Designing a Model of Political Bribery in the Selection of Public Organization Manager (A Grounded Theory Approach with an emergent-Glaserian Perspective)
Government organizations are increasingly susceptible to the influence of the political landscape, as noted by many organizational theorists. This has led to efforts by proponents of "New Public Management" who believe these organizations should be insulated from undue political influence, specifically in the areas of corruption, pollution, and political bribery. However, these attempts have yielded limited success. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting political bribery in the selection of managers of government organizations, to design a model of political bribery in the selection of managers of government organizations, and to identify the indicators and components of political bribery. Furthermore, the study seeks to: present a model addressing political influence in managerial selection, along with its key aspects and indicators, to inform future decision-making. Promote the selection of government agency managers based solely on meritocratic principles (competency-based selection) and their commitment to the organization, ensuring the process is free from undue political interference.
Design/ methodology/ approach:
In terms of Paradigm, this research is interpretative. In terms of fundamental purpose, the present research is of the qualitative research type, inductive research approach, and the appearing (Glaser) database strategy has been used. Glaser believes that the theory should emerge naturally and creatively from the heart of the data; this approach alone makes it possible for the theory to emerge. This emerging feature was performed by Maxqda’s specialized software. Statistical community in the qualitative section, experienced experts include experienced managers of government agencies. In this research, the selection of the research sample in this section is of a saturated and purposeful level.
The interviews were continued until new codes were added to the categories; in this research, we reached theoretical saturation with fifteen interviews. After initial coding and extraction of themes and categories, four semantic structures were formed, whose core or main variables include: 1) organizational nepotism; 2) political bribery; 3) the silent cry of talents within the organization in the impasse of promotion; and 4) the destruction of the economy in the cycle of inefficiency. There were appointments, which is based on Glaser strategy and contrary to Strauss and Corbin's theory, which does not impose the theory on the data in advance. Rather, grounded theory is allowed to emerge during the theoretical and comparative coding process. This process according to the capability of the Maxqda software and in the overlapping part of the implementation and the theory or model of this research appeared in the software, according to which organizational nepotism with 13 indicators, 4 subcategories, and 2 main categories The name of the predictor or independent variable is political bribery with 17 indicators, 6 sub-categories, 3 main categories as the central variable, and two other variables, including the deterioration of the economy in the cycle of inefficiency of appointments with 27 indicators, 7 categories. Sub-categories and 3 categories and the silent cry of intra-organizational talents in the glass impasse of promotion, including 20 indicators, 6 categories, and 3 categories, appeared and were extracted as outcome variables.
Limitations & Consequences:
Due to the negative concept of the research topic and managers' fear of its consequences, it caused conservatism in responding, and gaining their trust took a lot of time and energy from the researcher.
Practical Consequences:
This research shows that organizational nepotism and political bribery are two destructive factors in the selection of managers of government institutions. These phenomena have led to the selection of inefficient and unhealthy managers, destroyed the motivation of the forces within the organization, and had unfortunate economic and social consequences. The results of the present research are also worth pondering from a theoretical point of view because the presentation of the model of political bribery in the selection of managers of government agencies helps to enrich the theoretical literature. On the one hand, considering that in government organizations, especially those that are more influenced by politics, the selection of managers is influenced by politics and happens based on political bribery, the results of this research can help in solving the problem. And she is trying to follow the path and mature the model and test it by other researchers. In the future, we will witness the observance of the principle of meritocracy in job promotion and the correct selection of managers of government agencies. Also, the results of this research show that political conflicts are one of the most important harms of the current system of appointments in government institutions.
Innovation or value of the Article:
In this research, the feature of the appearance of the model (Glaser method) has been done by Maxqda specialized software.
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