فهرست مطالب

Educational Research - Volume:2 Issue: 4, Autumn 2023

Iranian Journal of Educational Research
Volume:2 Issue: 4, Autumn 2023

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1402/09/10
  • تعداد عناوین: 9
  • Mohadese Mortezapour, Hossien Jenaabadi*, Afsaneh Marziyeh Pages 1-18

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between perceived teacher expectations and cognitive engagement, with a focus on the mediating role of academic self-efficacy among students with learning disorders.


    The research design employed in this study was descriptive and correlational. The target population consisted of all fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students with learning disorders in Birjand city, Iran, in the year 2023, totaling 140 individuals. Utilizing Morgan's table, a random sample of 103 students was selected. The research instruments used in this study included the Teacher's perceived expectations questionnaire (Bulach, 2002), Academic Engagement Questionnaire (Zerang, 2012) and Academic Self-efficacy Scale (Midgley et al. (2000) . Structural equation modeling was employed to analyze the proposed model.


    The findings of this study indicated that the proposed model exhibited favorable fit indices. Specifically, the analyzed model revealed a significant and direct relationship between perceived teacher expectations and both cognitive engagement and academic self-efficacy among students with learning disabilities (P<0.01). Additionally, a significant and direct relationship was observed between academic self-efficacy and cognitive engagement among these students (P<0.01). Moreover, academic self-efficacy was found to play a significant mediating role in the association between perceived teacher expectations and cognitive engagement among students with learning disabilities (P<0.01).


    Overall, the results of this study provide support for the influence of teacher expectations on cognitive engagement and academic achievement among students with learning disorders, while also affirming the mediating role of academic self-efficacy.

    Keywords: Perceived teacher expectations, Learning disorders, Academic self-efficacy, Cognitive engagement
  • Zahra Dolati, Beheshteh Niusha*, Fatemeh Shaterian Mohammadi Pages 19-34

    The primary aim of the present study was to ascertain the role of social support as a mediator in the association between the emotional climate within the family and the psychological well-being of individuals who have been discharged from Tehran hospitals following their battle with the Covid-19 disease.


    The research employed structural equation modeling as its methodology, with the statistical population consisting of all individuals who had been discharged from Tehran hospitals due to Covid-19 between the years 2021 and 2022. Among this population, a sample of 400 individuals was selected using accessible and purposive sampling techniques. Data collection was conducted through the utilization of the short form of the psychological well-being questionnaire (Reif, 1989), the family emotional climate questionnaire (Hillburn, 1964), and the multidimensional scale of perceived social support (Zimmet et al., 1988). Data analysis was carried out employing the structural equation modeling method in AMOS 24 and SPSS 26 software.


    The findings of the study indicated that the emotional atmosphere within the family has a positive impact on both social support and the psychological well-being of patients who have been discharged from the hospital after being affected by Covid-19. Moreover, social support was found to have a positive and significant influence on the psychological well-being of these patients. Further analysis of the mediation effect revealed that social support plays a mediating role in the relationship between the emotional atmosphere within the family and psychological well-being.


    The results of this study provide support for the importance of attending to the psychological state of patients following hospital discharge and for the provision of social support and a positive emotional climate within the family as means of enhancing their psychological well-being.

    Keywords: Covid-19 patients, Family emotional atmosphere, Social support, Psychological well-being
  • Adeleh Emamjomeh, Ali Reza Manzari Tavakoli*, Hamid Molayi Zarandi Pages 35-46

    The purpose of this research is to examine a predicting model of marital satisfaction based on worry domains and psychosocial adjustment in female diabetic patients (referred to specialized diabetes clinics in Tehran) in 2023.


    The current research is a correlational design based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population included all married people with type 2 diabetes (age range 30 to 55 years) referring to specialized diabetes clinics in Tehran in the summer and fall of 2023, which are 2143 people. The sample included 412 married female patients who were selected by systematic random sampling. The research tools of The Worry Domains Questionnaire (WDQ) (Tallis et al., 1992), The Psychosocial Adjustment Scale (Derogatis & Derogatis, 1990), and Nathan H.'s Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire. In order to analyze the hypotheses, the structural equation method via AMOS software was used.


    Results showed a significant negative relationship between the worry domains and marital satisfaction and a significant positive relationship between psychosocial adjustment and marital satisfaction. According to the findings, the proposed model has good fit indices. Also, according to the findings, 23 and 38 percent of changes in marital satisfaction are explained by worry domains and psychosocial adjustment, respectively.


    The findings support the role of psychosocial adjustment in improving marital satisfaction and the reducing effect of worry domains on marital satisfaction.

    Keywords: Marital satisfaction, Worry domains, Psychosocial adjustment, Female diabetic patients
  • Mohammad Hossein Zebhi Zarchi, Fatemeh Jalayer, Tayebeh Gholamzadeh Bafghi, Elnaz Hajiyousefi, Behnaz Hatamikia, Fattaneh Amirmahmoudi* Pages 47-57

    The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of acceptance and commitment therapy on marital satisfaction and sexual performance in couples experiencing emotional divorce.


    The participants in this research consisted of couples seeking medical assistance in Yazd city. A sample of 30 individuals was selected using an accessible sampling method and divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group underwent eight treatment sessions based on acceptance and commitment therapy. Data were collected using a questionnaire that measured marital satisfaction and sexual performance.


    Analysis of the data using covariance analysis revealed that therapy based on acceptance and commitment had a significant impact on reducing marital dissatisfaction and enhancing sexual performance in couples experiencing emotional divorce.


    The findings of this study suggest that third wave treatments, such as acceptance and commitment therapy, can positively influence emotional well-being and relationship dynamics due to their educational and experiential nature.

    Keywords: Acceptance, commitment therapy, Marital satisfaction, Couples, Sexual performance
  • Seyed Mohammad Sobhani*, Morteza Soltani, Mohammad Reza Fathi Pages 58-74

    The emerging concept of value co-creation marketing as a new paradigm; is a shift from an organization-based perspective to a more moderate perspective upon interactions among the organization, customers, and value co-creation experience leading to frequent mutual interaction. Co-creation amongst companies and customers is one of the most prospective areas in both consumers' cyber-space and the real world, and also quite an emerging research territory which has not been the target of particular research studies in Iran yet; however, the same handful of studies are conducted to highlight the necessity for more rigorous investigations to understand this phenomenon. This research intends to explore the value co-creation fields and mechanisms of Foreign Language Institutions located in Iran.


    The present study utilizes Mixed-Methods Research; initially, the main themes were extracted from the studies relevant to co-creation through Thematic Analysis Method which were verified by twenty experts and specialists selected via judgmental sampling. Then, the Pairwise Comparison Matrix questionnaires were provided and distributed amid twelve career experts by theoretical and targeted sampling for the Fuzzy DEMATEL Method in pursuance of the ranking of Fields and Mechanisms.


    The findings expressed that value co-creation has five main Fields and 27 Mechanisms (The five main fields' subsets) in Foreign Language Institutions that can substantially contribute to the management board pursuing mutual satisfaction and sense of engagement leading to effective performance in this market of intense and cut-throat rivalry.


    The findings can be used as a basis for strengthening mechanisms of value co-creation in foreign language institutions.

    Keywords: Value Co-creation, Education, Foreign Language Institutions, Language Learner
  • Mohammad Panahandehpour, Ahmad Hashemi*, Mokhtar Ranjbar, Abbas Goltash Pages 75-104

     This study aimed to identify the dimensions and components of the preschool curriculum based on Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory.


    The study utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the dimensions and components of the preschool curriculum model. The researchers investigated articles, books, and research papers conducted both domestically and internationally on reputable and authenticated online database networks, spanning from 2000 to 2023. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS statistical software in the quantitative phase. The statistical population of the study was 371 principals of pre-schools located in Bushehr province in the academic year 2021-2022, and by using the Krejci-Morgan table, we selected 181 Principals as a sample.  To validate the quantitative section of the study, the confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. 


    The results of the study revealed that the preschool curriculum model had seven components,  including: paying attention to educating and informing families; utilizing new and creative teaching methods in preschool; paying attention to the role and effects of communication and an appropriate educational environment; comprehensiveness and appropriateness of the educational content of preschool programs; educational facilities and resources, appropriateness of the preschool programs with society’s culture; and the role of governance of macro-management in supporting preschool program.


    Based on the findings, we conclude that the integration of Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory into the design of a preschool curriculum holds great potential for creating a more comprehensive and effective educational experience for young children.

    Keywords: Curriculum, Early Childhood, Ecological System, Preschool
  • Mokhtar Zakeri*, Marjan Moayeri Pages 105-123

    This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of work and technology projects in developing the scientific skills of middle school students, according to the Fundamental Transformation Document of Education  (Iran). The field has evolved from technical and professional education to modern technology education due to social, economic, and technological changes. The focus is based on the 20-year vision document and the Fundamental Transformation Document of Education.


    The research was carried out using a qualitative method and an inductive coding system. The studied population consisted of managers, students, and teachers of the first secondary level in Hormozgan province, Iran. Sampling was done using the purposeful sampling method, following the principles of saturation and maximum diversity, which reached saturation with 15 people.


    The research reveals mixed opinions on the effectiveness of work and technology projects in enhancing students' scientific skills. Five scientific fields are needed to improve students' skills: technology, financial, ethical, motivational, and artistic. The fundamental transformation document of education focuses on work and technology projects. However, teachers often avoid using these projects due to a lack of facilities, inappropriateness, academic weakness, and lack of motivation.


    Considering the impact of work and technology projects on the skills training dimension of the education system, it is necessary to analyze the situation of teachers across the province and the country by using the components introduced in this research and, on the other hand, to examine the context of including expressions and concepts that empower work and technology teachers in the content of the educational and training management program.

    Keywords: Effectiveness, Secondary school students, Fundamental transformation document of education
  • Farzad Poorgholamy, Setareh Mohannaee*, Nafisseh Shamoradi, Mitra Razavi Klishadi, Bamshad Eskandari Pages 124-137

    The objective of this research was to examine the impact of solution-oriented group counseling on enhancing job burnout and resilience among working women who seek assistance from counseling centers in Bushehr.


    The research employed a semi-experimental method with a pre-test and post-test design, including a control group. The statistical population for this study consisted of all working women who sought counseling services in Bushehr during the first six months of 1402. The sample size consisted of 30 individuals who were selected using purposive sampling and assigned to either the experimental or control group. The research utilized the solution-oriented group counseling protocol developed by Riahiniya (2013), as well as the job burnout questionnaires created by Moslesh (1981) and the resilience questionnaire developed by Connor and Davidson (2003).


    The results indicated that solution-oriented group counseling led to improvements in all components of job burnout, specifically emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and individual performance, for the experimental group compared to the control group. Furthermore, the experimental group demonstrated improvements in various aspects of resilience, such as competence, personal strength, trust in personal instincts, tolerance of negative emotions, positive acceptance of emotions, safe relationships, and control of security, compared to the control group.


    . In conclusion, this research suggests that the implementation of solution-oriented group counseling can contribute to the enhancement of job burnout and resilience among working women.

    Keywords: Solution-oriented group counseling, Job burnout, Resilience
  • Mostafa Zahirinia*, Hassan Khezri Pages 138-149

    Social well-being stands as a pivotal component of individuals' holistic well-being and quality of life, indicating their contentment with social connections, societal contributions, and sense of affiliation. The assessment of social well-being across diverse populations holds paramount importance in elucidating the variations in individuals' experiences and facilitating interventions aimed at bolstering their well-being. Hence, the present study sought to assess the validity and reliability of the Social Well-being Scale devised by Corey Keyes within an Iranian sample.


    The study adopted a descriptive-psychometric approach, with the statistical population comprising all females aged 20-50 in Hormozgan province, Iran in the year 2022. A sample size of 300 women was selected through stratified sampling. The study incorporated the employment of the Well-being Scale created by Corey Keyes (1998) and the Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire developed by Ryff et al. (2010).


    The outcomes of the confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated a satisfactory model fit, aligning with the five-factor model as per the original theoretical framework. Moreover, further validation was established through statistically significant correlations identified between dimensions of social well-being and scores on psychological well-being. The reliability analysis also indicated strong internal consistency across all dimensions of well-being.


    The adoption of this reliable and validated scale proves to be instrumental in evaluating social well-being during adulthood within the Iranian context. It not only enables a more comprehensive exploration of mental health research but also facilitates opportunities for assessment and intervention grounded in a positive paradigm.</span></span></span></span></div>

    Keywords: Social Well-Being Scale, Validity, Reliability, Iranian Women