Epidemiologic evaluation of ophthalmic traumas in 150 patients hospitalized in Farabi Hospital in Tehran

History and
Considering the incremental trend for the incidence of trauma and the existence of little information and much controversies in this field, the present study was carried out on referrals of Farabi hospital in 1999.
Materials And Methods
The descriptive and sequential sampling strategy was carried out on hospitalized patients with definitive diagnosis of trauma. For this purpose the personal characteristics and condition were evaluated regarding the cause of trauma, its kind, the ensuing lesion and post-traumatic vision.
A total of 150 patients were studied and the incidence rate for post-traumatic hospitalization was 3.2%, that is in the ages 16.3 respectively 14.5 from a minimum 3 months to a maximum 70 years and with a ratio of 2.7/1 for males to females. The most common causes of trauma were stone (14%), wood (13.3%) and knife (8.7%) and the most prevalent lesion was corneal rupture (77.3%), scleral rupture (30%), traumatic cataract (25.3%) and iris prolapse (25.3%).
Since the patient’s characteristics, the causative agent and condition of trauma is different from other countries or in comparison with references, therefore it is recommended to perform more intense research in this field by other universities and their affiliated hospitals and to find the most appropriate method to involve in a general training program.