Solutions for Overcoming Islamophobia: Dialogue in Virtual Space
This article aims to examine the characteristics of the topic of "Islamophobia.
The approach to this issue involves evaluating the performance of major media outlets regarding Islamophobia by referring to studies conducted in this field. Additionally, it seeks to outline ways to counter this discourse through the dialogue and interaction between cultures and civilizations.
The findings indicate that the characteristics of the virtual space, including the formation based on two-way and horizontal interactions and the possibility of dialogue, allow for discussions and expressions of opinions about the reality of Islam, differing from the frameworks of media affiliated with colonial powers. Therefore, it can confront and challenge the Islamophobic discourse propagated by these powers. One example of this is the Gaza conflict, where the virtual space was able to somewhat counter the Islamophobic discourse. Thus, it can be concluded that the solution to combating Islamophobia and moving beyond it lies in "dialogue in virtual space.
From the discussions, it can be concluded that the internet and virtual space provide a medium that, due to its interactive nature and two-way communications, facilitates dialogue much more than other media. Consequently, Muslims, as individuals exposed to negative propaganda and Islamophobia in mainstream media, can utilize two-way dialogues through these media to present a more realistic representation of themselves and depict the true face of Islam to other people around the world.