Evaluation of cutaneous Anthrax in fifty Cases


Background and


Ânthrax is a zoon otic disease common between animals and man which is caused by a gram positive spore forming bacillus, known as Bacillus Ânthracis. This disease is still one of the causes of health problems in developing countries. Çhahar Mahal Bakhtyari state is one of the agricultural and animal breeding centers of Ïran and annually many of the human and animals die of this disease.

Materials And Methods

 study done on so Çutaneous anthrax patients at infectious disease ward of Âyatollah Kashani hospital in shahre Kord.


The findings were as follows: - Ït was more prevalent in the age groups of 11-20 years old, and there were more cases in males than females. - Most of the patients were infected in summer season, and 96% of them were from rural areas. 32% of cases had history of contact with animals and 12% insect bites - The most infected organs were face, hands and arms. 100% of cases had non pitting oedema, and 80% had necrotic lesions with surrounding erythema. Fever, headache and regional lymphadenopathy was observed in 78%, 64% and 42% respectively. - Helpful laboratory diagnostic criterias were ËSR, Leucocytosis and positive ÇRP, but final confirmation is based on preperation of an smear from the exudates and culture on mediums. - Âll the patients were treated with penicillin and 92% of the patients were relieved of fever three days after initiation of treatment. Ïn this study the mortality rate was zero percent and the most common side effect was the secondary infection at the site of the wound. Çonclusion: Ït is concluded that in endemic areas, all wound cases with nonpitting oedema with or without necrotic lesions should be considered for anthrax, and more knowledge about the disease in the developing countries and development of medical researches specially for the purpose of prevention would help in decline of the number of infected cases.

Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Volume:10 Issue: 29, 2000
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