فهرست مطالب

نشریه مطالعات جامعه شناختی در ورزش
سال دوم شماره 1 (پیاپی 2، بهار 1401)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1401/02/06
  • تعداد عناوین: 8
  • فریبا رافعی دهکردی، رسول نظری، پریسا نیازی صفحات 1-16

    هدف پژوهش حاضر معرفی و ارایه یک الگوی رفتار استراتژیک به نام رفتار مرشدانه مدیران ورزشی می باشد.


    روش تحقیق حاضر با استفاده از رویکرد ساخت‌گرا در نظریه داده بنیاد چارمز (2006) انجام گرفته است. جمع‌آوری و تحلیل داده‌ها به طور آگاهانه و همزمان انجام‌گرفت و از روش نمونه‌گیری هدفمند منطقی با تکنیک نمونه‌گیری گلوله برفی برای انجام مصاحبه‌های عمیق استفاده گردید و مصاحبه‌ها تا زمان اشباع نظری، ادامه یافت. برای این پژوهش 26 مصاحبه با افراد متخصص مدیریت ورزشی به صورت انفرادی انجام گردید. روش تحلیل داده ها از فرایند چهار مرحله ای کد گذاری آزاد، متمرکز شده، محوری و نظری ساخت گرا استفاده شد.


     در مرحله کدگذاری اولیه از مصاحبه ها حدود 115جمله پیاده سازی شد. حدود80 کد اولیه در مرحله اول شناسایی و نشانه‌گذاری شد. در مرحله بعد، کدهای اولیه مرحله قبلی به 25 مفهوم اولیه و 5 مقوله تبدیل و دسته بندی شدند. در کد‌گذاری متمرکز در نهایت پنج ویژگی رفتاری با عناوین، رفتار همنوایانه، رفتار کمال گرایانه، رفتار خودمدیرانه، رفتار نقش‌مدارانه و رفتار اثرگذارانه طبقه‌بندی گردید به طوری که هریک از این رفتارها خود در برگیرنده مفاهیم دیگری است.


     با توجه به انواع سبک های رهبری و تیپ های شخصیتی متفاوت و با توجه به حضور دانش و مهارت در مدیران ورزش انتظار می رود گره ای در خصوص حل مشکلات درون و بیرون سازمان و تصمیم گیری های منحصر به فرد توسط مدیران با توجه به رفتار مرشدانه آنها باز شود.

    کلیدواژگان: رفتار مرشدانه، رفتار استراتژیک، مدیران ورزشی
  • غلامرضا دادخواه، مینا مستحفظیان صفحات 17-24

    هدف از تحقیق حاضر بررسی نقش مدیریت منابع انسانی بر حفظ و نگهداری مربیان باشگاه های ورزشی شهر اصفهان در دوران کووید19 بود.


     پژوهش حاضر از نوع توصیفی- همبستگی بود و به لحاظ هدف کاربردی که بصورت پیمایشی انجام گردید. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه مربیان باشگاه های ورزشی شهر اصفهان در نیمه اول 1400 با سابقه مربیگری بیش از 5 سال بودند که تعداد (150) نفر به عنوان نمونه آماری انتخاب شدند. ابزار جمع‌آوری اطلاعات پرسشنامه استاندارد شیوه های حفظ و نگهداری منابع انسانی آزاد بخت (1393) بود. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها در دو سطح آمار توصیفی و استنباطی انجام گردید. در بخش آمار توصیفی از مشخصه های آماری مانند فراوانی، درصد، میانگین و انحراف معیار و در بخش آمار استنباطی آزمون های رگرسیون چند گانه، ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و آزمون تحلیل واریانس استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان داد ضریب همبستگی بین خدمات رفاهی و حفظ و نگهداری مربیان معنی دار است. همچنین نتایج نشان داد ضریب همبستگی بین ایمنی بر حفظ و نگهداری مربیان معنی دار است. همچنین ضریب همبستگی بین بهداشت و حفظ و نگهداری مربیان معنی دار است. نتایج نشان داد ضریب همبستگی بین مزایا بر حفظ و نگهداری مربیان معنی دار است.

    نتیجه گیری

    پیشنهاد می گردد فرآیند ارتقای مدیریت ایمنی برای دستیابی به حفظ و نگهداری مربیان باشگاه ها در راستای خط مشی ایمنی آنها در برابر ویروس کووید 19 انجام گردد.

    کلیدواژگان: مدیریت منابع انسانی، حفظ و نگهداری، مربیان، باشگاه های ورزشی، شهر اصفهان
  • جواد شهولی کوه شوری، حدیثه بهرامی صفحات 25-33

    سواد آینده یا آینده‌ها، گمشده ارزشمند مطالعات آینده‌پژوهی در ورزش است. از این رو هدف مطالعه حاضر، طراحی یک سیستم کلی پیش‌بینی آگاهانه مبتنی بر سواد آینده است که در این مطالعه به طور خاص بر روی ورزش همگانی آزمایش گردید.


     این پژوهش کیفی که ماهیتی اکتشافی- بنیادی دارد، با تمرکز بر برساخت‌گرایی اجتماعی و با استفاده از رویکرد ساختگرای نظریه مبنایی، نظریه‌ای با برد کوتاه در پیش‌بینی آگاهانه مبتنی بر سواد آینده ارایه می‌دهد. داده‌های پژوهش از طریق نمونه‌گیری هدفمند با تکنیک گلوله برفی و بر اساس مصاحبه‌های عمیق نیمه ساختاریافته با خبرگان حوزه آینده‌پژوهی و مدیریت ورزشی جمع‌آوری شد. شمار مشارکت‌کنندگان در پژوهش با استفاده از شاخص اشباع نظری به 14 نفر رسید.


     در این مطالعه، مدلی چند بخشی، متشکل از مولفه‌های اصلی فرآیندهای پشتیبان، فرآیند‌های اصلی، تصاویر آینده، سواد آینده و رویکردها به دست آمد. در این مدل مشخص شد که سواد آینده که خود به معنی رمزگذاری و رمزگشایی تصاویر آینده است، می‌تواند با استفاده از پتاسنیل‌های زمان حال و فرآیندهای موجود، پیش‌بینی آگاهانه‌ای نسبت به آینده مورد نظر ورزش همگانی داشته باشد.


     سیستم موجود، فراسوی دیدگاه‌های مرسوم در آینده پژوهی، می‌تواند نقطه آغازی برای مدلسازی پیش‌بینی‌های آگاهانه در ورزش باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: طراحی سیستم، سواد آینده، برساخت گرایی اجتماعی، پیش بینی آگاهانه، ورزش همگانی
  • حمیدرضا صادقی، رسول نظری، قاسم رحیمی سروشبادرانی صفحات 34-42

    هدف از پژوهش تحلیل نقش ایدیولوژی اخلاقی بر میزان گرایش به معنویت در بین ورزشکاران استان اصفهان بود. 

    روش شناسی:

    ژوهش حاضر به لحاظ هدف کاربردی و توصیفی - همبستگی بود. جامعه آماری در پژوهش حاضر کلیه ورزشکاران لیگ برتر اصفهان هستند. تعداد ورزشکاران طبق 400 نفر برآورد شده است. تعداد 196 نفر بر اساس نمونه گیری کوکران به عنوان نمونه آماری به صورت تصادفی در دسترس انتخاب شدند. ابزار پژوهش شامل پرسشنامه های دینداری کرمی و شعیری (1386) و ایدیولوژی های اخلاقی فورسیت (1990) بود. روایی صوری و محتوایی پرسشنامه ها توسط متخصصان مدیریت ورزشی مورد تایید قرار گرفت. از طریق آزمون مجدد و آماره آلفای کرونباخ پایایی پرسشنامه ها (88/0 و 93/0) محاسبه گردید. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از آمار توصیفی و استنباطی و از بسته نرم افزاری آماری علوم اجتماعی نسخه 22 استفاده گردید.

    یافته ها

    یافته ها نشان داد ایدیولوژی های اخلاقی قادر است پنجاه درصد از تغییرات گرایش به معنویت ورزشکاران را توجیه کند.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به نتایج پژوهش پیرامون تاثیر ایدیولوژی های اخلاقی بر میزان گرایش به معنویت در بین ورزشکاران استان اصفهان، پیشنهاد می گردد سازمانهای متولی با تقویت ایدیولوژی های اخلاقی و نیز تقویت اخلاق در گرایش به معنویت در بین ورزشکاران اهتمام داشته باشند.

    کلیدواژگان: ایدئولوژی، اخلاق، معنویت، دینداری، ورزشکاران
  • نیما حسن زاده، زهرا سهرابی صفحات 43-55

    هدف از این پژوهش بررسی دقیق فرآیند گذشته و موجود، فرصت‌ها و تهدیدات محیط بیرونی در تحلیل روند محیط شناسی کارآفرینی ورزشی شهر اردبیل بود.


     روش تحقیق حاضر توصیفی- تحلیلی می باشد. جامعه‌ی آماری این پژوهش را متخصصان (اساتید)،کارشناسان، خبرگان و کارآفرینان ورزشی استان اردبیل تشکیل دادند. تعداد 30 نفر از طریق نمونه گیری هدفمند به عنوان نمونه آماری انتخاب گردید. در این پژوهش به منظور شناسایی عوامل موثر بر توسعه کارآفرینی ورزشی شهر اردبیل از مدل PESTLE استفاده گردید.


     عوامل موثر بر توسعه کارآفرینی از شش منظر (اقتصادی، فرهنگی اجتماعی)، (محیطی و اقلیمی)، (حقوقی و قانونی)، عوامل تکنولوژیکی و عواملی سیاسی شناسایی گردید.


    کارآفرینی نقش بسیار کلیدی در توسعه اقتصادی و پایدار همه جوامع دارد. به نظر می‌رسد مساله بیکاری در جامعه به اندازه ای کلان شده است که تنها با ایجاد بازاری جدید در اقتصاد می‌توان برای این حجم از بیکاران ایجاد شغل کرد، بازاری که علاوه بر ایجاد اشتغال در سطحی گسترده، بتواند افزایش رشد اقتصادی و توسعه کشور را هم تضمین کند.

    کلیدواژگان: توسعه، کارآفرینی، مدل PESTLE، ورزش
  • مقداد محمودی عالمی، وحید شجاعی، محمد حامی، محمد سنایی صفحات 56-72

    خشونت و آسیب از پیامدهای ناخواسته گسترش روزافزون ورزش است. بخش مهمی از زیان ها و آسیب ها مربوط به عملیات ورزشی (بازیها و رقابتهای ورزشی) است. این تحقیق به دنبال آن است تا مسیولیت ورزشکاران را در حوادث ورزشی بررسی کرده و شرایطی که یک فرد مسیول شناخته می شود، را مشخص نماید. همچنین نقش تقصیر در حوادث ورزشی در حقوق ایران و کامن لا مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد. درکامن لا وقتی شخص کار را با بی دقتی انجام بدهد و نتیجه آن ضرر به دیگری باشدبراساس قانون شخص قصور کننده مسیول هر صدمه ای است که وارد نموده است. مشخص نمودن مبنای مسیولیت و ورزشکار مسیول آسیب در حوادث ورزشی مبحث مهمی در مسیولیت مدنی است. در واقع مسیولیت مدنی بدنبال آن است تا حق را به زیان دیده برگرداند و هیچ ضرری بدون جبران نماند. برای شناسایی مسیول حوادث ورزشی باید به دو ویژگی مهم فعالیت های ورزشی یعنی دکترین خطرات ذاتی و دکترین پذیرش خطر رجوع نمود. اصل خطر ذاتی و پذیرش خطر در حقوق ما نیز پذیرفته است و قابلیت استناد را معیار مسیولیت در نظر گرفته، البته این معیار اصل تقصیر را نفی نمی کند و تقصیر در دل این مفهوم استناد قرار دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: ورزشکار، مسئولیت مدنی، مسئولیت، حوادث ورزشی، کامن لا
  • علی زمانی نوکاآبادی، مهرداد افخمی صفحات 73-85

    سبک رهبری مربی را می‌‌توان به عنوان فرآیند اثرگذار بر فرد و گروهی که در دستیابی به اهداف تلاش می‌کنند تعریف کرد. سبک رهبری دموکراتیک، رفتارهایی هستند که به ورزشکار اجازه شرکت در تصمیم‌گیری مربوط به گروه را می‌دهند. رضایت ورزشکار به عنوان پیامد یا دستاورد کار مربی در تحقیقات رهبری در نظر گرفته شده است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف ترکیب کمی نتایج پژوهش های انجام شده در این حوزه در داخل کشور انجام گرفته است.


    جامعه آماری تحقیق حاضر شامل همه مقالات درباره رابطه سبک رهبری دموکراتیک و رضایتمندی ورزشکاران بود. در این فراتحلیل نتایج پژوهش‌هایی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است که از لحاظ روش‌شناختی شرایط لازم را احراز کرده باشد. به منظور گردآوری داده‌های مورد نیاز برای فراتحلیل از یک فرم کدگذاری استفاده شد. با استفاده از روش فراتحلیل و نرم افزار جامع فراتحلیل (CMA2)تعداد 7 مقاله انتخاب شد. این مطالعه با استفاده از تکنیک‌ محاسبه اندازه اثر انجام شد.


    نتایج نشان داد که در تمامی تحقیقات، سبک رهبری دموکراتیک و رضایتمندی اثرگذار بوده که خروجی نرم افزار با میانگین اندازه اثر 25/0 این موضوع را تایید می‌کند و این میزان اندازه اثر گویای تاثیرگذاری کمتر از حد متوسط است. نمودار قیفی نشان داد یک تورش انتشار در مطالعات وجود دارد که بیانگر عدم انتشار بعضی مطالعات یا عدم دسترسی محققین به بعضی از مقالات یا نتایج مطالعات می‌باشد.


    یافته‌های حاصل از این فراتحلیل نشان داد که سبک رهبری دموکراتیک و رضایتمندی ورزشکاران تاثیری با میانگین اندازه اثر 25/0 دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: رهبری دمکراتیک، مربیان، رضایتمندی ورزشکاران، فراتحلیل
  • رسول طریقی، حسین احمدی، ملیحه صالحی رستمی صفحات 86-100

    وابستگی به برند می‌تواند تمایل مشتری برای خرید مجدد و وفاداری به برند را تقویت کند. از این رو هدف از انجام این تحقیق شناسایی عوامل اثرگذار بر وابستگی به برند باشگاه‌های لیگ برتر فوتسال ایران می‌باشد.


    پژوهش مورد نظر همبستگی از نوع کاربردی بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل کلیه هواداران تیم فوتسال شهروند ساری بوده است. حجم نمونه بی‌نهایت و اندازه نمونه برابر با 384 نفر بودند. همچنین برای محاسبه حجم نمونه از فرمول‌ کوکران برای جوامع نامحدود‌ استفاده شد. محقق با مطالعه‌ی متغییرهای بسیاری از مقالات خارجی پرسشنامه محقق ساخته‌ای را تهیه نمود که روایی آن توسط ده تن از اساتید خبره و پایایی آن از طریق آزمون آلفایی کرونباخ تایید شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌های تحقیق از آزمون‌های آماری مدل‌یابی معادلات ساختاری SEM و تحلیل عامل تاییدی CFA استفاده شد.


     یافته‌های نشان داد که همه متغییرهای تحقیق که شامل موفقیت و هویت هوادار، دانش، سرمربی، اجتماعی شدن، سنت، محصول، اهمیت، لوگو، پذیرش گروه همسالان، مدیریت، نوستالوژی، استادیوم، رهایی از روزمرگی، جو استادیوم، تعلیم و تربیت، بازیکن ستاره و افتخار به مکان زندگی به ترتیب در وابستگی به برند باشگاه‌ لیگ برتری فوتسال شهروند ساری تاثیر مثبت و معناداری دارند.


    پیشنهاد می‌شود به مدیران و مسیولان باشگاه لیگ برتری فوتسال شهروند ساری که در استفاده از نتایج این پژوهش برای پیشبرد اهداف باشگاه اهتمام لازم را داشته باشند.

    کلیدواژگان: صنعت ورزش، بازاریابی ورزشی، وابستگی برند، مدیریت برند
  • Fariba Rafeei Dehkordi, Rasool Nazari, Parisa Niazy Pages 1-16

    The purpose of this study is to introduce and present a model of strategic behavior called mentoring behavior of sports managers.


    The present research method has been done using a constructivist approach in the data theory of the Charms Foundation (2006). Data collection and analysis were performed consciously and simultaneously and logical purposeful sampling method with snowball sampling technique was used for in-depth interviews and the interviews continued until theoretical saturation. For this study, 26 interviews were conducted with individuals with experience in the field of sports management individually. Data analysis method was a four-step process of free, centralized, pivotal and theoretically constructive coding.


    In the initial coding stage of the interviews, about 115 sentences were implemented. About 80 initial codes were identified and marked by the researcher in the first stage. In the next step, the initial codes of the previous step were transformed into 25 basic concepts and 5 categories. In centralized coding, finally, five behavioral characteristics were classified with titles, conformist behavior, perfectionist behavior, self-directed behavior, role-oriented behavior, and effective behavior, so that each of these behaviors includes other concepts.


    Due to the different types of leadership styles and personality types and due to the presence of knowledge and skills in sports managers, a knot is expected regarding solving problems inside and outside the organization and unique decisions by managers due to masterful behavior. In general, the results showed that mentoring is the relationship between the mentor and the disciple, which is a direct and long-term relationship between an experienced and knowledgeable person and a newcomer in order to nurture the professional and professional development of the disciple. According to the results of the research, the guiding behavior of managers in sports organizations for all levels of management is considered and emphasized. This is especially important for new middle managers and operations managers when they are first hired for such an organizational position. It is also hoped that the managers of other organizations will use the characteristics of mentoring behavior and use the research results to develop human resources and managers. The findings of this study introduce the characteristics and behaviors of mentors in the form of five behaviors including compliance behavior, perfectionist behavior, self-directed behavior, role-oriented behavior and effective behavior. First, masterful behavior emphasizes the need to pay attention to others, preferring the interests of others to one's own interests, which includes empathy, altruism, willingness to serve and forgiveness, humility and friendship. Second, perfectionist behavior, which is based on the individual's enduring desire to set complete and achievable criteria that constructively highlights the behaviors of sports managers that emphasize the concepts of criticism, futurism, spiritual attitude, justice and confidence-building power. Is included. The third behavior is self-directed behavior, which emphasizes the manager-centered behaviors that are related to employees and includes responsibility, positivity, honesty in information and comprehensiveness. Role-oriented behavior that focuses on the need for managers in the career path of employees, which emphasizes role modeling, role mastery, information scaffolding, guidance, desire for the ideal of career advancement, desire for team building. Effective behavior emphasizes behaviors that are used to persuade and influence others, including encouraging curiosity about teach ability, competitiveness, ideation, and communicative attractiveness for influence. Due to the different types of leadership styles and personality types and due to the presence of knowledge and skills in sports managers, a knot is expected to solve problems inside and outside the organization and unique decisions by managers due to the guidance behavior. They open. Overall, the research findings on the proposed model open a new horizon for understanding and drawing the behavioral pattern of managers in a sports organization that can contribute to the development of knowledge retention and organizational memory and the development of knowledge boundaries in organizational behavior. Therefore, achieving the model of managerial behavior of managers opens new doors in the literature of organizational behavior that can be the source of future studies of thinkers and researchers.

    Keywords: Guiding Behavior, Strategic Behavior, Sports Managers
  • gholamreza dadkhah, mina Mostahfeziyan Pages 17-24

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of human resource management on the maintenance of coaches in sports clubs in Isfahan during the Covid period.


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of human resource management on the maintenance of coaches in sports clubs in Isfahan during the Covid period.


    The present study was a descriptive-correlational descriptive study and in terms of the purpose of its implementation is an application that was conducted as a survey. The statistical population includes all male coaches of sports clubs in Isfahan in the first half of 1400 with a coaching experience of more than 5 years and above, whose number is reported to be 240 people. That (150) people were considered as a statistical sample. To collect the required information, the standard questionnaire of methods of conservation of human resources (2014) was used. Data analysis at two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics. In the descriptive statistics section, statistical characteristics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used, and in the inferential statistics section, multiple regression tests, Pearson correlation coefficient and analysis of variance tests were used.


    The results showed that the correlation coefficient between welfare services and retention of coaches is significant. That is, it has an effect between welfare services and the maintenance of coaches (B = -0.362). The results also show that the correlation coefficient between safety and retention of coaches is significant. That is, safety affects the maintenance of coaches (B = 0.437). It also shows that the correlation coefficient between health and maintenance of coaches is significant. That is, health has an effect on the maintenance of coaches (B = 0.482). The results show that the correlation coefficient between the benefits on retention of coaches is significant. That is, the benefits are affected by the retention of coaches (B = 0.409).


    It is suggested that the process of upgrading safety management be done in order to achieve the maintenance of club coaches in line with their safety policy against Covid 19 virus.

    Keywords: human resource, maintenance, coaches, sports clubs, Isfahan
  • Javad shahvali kohshouri, Hadiseh Bahrami Pages 25-33

    After explaining the relationship between constraints and future research, one of the things that are effective in predicting or even making future in all areas is future literacy. It can be acknowledged that future literacy is a scientific skill that develops a better understanding of the predicted assumptions. Future literacy or future is an educational framework that makes it possible to visualize the approaches for the future. Health-centric exercise or sports for all are sports activities that are followed by the vitality of joy and health at the level of different societies. Future or lost literacy is a valuable futures study in sports. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to design a general informed forecasting system based on future literacy, which in this study was specifically tested on public sports.


    This qualitative research, which is exploratory-fundamental in nature, with a focus on social constructivism and using the constructivist approach of the basic theory, presents a short-range theory in conscious forecasting based on future literacy. Research data were collected through purposive sampling using snowball technique and based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with experts in the field of futures, research and sports management. The number of participants in the study using the theoretical saturation index reached 14 people. In this study, data were coded and decomposed according to the field theory and with the construction approach. Instead of emphasizing the collection of facts and describing the actions, this approach emphasizes views, values, beliefs, feelings, defaults and ideologies of individuals. At the same time, interviews and receive feedback from interviewees during return to existing texts and documents, initial implications and codes were modified and modified. In this research, in all sampling process, three stages of free, communication and theoretical sampling stages were observed in the basis of the use of the construction approach of data theorem.


    In this study, a multi-part model consisting of the main components of support processes, main processes, future images, future literacy and approaches was obtained. In this model, it was found that future literacy, which means encoding and decoding future images, can make conscious predictions about the future of public sports by using present-day potentials and existing processes.


    The arbitrary theory acknowledges that future literacy, which is an accessible skill based on human intrinsic capacity, can be based on current time potentials such as the main processes, such as identifying weak signals, surprises, macro trends, propulsion forces, uncertainties, design Strategic radar, based on environmental scanning and backup processes, such as inter-surface participation, key actor analysis, perspective, planning, entirely, cramps, and reengineering, make upcoming images; The upcoming literacy by decoding or coding these images based on the empowerment loop, which consists of four elements of awareness of the past and present, choosing and participating in the present and discovering in the coming time, provide information for different future. The existing system, beyond the conventional views in futures studies, can be a starting point for modeling informed predictions in sports.

    Keywords: System Design, Future Literacy, Social Constructive, Conscious Prediction, Sports for all
  • HamidReza Sadeghi, Rasool Nazari, Ghasem Rahimi seroshbaderani Pages 34-42

    Given the importance of issues such as spirituality in the sports community, this study is trying to analyze the impact of moral ideology on tendency toward spirituality among the province's athletes Premier League.


    The present research purpose and cross - is a correlation. The populations in this study are all league players in Isfahan province. Number of athletes has been estimated as 400 people. 196 Cochran based on sampling as a statistical sample were randomly selected. Instruments included religiosity questionnaire Karami and Shaeeri (2008), classification questionnaire moral ideology by Forsyth (1990) consists of idealism and moral relativism law to verify the idealism and moral laws of relativity was used. Face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts in sports management. Cronbach's alpha and test-retest reliability in a preliminary study on the amount of (0.88 and 0.93) was calculated. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Data analysis was SPSS version 22.


    The findings showed that the value of 0.505 is the result of moral ideology can justify fifty percent of the athlete's approaches to spirituality. According to the results on the influence of moral ideology on tendency toward spirituality among league players Isfahan, Recommended organizations, to strengthen the moral ideologies and approaches to spirituality to strengthen ethics in athletes have effort.


    According to the results of research on the effect of moral ideologies on the tendency to spirituality among athletes, it is suggested that the responsible organizations try to strengthen moral ideologies and morality in the tendency to spirituality among athletes, while institutionalizing idealism in athletes. Sports managers should hold spiritual psychology workshops and in order to institutionalize the rule of law in athletes, encourage coaches and athlete managers to respect the rule of law. In general, it can be acknowledged that there is a direct and strong relationship between moral ideologies and the tendency towards spirituality among athletes, so athletes need a moral teacher as much as they need to learn sports science and technology; because the art of heroism requires a complete course of mental and physical construction to achieve success and continuity. If sports can adapt to these lines, then the athlete can be induced to find a healthy life with good morals along with sports, so the need to pay attention to moral training for sports coaches and also to develop courses called applied ethics. In sports, it seemed necessary, so it seems that the more dynamic and idealistic athletes are, the deeper and more institutionalized the level of meaning in them, leading to the creation of a strong person for society in order to become a role model for adolescents and The youth will become a community. The need to pay attention to moral teachings for players in sports seemed necessary.

    Keywords: Ideology, Ethics, Spirituality, Religiousness, Athletes
  • Nima Hasanzadeh, Zahra Sohrabi Pages 43-55

    The purpose of this study was to carefully study the past and present process, opportunities and threats of the external environment in analyzing the process of sports entrepreneurship in Ardabil.


    The method of the present research is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of this study consisted of specialists (professors), experts, experts and sports entrepreneurs of Ardabil province. Thirty people were selected as a statistical sample through purposive sampling. In this study, the PESTLE model was used to identify the factors affecting the development of sports entrepreneurship in Ardabil.


    Factors affecting the development of entrepreneurship were identified from six perspectives (economic, socio-cultural), (environmental and climatic), (legal and legal), technological factors and political factors.The importance of the entrepreneurship debate is such that economists consider entrepreneurs as the engine of economic growth and development of society and scientists consider their management as one of the most important factors of organizational change and innovation in the present age. And will have variety. Increasing sponsorships and sports promotion will increase the economic prosperity that has provided the basis for activities and production of industries in Ardabil province, as well as the establishment of production factories and the construction of infrastructure for commercial and cultural centers. The leverage of sports for advertising will provide a platform for hardware and reduce costs and ultimately productive use.Sports entrepreneurship recognizes existing, creatable, or discoverable opportunities in the field of sports and uses those opportunities to create emerging entrepreneurial activity. Also, creating sports culture in the community and identifying sports culture and the existence of social capital, as well as extensive advertising and creating effective cultural advertisements can promote health and social vitality and stimulate social communication and create social dignity through sports for Ardabil province in the field of sports entrepreneurship. Creates. Management of sports venues and facilities is another field of sports that has the necessary ground for entrepreneurship. Stadiums, stadiums, swimming pools, racetracks and all kinds of sports are suitable for the sports venue, which makes the need for creative and efficient management unavoidable. Each of these departments requires specific managerial skills.Due to the fact that Ardabil province is cold and has suitable weather conditions for winter sports, and also due to the humidity and altitude of Ardabil province and the suitable climate for using some cold weather disciplines, it can improve the environmental and climatic conditions affecting entrepreneurship development. As well as weather conditions and tourism attraction can be a platform for adventure sports tourism, as well as an increase in recreation centers and shopping centers in recreational areas.Observance of regulations in all aspects of sports, as well as determining legal plans for entrepreneurship development, as well as creating classes and workshops, and determining executive and legal programs and training classes, including legal factors affecting entrepreneurship development, such as long-term lending for sports goods and Entrepreneurship protection laws and legal protections and compliance with regulations are among the things that can affect the development of entrepreneurship in Ardabil province.Considering that today, with the arrival of new technologies in the field of sports, new disciplines have emerged that have been of particular interest to adolescents and young people, as well as the use of world-class technology and the use of state-of-the-art technology for the private sector. Effective and efficient for the development of entrepreneurship can be effective in creating a sports technology software platform and the development of sports entrepreneurship in Ardabil province. Also, suitable facilities in clubs and advanced equipment and increasing the number of equipped gyms can be effective in creating a hardware platform for sports technology and the development of sports entrepreneurship in the province. The use of advertising in cyberspace can also be one of the technological factors affecting the development of sports entrepreneurship in Ardabil province.Given that today's organizations need entrepreneurial staff and entrepreneurship is a turning point in the path, so the country's sports organizations need efficient managers and employees to be able to achieve their goals, managers can use job leadership style can job satisfaction Organizational commitment, entrepreneurial behavior and consequently increase the productivity of their organization. Also, talent identification of active forces and ultimately meritocracy can be one of the political factors affecting the development of entrepreneurship in public sports in Ardabil province. Also, reducing administrative barriers and bureaucracies and supporting departments of domestic production units and the existence of popular government and ethnicities and creating infrastructure and investments, as well as attracting investments and separating women and men sports and accepting hosting competitions are among the political factors affecting the development of public sports entrepreneurship in Ardabil province.


    Entrepreneurship plays a very key role in the economic and sustainable development of all societies. It seems that the problem of unemployment in society has become so large that only by creating a new market in the economy can create jobs for this volume of unemployed, a market that in addition to creating employment on a large scale, can also increase economic growth and development of the country. Guarantee. The need of the sports community and the labor market for efficient human resources and entrepreneurship requires that great and positive steps be taken in the country for the education and training of individuals. To achieve such goals in training and educating the workforce and injecting it into the labor market, the production of sports equipment and sports organizations and sports organizations must be planned in a way that is consistent and appropriate coordination between what is learned and the needs of the sports community and learners.

    Keywords: Development, Entrepreneurship, PESTLE Model, Ardabil
  • Meghdad Mahmoodi Alami, Vahid Shojaei, Mohammad Hami, Mohammad Sanaei Pages 56-72

    In private law, it is very important to define the basis of civil liability. As Stark puts it, it is no exaggeration to say that civil liability is the most important thing in private law. In civil liability, it is said that no one should harm another and no harm should be left without compensation. The rules of civil liability are so flexible in some cases that they pass by some damages without compensation. In other words, some activities, the most prominent of which are sports activities, on the one hand, cause harms, and on the other hand, have found so much social, spiritual and material value that they force the rules of responsibility to comply with their rights. Civil liability, which demands compensation for all damages, should give up its slogan.Injured consent was initially considered a complete defense in the Commonwealth. Violence and injury are unintended consequences of the increasing spread of sport. An important part of the losses and injuries are related to sports operations (games and sports competitions). This research seeks to examine the responsibility of athletes in sporting events and to determine the circumstances in which a person is held responsible. The role of fault in sports accidents in Iranian and common law is also examined. In common Law when a person does the job carelessly and the result is harm to another according to the law, the offender is responsible for any damage she has caused. Determining the basis of liability and the athlete responsible for injury in sports accidents is an important issue in civil liability. In fact, civil liability seeks to restore the right to the victim and leave no harm without compensation. To identify the person responsible for sports accidents, one must refer to two important features of sports activities, namely, the doctrine of inherent dangers and the doctrine of risk acceptance. The principle of inherent risk and acceptance of risk is also accepted in our law and the ability to cite is considered a criterion of responsibility, but this criterion does not negate the principle of fault and fault is at the heart of this concept of citation.

    Keywords: Athlete, Civil Liability, Liability, Sporting Accidents, Common Law
  • Ali Zamani Nokaabadi, mehrdad Afkhami _ Pages 73-85

    Coach leadership style can be defined as the process of influencing the individual and group trying to achieve goals. Democratic styles are behaviors that allow the athlete to participate in group decisions. The authoritarian style, on the other hand, involves the coach making independent decisions based on his personal authority. Athlete satisfaction is considered as a consequence or achievement of the coach's work in leadership research. The present study aims to quantitatively combine the results of research conducted in this field in the country.


    The statistical population of the present study includes all articles on the relationship between democratic leadership style and athlete satisfaction and in order to collect the data needed for meta-analysis, a coding form was used. Using meta-analysis method and comprehensive meta-analysis software (CMA2), 7 articles were selected and reviewed. This study was performed using the effect size calculation technique. In this way, the statistical tests used in the hypotheses were analyzed after becoming the effect size. The statistical population of the present study included all articles on the relationship between democratic leadership style and athlete satisfaction. In this meta-analysis, the results of researches that have met the necessary conditions in terms of methodology have been studied. That is, articles and criteria within the treasure have been used. These criteria in the research are: 1 research has been done in Iran. 2 In the relevant research, leadership style and athletes' satisfaction have been used as an independent or dependent variable. 3 The research must have provided the necessary information for the practical extraction of the effect size (relationship strength). Therefore, the number of researches selected for meta-analysis is seven.


    The results of meta-analysis showed that in all studies, democratic leadership style and satisfaction were effective, which software output with an average effect size of 0.25 confirms this issue and this amount of effect size is less than average. The funnel diagram also showed that there is a publication bias in the studies, which indicates that some studies have not been published or researchers do not have access to some articles or study results. The relationship between democratic leadership style and athlete satisfaction is below average. About 25% of the calculated effects are in the lower middle class (with an average effect size of 0.25).


    The findings of this meta-analysis showed that democratic leadership style and athlete satisfaction have an effect with an average effect size of 0.25.

    Keywords: Democratic leadership, Coaches, Athletes’ satisfaction, Meta-analysis
  • Rasoul Tarighi, Hossein Ahmadi, Maliheh Salehi Rostami Pages 86-100

    Sport has become increasingly commercial, and sports institutions have become more professional over the years. Thus,Today, brand management is an increasingly important field in marketing management. Brand Associations is the most famous and valuable relationship that a customer shares with a brand. Brand Associations reflects the relationship between the customer and the brand. Brand Associationscan strengthen the customer's desire to repurchase and brand loyalty. Considering the emotional and cognitive link of dependence, its consequences can also be categorized. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to Identifying the factors affecting the Brand Associations of Iranian Futsal Premier League clubs (Case study: Sari Sharvand Futsal Club).


    The research method is correlation and is practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study included all fans of sari shahrvand futsal team. The sample size is infinite and the sample size is 384 people. To calculate the sample size in this study, the Cochran's formula for unlimited communities has been used. A researcher-made questionnaire was prepared by studying the sources. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by ten professors of sports management and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha test. The statistical tests of this research were structural equations modeling (SEM) and Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)


    Findings showed that all research variables including success and fan identity, knowledge, coach, socialization, tradition, product, importance, logo, peer group acceptance, management, nostalgia, stadium, escape from everyday life, stadium atmosphere, education and Training, star player and pride in the place of living have a positive and significant effect on the brand affiliation of Iranian Futsal Premier League clubs (Sari shahrvand Futsal Club), respectively.


    Due to the fact that league football clubs in the country, with a large number of fans, have a high capacity to generate revenue through activities related to brand management. Because one of the biggest problems of Iranian football clubs is their lack of common income in world football. Clubs in Iran have no income other than a small share of ticket sales and receiving money from shirt sponsors, and their eyes are on the hands of the government and the Ministry of Sports and the supporting capitalists. Therefore, it is suggested to the managers and officials of the Sari Shahvand Futsal Premier League Club that they take the necessary care in using the results of this research to advance the goals of the club.

    Keywords: Sport Industry, Sports marketing, Brand Associations, Brand management