Investigating the Effect of Brand Gender on Electronic Word of Mouth in Instagram
Rapid changes in advertising tools, especially in the field of communication technologies, have led to the formation of revolutions in the manner and type of advertising Techniques and Tactics, and virtual networks, as one of the newest and most popular tools, have attracted the attention of many businesses and companies. Due to the special conditions of Iran and problems such as sanctions and lack of access to virtual networks such as Facebook Due to Political Reasons, Instagram has become a popular platform for marketing programs of various businesses. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of brand gender and its two dimensions masculine and feminine brand personality traits on brand love, brand loyalty and the effect of these two as a stimulus on electronic word of mouth. This applied research is a descriptive survey. Its statistical population is the followers of the Instagram page of the "Novin Charm" brand in Iran. 250 samples were collected using the available non-probability sampling method. Data Analyzes were performed using structural equation modelling And hypotheses were tested using SPSS and Smart PLS. According to the results of this study, brand gender and its two dimensions, masculine and feminine brand personality traits have a positive and significant effect on brand love and brand loyalty And the positive and significant effect of brand love and brand loyalty on Electronic Word of Mouth was confirmed.
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