Criticism of the Claim of “Walīd bin Ṣaliḥ Bāṣamad” About the Conflict of Shiʿism Riwāyāt (Arabic: روایات, lit.: Narrations) Related to “the Method of Ḥukm (Religious Ruling) of Imām Mahdī ʿAlayhi al-Ṣalātu wal-Salām”
In Shiʿism ḥadīth (Arabic: حدیث) sources, there are riwāyāt (Arabic: روایات, lit.: narrations) about the method of ḥukm (religious ruling) of Imām Mahdī ʿalahi al-ṣalātu wal-salām and due to the apparent differences between them, some Wahhābīyyūn (Arabic: ٱلوهابیون), including Walīd bin Ṣaliḥ Bāṣamad (Arabic: ولید بن صالح باصمد), have agree on conflict and have attacked al-Mahdawīyya (Arabic: المهدویه) desired by the Shiʿism. The present study, with the aim of responding to the aforementioned conflict claim and using the method of “description and analysis”, first categorizes and reports the claim under two parts of aḥādīth (Arabic: احادیث, singular: ḥadīth, traditions and narrations) that indicate the ruling of Imam Mahdi (AS) based on evidence and the hadiths that indicate the ruling of ḥukm (religious ruling) of without bayyina (Arabic: البینه, the evidence), and then it concludes by examining the document and the text of narrations, that both categories of narrations are valid from the perspective of the science of rijal (Arabic: علم الرجال, lit. knowing men) and they can be together in terms of signification. The explanation is that Imām Mahdī ʿalahi al-ṣalātu wal-salām is one of God’s chosen ones and has Divine knowledge, and he also has the possibility of issuing a verdict without evidence in addition to ruling with evidence.
A Content Analysis of the ‘Alawid Traditions and Critique Of the Beliefs of People of Nahrawān from the First Takfiri Murder in Nahrawān to the End of Nahrawān Battle
Naseeba Al-Sadat Bahrul Uloomi *, Bibi Sadat Razi Bhabadi,
Shiite Studies, -
Comprehensive Model of Accepting Guardianship According to Imam Ali (AS) Based On Content Analysis of Qasea Sermon
Fathieh Fattahizadeh, *, Sedigheh Kashefi
Journal of Nahjolbalagheh,