The criterion for distinguishing Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Kufr from the point of view of Ibn Taymiyyah and Wahhabism, emphasizing the incompatibility of Saudi rule and internal Wahhabi currents in the Persian Gulf War.
First, contrary to the binary division of Wahhabism, Ibn Taymiyyah presented a threefold division. And Dar al-Murkabah has been divided into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Kufr. Secondly, Ibn Taymiyyah's criterion for distinguishing Dar al-Islam was "a large number of people" and "the performance of rituals", but this range of Wahhabism, in addition to the two aforementioned criteria, also added "predominance of rulings" and "Muslim ruler" to Ibn Taymiyyah's criteria. They developed the means of Darul Kufr circle. During the Persian Gulf War, the series of events that began with the issuance of a fatwa on the permission of non-Muslims and the takfir of Saddam by the Kabar Ulema led to the protest of the Sahwa movement and the coercive action of the government, and finally the takfir of the rulers of Riyadh by the radical Sahwa spectrum. led to the unveiling of the special criteria of Wahhabism. The genealogy of the Wahhabi currents and the three periods of Al Saud rule showed that their deep-rooted disharmony in two ideological and pragmatic aspects, by prioritizing survival in the third period, left the relative balance and caused a split. Although the transformation of Dar al-Islam into Dar al-Kufr based on the criteria of "prevailing rules" and "Muslim ruler" had no precedent in the view of the Salaf scholars, ,The radical spectrum of Sahwa aligned with spectrum of Al-Qaeda, called the Land of Revelation Dar al-Kafr and turned to internal jihad.