فهرست مطالب

نشریه مطالعات شهری
پیاپی 48 (پاییز 1402)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1402/07/01
  • تعداد عناوین: 8
  • مرضیه شفیعی*، بهادر زمانی صفحات 3-16

    فضاهای شهری به عنوان یکی از عناصر اصلی ساختار شهر، نقش مهمی در ارتقای کیفی زندگی شهری به عهده دارند. درگذشته طراحان شهری، بیشتر بر مفاهیم بصری و کالبدی فضاهای شهری معطوف بوده و به مفاهیمی همچون کیفیت صوتی فضاهای شهری کمتر پرداخته اند. بی توجهی به نقش صوت در طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهری، افزایش آلاینده های صوتی محیطی همچون صدای ناشی از ترافیک  را دربرداشته و همین امر، ادراک ذهنی صوتی مغشوشی را در میان شهروندان به وجود آورده است. همه این موارد، لزوم  مطالعات منظر صوتی در طراحی محیط های شهری را روشن می سازد. در پژوهش حاضر، کیفیت منظر صوتی پیاده راه چهارباغ عباسی اصفهان به عنوان یکی از ارزشمندترین فضاهای شهری تاریخی_فرهنگی در ایران، در راستای  پاسخ به پرسش های زیر بررسی شده است: 1) مولفه های صوتی موثر بر خوشایندی منظر صوتی در محدوده کدامند؟ 2) کیفیت کلی فضای شنیداری در پیاده راه چهارباغ عباسی چگونه ارزیابی می شود؟  و 3) مولفه های نقش انگیز صوتی در پیاده راه چهارباغ عباسی کدامند؟ بنابراین برای شناخت سنجه های کیفی،ابتدا با  کاربست پیاده روی صوتی و ضبط اصوات به شناسایی منابع صوتی در محدوده اقدام شد. سپس 384 پرسشنامه  توسط افراد حاضر در محدوده تکمیل شد. آوابرداشت ها  در روزهای هفته در بهار 1401 انجام گردیدند. از افراد خواسته شد تا در مسیرهای دلخواه خود به طوری که بازدید  از همه فضاها را شامل شود، راه بروند. نتایج ارزیابی ها، ادراک افراد از فضای شنیداری محدوده را به صورت مثبت نشان داد. نتایج همچنین نشان داد که صدای مکالمه و قدم زدن افراد و صدای پرندگان موثرترین منابع صوتی در تبیین خوشایندی منظر صوتی محدوده هستند. همچنین مولفه های نقش انگیز صوتی شامل نشانه های صوتی از قبیل صدای مکالمه و  قدم زدن افراد و صدای دوچرخه، ریتم های صوتی شامل صدای اذان و فواره های آب، اصوات پس زمینه شامل صدای مکالمه و قدم زدن افراد و صدای پرندگان، سیگنال های صوتی شامل صدای اذان، صدای بازی کودکان و مکالمه افراد هستند. درمجموع، یافته ها نشان داد که ادراک افراد مهم ترین رکن در خوشایندی منظر صوتی است.

    کلیدواژگان: فضای باز شهری، منظر صوتی، پیاده راه چهارباغ عباسی
  • اسماعیل دویران* صفحات 17-28

    در پژوهش های شهری بررسی اثر ریتمیک مصرف فضاهای عمومی شهری با نام ضرباهنگ کاوی مطرح است. قرارگاه رفتاری نوعی از تولید و مصرف فضا توسط گروه های اجتماعی مختلف است که در فضاهای عمومی مانند بوستان های شهری بیشتر نمود می یابد. این پژوهش با روش تحقیق کیفی، توصیفی_تحلیلی و با ماهیت اکتشافی به بررسی ضرباهنگ قرارگاه های رفتاری در بوستان های شهری با نمونه بوستان بهارستان و ابن سینای شهری زنجان پرداخته است. جمع آوری داده های مورد نیاز به صورت برداشت میدانی و با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری غیراحتمالی مبتنی بر نمونه دسترس و بدون سوگیری و روش مشاهده و مصاحبه انجام گرفته است. با توجه به طبقه بندی شاخص ها به سه مولفه اصلی ساختاری، پویایی و محیط اجتماعی، داده های جمع آوری شده طبقه بندی شده و با روش مبتنی بر جداول کیفی، ماتریس ارتباط و ریتم ضرباهنگ تحلیل صورت پذیرفت. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد قرارگاه های رفتاری مبتنی بر عملکرد ایستا و گروهی،  ضرباهنگ مصرف فضای فصلی تابستانه و روزانه بعد از ظهری داشته و قرارگاه های مبتنی بر عملکرد های فردی پویا مانند ورزش عمدتا مصرف  فضای چهار فصل و روزانه صبح و عصر دارند. از طرفی موقعیت و مبلمان مکانی قرارگاه در شکل گیری  نوع ضرباهنگ اثر گذار و ارتباط مولفه های ضرباهنگی عمدتا دارای انسجام و همبستگی عملکردی است.

    کلیدواژگان: مصرف فضا، رفتار، ضرباهنگ، بوستان شهری، زنجان
  • مریم روستا*، مهسا شعله، نگین امیری صفحات 29-42

    «غنای حسی» یکی از کیفیت های موثر بر ارتقای کیفی تجربه شهروندان از حضور در فضای شهری است. در میان حواسی که این کیفیت را شکل می دهند، حواس «بویایی» و «چشایی» و نقش آنها در کیفیت بخشی به فضا در پژوهش های حوزه طراحی شهری کمتر مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. این پژوهش در پی بازشناخت فضای شهری بر اساس تحلیل غنای حواس بویایی و چشایی است و به کمک روش های کیفی و با استفاده از بررسی منابع کتابخانه ای، برداشت میدانی در قالب «حس گردی»،  انجام مصاحبه های نیمه ساختاریافته و تحلیل محتوای آنها انجام شده است. نمونه مورد مطالعه بخشی از خیابان حافظ شیراز است که ضمن دارا بودن هویت تاریخی و جاذبه گردشگری، می تواند در لایه تجربه حسی و منظر حسی نیز فضای شهری مورد توجهی در مواجهه کیفی شهروندان با شهر باشد. یافته های حاصل از پژوهش، حاکی از اهمیت شاخص های «آسایش بویایی»، «حضور گیاهان مثمر» و «خاطرات توام با محرک چشایی در فضا»، در تجربه حسی مردم است. این یافته ها نشان می دهد، محدوده مورد مطالعه در شاخص های «بوهای طبیعی»، «بوهای وابسته به زمان» و «آسایش بویایی»  وضعیت مطلوب تری دارد و نیاز است که شاخص های «تنوع بویایی» و «سازگاری بویایی» در بازنگری، مورد توجه بیشتری قرار گیرند. یافته های این پژوهش همچنین حاکی از اهمیت توجه به تاثیر متقابل تجربه های حواس «بویایی» و «چشایی» بر بعد زمان و مکان و ارتقای هویت مندی و خاطره انگیزی فضاهای شهری است. این پژوهش هم با هدف بسط مطالعات آتی در این حوزه با توجه به خلاهای پژوهشی و هم در انجام پروژه های سامان دهی منظر فضاهای شهری می تواند مورد استناد پژوهشگران حوزه شهرسازی و استفاده حرفه مندان طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهری قرار گیرد.

    کلیدواژگان: غنای حسی، فضای شهری، منظر حسی، حس گردی
  • سعید سپاسی زنگی آبادی، علی اکبر شمسی پور*، علی حسینی صفحات 43-54

    فضاهای شهری به واسطه درهم آمیختگی عناصر انسان ساخت و عوارض طبیعی، شرایط محیطی متفاوت و پیچیده تری از محیط های طبیعی دارند. امروزه در منطقه بندی اقلیمی فضاهای شهری، رویکرد متخصصان اقلیم شهری بر توجه و استفاده ترکیبی از عوامل شهری و طبیعی است. زون های محلی اقلیم به طبقه بندی آب وهوایی فضاهای شهری با توجه و تمرکز بر ساختار فیزیکی و پوشش سطحی شهر می پردازد. این روش طبقه بندی دارای 17کلاس با ویژگی های پوششی و فیزیکی متفاوت است. برای انجام پژوهش از سه نوع داده های هواشناسی، تصاویر ماهواره ای و لایه های اطلاعات مکانی استفاده شد. تصاویر برای دو دوره زمانی تابستان و زمستان، لایه های اطلاعات مکانی شهر تهران و حومه آن شامل داده های کاربری/پوشش اراضی و طبقات ساختمانی شهر و داده های جوی دما، بارش، سرعت و جهت باد در دوره زمانی 20 ساله از ایستگاه های هواشناسی داخل شهر تهیه شدند. فرایند پردازش داده ها در نرم افزار ساگا-جی آی اسS، نمونه برداری در گوگل ارتس و طبقه بندی و خروجی اطلاعات در آرک/جی آی اس انجام شد. نتایج طبقه بندی اقلیم محلی تهران نشان داد، اقلیم های محلی با بافت متراکم و ارتفاع متوسط(کلاس 2) و متراکم و کوتاه (کلاس 3) غالب هستند. این دو کلاس اقلیم محلی که با بار گرمای محیطی بالا و ظرفیت تهویه ضعیف شناخته می شوند، عموما در مرکز و مناطقی از شمال شرق تهران متمرکزند. همچنین حومه شمال و شمال شرق با پهنه های پوشش درختی و طبیعی (یعنی طبقات اقلیمی درختان متراکم تا بوته زار) و حومه جنوبی شهر با اراضی کشاورزی و علفزار مشخص شدند؛ این طبقات اقلیمی قابلیت تامین هوای خنک و مطلوب برای داخل شهر را دارند. در نتیجه تقویت کریدورهای سبز و گذر هوای شمالی جنوبی برای کاهش بار گرمای مرکز شهر و افزایش ظرفیت پویایی آن پیشنهاد می شود.

    کلیدواژگان: بار گرمای محیطی، طبقه بندی اقلیمی، تهویه طبیعی، زون های اقلیم محلی، تهران
  • محمدحسن یزدانی*، ابوالفضل عبدالهی فرد، شیوا ولایتی، سمیرا سعیدی زارنجی صفحات 55-68

    در سه دهه اخیر هنر عمومی و ظهور آن در فضاهای شهری توجه بسیاری از متخصصان از جمله طراحان و برنامه ریزان شهری، معماران، روانشناسان، جامعه شناسان و سیاستمداران را به خود جلب کرده است. هرچند هنر عمومی به عنوان هنر تلفیق شده با فضای عمومی شهرها که در فضاهای سبز شهری، خیابان ها، ساختمان های عمومی و مجموعه های مسکونی قرار دارد، مفهوم جدیدی نیست اما توجه به رویکرد تعاملی بودن و کنش متقابل این نوع هنر با مردم استفاده کننده از فضای شهری کمتر در نظر گرفته شده است. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی اثر انواع هنر عمومی در فضاهای شهری بر ارتقای نشاط درک شده بانوان شهر اردبیل ارایه شده است. این تحقیق به لحاظ ماهیت موضوع از نوع بنیادی_توسعه ای و به لحاظ نتایج از نوع پژوهش های کاربردی است. روش مورد استفاده در این پژوهش توصیفی_تحلیلی است. داده های مورد نیاز در این بررسی از طریق روش های میدانی و کتابخانه ای گردآوری شده اند. جامعه آماری پژوهش بانوان (متخصص و غیرمتخصص هنر و معماری) در شهر اردبیل است که به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده صورت گرفته است. برای تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزار spss و آزمون آماری (t) تک نمونه ای استفاده شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که هنر انتزاعی، هنر تعاملی_ ایستا و هنر ایستا (مجسمه و تندیس فرهنگی_ محلی) بیشترین تاثیر را بر نشاط بانوان داشته و تمایل به ایجاد و گسترش چنین المان هایی در فضای شهر اردبیل بیشتر احساس می گردد. بر اساس نتایج پژوهش با تلفیق هنرعمومی در فضای شهر اردبیل می توان سرزندگی و کیفیت زندگی نیمی از قشر جامعه که بانوان هستند را بهبود بخشید.

    کلیدواژگان: هنر عمومی، هنرتعاملی، فضاهای شهری، نشاط بانوان، شهر اردبیل
  • شهاب الدین کرمانشاهی*، محسن صادقی، حمید شمعانیان، مریم مومنی صفحات 69-82

    یکپارچگی ضعیف بین برنامه ریزی کاربری زمین و حمل ونقل می تواند منجر به مشکلات عمده ای از جمله اتلاف منابع برای اصلاح ناهماهنگی ها، تعریف کلان پروژه های ناسازگار یا دست کم ناهماهنگ در دو حوزه حمل ونقل و کاربری زمین و در نتیجه کاهش کارایی مدیریت شهری شود. در ایران، برنامه ریزی کاربری زمین در قالب «طرح جامع شهرسازی» و توسعه شبکه حمل ونقل در قالب «طرح جامع حمل ونقل» انجام می شود. در این مطالعه روند تهیه و تصویب طرح های جامع شهرسازی و حمل ونقل با استفاده از مصاحبه نیمه ساختار یافته با 20 نفر از متخصصان این دو حوزه مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. علاوه بر این بررسی اسناد و ضوابط قانونی برای تکمیل مصاحبه ها انجام شده است. نتایج این مطالعه نشان می دهد که روند حاکم بر تهیه و تصویب طرح های جامع حمل ونقل و شهرسازی تا حد زیادی مستقل از یکدیگر بوده و می توان گفت هماهنگی بین این دو طرح پایین است. در ادامه، با مرور تجارب خارجی در این زمینه و مصاحبه با مدیران شهری و متخصصان داخلی و خارجی، تلاش شده تا پیشنهاداتی به منظور بهبود هماهنگی بین این دو طرح ارایه شود. همچنین برای راهکارهای پیشنهادی مطرح شده در سه دسته شامل 1) تلفیق طرح های جامع شهرسازی و حمل و نقل در قالب یک طرح واحد، 2) تهیه و تصویب همزمان طرح ها و 3) اصلاح روند فعلی تصویب طرح های جامع حمل ونقل و شهرسازی، چالش هایی با استفاده از نتایج مصاحبه ها بیان شده است. در نهایت، با توجه به چالش های جدی تلفیق و انجام همزمان دو طرح، به نظر می رسد زمینه سازی برای تغییر نگرش در فرآیند تهیه و تصویب طرح ها و همچنین توسعه ابزارهای تحلیل یکپارچگی، راهکاری عملیاتی باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: یکپارچگی حمل ونقل و کاربری زمین، طرح جامع شهرسازی، طرح جامع حمل ونقل، مصاحبه نیمه ساختار یافته
  • ایمان قلندریان*، گلبرگ قائم مقامی فراهانی صفحات 83-98

    امروزه تغییرات عمده ای در دانش شهرسازی معاصر شکل گرفته و شهرسازی از علوم طبیعی و مهندسی به سمت یک دانش میان رشته ای با تاکید بر علوم اجتماعی و انسانی متمایل شده است. طرح های توسعه شهری نیز با تاکید هرچه بیشتر بر جلب مشارکت عمومی، خصوصی و مردمی در دست تهیه است. در نظریات فعلی، میزان مشارکت آن قدر زیاد شده است که برنامه ریز در نقش تسهیل گر و وکیل مردم، آنها را با حقوق خود آشنا می کند. پژوهش پیش رو با هدف مطالعه موانع و چالش ها و عوامل موثر بر تحقق پذیری طرح های کوچک مقیاس (واحد همسایگی) در شهر مشهد با تاکید بر مشارکت مردمی، با رویکرد کیفی و روش داده مبنا از طریق مصاحبه های نیمه ساخت یافته انجام شده است. جامعه آماری شامل سه گروه از ذی نفعان (مردم، مدیریت شهری و تیم های تسهیل گر) این پروژه ها (موسوم به محله ما) بوده است. نمونه گیری به روش نظری و تا مرحله اشباع ادامه داشت. تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از روش تحلیل محتوای کیفی (از نوع تحلیل مضمون) و با رویکرد تلخیصی و نرم افزار MAXQDA نسخه 2018، صورت گرفت. با استفاده از تکنیک کدگذاری باز و محوری، مفاهیم اساسی در تحقق پذیری پروژه های هدف مشخص شدند. نتایج نشان داد مدیریت شهری، تسهیل گران و مردم به عنوان سه رکن اساسی در فرایند تحقق پذیری پروژه، در هریک از گام های فرایند طراحی از نیازسنجی تا ارزیابی پس از اجرا، مسایلی را ایجاد می کنند. در مرحله پیش از اجرا، تغییر رویکردهای طراحی و برنامه ریزی با تغییر در بدنه مدیریت شهری و عدم توانمندی تسهیل گران در ارایه طرحی تحقق پذیر به شهرداری و همچنین ذهنیت منفی مردم نسبت به ارگان های دولتی، چالش هایی را به همراه دارد. در مرحله اجرا، مدیریت شهری با عدم تخصیص اعتبارات کافی و فقدان همکاری موثر بین سازمانی منجر به عدم اجرای نیازهای واقعی مردم و به تبع آن افزایش نارضایتی آنان می گردد. کیفیت مشارکت واقعی و مسیولانه شهروندان و شفاف سازی نحوه رسیدن به گزینه ها و اولویت بندی در تناسب با نیازهای مردم توسط تیم تسهیل گر از چالش های این گام است که پس از اجرای طرح به دلیل ناملموس بودن نتایج زودبازده، می تواند منجر به بی نتیجه بودن آن از نظر مردم گردد.

    کلیدواژگان: تحقق پذیری، مشارکت، پروژه های خردمقیاس مشارکتی، پروژه محله ما، مشهد
  • بهاره سادات موسوی، عطاءالله عبداللهی کاکرودی*، سمانه اروندی صفحات 99-112

    گسترش فیزیکی شهری بر تغییرات مکانی و زمانی در خواص بیوفیزیکی سطح (از جمله دمای سطح زمین) تاثیرگذار بوده و منجر به افزایش دمای سطح طی سال های پایش شده است. به طوری که نتایج حاصله در هر سه شهر مورد مطالعه طی سال های پایش، روند افزایشی دمای سطح زمین را نشان می دهد. بررسی ها در شهرها نشان داد که رشد شهری با توجه به محیط جغرافیایی و شرایط طبیعی هر منطقه از الگوهای متفاوتی پیروی می کند. براین اساس، تغییرات مکانی و زمانی در خواص بیوفیزیکی سطح در میان شهرهای انتخاب شده متفاوت بود. این تفاوت ناشی از شرایط اقلیمی، محیطی و پوشش زمین بود. با توجه به شرایط اقلیمی، میانگین سرسبزی در مناطق با هوای مرطوب (بندر انزلی و شیرگاه) با مناطق با هوای گرم و خشک (کاشان) متفاوت بود. با کاهش پوشش گیاهی سطح، میزان تبخیر و تعرق سطحی کاهش یافته و در نتیجه گرما و خشکی سطح افزایش می یابد. میزان سبزینگی در هر سه شهر مورد مطالعه طی سال های پایش، روند کاهشی داشته که می تواند به دلیل پدیده گسترش شهری باشد. نتایج حاصل از شاخص درخشندگی نشان داد در شهرهای مرطوب یعنی بندرانزلی و شیرگاه میزان درخشندگی که ناشی از عوارض شهری بوده، روند افزایشی داشته است. نتایج حاصل از شاخص آب و رطوبت نیز طی سال های پایش در شهرهای شیرگاه و بندر انزلی (شهرهای مرطوب) روند افزایشی داشته است. به طور کلی با کاهش سبزینگی، درخشندگی، رطوبت و دمای سطح زمین در شهرهای کاشان و شیرگاه افزایش یافته ولی به نظر می رسد تاثیر اقلیم محلی و دریا منجر به تعدیل دما در بندر انزلی شده است. نزدیکی به دریا و بالابودن رطوبت باعث شده پوشش گیاهی در طی سال های پایش کاهش چشمگیری نداشته باشد و در نتیجه منجر به تعدیل دمای سطح شده و از سال 1991 تا 2021 نتایج مربوط به LST تنها یک درجه افزایش دما را نشان می دهد. درنتیجه افزایش پوشش گیاهی می تواند منجر به افزایش رطوبت آب و در نتیجه کاهش دمای سطح شود.

    کلیدواژگان: دمای سطح زمین، خصوصیات بیوفیزیکی سطح، تغییرات مکانی و زمانی، توسعه شهری، سنجش از دور
  • Marzieh Shafiei *, Bahador Zamani Pages 3-16

    Urban open spaces play an important role in improving the quality of urban life. In the past, urban designers mainly focused on the visual esthetics and physical aspects of urban spaces, but neglected acoustic elements. Ignoring the role of sound in urban planning has led to an increase in environmentally disturbing sounds, which ultimately leads to an unclear human perception of sounds. To avoid these issues, acoustic research to create high-quality spaces has become one of the current aims of urban planners and environmental designers.


    This study investigated the soundscape quality of the Chahar Bagh Abbasi pedestrian Axis in Isfahan, one of the most valuable historical-cultural urban spaces in Iran. The study aimed to answer the following questions:1. What are the sound components that affect the pleasantness of the soundscape of the area? 2. How is the overall quality of the soundscape on the Chahar Bagh Abbasi pedestrian Axis? 3. What are the sound imageability components in the Chahar Bagh Abbasi pedestrian Axis?To determine the dominant sound sources in the space, non-interventional observation and audio recording were used. To clarify the perception of different people of the pedestrian Axis soundscape, a questionnaire was distributed. To ensure the reliabilityof the questionnaire, Cronbach’s alpha test was used. The obtained rate was equal to 0.731, which shows the adequate reliability of the questionnaire. The statistical population of the research is all people present on the Chahar Bagh Abbasi pedestrian Axis. For this purpose, 384 questionnaires were randomly distributed among the people. To analyze the results of the questionnaire, SPSS software and the analytical method of correlation coefficient and step-by-step regression were used.

    Results and discussion

    The findings of this research showed that simply reducing negative sounds in the environment does not lead to the formation of a positive sound environment. Physical background sound levels are also important factors in the sound assessment of public spaces in cities. Other findings showed that some groups of people did not consider some sounds to be undesirable. This depends on people’s habits regarding the current state of the environment soundscape and the low intensity of hearing these sounds in the space. The findings also showed that the frequency of people’s presence in urban spaces is among the factors affecting how people perceive and the quality of the urban soundscapes. In fact, in this research, it was found that the higher the exposure to the soundscape, the less pleasant it is. Therefore, merchants, due to long-term exposure to the soundscape during the day, perceived the soundscape of the pedestrian Axis as less satisfactory compared to others, while tourists due to short exposure to the soundscape of the area, found the soundscape more pleasant. Furthermore, it was found that the duration of people’s exposure to the soundscape is also effective in assessing the sound imageability of the area so that citizens and merchants can better identify sound imageability components in the area due to the longer exposure to sounds.


    The results of the questionnaire suggest that exposure to sounds in the short or long term can affect people’s perception of the sound imageability of a space. Overall, merchants and citizens in this space, due to their longer exposure to sound sources, have a better recognition of the components of sound imageability than tourists. For example, the sounds that merchants and citizens of Chahar Bagh Abbasi pedestrian Axis mentioned as characteristics of this area are largely similar. This also applies to the identification of sound signals in the space, such that merchants in this area and citizens at the next level have better performance in detecting loud and close sounds in the space due to their frequent visits to the space compared to tourists. A significant point in people’s answers regarding the identification of background sounds is that the length of time people are exposed to the soundscape of the pedestrian Axis does not have much effect on the correct identification of background sounds. This is because background sounds are the combination of several individual sound sources that are attenuated due to distance, making it difficult to distinguish them from other sounds.

    Keywords: urban open space, Soundscape, Chahar Bagh pedestrian Axis
  • Esmaeil Daviran * Pages 17-28

    The three key concepts of time, place, and human behavior together shape space. The urban space and its changes are the result of human movement in time and space. Although there have been many discussions about the concept of space, the theories of time-geography and Lefebvre have had the most significant impact on urban issues.Urban parks, as one of the urban public spaces, are a suitable environment for the formation of behavioral camps. The presence of different human groups with diverse ages and genders in such spaces leads to the formation of specific places for individual and group socialization, creating a space of consumption with a special character. The surrounding environment as a result of time is very effective in the formation of the type of camp and its way of functioning.This research examines the rhythm of the behavioral hangouts of urban parks with regional (multi-neighborhood) function, using the case study of Ibn Sina and Baharestan parks in Zanjan city. This is because no special studies have been done on the subject of behavioral camp rhythm and the functional structure of rhythms in camp spaces, and most of the research has focused on explaining the formation of camps or the rhythm of spaces.


    The current research is a type of qualitative research based on the descriptive-analytical method with the nature of discovery and the method of rhythm analysis. Data collection using field observation and continuous interview during the formation hours of the camp. Data analysis was done with qualitative methods based on communication matrix, rhythm and qualitative information tables with three main components of structure, dynamics and sociability of the environment.

    Results and Discussion

    The rhythm of the behavioral camp in the studied gardens is significant, active and explorable mainly in the spring and summer seasons. The use of space is different according to the type of camp, but they have functioned in connection with each other. Sports camps have more durability and annual continuity. The temporal continuity of the rhythm of the elderly-based behavioral camp has more daily and seasonal continuity in terms of the number and stability of people. In terms of the space allocation and the number of people, the youth behavioral camp has less space compared to other camps. Waterfront furniture elements, trees, play equipment, sports equipment, stones, chairs, trees, the smoothness of the park ground, grass, besides the spatial security factor, have a greater impact on the durability and daily continuity of the camp. Spatial dependence of camps based on the elderly, children and family have the highest ratio. The geographical distance of the residence in Tharbahank is less than that of the other centers. The type of space consumption in the studied rhythms is mainly social and sports in nature. The structural morphology of gardens (regular, irregular or linear geometric shape) is effective in the formation of the type of behavioral camp and its rhythm. The rhythm of the studied camps is mainly in daily and afternoon time sequence and has a specific location with fixed and variable people. Based on the correlation matrix, there is functional correlation and coherence between the variables. The rhythm of space use in the monthly time period shows that the behavioral settlements based on collectivism mainly have the starting point in April and the peak in August, and with the gradual change of climate (from heat to cold) they move to temporary disintegration and again with climate change. (from cold to heat) forms and peaks.


    This research examined the rhythm of the social and age groups of the urban parks of Baharestan and Ibn Sina Zanjan. The study found that the rhythm of behavioral hangouts in urban parks is affected by a variety of factors, including:- The type of park: Parks with a focus on social activities, such as playgrounds and picnic areas, tend to have a more active and explorable rhythm than parks with a focus on sports or other passive activities. The time of year: Parks tend to be more crowded in the spring and summer months, when the weather is warmer and more pleasant. The weather conditions: Parks may be less crowded in inclement weather, such as rain or snow. The age and gender of park users: Parks tend to be more crowded with families and children during the day, while they may be more crowded with adults in the evening.The findings of this study suggest that the rhythm of behavioral hangouts in urban parks is an important consideration for park planners and managers. By understanding the factors that influence the rhythm of park use, park planners can better design and manage parks to meet the needs of their users.

    Keywords: Space consumption, Behavior, rhythm, urban garden, Zanjan
  • Maryam Roosta *, Mahsa Sholeh, Negin Amiri Pages 29-42

    Everyday urban experience is achieved through the process of perception and sense experience through sensory organs. Living in a multi-sensory environment is inevitable, and the experience of encountering sights, smells, and sounds makes it possible to know the environment. It seems that in different urban spaces of Iran, taking into account the native conditions of the environment and current traditions among the people, the role of sensory landscapes and its effect on the quality of the urban space requires more investigations. The main problem of the current research is the need to pay more attention to the issue of "sensory richness" and analyze its indicators and examples as one of the important qualities of the urban space, with an emphasis on the two senses of smell and taste. Based on this, the present article aims to explain the process of recognizing and analyzing an urban space with an emphasis on improving the quality of sensory richness in the two areas of smell and taste senses.

    Theoretical Framework:

    Regarding the sense of smell, the variety of smells, the presence of sources of smells in the environment, smells dependent and related to time, consistent smells, smells of passers-by, and smelling comfort are among the indicators that, according to sources, affect the richness of the space. There are also researches about the effect of the sense of smell in the urban space, in the context of racial, ethnic, native, historical and cultural contexts, and it shows the effect of different cultural contexts on the transmission of social meanings and values and the display of historical heritage through the sense of smell in an urban space.Regarding the sense of taste, while emphasizing the dependence and direct connection of this sense with the sense of smell, the presence of fruitful plants, local memories related to the experience of taste in space, and the presence of land uses that stimulate taste have an effect on the richness of the sense of taste.


    In order to conduct this research, the "qualitative" strategy has been used to collect and analyze data. In the first step, the review of library resources was carried out with the aim of compiling the theoretical framework of the research and extracting effective indicators in the thematic area of sensory richness. After that, the indicators obtained from this part were analytically recognized and field studied in two steps in the studied sample; In the first step, the sensory perception of the environment was carried out by "sensory walking" with the help of field survey by one of the researchers as an urban studies expert. After that, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 space users. These numbers were selected as available samples and the interviews were continued until reaching a kind of "theoretical saturation" and repeated answers. The data obtained from the interviews were coded in "Atlas" software and subjected to content analysis.

    Results and Discussion

    The findings of the interviews revealed the deep dimensions of the smell experience along the way for users. In these interviews, special users with a keen sense of smell were mentioned many times along the way. In some of these comments, the use of smell to remember the length of the route and even addressability was clearly evident. This issue, while clarifying the process of tracking odor sources by space users, shows the effect of place and the inseparable dependence of sensory experiences with place.In a deeper layer, the analysis of the interviews shows that remembering and recalling smell experiences, especially in urban spaces with historical qualities, is very tied to nostalgia and memory and has an effect on deepening the sense of belonging to a place. This issue is very important from the analytical point of view of urban space. Context—which can be a set of antecedent conditions or facts about a place or a particular event in it—plays a decisive role in the quality of the smellscapes in a place.The findings show that in the sensory experience of Hafez Street, in particular, the presence of "orange trees" as an example of the "fruitful plants" index, in addition to the possibility of simultaneously deepening the senses of smell and taste, to the perception of the "sense of time" as well as the "memorability of space" and Also, "identifying the sensory experience of the path" has also been effective. In the experience of the sense of taste along this path, as expected, the findings indicate the effect of the use of taste stimuli on the deepening of the sensory experience of space and its perception.


    Among the indicators of the quality of the senses of smell and taste, "smell comfort", "presence of fruitful plants" and "memorable uses with taste stimulation", have a greater role in the experience process of citizens' environmental perception. Also, in the analysis of the findings from the qualitative survey, it is possible to emphasize the two-way relationship between the deepening of the "sense of smell" and the memorability and identity of the place, as well as the reciprocal relationship of "perception of time" with the depth of the smell sensory experience.It seems that, especially in urban spaces with historical value, paying attention to the identity aspects of odors from natural resources or users with an identity smell or taste experience, both in the layer of future research and in the layer of executive plans, can have a multifaceted effect on improving the quality of the space and help deepen the sense of belonging to the place among the users.

    Keywords: Sensewalking, Sensory richness, Urban Space, sensescape
  • Saeed Sepasi Zangiabadi, Aliakbar Shamsipour *, Ali Hosseini Pages 43-54

    Urban spaces have different and more complex environmental conditions than natural environments because they combine human-made elements and natural features. Today, urban climate specialists focus on a combination of urban and natural factors when zoning urban spaces. The Local Climate Classification (LCZs) is a new and systematic classification system for urban spaces proposed by Stuart and Oke (2012). LCZs classify climates according to the physical structure of the city. Each LCZ is characterized by one or more distinctive features, such as land cover, height, and the distance between trees and buildings. Local Climate Zoning classifies the climate of urban spaces by focusing on the city's physical structure and surface coverage. The LCZ classification has 17 different classes, each of which represents a unique set of characteristics. LCZ classes are individually identified by one or more distinctive characteristics, such as land cover or height, the distance between trees and buildings. Classes 1 to 10 focus more on the physical structure created by humans, while classes A to G focus more on the natural aspect of the city.

    Theoretical Framework:

    The Local Climate Zoning (LCZ) method was extracted and presented by Stewart and Oke (2012) from the Urban Climate Zones (UCZ) method. This method is presented with an emphasis on land cover characteristics and building density for large cities.In this method, 10 climate zones are specified for urban built spaces and 7 climate zones for natural spaces. The most important data required in this method are Landsat satellite images, which are prepared in both winter and summer seasons to accurately identify the land surface cover. Additionally, for each of the 17 climate classes, it is necessary to take samples in Google Earth to use those samples in the image processing process. Therefore, the accuracy and quality of the map of local climate zones depends on the accuracy of sampling.


    Three types of data were used in this study: meteorological data, satellite images, and spatial information layers.  Meteorological data included temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and wind direction data from the Doshan Tappeh, Geophysical, and Mehrabad meteorological stations in Tehran for the past 20 years. Satellite images of the city of Tehran were used for two periods: summer and winter.  Spatial information layers included land use data, land cover, and building floors of Tehran.To create a map of the local climate classes in Tehran, the satellite images were converted to a spatial resolution of 100 meters in the SAGA-GIS environment. The measured area was then cut and saved in kml format and added to the Google Earth program. In Google Earth, samples of each climatic class were collected. This stage was the most important and decisive stage of the research, and it was conducted with great accuracy and patience using many samples.

    Results and Discussion

    The city of Tehran has a diverse range of local climate classes (LCZs) due to its diverse natural and human environments. Tehran is a heterogeneous metropolis in terms of its form and function, and this heterogeneity is reflected in the distribution of LCZs. The results of this study showed that the most common LCZs in Tehran are:- Dense texture and medium height (LCZ 2): These LCZs are characterized by high ambient heat load and poor ventilation capacity. They are generally concentrated in the central and northeastern parts of Tehran. Dense and short (LCZ 3): These LCZs are also characterized by high ambient heat load and poor ventilation capacity. They are found in other parts of the city, such as the southern and southwestern suburbs. Low-rise and mid-rise (LCZ 4 to LCZ 6): These LCZs are characterized by lower ambient heat load and better ventilation capacity. They are found in the outer parts of the city, such as the northwestern and southeastern suburbs.  Barren land and agricultural land (LCZ 7 to LCZ 9): These LCZs have the lowest ambient heat load and best ventilation capacity. They are found outside the city limits.The distribution of LCZs in Tehran is affected by a number of factors, including:- The density of buildings  The height of buildings  The presence of vegetation  The topography The proximity to water bodiesThe high density of buildings in the central and northeastern parts of Tehran is the main reason for the predominance of LCZs 2 and 3 in these areas. The low density of buildings in the outer parts of the city is the main reason for the predominance of LCZs 4 to 6 in these areas. The presence of vegetation helps to reduce the ambient heat load and improve ventilation, while the proximity to water bodies also helps to cool the air.The distribution of LCZs in Tehran has important implications for the city's climate and environment. The high ambient heat load and poor ventilation capacity of LCZs 2 and 3 can contribute to the formation of the urban heat island effect, while the lower ambient heat load and better ventilation capacity of LCZs 4 to 6 can help to mitigate this effect. The presence of vegetation can also help to improve air quality and reduce noise pollution.Overall, the distribution of LCZs in Tehran is a complex issue that is affected by a number of factors. The understanding of this distribution is important for the development of strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change and improve the city's environment.


    The findings of this study have important implications for the planning and management of Tehran. Identifying areas at risk of high urban heat load and flooding can help to prioritize interventions to reduce these risks. For example, the city could plant more trees and vegetation to cool the air and reduce the urban heat island effect. It could also improve the drainage system to reduce the risk of flooding.Overall, this study provides a valuable contribution to the understanding of the urban climate of Tehran. The findings can be used to develop strategies to improve the livability of the city and reduce the risks of heat stress and flooding.

    Keywords: Climate classification, Thermal loads, natural ventilation, Local climate zones, Tehran
  • MohammadHasan Yazdani *, Abolfazl Abdolahi Fard, Shiva Velayati, Samira Saeidi Zarangi Pages 55-68

    Art has always had a rational and improving function in human societies as one of the important pillars of education and training. A skilled artist can control many social anomalies and lead the society to a desirable and bright life. The perception of beauty is one of the human needs that the citizens in the city seek (Moeinifar, 2012:21). Today, cities have become places for doing repetitive activities and the machine life of citizens. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen the points that have value in terms of urban facilities in the urban design for the benefit of the people, and also the factors and forces required for the entry and stopping of people in the space. Therefore, public art can be used to beautify and improve the visual quality of the city of Ardabil, eliminate architectural problems, beautify, optimize the urban environment and improve the quality of life of the city and its citizens, especially urban women.

    Theoretical Framework:

    To define public art, two words "art" and "public" should be discussed. The term public art has a very broad meaning and includes everything from urban sculptures to subway graffiti, but is often used as a collective term to cover any art that is not shown in official galleries or museums. Meanwhile, proper planning and special attention to women can be an important factor in urban development; Therefore, the active participation of women in the preparation and implementation of urban plans, laying the groundwork for the greater presence of women in urban spaces, improving the security of public spaces, paying attention to the protection of places where women are more present, the ability to increase visibility, openness and ease of access, increasing the strength of the transportation system at night is one of the things that can play a favorable role in creating suitable urban spaces for women. Joy and happiness are one of the most important human needs that prepare them to face the complexities and problems of today's world. Although many people believe that this art is internal and the person himself should create happiness in his life, but since the city space establishes the most connection with people and the living environment,


    The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. According to the nature of the study, the method of data collection is a survey and a library using a questionnaire with the women of Ardabil city. Cronbach's alpha was used to confirm the validity of the questionnaire, considering that little research has been done in this field, according to professors and specialists, and to check the reliability of the questionnaire. The total alpha coefficient was equal to (.906), which shows the high reliability of the questionnaire. The statistical population in the current research is women (experts and non-experts in art and architecture) in Ardabil who are between 20-35 years old (57,913). To estimate the sample size, Cochran's formula was used, and the number of 381 samples was estimated, of which 185 healthy questionnaires were distributed and completed among the statistical population by a simple random method. In this research, the questionnaire measures the research variables, which consists of 41 questions, divided into two sections, public arts and interactive arts, and one image from each type of art, similar to what was shown in the introduction section of public arts, was selected and An online questionnaire format, in which the participants were asked to express the level of joy they felt after watching that artwork in urban spaces according to the 5-point Likert scale, was designed and sent to the target community through virtual space applications. It should be noted that the questions were evaluated through a 5-option Likert scale. In order to analyze the data in the descriptive statistics section, Excel, Spss software and for inferential statistics in which the relationships between variables are examined based on the purpose of the research, the statistical test with inclusion (one-sample T) was used.

    Results and Discussion

    To investigate the impact of public art on the perceived vitality of women in Ardabil city and to answer the research question of which type of public art has a greater impact on improving the perceived vitality of women in urban spaces, a one-sample t-test was used.The results of the single-sample t-test showed that abstract art had the highest average score (4.71), followed by the vitality created by this item (4.60), and the desire to create abstract art in the urban space from the point of view of women (4.63). This means that abstract art was the most popular type of public art among the women surveyed.In the next ranks, art embedded in space and applied art had an average score of (4.25), followed by art appropriate to the site and natural environment with an average score of (4.18), artistry (sculptures of celebrities) with an average score of (4.16), and finally the musical fountain with an average score of (4.03).These results suggest that women in Ardabil city perceive abstract art as the most vitalizing type of public art. This may be because abstract art is open to interpretation and can be seen in many different ways, which allows women to connect with it on a personal level. Additionally, abstract art can be seen as a form of escapism, which can be appealing to women who are looking for a way to relax and de-stress.


    The city of Ardabil has a lot of potential to create public art that is both visually appealing and revitalizing for women. However, the current state of public art in the city is lacking. There are only a small number of famous statues and some examples of murals and lighting. This is a missed opportunity to create a more vibrant and inviting urban environment for women. The managers and planners of the municipality and related bodies should pay more attention to the vitality and vitality of not only the women of the city of Ardabil, but also all sections of the society. They should commission more public art that is designed to appeal to women and other marginalized groups. This would help to create a more inclusive and equitable urban environment for everyone.In addition to commissioning more public art, the municipality should also take steps to improve the security of public spaces. This would make women feel more comfortable and safe in the city, which would encourage them to spend more time outdoors and enjoy the public art. By taking these steps, the municipality can create a more vibrant and inviting urban environment for women and all residents of Ardabil city.

    Keywords: Ardabil, General Art, Interactive Art, Urban Spaces, Women's Enthusiasm
  • Shahabeddin Kermanshahi *, Mohsen Sadeghi, Hamid Shamanian, Maryam Momeni Pages 69-82

    Land use and transportation are dynamic processes that are interrelated. How land is used has an impact on transportation, and vice versa. The development of new highways and access to metropolitan areas may have an effect on the structure of urban areas. The growth that has occurred around ring roads is an example of how the expansion of transportation networks may guide urban growth. Therefore, urban planning must take into account this connection. However, Iran's "Urban Master Plan" and "Transportation Master Plan" have been developed independently, typically across different time frames, and with approval coming from two separate sources. This has led to inconsistency between the two plans, which can have negative consequences for urban development.

    Theoretical Framework:

    The Transit Oriented Development (TOD) approach places an emphasis on the integration of land use and transportation. Through taking this strategy, accessibility is improved by providing passengers with a variety of transportation options. Private cars have the advantages of being quick, adaptable, and having a low capacity. The public transportation system is characterized by a large capacity, acceptable speed, and a minimal degree of flexibility. The non-motorized systems have a wide range of possibilities but are quite slow. The fundamental idea of development based on public transportation is that in order to create an alternative to the use of private automobiles, the benefits of public transportation and non-motorized modes of transportation should be combined, and accessibility should be taken into consideration. Therefore, non-motorized options compensate for the inflexibility of public transportation, while public transportation compensates for the slowness of these alternatives. This combination and replacement only work when the population, building density, and distance to services are suitable for walking.


    Semi-structured interviews were employed for this study. The focus of a semi-structured interview has been set in advance, and all respondents are asked the same questions; yet, they are free to react according to their own unique perspective. In order to address the issue of inconsistency that arose during the process of drafting the two primary development plans, we acquired the knowledge of subject matter experts through semi-structured interviews and contextual analysis.

    Results and Discussion

    The first category that has been derived from the interviews is titled "The Urgent Need to Coordinate Comprehensive Plans for Urban Development and Transportation." This type of coordination is essential for the development of broad policies, comprehensive urban planning, and in-depth transportation studies. This inconsistency was revealed through discussions with experts. It is interesting to note that both transportation and urban planning organizations have emphasized the irregularities in plan design. For example, there is a lack of coordination between land use and the construction of new railway lines, traditional car-oriented development continues, and parking restrictions in city centers are inconsistent. Combining two separate blueprints into one may seem like a simple solution. However, expert interviews show that this solution does not directly solve the lack of coordination due to organizational challenges and the interests of specialized consultants in each sector. It is not a high priority for the set of actions to be taken. However, separating the information collection and modeling processes can lighten the burden of developing comprehensive plans, especially in the transportation sector, and provide a framework for the eventual integration of the planning preparation section in urban planning and transportation. This is especially true in the case of the former. It would seem that carrying out two different plans at the same time would be an efficient way to reduce inconsistency. This strategy is operationally preferable to combining two programs and has fewer obstacles. However, it has been shown to be impractical due to bureaucratic, technological, and, most importantly, institutional inequalities in previous experiences. Finding solutions to the earlier problems in the medium term before combining the two strategies could be successful.


    Altering current trends was recommended as a short-term strategy. These ideas highlight the need to use the expertise of experts from multiple fields when developing comprehensive plans. Other suggestions for the short term include having urban planners and transportation experts collaborate to review and regulate overall urban plans. These measures could improve coordination between transportation and land use development. Finally, establishing specialized training and skill development programs, as well as using tools that are both easy and practical for integrated land use and transportation planning, can help to develop human resources and facilitate future process reforms.

    Keywords: Integrating land use, transportation, Urban Master Plan, Transportation Master Plan, semi-structured interview
  • Iman Ghalandarian *, Golbarg Ghaemmaghami Farahani Pages 83-98

    Contemporary urban planning knowledge has undergone significant changes, shifting from natural and engineering sciences to interdisciplinary fields with a focus on social and human sciences. Urban development plans now emphasize public and private participation. As the second-largest city in Iran, Mashhad plays a vital role within the country due to its regional centrality, large population, and diversity. It is essential to prioritize social sustainability and encourage public participation in the planning process.

    Theoretical Framework:

    Implementation is a critical component of the urban design process and can be interpreted in two ways: as the essence of the entire process or as an independent step within the process. Through a systematic study of various sources and analysis of urban design processes conducted by researchers, it is possible to categorize the urban design process involved in selecting the design group, defining initial objectives, assessing the existing conditions, clarifying goals, presenting design alternatives, evaluating options, optimizing, developing an implementation plan, implementing, and conducting post-implementation evaluations. Based on research synthesis, factors influencing the implementation of small-scale participatory projects can be categorized into five aspects: development stakeholders (including designers and implementers), management-planning system structures, economic considerations, public participation, and legal considerations.


    This paper adopts a qualitative approach and data-based method through semi-structured interviews to identify obstacles, challenges, and factors influencing the implementation of small-scale participatory projects (specifically, neighborhood units) in Mashhad. The study focuses on stakeholders including individuals, urban management, and facilitators involved in the "Mahalle Ma" project. Theoretical sampling was employed until saturation was reached. Data analysis utilized qualitative content analysis with a summative approach and MAXQDA 2018. Open and axial coding techniques were applied to identify the foundational concepts related to the implementation of the targeted projects.

    Results and Discussion

    The results of this study highlight the importance of effective collaboration and communication between stakeholders, including the people, urban management, and the facilitator team. Building trust, improving public participation, and addressing financial constraints are essential for the successful implementation of small-scale participatory projects.The relationship between the people and the facilitator: The quality of real participation by the people, as the most important stakeholder group, has a significant impact on achieving the goals of the plan. Negative experiences and a lack of trust in city management can present challenges for the project. To enhance citizens' participation, the facilitator and designer can employ appropriate techniques to involve people in the process, clarify the project definition, and connect it with the needs assessment stage. Effective communication with the social council of the neighborhoods is also crucial, as the lack of it can hinder the quality of citizens' participation.The relationship between the people and urban management: Urban management has initiated this plan with long-term goals in mind, including fostering a culture of participation. However, the inadequate allocation of funds and a lack of effective inter-organizational synergy have resulted in intangible short-term outcomes for the people. This situation raises concerns about increasing mistrust and decreasing satisfaction with the municipality's performance.The relationship between urban management and the facilitator: Both urban management and the facilitator play crucial roles in promoting public satisfaction with the project. They should work towards achieving long-term goals by monitoring, improving, and maintaining a continuous planning process. This entails fostering a culture of participation through trust-building and capacity development. However, the frequent changes in design and planning approaches due to shifts in the urban management structure can affect the facilitator's authority to achieve project goals. The facilitator team should also ensure a constant connection between the needs assessment stage, design, and implementation steps.


    This study highlights the crucial role of urban management throughout the various stages of an urban development project. In the pre-implementation stage, urban management plays a fundamental role in selecting an expert design and implementation team. They also prioritize goals based on the type of management system in place.Recognizing the current situation requires the collaboration of the facilitator and the people to establish a shared understanding of the problem. The facilitator acts as a mediator, identifying the real demands of the people and conveying them to management levels to define the project in subsequent stages. Verification of goals and adjustments are made in consultation with citizens, academic experts, and local institutions.The presentation of design alternatives by the facilitator team ensures alignment with the real needs of the people. Evaluation and optimization of alternatives involve active participation from the people, who contribute to selecting the optimal alternative based on their genuine needs. Urban management also considers economic and technical factors in choosing the optimal option.During the implementation stage, urban management plays a critical role in ensuring the design team's recommendations are executed properly by selecting the right contractors. The involvement of the social council, representing the people, is essential in monitoring the implementation process in line with the goals and needs assessment.In the post-implementation stage, continuous monitoring and modification are necessary, with direct input from the people through the facilitator team and urban management. This promotes the long-term continuity and success of the plan, fostering a culture of participation.

    Keywords: implementation, participation, small-scale participatory projects, Mahalle Ma project, Mashhad
  • Bahare Sadat Mousavi, Ata Abdollahi Kakroodi *, Samane Arvandi Pages 99-112

    Globally, the physical growth of cities is recognized as a major threat to natural and ecological resources, with a variety of effects including land use change, increased pollution, increased earth surface temperatures, and climate change in both urban and non-urban areas. Planning to minimize the negative environmental effects of urban growth can be aided by quantifying and monitoring the changes caused by urban development in the Tasseled cap of the surface. Urban management and planning can also be derived from the quantitative and qualitative effects of climatic conditions on the type and amount of changes in the Tasseled cap of the surface due to physical expansion of the cities. Furthermore, weather conditions are the primary and effective factor on the type and amount of changes in the Tasseled cap properties of the surface. Considering field measurement is a time-consuming and expensive technique, remote sensing technology will be helpful and effective to overcome this challenge because of its large and continuous coverage, immediate access, and availability of data at various local, regional, and global scales.

    Theoretical Framework:

    Urbanization leads to an increase in land surface temperature (LST). In general, at the patch scale, the more compact the urban growth, the more easily the surface warmed. In most temperature zones, it was found that edge expansion and infilling had significant and favorable correlations with LST. Positive correlations were found in the warm temperature and plateau climatic zones, while negative correlations were seen in the subtropical and intermediate temperature zones, indicating that the influence of outliers on LST had opposite effects in these regions. The findings also demonstrated that LST was significantly influenced in diverse ways by patch area, industrial firm density, population density, and road density. This study further verified the existence of a scale effect; moreover, the results of patch-scale research based on the microscopic perspective were deemed to be more accurate. Overall, understanding the quantitative relationships between UGP and LST is helpful for assessing the complexity of urban climates and for providing a scientific basis for planners and urban managers to optimize urban layouts, (Rao et al., 2021: 105314).


    The physical development of cities and their impact on the surface's Tasseled cap have been the subject of numerous studies. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of different climatic conditions on the changes in Tasseled cap by using remote sensing. The cities of Kashan, Bandar Anzali, and Sirjan were chosen as the study regions for this research because of their diversity in geographical features, climatic features, and land cover. So, between 1991 and 2021, the effects of various climatic conditions and changes in thermal temperature on these cities were examined. For this purpose, satellite images of Landsat 5 TM sensor and Landsat 8 OLI sensor used.


    This study investigated the effect of climatic conditions on the spatial and temporal changes in Tasseled cap, including LST, in three cities in Iran: Kashan, Sirjan, and Bandar Anzali. The results showed that urban expansion has led to an increase in LST in all three cities. However, the increase in LST was more pronounced in Kashan, which has a hot and dry climate, than in Sirjan and Bandar Anzali, which have more humid climates. This is because the reduction of vegetation cover in urban areas reduces evaporation and transpiration, which leads to an increase in surface temperature.The study also found that the changes in other Tasseled cap indices, such as brightness and wetness, were also affected by climatic conditions. In the humid cities of Bandar Anzali and Sirjan, the increase in LST was accompanied by an increase in brightness and wetness. This is because the presence of vegetation helps to reflect sunlight and retain moisture, which helps to cool the surface. In contrast, in the hot and dry city of Kashan, the increase in LST was accompanied by a decrease in brightness and wetness.The findings of this study suggest that the planning and management of urban areas should take into account the local climatic conditions. In hot and dry climates, it is important to preserve vegetation cover to help reduce surface temperatures. In humid climates, it is important to design urban spaces in a way that maximizes the benefits of vegetation, such as shading and moisture retention.The study also suggests that future studies should consider the effects of climatic conditions on the changes in Tasseled cap in different cities. This will help to improve our understanding of the relationship between urban development and climate change.

    Keywords: urban development, spatio-temporal variations, land surface temperature, and Tasseled cap properties