Qur'anic and narrative texts? The present article tries to analyze the meaning of the term spiritual intelligence in religious teachings such as Quranic and Narrative with a descriptive analytical method and based on library sources and an interdisciplinary study. Based on this, the word "intelligence" and its semantic network and similar words such as; He considered lip, prohibition, stone, heart, dream, kiast, frost, wisdom, inner argument and pilgrimage as the closest words to spiritual intelligence and examples of it. This type of matching of intellect with spiritual intelligence in Islamic teachings, especially in the combination of merciful intellect, light intellect, and holy intellect, also indicates more and more fully the tendency of the meaning of intellect to the realm of spirituality.
Journal of Ketab - e - Qayyem, Volume:14 Issue: 30, 2024
167 to 183
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