Investigation of Prevalence rate & relate factors of Scabiei in Training barrachs of land force of islamic Revolrutionary Guard corps in 1999-2000
Scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei and it's characteristics are dermal diseases, including papule/noduls with itching especially during the night.The disease can be seen during natural disasters as well as war time, when the hearth condition become of rack of hygiene level in the community. Therefor the disease courd be seen in these situations as epidernic form. This cross-sectional study. seven barracks as a training centers of soldiers belongs to land forces of Islamic Revolutionary Guard corps were studied during 1999-2000. clinical symptoms of patients recorded In order to diagnostic, lndian ink was applied for individual patient who suffered from the disease signs and symptoms. During this study, 35000 soldiers with under Diploma degree(high Schoor), 23000 sordiers as Diploma degree and 850 technician and soldiers higher university education were studied.The data were analysed by spss version l0 software. Only 66 patients diagnosed as scabies, prevalence was 1.l in 1000 and the remained of soldiers were well and healthy free of the disease. The result showed that (52)78.8% soldiers were under Diploma degree. The soldiers who have had a bath once a week they had the highest proportion of infection(54.8 %). with regard to blanket situation for soldiers who applied re-used blankets also had highest infection too (95.2 %). We investigated total, prevalence rate of disease with 1. 1 × l0. The disease is endemic in many developing countries including Iran. However, the disease can be seen in epidemic form in disaster situations or wartime conditions. As a results of lack of hygiene, either as a personal or public requirement. Fortunately, the disease was well controlled in different training barracks, which mentioned above. because of improvement of soldier’s hygiene in recent years. This indicates that, investment of health in these communities. strongly correlated to reduction of PR of the disease.Based on this findings the highest proportion of infection were seen in patients with parents job as farmer (P<0.05).
Journal of Military Medicine, Volume:5 Issue: 3, 2003