Screening of the anticonvulsant potential of some common medicinal plants of Iran in pentylenetetrazole and maximal electroshock seizure models in male mice
Jugulans regia (Jugulandaceae), Astragaus hamosus (Papilionaceae), Crocus pallasii subsp. haussknechtii boiss. (Iridaceae) and Cassia angustifolia Vahl. (Caesalpinaceae) have been suggested as antiepileptic remedies in traditional medicine of Iran. The possible anticonvulsant effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of J. regia, fruits of A. hamosus, corm of C. haussknechtii, and aerial parts of C. angustifolia was evaluated in common experimental seizure tests in mice. Methods
The hydroalcoholic extracts of the plants were obtained by percolation of 100g of air-dried part of each plant in 900 ml ethanol 80%. Different doses of the extracts were intraperitoneally (i.p.) administered in mice (10 male mice in each group) and occurrence of clonic seizures induced by pentylenetetrazol (PTZ; 60mg/kg, i.p.) or tonic seizures induced by maximal electroshock (MES; 50mA, 50Hz, 0.5sec) was observed 30 min thereafter. Acute toxicity of the extracts was also assessed. Results
J. regia, C. haussknechtii, C. angustifolia did not show any anticonvulsant activity up to the maximum safe doses of 3 g/kg, 0.25 g/kg and 2 g/kg, respectively. A. hamosus had anticonvulsant effect in PTZ test at the high and sedative dose of 6 g/kg. The extracts did not affect tonic seizures induced by MES. Conclusion
J. regia, C. haussknechtii, C. angustifolia and A. hamosus had no anticonvulsant activity in PTZ and MES seizure tests.Language:
Physiology and Pharmacology, Volume:15 Issue: 1, 2011