A Comparative Study of a Perfect Man's Feature as Seen by Ibn Arabi and Molla Sadra

The concept of perfection and the nature of perfect man have been a source of argument between scholars and mystics since long time in the past. Although the ancient Iranian rituals have taken such concepts as "old man" or "primitive man" somehow into account, their original position is known to be Islamic Iranian. Ibn Arabi is one of those outstanding thinkers who have portrayed the perfect man's feature on account of his interest in mystical approach based on love and revelation and intuition. Some Islamic Iranian philosophers and scholars such as Farabi and Avicenna are promoters of philosophical and rationalistic approach on perfect man, whereas Molla Sadra, who is affected by Mohyeddin Arabi, elaborates on perfect man via both mystical and philosophical approaches.
Journal of Islamic Mysticism, Volume:7 Issue: 25, 2010