Alternatives to Residentail Demolition of Urban Poor Communites in Iran
Urban management has serious challenges because of unsuitable conditions in informal settlements, including unconventional housing, limited infrastructure, high vulnerability to natural hazards, environmental and health issues, high population density, social problems, lack of life facilities and services, informal employment and illegal possession of the land. Also, the deprivation of these areas from Public facilities makes them the focus of urban problems related to sustainable development. Evacuation and destruction of these areas is one of the common solutions facing city managers. This article examines the impact of forced evacuations and suggests alternative solutions with a documentary method. The results show that secure tenure and on-site upgrading,land Sharing and resettlement are eviction alternative. Surveys show that the solution of urban policy makers for urban poor communites in Iran has been in the form of resettlement and Secure tenure and on-site upgrading.
The explaining relation between social-economic capital and studying achievement, emphasis on cultural-spatial inequalities
Social analysis of order and social inequality, -
آگاهی زنان از حقوق مدنی
، نفیسه اردلانی
نشریه هفت شهر، بهار و تابستان 1396