Survey of Solid waste situation in specialist hospital In Tehran with emphasize on quantity of waste production
Solid waste is one of the important environmental pollution. With improvement of technology and increase of population, production of Solid waste is more and more diverse. The resultant special attention to solid waste management (SWM) is very important. Now day methods of SWM that were conducted in hospitals of IRAN, in some cases arent correct and complete, and needs to optimize. The aim of this study was to survey quantity of solid waste production in hospital (that is specialist and one of the largest hospitals in Tehran with 682 beds) for determination of present situation and Comparison results with others.Material And Methods
This is a description cross sectional study, about quantity of solid waste production in one specialist hospital. We weighted infection and general waste production during 85 days in days of week Saturday - Friday in at 23-24 oclock of night before transported to out of hospital by shahrdary. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using by SPSS software and ANOVA and Tukey test.Result
The results showed that the mean weight of general waste production had a significant difference between Friday and others days of week (p<.05). -Mean density of general and infection waste was 101.15 and 94.63 kg/m3. -Mean weight of general and infection waste 1297.6 and 640.86 kg/day and mean bedridden was 431 disease /day. -Mean weight of general and infection waste production per diseased per day were 3.07 and 1.52 and total 4.58 kg/diseased. -The cost of only disposal solid waste production from hospital per diseased per day was 2131 rials. - From Total solid waste production, general and infection waste was %67 and %33.Discussion
In survey of SWM in hospital, determination the present situation, quantity and mean solid waste production per diseased or beds per day is very important and we attended that during this study. Production of total solid waste was 4.58 kg/day and in comparison with quantity of expected in IRAN (2.71 kg) and %33 from total waste production was infection waste and in comparison with quantity of expected in WHO for developing country (%10-%15)are very high, because the separation of general and infection waste wasn’t complete conducted. The result from this study show that stages of SWM in hospitals of IRAN to have need optimization and more attention through support by managers in hospitals and government.Language:
Journal of Military Medicine, Volume:9 Issue: 2, 2007