Effect of Heracleum persicum extract on acid and pepsin secretion level in both basic and stimulated conditions with pentagastrin in rat
Background And Aim
The Heraclleum persicum is widely used as an odorant in pickles around the world and particularly in Iran. As pickle is a gastric stimulator, the question is whether this plant which is used in making pickles, decreases gastric stimulation of this group of foods, or increases it, and in general, what is the cellular mechanism of this plant on acid and pepsin secretion. Therefore, in this study the effect of plant entrants on the secretion rate of acid and pepsin surveyed in the stomach in rats. Methods
This study involves two groups (12 in each group) of rats in experimental method (Control group and Heracleum group). After anesthesia with nesdonal, 50 mg/kg IP, rats were gone under surgical process, tracheotomy, laparatomy and gasteroadeodenostomy and the Heraclleum extract (12.5 mg/kg) was send into the stomach from gasterodeodenostomy canula in Herculean group. Results
The amount of both acid and pepsin in both basal and stimulated condition were significantly increased in heracleum group compared to control group (p<0.001). Pentagastrin also increased acid and pepsin secretion in control group (p<0.001) and increased pepsin in heraclleum group (p<0.05) but did not significantly change in acid secretion in heraclleum group. Conclusion
The Heracleum persicum increases acid and pepsin secretion when is used in food regimen. Its extract also increases gastric acid secretion via blockage of gastric receptor. However, a different mechanism is involved in the increasing of pepsin secretionKeywords:
Journal of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Volume:7 Issue: 4, 2006