Responsibility from the Perspective of Maulana and Adler
Responsibility in the sense of acknowledging one's role in experiences plays an important role in the way humans deal with themselves and society. Responsibility is an issue related to all areas of life, and from the point of view of research, it is an interdisciplinary issue that is also investigated in various areas, including religious, mystical, literary and social sciences, despite the fact that it is related to the field of psychology. In this article, the issue of responsibility has been investigated from two psychological and literary-mystical perspectives. From the psychological viewpoint, responsibility has been investigated using Alfred Adler's school of thought and from the literary-mystical point of view, Rumi's school of thought has been taken into consideration. Maulana and Adler consider humans to be responsible in dealing with problems and both of them are against thinking that humans are victims. Both Rumi and Adler ideology seek for the root of problems within the human being and see the external problems as a reflection of the human being. As they believe, in order to solve the external problems, the internal issues should be resolved, first. Adler does not consider the feeling of unhappiness to be dependent on external factors and social conditions, but considers it an internal factor, and Rumi believes that all external factors act according to God's will and divine providence, in accordance with a person's internal merits, and the person himself is responsible for their performance.
Explanation of Moral Identity and Prosocial Behavior Based on Antecedent Components of Parent- Adolescent Attachment Styles, School Attachment and Self -Regulation (Effortful Control)
Esmat Motaharnejad *, Parvin Kadivar, , Mehdi Arabzade
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The effect of moral emotions and moral identity as a mediator in the relationship between moral disruption and bullying in primary schools in Tehran.
Masoume Torkashvand *, , Robabe Noori, Gholamreza Sarami
Journal of Psychological Models and Methods,