Analyzing the philosophical position of rationality and justice In order to explain examples of damage and health In the field of the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice.
The present study aims to examine the role of rationality in the theories of philosophers and clarify the instances of harm and integrity within the context of enjoining good and forbidding evil from this perspective. This qualitative research was conducted using grounded theory with a comparative-analytical approach. The research domain encompassed all scientific documents related to philosophy and religion, where the views of philosophers on rationality and concepts associated with the religious duty of enjoining good and forbidding evil could be extracted. The data collection tools included note-taking related to the concepts of rationality and enjoining good and forbidding evil. In the first stage, relevant statements from texts addressing the main objective of the research were selected and coded. The concept of rationality was compiled from 43 codes derived from the views of 30 philosophers and thinkers. In the second stage, 350 selected codes were categorized under the headings "reason," "rational person," and "rational action." In the third stage, the selected categories of enjoining good and forbidding evil were studied and compared with the chosen codes from the second stage, and were classified based on their alignment or misalignment with the views of philosophers. Strauss and Corbin's proposed method was used for data analysis. The results showed that concepts related to enjoining good and forbidding evil, such as the sufficiency of rational judgment, issuing commands and prohibitions, the responsibility of governance, sense of responsibility, human duty, change and progress, religious obligation, the welfare of humanity, maintaining security, interaction between people and the government, governmental structure, and adherence to the law, were aligned with the views of philosophers and were deemed rational. Additionally, the concepts of enjoining good and forbidding evil were analyzed for harm within four categories: law, religion, politics, and progress. Reductionism, gender segregation, and granting privileges were identified as some of the harms.