The Effect of Premarital Training on Marital Expectations and Attitudes of University Students in Shiraz

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of premarital educ-ation on martial expectations of colle-ge students. The research pro-cedure is quasi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design and control group. The statistical population consists of students who studied in Shiraz Unive-rsity of Medical Sciences. A sample of 207 students volunteered in this research and completed the marital expectations questionnaire. Then 92 students who gained higher scores in this questionnaire were selected and randomly allocated in experimental and control groups.The results were analyzed with SPSS software. They show that premarital education improves marital expect-ations (P<0/0001). Also prem-arital education improves martial expe-ctation components including expec-tation of spouse as a friend and supporter (P<0/0001), expectation of marital life (P<0/0001), expectation of ideal relationship (P<0/0001). Educational effects were not different among boys and girls.
Journal of Family Research, Volume:5 Issue: 18, 2009