فهرست مطالب

پژوهش نامه ی آموزش زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان - پیاپی 25 (بهار و تابستان 1402)

پژوهش نامه ی آموزش زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان
پیاپی 25 (بهار و تابستان 1402)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1402/07/05
  • تعداد عناوین: 10
  • حمید طاهری صفحه 0

    آدمی مخفی است در زیر زبان                                     این زبان پرده ست بر درگاه جان
    بر صاحبان اندیشه و قلم وپژوهشگران عرصه زبان پر واضح است که اگر ابزار ورسانه‏ای چون زبان نبود، چه تکیه‏گاهی برای اندیشه می‏یافتیم وگنجینه اسرار خود را چگونه به دیگران عرضه می‏داشتیم وهیجانات و احساسات درون خویش را چگونه بیان می‏کردیم. روزگار موجود روزگار ارتباطات است و هنوز پیشتازترین و مهمترین وسیله ارتباط جمعی زبان است و بس.زبان پهنه ظهور هر آن چیزی است که اجتماع را شکل می‏دهد وداشته‏های اجتماعی، فرهنگی، علمی، ادبی و هنری را بازمی‏تاباند. عالم و مسلط بر زبان هر ملتی شریک اندیشه‏ها، خلاقیت‏ها و فرهنگ و آداب و سنن آن ملت است. بی‏روی نیست که این همه تکاپو و تلاش در فهم زبان‏های دنیا به خرج می‏رود. زبان فارسی نیز با پشتوانه‏های فرهنگی وعلمی گرانسنگ و پربهایی که دارد، همیشه قبله علاقه‏مندان و عاشقان روزگاران دراز و متمدی بوده و هست.
    درجهان امروز روش‏ها و نظریه‏های متعددی در پیشرفت و اعتلای آموزش زبان دوم پیدا و مبانی و بنیادهای آن‏ها شیوع یافته‏اند وتلاش‏های ارزنده‏ای نیز در آموزش و واکاوی ماهیت زبان انجام داده‏اند؛ اما به دلیل ماهیت کاملا ذهنی زبان، نتوانسته‏اند کل ذات و حقیقت زبان و به تبع یادگیری و آموزش آن را روشن کنند و پیداست که پس از اندک زمانی جای خود را به روش‏ها و نظریات دیگر داده‏اند واین فرایند وتطور وتحول در فهم حقیقت زبان وشیوه‏های درست آموزش آن همچنان ادامه دارد و با نقدها و داوری‏های درست و دقیق،اشکالات روش‏ها وشیوه‏های آموزش زبان مشخص می‏شود.
    همچنین به دلایل بسیار بالاخص صرفه‏جویی در وقت و استفاده از فن‏آوری برتر در آموزش زبان ودخالت رایانه در فهم، درک و دریافت زبان، آموزش مجازی زبان دوم از دیگر انگیزه‏ها و سایقه‏های واکاوی زبان و آموزش درست وسریع آن است.
    از دیگر سو ودر کنار اهمیتی که زبان وشیوه آموزش آن در عصرحاضر دارد، جایگاه ممتاز مدرسان زبان دوم نیز بسیار برجسته و پر رنگ مورد توجه علاقه‏مندان وپژوهشگران آموزش زبان قرارگرفته است. تسلط وی به زبان و شناخت زبان آموز، علم کافی به چگونگی انتقال دانش زبانی، فهم عمیق فرهنگ و پشتوانه فرهنگی زبانی که قصد آموزش آن را دارد، از مسایلی است که پژوهندگان به آن توجه زیاد داشته و تحقیقات افراوانی رانیز در این موضوع انجام داده‏اند.
    درکنار پژوهش‏های گوناگون در حوزه‏ها و سطوح متنوع زبان، معنی پژوهان ونظریه‏های معنی‏شناسی هم به اهمیت معنی در آموزش زبان وتولید محتوای آموزشی توجه داشته‏اند و اقدام به فعالیت‏های ارزنده علمی در این زمینه کرده‏اند و نتایج آن تلاش‏های علمی را عرضه کرده‏اند ونیز تحولاتی که زبان در طی سالیان متمادی چه براثر عوامل برون زبانی و چه درون زبانی در همه واحدها و دستگاه‏های تشکیل دهنده زبان مانند آوا، معنا، واژگان، نحو و... به وقوع پیوسته، مورد مطالعه وبررسی وتحلیل قرار داده‏اند.
    درشماره‏های 25 و26 «پژوهش‏نامه آموزش زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان» سعی شده پژوهش‏های فراگیری مبتنی بر رویکردهای یادشده به زبان، ارایه شود تا دوستداران و زبان‏آموزان، استادان ومدرسان زبان بتوانند در عرصه آموزش از این فعالیت‏های پژوهشی نهایت استفاده را ببرند.
    این نشریه علمی با رویکرد بسیار خاصی که به زبان و آموزش زبان دارد و با دقت نظر و وسواس خاص علمی نسبت به انتشار پژوهش‏های موثر وکاربردی، سال‏های متمادی است که رتبه الف را در بین مجلات مورد تایید وزارت علوم، تحقیقات وفن‏آوری کسب می‏کند. این توفیق بی شک وامدار ارایه پژوهش‏های ارزنده فعالان عرصه علم واندیشه است وزحمات وتلاش‏های مسولان ودست‏اندرکاران امور این نشریه وزین و در راس همه این عوامل، عنایات پروردگار علیم.

  • اعظم رستمی، رضا مراد صحرایی* صفحات 3-22

    تمایز گفتار و نوشتار به عنوان دو گونه ی کاربردی زبان، حوزه ای بحث برانگیز در تحقیقات زبان شناسی نوین است. زبان فارسی از این منظر به دلیل اختلاف قابل توجه بین گونه های گفتاری و نوشتاری می تواند از پیچیدگی های خاصی در امر آموزش، به خصوص در ارتباط با غیرفارسی زبان ها برخوردار باشد. از این رو، در این پژوهش برآنیم به بررسی میزان استفاده از صورت های گفتاری در تولیدات فارسی آموزان خارجی بپردازیم و به دنبال آگاهی از این مطلب هستیم که زبان آموزان بدون دریافت آموزش مستقیم فارسی گفتاری و تنها با اتکا به محیط بومی که در آن قرار دارند تا چه اندازه می توانند از صورت های گفتاری به درستی در تولیدات خود استفاده کنند و آیا این تولیدات تابع الگوی خاصی هستند یا خیر. نمونه های این تحقیق از برون داد گفتاری و نوشتاری فارسی آموزان موسسه ی دهخدا در سطح میانی جمع آوری شده است. نتایج تحقیق بیانگر آن است که زبان آموزان با وجود این که در محیط آموزشی خود در موسسه ی دهخدا تنها به روش دانشگاهی و با تمرکز بر مهارت های خواندن و دستور آموزش دیده بودند، بدون برخورداری از آموزش مستقیم فارسی گفتاری و تنها با اتکا به محیط زبان بومی که در آن حضور داشته اند، توانسته اند به تولید فارسی گفتاری بپردازند. و دیگر این که صورت های گفتاری درست بیشتر به حوزه ی واژگان تعلق دارند تا دستور. شایان ذکر است که در تبیین داده های این پژوهش از نظریه ی پردازش درون داد به طور عام و اصل تقدم واژه های محتوایی به طور خاص استفاده شده است. بررسی داده ها نمایانگر این مطلب است که مطابق این نظریه، تولیدات از الگوی خاصی پیروی می کنند.

    کلیدواژگان: فارسی گفتاری، فارسی نوشتاری، نظریه پردازش درون داد، واژه های محتوایی و واژه های دستوری
  • محمدباقر میرزایی حصاریان*، لیلا گل پور، امیررضا وکیلی فرد صفحات 23-43

    یکی از گام های اساسی و ضروری در آموزش زبان فارسی به غیرفارسی زبانان (آزفا)، جمع آوری و ثبت داده های خام زبانی و تهیه پیکره زبان آموز فارسی آموزان غیرایرانی و توصیف داده های آن با استفاده از نظریه های زبان شناسی است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف برداشتن گامی در راستای ایجاد پیکره زبانی فارسی آموزان غیرایرانی انجام شده است. داده های خام زبانی پژوهش برای تهیه پیکره مورد نظر برگرفته از آزمون نگارش پایان دوره فارسی آموزان چینی مرکز آموزش زبان فارسی دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی(ره) (90 فارسی آموز سطح فراپایه(A2) و 36 فارسی آموز سطح فرامیانی(B2)) است و برچسب گذاری نحوی برپایه دستور مقوله و میزان و توصیف باطنی از دستور زبان فارسی و به صورت دستی انجام شده است. تعداد ده برچسب دستوری شامل جمله، بند؛ بند مرتبه بندی شده و بند واژگون مرتبه؛ بند خودایستا و بند ناخودایستا، گروه فعلی، گروه اسمی(متمم و مسند الیه) و گروه قیدی در نوشتار فارسی آموزان ثبت شده است. پیکره تهیه شده مجموعا از 126 متن نوشتاری شامل 212 پاراگراف و 29857 واژه ، 3175 جمله، 4912 بند، 19369 گروه شامل 4912 گروه فعلی، 8760 گروه اسمی و 4912 گروه قیدی شامل ادات و گروه های حرف اضافه ای تشکیل شده است. پژوهش همچنین کارایی دستور توصیفی باطنی را که مبتنی بر دستور مقوله و میزان است، در برچسب گذاری نحوی نوشتار فارسی آموزان چینی تایید می کند.

    کلیدواژگان: پیکره زبان آموز، دستور مقوله و میزان، نوشتار، فارسی‏ آموز چینی، فراپایه، فرامیانی
  • زهرا سمائی، عطیه کامیابی گل*، محمود مهرآوران صفحات 45-72

    آزمون و آزمون سازی همواره بخش جدانشدنی آموزش زبان است. وجود یک آزمون تعیین سطح استانده برای مراکز آموزش زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان (آزفا) امری ضروری است؛ بدین منظور برای اولین بار آزمون تعیین سطح متناسب با منابع آموزش زبان فارسی جامعه المصطفی(ص) طراحی و اعتبارسنجی گردید. هدف پژوهش، طراحی آزمون استاندارد هنجار شده و علمی برای تعیین سطح زبان فارسی، در سه سطح مبتدی، میانی،و پیشرفته بر اساس مجموعه کتاب های«پارسا» است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش 135 فارسی آموز مراکز آموزش زبان فارسی جامعه المصطفی(ص) از چهار ملیت مختلف، در ایران و ترکیه بودند که به صورت نمونه گیری در دسترس جهت شرکت در پژوهش دعوت شدند. آزمون شامل بخش های واژگان و دستور، شنیدار، خواندار، نوشتار و گفتار است. تحلیل سوال های آزمون با استفاده از فرمول های ضریب تمییز و ضریب دشواری محاسبه گردید که نتایج نشان دهنده قدرت تشخیص مناسب و قابل قبول بودن ضریب دشواری ماده های آزمون بود. روایی صوری و محتوایی آزمون ها نیز با استفاده از مصاحبه کتبی با 20 مدرس جامعه المصطفی(ص) واکاوی و تایید شد. در بخش شفاهی و سنجش مهارت گفتاری، پایایی بین نمرات دو ارزیاب، با ضریب کاپای کوهن محاسبه شد و نتایج حاکی از توافق قابل قبول بین آن ها بود. در نهایت، پایایی آزمون ها با استفاده از فرمول کودر- ریچاردسون21 محاسبه شد که نتیجه پایایی هر سه آزمون بالای 80% به دست آمد که نشان از مطلوب بودن آزمون ها دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: آزمون تعیین سطح زبان فارسی، پایایی، روایی، آزمون سازی زبان، مرکز آموزش زبان جامعه المصطفی(ص)
  • شهلا رقیب دوست، شهره مختاری* صفحات 73-100

    از آنجاکه فراگیری حروف اضافه، یکی از حوزه های چالش برانگیز آموزش و یادگیری زبان تلقی می شود و برخی از محققان اعتقاد دارند که این معانی به صورت تصادفی ایجاد شده و تنها روش یادگیری آنها حفظ نمودن این معانی است، پژوهش حاضر سعی دارد به کمک رویکرد معنی شناسی واژگانی شناختی، ابتدا شبکه معنایی حرف اضافه «به» را به دست آورد و سپس محتوایی منسجم برای آموزش کاربردهای گوناگون این حرف اضافه در ساختارها و بافت های گوناگون ارایه دهد. در این تحقیق همچنین، ویژگی های محتوای درسی آموزش حروف اضافه با رویکرد شناختی مطرح گردیده و درس نامه ای با محوریت حروف اضافه پیشنهاد شده است. محتوای آموزشی تدوین شده برای این حرف اضافه به دو کلاس 15 نفره از فارسی آموزان عرب زبان سطح میانی زن آموزش داده شد، به این صورت که برای گروه آزمایش درسی با رویکرد شناختی تهیه شد اما در گروه کنترل درسی به شیوه سنتی آموزش داده شد. سپس در آزمونی، درک و کاربرد مفاهیم گوناگون حرف اضافه «به» سنجیده شد. نتایج به دست آمده گویای آن است که گروه آزمایش نسبت به گروه کنترل عملکرد بهتری داشته است. این نتایج نشان دهنده این نکته است که چنین محتوا و طرح درسی که مبتنی بر طرح واره تصویری حرف اضافه است به درک و فراگیری منسجم کاربردهای گوناگون حروف اضافه در قالب یک مقوله شعاعی کمک فراوانی می کند.

    کلیدواژگان: آموزش فارسی به غیرفارسی زبانان، رویکرد معنی شناسی شناختی، حرف اضافه «_ به»، شبکه معنایی، محتوای آموزشی
  • شهره سادات سجادی، امیرحسین رستمی* صفحات 101-122

    یکی از مباحث مهمی که در سال های اخیر در حوزه روان شناسی مطرح شده، مبحث نوازه است که در امر آموزش بسیار کاربردی است؛ چرا که تاثیر احساسات بر کیفیت فعالیت های آموزشی، امری اجتناب ناپذیر است؛ تا جایی که بسیاری از مطالعات حاکی از این است که مدرسان با دادن نوازه مناسب به زبان آموزان، می توانند نقش مهمی در یادگیری آن ها ایفا کنند، اما آیا زبان آموزان نیز می توانند با ارایه نوازه مناسب، نقشی در احساسات مدرسان داشته باشند و فرسودگی شغلی آن ها را به تعویق بیاندازند؟ در این پژوهش سعی می کنیم؛ میزان تاثیر نوازه دهی زبان آموزان به مدرسان آموزش زبان فارسی به غیرفارسی زبانان را بررسی نماییم. به این منظور، 16 نفر از مدرسان آموزش زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان، به دو پرسش نامه پیش ساخته (Badri Gargari, 2012 ; Yazdanpour, 2014)به صورت برخط پاسخ دادند. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد؛ همان طور که نوازه دهی از جانب معلم بر پیشرفت زبان آموزان اثرگذار است، نوازه گیری معلم از زبان آموزان نیز می تواند بر کیفیت تدریس وی و همچنین کاهش فرسودگی شغلی او بسیار موثر باشد. همچنین نتایج نشان می دهد؛ از بین انواع نوازه، ارایه نوازه مثبت تا حد زیادی رابطه معکوس با فرسودگی شغلی مدرسان داشته و همچنین با کیفیت تدریس آن ها رابطه مستقیم دارد؛ در صورتی که نوازه ارایه شده توسط زبان آموزان منفی بوده و یا این که نوازه ای ارایه نشود، منجر به فرسودگی شغلی و عدم کیفیت در تدریس مدرسان زبان فارسی می شود. به عبارت دیگر؛ نوازه منفی و یا نبود ارایه نوازه، رابطه مستقیم با میزان فرسودگی شغلی مدرسان آزفا دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: نوازه، فرسودگی شغلی، مدرسان آزفا، کارآمدی معلم، کیفیت تدریس
  • حسین میهمی*، بهرخ عبدلی صفحات 123-146

    با پیشرفت فناوری های نوین در آموزش زبان های خارجی، اهمیت ارایه راهکارهای چندوجهی و بنیادین برای مقابله با چالش های استفاده از فناوری در آموزش مهارت های مختلف زبانی از جمله درک مطلب بیش از پیش نمایان است. هدف از این پژوهش بکارگیری پدیدارشناسی استعلایی جهت بررسی تجربیات معلمان زبان انگلیسی در ایران و کشف راهکار های موثر آنها برای مقابله با چالش های آموزش درک مطلب زبان انگلیسی کلاس های مجازی بود. در این پژوهش با استفاده از روش پدیدارشناسی استعلایی تجارب 8 معلم زبان انگلیسی از راهکارهای مقابله با چالش های تدریس درک مطلب زبان انگلیسی مورد بررسی قرارگرفت. نتایج حاصل از بررسی روایت ها و مصاحبه های پدیدارشناسانه با استفاده از روش تحلیل پدیدارشناسی پنج مرحله ای گیورگی (Giorgi, 2009) نشان داد دو راهکار 1) اهمیت بسترسازی فناوری های جدید در رشد دانش فناوری آموزشی و 2) اهمیت بسترسازی فناوری های جدید در تقویت نگرش مثبت به استفاده از فناوری می تواند موجبات حل چالش های آموزش درک مطلب انگلیسی در کلاس های مجازی را فراهم نماید. از یافته های این پژوهش می توان نتیجه گرفت که راهکارهای مقابله با چالش های تدریس مجازی درک مطلب زبان انگلیسی در دو ساختار سطحی و عمیق مورد توجه است. راهکارها در ساختار سطحی به مانند افزایش سرعت اینترنت می توانند چالش ها را برای مدت زمانی محدود و در برخی محیط ها برطرف نمایند. راهکارهای سطح عمیق که هدف این پژوهش پدیدارشناسانه استعلایی بودند، به دلیل ماهیت چندوجهی باعث می شوند که چالش ها به صورت ریشه ای حل شوند.

    کلیدواژگان: درک مطلب انگلیسی، کلاس مجازی، پدیدارشناسی استعلایی
  • عبدالرضا نادری فر، شکوفه وکیلی لطیف*، سامان عبادی صفحات 147-166

    این مقاله به بررسی چگونگی استفاده از تمرینات آگاهی انگیزی در مجموعه کتاب های آموزش زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان پرداخته است. ضرورت و نحوه تدریس گرامر همواره از مسایل بحث برانگیز در حیطه آموزش زبان دوم بوده است. طرفداران نظریه تحجر (fossilization) و بهینه سازی(fine-tuning) دانش زبانی معتقدند که توجه ویژه به گرامر در حوزه آموزش زبان دوم رشد دانش زبان شناختی یادگیرندگان را به همراه دارد و منجر به تولید جملات خوش ساختی از سوی آنان می شود . در این راستا، سه ساختار گرامری مشترک بین متداولترین مجموعه کتابهای آموزش زبان فارسی در ایران بطور تصادفی انتخاب و بررسی شدند. بر طبق نتایج این بررسی، الگوی اصلی آموزش گرامر در این کتابها روش ارایه- تمرین است که منجر به سطح بالایی از درستی در تولید ساختارهای گرامری می شود. این کتابها روش استنتاجی را دنبال می کنند و به دنبال ایحاد آگاهی انگیزی نیستند. علی رغم اینکه روش استنتاجی باعث سرعت در آموزش میشود و توضیحات دقیق تری را در بر دارد، اما این نکته منفی راترویج میکند که یادگیری گرامر مستلزم تعامل یادگیرندگان با مطالب کتابهای آموزشی نیست. مهمتر اینکه، این کتابها نمی توانند دو سبک یاد گیری تحلیلی و جامع نگر را پوشش دهند و قدرت تجزیه و تحلیل یادگیرندگان را ارتقا دهند. به همین دلیل، ارتقا آگاهی طراحان کتابهای آموزشی از توانایی های باقوه الگوهای ارایه گرامر ضروری است.

    کلیدواژگان: گرامر، روش استنباطی و استنتاجی، ارائه، تمرین، تولید زبان
  • آرزو امین خندقی، احسان قبول*، ادموند هرزیگ، محمد تقوی صفحات 167-198

    نگارش دانشگاهی برای دانشجویان غیرفارسی زبان، مهارتی مهم است و روش تکلیف محور، یکی از روش های کارآمد در آموزش زبان به شمار می آید. از این رو، بررسی وضعیت آموزش آن در منابع آموزشی ضروری است. یکی از اقدامات مهم برای آسیب شناسی آموزش مهارت نگارش دانشگاهی، بررسی منابع آموزشی بر اساس روش های کارآمد و با استفاده از بازبینه های برگرفته از این روش ها  است. با وجود این اهمیت، تاکنون بازبینه ای مستقل برای بررسی و تحلیل نقادانه منابع آموزش نگارش دانشگاهی تدوین و طراحی نشده است؛ بنابراین هدف این پژوهش، طراحی بازبینه ای برای ارزیابی مهارت نگارش دانشگاهی در کتاب های آموزش زبان است که در این راستا، جلد پنجم مجموعه آموزش نوین زبان فارسی، برای ارزیابی بر پایه این بازبینه برگزیده شده است. برای دستیابی به این هدف، پس از تبیین نگارش دانشگاهی و اصول روش تکلیف محور، برای نخستین بار بازبینه ای شش شاخصی؛ شامل اصول کلی روش تکلیف محور، چرخهتکلیف، تمرکز بر دستور، ابعاد و ویژگی های مختلف تکلیف، انواع تکالیف و استفاده از تکالیف نوشتاری طراحی شد؛ سپس انواع تکالیف جلد پنجم کتاب آموزش نوین زبان فارسی، به سه دسته تکالیف مستقیم نگارشی، غیرمستقیم نگارشی و بی ارتباط به نگارش تقسیم بندی شد و تکالیف مستقیم و غیرمستقیم نگارشی، استفاده از شاخص های بازبینه ابداعی تحلیل شد. دستاورد این پژوهش، طراحی و ابداع بازبینه تحلیل آموزش نگارش دانشگاهی، بر بنیاد روش تکلیف محور بر اساس منابع اصلی و به روز این حوزه از دانش آموزش زبان و نیز نقد و ارزیابی یکی از کتاب های رایج آموزش زبان فارسی به غیرفارسی زبانان در داخل و خارج از کشور است. بازبینه موردنظر و روش نقد منبع یاد شده را می توانیم در ارزیابی دیگر کتاب های آموزش زبان به کار بندیم. یافته های این جستار نشان می دهد؛ منبع مورد مطالعه، از نظر مطابقت با روش تکلیف محور، در سطح متوسط قرار دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: بازبینه، ارزیابی، نگارش دانشگاهی، آموزش نوین زبان فارسی، روش تکلیف محور
  • ابراهیم رضاپور*، ابوالفضل موچانی صفحات 168-194

    این پژوهش، در چارچوب دستور نقش گرای نظام مند هلیدی، به بررسی و مقایسه ی نوع افعالی که فارسی آموزان خارجی سطح پیشرفته زن و مرد در نوشتار خود استفاده کرده اند، می پردازد. یادگیری افعال در فراگیری ساختار معنایی و دستوری هر زبان اهمیت زیادی دارد. افعال در دستور نقش گرای نظام مند هلیدی و فرانقش اندیشگانی، در قالب فرایندها بازنمایی می شوند. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی تاثیر جنسیت بر استفاده فارسی آموزان سطح پیشرفته از فرایندها در چارچوب دستور نقش گرای نظام مند هلیدی است. نمونه آماری و پیکره مورداستفاده در این پژوهش نوشتار 248 نفر از فارسی آموزان خارجی سطح پیشرفته زن و مرد مرکز آموزش زبان فارسی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد است. روش نمونه گیری این پژوهش از نوع نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده است. روش کار بدین صورت انجام شد که نوشتار 248 نفر از فارسی آموزان بر اساس جنسیت تفکیک شد (124 نفر زن و 124 نفر مرد). سپس تمام فعل های به کاررفته در نوشتار فارسی آموزان مرد و زن براساس تقسیم بندی هلیدی تعیین شد. سپس تعداد و درصد توزیع انواع فرایندها محاسبه و نتایج با هم مقایسه شد. برای بررسی معنادار بودن تفاوت ها میان زنان و مردان، از آزمون آماری خی دو استفاده شد. سرانجام، این نتایج حاصل شد که فرایند مادی و رابطه ای، پربسامدترین فرایندها و فرایندهای وجودی و کلامی کم بسامدترین فرایندها در نوشتار فارسی آموزان سطح پیشرفته هستند. زنان بیش از مردان از فرایندهای مختلف استفاده کرده اند. مردان 26/3 درصد بیشتر از زنان از فرایند مادی استفاده کرده اند. زنان 83/2 درصد بیشتر از مردان از فرایند ذهنی استفاده کرده اند که ازنظر آماری معنادار است.

    کلیدواژگان: گونه نوشتاری، فارسی آموزان خارجی، جنسیت، دستور نقش گرای نظام مند هلیدی، فرایند
  • Hmid Taheri Page 0

    چکیده [English] It is clear to scholars, writers and researchers in the field of language that if there was no media tool like language, what support would we find for thought, how would we present our secret thought treasures to others, and how would we express our inner emotions and feelings. This era is the age of communication, and the most important and leading means of mass communication is merely language. Language is the manifestation of everything that shapes society and reflects social, cultural, scientific, literary and artistic values. A language scholar and master of any country shares that nation’s ideas, creativity, culture, customs and traditions. It is not without reason that all this effort is spent on understanding the world’s languages. The Persian language, with its virtues and precious cultural and scientific support, has always been the favorite language of lovers and enthusiasts for a long time.
    Today, many methods and theories have been proposed in the development and improvement of second language education, and their foundations have spread, and valuable efforts have also been made in teaching and analyzing the nature of language; but due to the completely subjective nature of language, these methods have not been able to clarify the whole essence and truth of language and hence its learning and teaching. It is evident that after a while, they have given their place to other methods and theories, and this process of evolution in understanding the truth of the language and the correct ways of teaching it is still going on. Furthermore, the problems of language teaching methods are identified with correct and precise criticisms and judgments.
    Also, for many reasons, especially time-saving, the use of state-of-the-art technologies in language teaching, and the involvement of computers in understanding, comprehension and receiving the language, virtual teaching of the second language is one of the other motivations and drivers for language analysis and its correct and fast teaching.
    On the other hand, in addition to the importance of language and its teaching method in today’s era, the privileged position of second language teachers has also been very prominent and strongly noticed by language education enthusiasts and researchers. Teacher mastery of the language and knowledge of the learner, sufficient knowledge of how to transfer linguistic knowledge, deep understanding of the culture, and cultural support of the language he intends to teach are among the issues that researchers have paid much attention to and have done extensive research on this issue.
    In addition to different researches in various fields and levels of language, semanticians and semantic theories have also paid attention to the importance of meaning in language teaching and the production of educational content and have carried out valuable scientific activities in this field. The results of those scientific efforts have been presented, and also the changes that the language has undergone over the years due to extra-linguistic and intra-linguistic factors in all the units and systems that make up the language, such as sound, meaning, vocabulary, syntax, etc., have been studied and analyzed.
    In issues 25 and 26 of the JTPSOL, an attempt has been made to present comprehensive investigations based on the aforementioned approaches to language so that language lovers and learners, professors and language teachers can make the most of these research activities in the field of education.
    This journal has a very special approach to language and language education, and with remarkable scientific precision and obsession towards the publication of effective and practical investigations, it has been ranked A among the journals approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology for many years.
    This success is undoubtedly due to the valuable studies of the scholars in the field of science and thought, the hard work and efforts of the officials and those involved in the affairs of this prominent journal, and above all these factors, the blessings of Allah.

  • Azam Rostami, Reza Morad Sahraee * Pages 3-22

    The distinction between speech and writing as two types language skills is a controversial area in modern linguistic research. From this perspective, the Persian language, due to the considerable differences between the spoken and written forms, can be of particular complexity in education, especially in non-Persian languages. Therefore, in this research we intend to study the use of speech forms in Farsi productions of foreign learners and Besides we want to know to what extent language learners employ spoken words properly without provide them with direct Persian spoken instruction and relying solely on the native environment?. besides these products are subject to a particular pattern or not. Samples of this research were collected from intermediate level Persian students at Dehkhoda Institute. The results of this study indicate that language learners could produce spoken Persian without direct instruction of spoken form, and by relying only on the native language environment. They were taught only academically and with a focus on reading skills and grammar at Dehkhoda institute, furthermore spoken forms are used more accurately in vocabulary rather than in grammer. It is worth noting that in explaining the data of this study, the Input processing theory in general and the principle of content word priority in particular have been used. Analysis of the data has shown that according to this theory, products follow a certain pattern.

    Keywords: : spoken Persian, written Persian, Input processing theory, content words, grammatical words
  • Mohammad Bagher Mirzaei Hesarian *, Leyla Golpour, Amirreza Vakilifard Pages 23-43

    The distinction between speech and writing as two types language skills is a controversial area in modern linguistic research. From this perspective, the Persian language, due to the considerable differences between the spoken and written forms, can be of particular complexity in education, especially in non-Persian languages. Therefore, in this research we intend to study the use of speech forms in Farsi productions of foreign learners and Besides we want to know to what extent language learners employ spoken words properly without provide them with direct Persian spoken instruction and relying solely on the native environment?. besides these products are subject to a particular pattern or not.
    Samples of this research were collected from intermediate level Persian students at Dehkhoda Institute. The results of this study indicate that language learners could produce spoken Persian without direct instruction of spoken form, and by relying only on the native language environment. They were taught only academically and with a focus on reading skills and grammar at Dehkhoda institute, furthermore spoken forms are used more accurately in vocabulary rather than in grammer. It is worth noting that in explaining the data of this study, the Input processing theory in general and the principle of content word priority in particular have been used. Analysis of the data has shown that according to this theory, products follow a certain pattern.

    Keywords: Language learners corpora, Chinese learners of Persian, category, scale grammar, writing
  • Zahra Samaee, Atiyeh Kamyabi Gol *, Mahmood Mehravaran Pages 45-72

    Testing has always been an inseparable part of teaching. Having a test to determine the level of proficiency for Persian language teaching non-Persian speakers (Azfa) centers is a necessity. To this purpose, the first placement test based on the Persian language teaching textbooks of Al-Mustafa was designed and validated. The purpose of the present research was to design a standard test to determine the language proficiency level of the Persian language learners (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) based on "Parsa" textbooks. The participants were 135 Persian learners from Al-Mustafi (PBUH) Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers from four different nationalities studying in Iran and Turkey. The participants were recruited based on convenience sampling. The designed placement test included vocabulary and grammar, listening, reading, writing and speaking. The item analysis of the test was calculated using item difficulty and item discrimination formulas and the results showed that both the difficulty and discrimination levels were acceptable. The face and content validities were analyzed and confirmed using a written interview with 20 teachers of Al-Mustafa Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers. The inter-rater reliability (Cohen’s Kappa) between the evaluators’ scores for the speaking and writing sections of the test also indicated an acceptable agreement. Finally, the reliability of the tests was calculated using KR-21, and the reliability results of all three tests were above 80%, which shows the suitability of the tests.


    Language testing is an inseparable part of language teaching. Through language assessment and evaluation, educators can determine whether the learner has successfully achieved the learning outcomes. A language test is an instrument which measures the quality and performance of a language program and educational resources. Tests are of different types and one of the most important tests is the placement test which helps educational institutions to place a learner in the right class or group based on the learner’s language knowledge and proficiency (Farhady et al., 2014; Bachman & Palmer, 2010). There is no doubt that the more standard the test, the more successful the language program. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to design and validate language proficiency tests in order to assign learners to the right classes (Farhady et al., 2014) and help remove their psychological barriers (Kim & Shin, 2006). The present study is focused on designing and validating a placement test based on Al-Mustafi (PBUH) Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers’ Persian textbooks. Al-Mustafi (PBUH) Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers was established around 30 years ago and has over 60 branches around the world.
    Past literature has focused on the design and validation of English placement tests (Akhidenor-Bamidele, 2019; Kadwa & Sheik, 2021; Kim & Shin, 2006; Nasem & Mohammad, 2018) and has highlighted the importance of using such tests to group learners. Persian proficiency tests (Abbassi, 2014; Ghonsooly, 2003; Zandi et al., 2020;) and placement tests (Sahraei & Rezapour, 2011) have also been the focus of some research, but to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no study has been conducted on designing and validating a placement test for Al-Mustafi (PBUH) Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers. This was the research gap that motivated the authors to focus on designing such a test for the three language proficiency levels of elementary, intermediate, and advanced. The research questions for the present research focused on the item analysis, reliability and validity of the designed placement test.


    The designed tests contained 40 questions on vocabulary, grammar, reading, and listening. Also, two writing tasks were considered for the writing section. Finally, 10 oral questions were used for the speaking section of the test. Two raters scored the writing and speaking sections individually. Item analysis was used to analyze all multiple choice items on the tests. Also, in order to check the inter-rater reliability for the speaking and writing sections of the test, Cohen’s Kappa was used. SPSS version 26 was used for calculating the Kappa. The reliability of the tests was analyzed through KR-21 and teacher feedback (written interview) was collected for the face and content validities. After taking all teacher comments and suggestion on board, the test was ready to be administered. A total of 135 Persian language learner participants were recruited from the three language proficiency levels. The participants were from Pakistan, India, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. The test was administered both in Iran and Turkey. The 90 participants studying in Iran were all females and their age range was 18-25 (SD=1.62) and the 45 participants studying in Turkey were 25 females and 15 males and their age range was 13-47 (SD= 9.15). The teacher participants who took part in a written interview included 15 females and 5 males. Their ages ranged between 25 and 58 (SD=7.92) with a 4-18 years of teaching experience. All participants signed a written consent form.

    Results and Discussion

    The internal consistency of the designed test items was measured through Cronbach’s alpha. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient normally ranges between 0 and 1. The closer the coefficient is to 1, the more internally consistent the test items. The reliability coefficient results for the three placement test levels revealed 0.94 for the beginner level which was found to be highly reliable, 0.83 for the intermediate level which indicates good internal consistency, and 0.80 for the advanced level which again indicates good internal consistency for the test items. The Kuder-Richardson 21 formula was also used to measure the internal consistency of the test items. All KR-21 results for the reliability showed acceptable results of over 0.7 (Dornyei, 2011; Farhady et al., 2014). Also, the inter-rater reliability results for the speaking and writing tasks of the tests were also considered acceptable. The inter-reliability was measured in order to measure the degree of agreement among independent observers. This was used to limit the subjective scoring of each rater. These results ranged from 0.69-0.91. The face and content validity of the tests were conducted through a written interview and the results showed that all teachers approved both the face and content validities. The only concern some teachers had was regarding the test time. For the beginner level, 10% of the teachers, and five percent of the teachers for the intermediate level test believed that the time should be increased by five minutes. The item analysis results also indicated that for the beginner level out of the 40 items, 39 items had acceptable difficulty levels and all 40 items enjoyed an acceptable discrimination level. For the intermediate level test, out of the 40 items, 32 items were considered to have acceptable difficulty levels and 8 items were considered difficult. 38 of the items also showed an acceptable discrimination level. Finally, for the advanced proficiency level, out of the 40 items, 38 items had an acceptable range and 2 items were considered to be simple. One reason for this simplicity might have been the shared interlingual lexicon since most advanced level participants were from Pakistan. The discrimination level for 39 of the advanced level test items was considered to be acceptable as well. All in all, it seems that the designed test was generally dominated by acceptable items. Also, most of the question items could successfully discriminate between high and low students. The overall face and content validities were also approved by the teachers and the reliability was approved through KR-21.


    The present study aimed to design and validate a placement test based on Al-Mustafi (PBUH) Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers’ Persian textbooks. This was the first validated placement test to be designed for the Al-Mustafi (PBUH) Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers. The results revealed that the designed test for all three proficiency levels were considered acceptable. The internal consistency of the designed test items, measured through Cronbach’s alpha and KR-21 were considered reliable and also Cohen’s Kappa values showing the results for the inter-rater reliability measurement, ranging from 0.69-0.91, were considered very good to excellent. As for the validity of the placement tests, the results for the face validity and content validity of the tests, conducted through a written interview with teacher participants at all three proficiency levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), indicated an overall approval. The teachers’ suggestions regarding the time limit on the test for each level was also taken into consideration. The item analysis results including both item difficulty and item discrimination also showed acceptable levels for the test items. In the end the authors hope that the designed placement test could be used at Al-Mustafi (PBUH) Centers for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers worldwide and that this instrument could help both teachers and learners alike to have a better learning experience.


    This paper and the research behind it would not have been possible without the exceptional support from Al-Mustafi (PBUH) Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers in Istanbul and Mashhad.
    Conflict of Interest

    Keywords: proficiency test, reliability, Validity, Language testing, Al-Mustafi (PBUH) Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers
  • Shahla Raghibdoust, Shohreh Mokhtari * Pages 73-100

    Since learning of prepositions is considered one of the challenging areas of language teaching and learning and some researchers believe that these meanings are created randomly and the only way to learn them is to memorize these meanings, the present study tries to use the Cognitive lexical semantics approach to obtain the semantic network of the preposition "be" and then provides a coherent content to teach the multiple senses of this preposition in various structures and contexts. Also, in this research, the features of the curriculum of teaching prepositions with a cognitive approach are presented and a textbook focusing on prepositions is proposed. The educational content compiled for this preposition was taught to two classes of 15 female intermediate Farsi learners, in such a way that for the experimental group, a lesson was prepared with a cognitive approach, but in the control group, the lesson was taught in a traditional way. Then, in a test, the understanding and application of various concepts of the preposition "be" were measured. The obtained results show that the experimental group performed better than the control group. These results show that such content and lesson plan, which is based on the visual schema of prepositions, helps a lot to understand and learn the multiple senses of prepositions in the form of a radial category.


    Prepositions play a significant role in language as they join words and phrases in a sentence. prepositions have traditionally been seen as unpredictable, implying that the best way to learn them would be through rote learning. Cognitive approach in the other hand, argues that the distinct meanings associated with a particular preposition are systematically related in principled ways, which may have important ramifications for second language instruction.
    One of the challenges facing cognitive semanticists is to explain how polysemy is formed, because in this view, it is assumed that linguistic categories are basically no different from other types of categories and are organized by the same general cognitive mechanisms. Based on this approach, sub-concepts branch off from the meaning of the prototype. The semantic network for a lexical element can include several different meanings that are related to each other and each of them may have different meanings. Also, the semantic network predicts the emergence of concepts that are part of the main or secondary meanings. The process that connects these primary and secondary meanings is called chaining (Evans and Green, 2005: 332-333).
    Language teachers and researchers (e.g. Selce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999) have found that learning prepositions poses major challenges for language learners. One of the reasons for this is that it is difficult to describe the meaning of prepositions. In addition, prepositions have wide and complex meanings (Tyler, Muller, & Hu, 2011); Even the best dictionaries and grammars offer multiple meanings of prepositions, mostly arbitrarily. Traditional grammars have shown the meaning of prepositions are unrelated to each other (Bloomfield, 1933; Frank, 1972; Chomsky, 1995); As a result, memorization is often suggested as the best way to learn the different meanings of prepositions.
    Tyler and Evans (2003: 45-47) propose criteria for determining the prototypical meaning of prepositions, which in their research are considered as criteria for determining the primary meaning within the semantic network:A: Earliest attested meaning
    B: Predominance in the semantic network
    C: Use in composite forms
    D: Relation to other prepositions
    E: Grammatical prediction


    The research was conducted in four stages. At first, we extracted the meanings of the preposition "be" and investigated them. In the second step, we found the prototype meaning of the preposition by the criteria of Tyler and Evans (2003), and drew its semantic network. In the third stage, we developed a material for teaching this preposition. In the fourth stage, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the cognitive approach in teaching the Persian prepositions, we selected 30 virtual intermediate level Persian learners of Qom State University, 15 of whom were selected as the experimental group and were taught cognitive educational content, and the other 15 were selected as the control group and were taught prepositions in the traditional way. At first, the students completed a questionnaire related to the level of familiarity with the Persian language, in order to eliminate heterogeneous samples from the experimental and control groups. Next, both groups participated in a pre-test to ensure that their language level was not above or below the intermediate level. Then, the control group was taught the preposition "be" in the traditional way, while the teaching of these prefixes was done to the experimental group in a cognitive way. Then, all Farsi learners participating in the research took part in the post-test and the obtained data were analyzed. The independent variable in this research is teaching Persian prepositions based on the cognitive linguistics approach and the traditional approach, and the dependent variable is learning the concepts of preposition "be".


    In order to investigate the effect of using the cognitive approach in teaching the preposition "be", in the learning process of Persian students, a sample lesson designed to teach the various concepts of this preposition was used in Qom State University. In the pre-test, the experimental group had an average score of 17 and the control group had obtained an average score of 17.13. The experimental and control groups obtained almost similar results in the pre-test. After teaching the various meanings of the preposition "be", a post-test was conducted to measure the understanding and application of the various concepts of this preposition, by Persian students of two groups, and the resulting data were analyzed. In this test, the highest score of the experimental group was 20 with a frequency of 6, and in the control group, the highest score was 19 with a frequency of 1. The lowest score in the experimental group is 18 with a frequency of 4 and the lowest score in the control group is 16 with a frequency of 3. According to the calculations, the average scores in the experimental group was 19.13 and in the control group was 17.20 and the standard deviation in the experimental group was 0.83 and in the control group was 0.94. According to the obtained results, it seems that the experimental group performed better than the control group, and the performance of the subjects in this group was somewhat more homogeneous. To compare the average score of the test, the two experimental and control groups, from the t-test It was used independently. The use of this test requires checking the normality of the distribution of test scores in two groups. Due to the non-significance of the Kolmogorov Smirnov test (0.77) and the result of the Kolmogorov Smirnov test (0.151), it was determined that the data of the test has a normal distribution and the use of independent t-test is allowed. In the t-test (P=0.05), a significance level of less than 0.05 was obtained, which indicates the significance of the difference between the performance of the two experimental and control groups. Because the higher the value of t, it indicates the non-randomness of the obtained findings. The t value of 6.24 with a degree of freedom of 28 indicates that the difference between the scores obtained in the control and experimental groups was significant and the hypothesis of the effectiveness of the cognitive teaching method of the preposition "be" was confirmed.
    In this research, in order to check the validity of the form and content of the test, 5 experts in the field of teaching Persian language to non-Persian speakers were consulted and they evaluated the test as suitable in terms of appearance and content. Reliability was obtained from the method of dividing the test into two halves to measure the reliability of the test, and then the results of the two tests were compared with each other and the correlation coefficient of the two was determined through the Pearson method. Considering the correlation coefficient of "0.838" and the P value of "0", it can be concluded that the test has an acceptable correlation. In the next step, with the help of the Spearman-Brown formula, the reliability coefficient of the whole test was obtained, which was equal to "0.91", which indicates the appropriate reliability of the test.


    The first goal of this theoretical research was to examine the suffix "be" based on the approach of cognitive semantics and determining the meaning of that using the criteria suggested by Tyler and Evans (2003), finding the various meanings of this preposition, specifying the prototype meaning and drawing its semantic network. The second goal of this research was to develop a cognitive material to teach the concepts of this preposition "be".
    Based on the test results, using cognitive approach to teach the concepts of prepositions can be effective and has a significant impact on the process of learning the different concepts of the prepositions in the learners` mind.
    Accordingly, It seems that a cognitive educational material for teaching the various concepts of prepositions should have the following features:
    To cover the concepts in the semantic network as much as possible in different textures.
    To emphasize on the primary spatial meaning of the prepositions.
    to start teaching of preposition grammar by presenting the various concepts in the semantic network in a meaningful process with a particular order of teaching more physical concepts first and objective concepts next.
    Content arrangement should be in such a way that the learner can understand the potential reason of formation of more abstract applications and can relate abstract concepts to their daily experiences, understand the various content in a unified way, understand the various contents in a unified way, and not to be obliged to memorize all the meanings of the prepositions to use them in different contexts.

    Keywords: teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers, cognitive semantics approach, preposition, be, Semantic network, lesson content
  • Shohre Sadat Sajjadi, Amirhossein Rostami * Pages 101-122

    One of the important topics in psychology in recent years is the concept of "stroke," which is highly relevant in the field of education. The impact of emotions on the quality of teaching activities is inevitable to the point that many studies show that teachers can play a significant role in their students' learning by providing appropriate strokes. However, can students also have a role in providing stroke to their teachers and delaying their job burnout? In this study, the researchers aim to investigate the impact of stroke from students to Persian language teachers for non-Persian speakers. To this end, 16 Persian language teachers for non-Persian speakers completed two standardized questionnaires (Badri Gargari, 2012 and Yazdanpour, 2014) online. The results of the study show that just as a stroke from a teacher has a significant impact on students' progress, stroke from students can also significantly affect the quality of teaching and reduce job burnout for the teacher. Furthermore, the results show that providing positive support among different types of stroke has a significant inverse relationship with teacher burnout and a direct relationship with teaching quality. If the stroke the students provide is negative or not provided, it can lead to job burnout and low teaching quality for Persian language teachers. In other words, negative stroke or lack thereof has a direct relationship with the level of job burnout for Persian language teachers.


     The concept of stroke (emotional support) has gained a significant amount of attention in the field of psychology in recent years. Stroke refers to providing empathy, understanding, and care to individuals experiencing emotional distress or challenges. Stroke can come from various sources, including friends, family, colleagues, and professionals.
    In education, stroke is a vital component of effective teaching and learning. Numerous studies have shown that when teachers provide stroke to their students, it can lead to increased engagement, motivation, and academic achievement. Stroke can help students feel more connected to their teachers and peers, improving their overall well-being and mental health. Teachers who provide stroke are seen as caring and empathetic, which can also contribute to their job satisfaction and retention in the teaching profession.
    However, it is also important to recognize that students can play a role in providing stroke to their teachers. This is particularly relevant in cases where teachers may be experiencing job burnout or other forms of emotional distress. Job burnout is a common issue among teachers, as they are often required to work long hours, manage large class sizes, and deal with challenging behaviors and academic pressures. When teachers experience burnout, it can have a negative impact on their mental health, job satisfaction, and overall quality of teaching.
    It should be noted that Berne (1988) initially only refers to the physical aspect of stroke and states that individuals need physical stimuli in addition to social and rational stimuli for personal development. Then he went beyond the physical aspect and stated that stroke needs meet individuals' emotional need to be seen and this need to be seen has been named "craving for recognition." In addition to Berne, there are other individuals who considered the concept of stroke beyond its physical meaning and paid attention to its psychological aspect. Among them can be mentioned (Shirai, 2006), (Stewart & Joines, 1987), (Friedman, 1993), and (Francis & Woodcock,1996).


    This study examined the effects of stroke supply from different sources on occupational burnout in Azfa language teachers. Previous research conducted by (Yazdanpour, 2015) had identified 5 potential sources of stroke supply for teachers. government/public, head of institution, colleagues, students, and parents. Due to the nature of teaching Persian to non-native adult students (no contact with parents, separate from the government), this study focused on supply from the head of institution, colleagues, and students. Two validated questionnaires measuring stroke and burnout were used to collect data from 16 available Azfa teachers at Allameh Tabataba‘i University Language Center. The questionnaires had reliability coefficients of 0.86 and 0.81. Results from the online questionnaires were statistically analyzed using SPSS to determine the relationship between stroke supply and occupational burnout in this group of language teachers.


    The results of the study indicate that there is a significant relationship between the provision of Stroke from language learners to teachers and the reduction of job burnout among Persian language teachers teaching non-Persian language speakers. The study found that the Stroke provided by students can have a direct impact on the quality of teaching and a reduction in job burnout for the teachers. It was also observed that the level of attention received by a teacher is directly related to their job quality. Additionally, the study confirmed that job burnout among teachers is higher than among ordinary individuals, but due to constructive social relationships, teachers have higher social capital.
    Furthermore, the study revealed that the provision of Stroke from students to teachers has a significant inverse relationship with job burnout, and the absence of reinforcement or negative reinforcement directly affects the level of job burnout among Persian language teachers. The study also highlighted that the influence of stroke from various sources on job burnout is not equal, with students, institution heads, and colleagues having different levels of impact.
    To conclude, the study suggests that providing Stroke to teachers from students can delay job burnout and increase job satisfaction. It also emphasizes the importance of constructive social relationships in mitigating job burnout among teachers.


    The recent study on stroke from students to Persian language teachers for non-Persian speakers sheds light on the importance of stroke in both directions. The study found that stroke from students can significantly impact the quality of teaching and the level of job burnout experienced by teachers. Specifically, providing positive stroke had a significant inverse relationship with teacher burnout and a direct relationship with teaching quality. However, the study also found that negative stroke, or lack thereof, had a direct relationship with the level of job burnout for Persian language teachers. It also emphasizes that the influence of stroke from various sources on job burnout is not equal, with students, institution heads, and colleagues having different levels of impact.
    Overall, the study suggests that providing stroke to teachers from students can delay job burnout and increase job satisfaction. It also underscores the importance of understanding the impact of stroke on the job satisfaction and well-being of teachers in the context of language education.
    To foster stroke in education, it is essential to provide resources and training for teachers and students alike. This can include professional development opportunities for teachers on how to provide stroke to their students and how to recognize signs of emotional distress in themselves and their colleagues. Students can also benefit from training on how to provide stroke to their peers and teachers, as well as on how to recognize and manage their own emotions.
    Furthermore, schools can play a key role in fostering stroke by creating a culture of care and empathy. This can involve policies and practices prioritizing well-being, relationships, inclusion, and care, not just academic achievement. Supportive policies could include protected time for teamwork, limits on high-stakes testing, affordable counseling access, peer support programs, and educator input into decision-making. Resources are needed to implement policies in a meaningful, sustainable way. Moreover, leadership at all levels, from superintendents to principals to teachers, must model the supportive practices being promoted.
    In addition to the benefits of stroke for teaching and learning, there are also broader societal benefits. Stroke can help foster a sense of community and social connectedness, which is important for overall well-being and mental health. When individuals feel supported and cared for, they are more likely to engage in positive behaviors and contribute to their communities. This can have a ripple effect, leading to healthier and more supportive communities overall.
    Furthermore, stroke has been found to be particularly important for individuals who have experienced trauma or adversity. Trauma can have a profound impact on mental health and well-being, and individuals who have experienced trauma may require additional strokes to cope with their experiences. Schools and educational institutions can play a critical role in providing stroke to these individuals by creating a safe and supportive environment that prioritizes empathy, understanding, and care.
    However, providing stroke can be challenging, particularly in education, where teachers often have limited resources and face competing demands. In order to provide effective stroke, it is important for teachers to develop emotional intelligence and communication skills and be aware of trauma-informed practices. Teachers must also be able to recognize when they need support themselves and to seek out appropriate resources when necessary. 


    Thanks to the professors and management of Azfa Center of Allameh Tabataba‘i University who helped us in conducting this research.

    Keywords: stroke, burnout, Azfa teacher, teacher’s efficiency, Teaching quality
  • Hussein Meihami *, Behrokh Abdoli Pages 123-146

    With the rise of new technologies in teaching foreign languages, it has become increasingly important to provide comprehensive and fundamental solutions to tackle the challenges of utilizing technology in teaching different language skills, specifically L2 reading comprehension. The objective of this study was to use transcendental phenomenology to investigate the experiences of English language teachers in Iran, and to uncover their effective solutions for addressing the challenges of teaching English reading comprehension in virtual classes. In this research, the experiences of eight English language teachers were examined using the transcendental phenomenology method to deal with the challenges of teaching English language comprehension. The results of analyzing narratives and phenomenological interviews utilizing Giorgi's five-step phenomenological analysis method (Giorgi, 2009) showed two solutions: 1) the importance of embedding new technologies in the growth of educational technology knowledge and 2) the importance of embedding new technologies in strengthening a positive attitude towards the use of technology, which can help to solve the challenges of teaching English reading comprehension in virtual classes. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the solutions to address the challenges of virtual teaching of English language comprehension are of interest in two structures: superficial and deep. Solutions in the surface structure, such as improving the Internet speed, may only address the challenges for a limited time and in certain environments. However, deep-level solutions that were the focus of this transcendental phenomenological research can solve the challenges more comprehensively due to their multifaceted nature.


    The development of technology has significantly improved the teaching and learning process in today's society. Technology's unique features, such as its wide availability, ease of access at different times and places, and high speed, have contributed to its increased use in teaching and learning over the past two decades (Haleem et al., 2022). Given the importance of learning English in today's world, it is essential to use modern technologies to facilitate the teaching and learning process, especially in non-English-speaking countries (Cifuentes, 2022). Therefore, the use of modern technologies to improve teaching methods, tools, content, equipment, and new strategies is crucial to achieving educational goals in the field of English language education (Prayudi et al., 2021). 
    Since reading comprehension is crucial for the academic progress of English language learners (Smith et al., 2021), using new technologies to teach reading comprehension can increase the participation of English language learners in virtual educational environments, improve their attitudes toward learning, and enhance their academic progress (Noordan et al., 2022). Therefore, the purpose of this research was to use transcendental phenomenology to investigate the experiences of English language teachers in Iran and discover their effective solutions to face the challenges of teaching reading comprehension in virtual environments and classrooms.


    The researchers used transcendental phenomenology as a type of qualitative research to achieve the research's purpose of providing fundamental solutions to the challenges of teaching English language comprehension to non-English speakers in virtual environments based on teachers' experiences. This method pays attention to the experiences of teachers and leaves aside the experiences of researchers (Moustakas, 1994). By using transcendental phenomenology, the researchers could inform the participants about the goals of research, based on which they obtained more detailed information about teaching strategies without the challenge of understanding content in the virtual environment, which was based on the semantic description of the investigated phenomenon (Edmonds & Kennedy, 2017). The study included eight teachers of English to non-English speakers who were selected purposefully because they faced challenges with teaching reading comprehension in virtual classes and had provided solutions to overcome those challenges.


    The obtained results showed multidimensional solutions from the teachers that could affect the existing challenges in a multifaceted and fundamental way. Based on this, two solutions were identified: 1) the importance of embedding new technologies in the growth of educational technology knowledge and 2) the importance of embedding new technologies in strengthening a positive attitude towards the use of technology. These effective solutions can provide fundamental solutions to the challenges of teaching English comprehension in virtual classes.


    The findings of the study showed that the solutions to the challenges of virtual teaching of English language comprehension can be classified into two categories: superficial and deep structures. Superficial solutions, such as increasing internet speed, may solve some challenges for a limited period and in some environments. Still, deep-level solutions, such as the ones identified in this research, can solve challenges more effectively. For instance, by introducing new technologies in educational centers, teachers feel the need to strengthen their technology knowledge and act accordingly. At the same time, their positive attitude towards the use of technology is enhanced, which results from observing the usefulness of virtual education, and not a challenge. Thus, educational decision-makers are advised to make a special contribution to the foundation of new technologies to deal with the challenges of virtual education, particularly the challenges of virtual teaching of English language comprehension. Embedding new technologies in strengthening the positive attitude toward the use of technology and in the growth of educational technology knowledge can create a turning point in virtual education, solving many of the current challenges of virtual teaching by creating educational and implementation strategies.

    Conflict of Interest

    The authors have no conflict of interest. 


    We would like to express our gratitude to Imam Khomeini International University for providing financial support for this study.

    Keywords: English reading comprehension, virtual class, transcendental phenomenology
  • Abdolreza Naderifar, Shokofa Vakili Latif *, Saman Ebadi Pages 147-166

    One of the influential factors in deep language learning is the usage of consciousness raising tasks in grammar teaching. These tasks facilitate language learning through strengthening the link between grammar rules and the real contexts of using them. This study explored the way consciousness raising tasks are employed in Persian Language Teaching (PLT) series. In so doing, it randomly selected and analyzed three grammatical structures common to the most famous PLT series in Iran. Based on our research, these textbooks mainly follow the Presentation-Practice approach of grammar presentation which leads to high levels of grammatical accuracy. The series use the deductive way of grammar presentation, and do not use the consciousness raising tasks. Although the deductive approach decreases teaching time and involves more accurate explanations, it privileges the idea that language learning doesn’t nead learners` engagement in the learning process. Moreover, it doesn’t cover learners` analytic and holistic learning styles and does not improve their critical thinking. Thus, material developers need to pay more attention to the potentials of the grammatical tasks they employ.

    Keywords: Consciousness raising tasks, Grammar, Persian language learners
  • Arezu Aminkhandaghi, Ehsan Ghabool *, Edmond Herzig, Mohammad Taghavi Pages 167-198

    Academic writing is a basic skill for non-Persian speaker students, and the task-based method is one of the up-to-date and efficient methods in language teaching. Therefore, in order to improve this skill, it is necessary to examine its teaching status. An important measure for the critical survey of teaching academic skills is to examine source books. Despite its importance, no independent review has been devoted to study and critically analyze the academic writing teaching sources, so far; Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop a review to evaluate these sources for which the fifth volume of Modern Persian Language Teaching book series was selected. After explaining academic writing and the principles of the task-based method, a multi-index review was designed; Then, all types of tasks in the above said book were analyzed into three categories: direct writing tasks, indirect writing tasks, and non-related writing tasks. Its direct and indirect writing tasks were analyzed using the innovative review indexes. The result of this research is a review, designed and invented to analyze academic writing education according to the task-based method based on the main and up-to-date sources of the field of language teaching knowledge, as well as criticism and evaluation of one of the common books in teaching Persian. We can generalize the intended review and the mentioned course criticism method to other language teaching books. The findings of this research show that the studied source is at an average level in terms of compliance with the task-based method.


    The acquisition of academic writing skills is crucial for Persian university students, particularly for non-Persian speaking individuals and the task-based method is one of the efficient methods in language teaching. Consequently, duo to the necessity and importance of academic writing it becomes imperative to analyze and investigate educational resources catering to this essential skill as a key aspect of the educational process. This study undertakes an in-depth examination and critical survey of the current teaching practices of Persian academic writing to non-Persian speakers, with a specific focus on evaluating the available educational resources. Drawing upon the effectiveness and efficiency of the task-based method in language teaching, a dual approach is recommended. First, the pedagogical principles and strategies of the task-based method should be integrated into educational resources. Second, educational content producers and instructors should apply appropriate methods derived from task-based method to enhance the quality of language education. Continuous evaluation and review of educational resources and teaching methods, utilizing reviews derived from efficiency methods like task-based method, are essential for identifying and rectifying potential deficiencies.
    Academic writing is one of the seven elements of academic literacy (reading, writing, listening, speaking, critical thinking, use of technology and habits of mind) that fosters academic success, primarily due to its emphasis on accuracy and impartiality, setting it apart from general writing. task-based method, supported by Prabhu, emerges as an efficient approach for teaching academic writing, relying on four fundamental language assumptions: (1) language as a medium for conveying meaning, (2) utilization of multiple language patterns (structural, role-based, and interactive) in task-based teaching, (3) vocabulary's fundamental role in language use and acquisition, and (4) conversation as the central focus and basis for language learning. Within this language teaching approach, language learning is primarily facilitated through communicative and meaningful tasks, prioritizing the accurate and fluent use of language rather than solely focusing on grammatical correctness. Central to this approach is the fundamental premise that language acquisition is enhanced when learners engage with real-life contexts, as opposed to adhering solely to the principles of formal grammar rules within the classroom. The task-based method, at the core of this approach, places emphasis on the subject matter of the task itself. A task is defined as a structured plan wherein learners practically engage with language to achieve measurable outcomes that assess the conveyance of accurate and appropriate content. Furthermore, these tasks aim to elicit language usage resembling that of real-world situations, encompassing diverse standards, frameworks, and language varieties.
    Despite the significance and necessity of compiling reviews based on up-to-date and reliable sources of task-based teaching which has the capacity to criticize and assess, no comprehensive review has been conducted regarding the teaching of Persian academic writing to non-Persian speakers. This article fills this research gap by presenting a review of language teaching books focusing on academic writing skills, employing the principles and techniques of task-based method. The evaluation and criticism specifically target the fifth volume of Modern Persian Language Teaching book series. The research questions guiding this study encompass: (1) the characteristics of academic writing skill review in language teaching texts according to the task-based approach, and (2) the extent to which the selected educational resource aligns with the principles and techniques of TBA applying the aforementioned review.


    To address the first question, a questionnaire encompassing six indicators is developed based on available sources and various expert perspectives on task-based method. The indicators and characteristics are then validated through a questionnaire administered to 20 (more than two years) experienced Persian language teaching lecturers from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad's Persian language teaching center for non-Persian speakers. The final stage involves seeking approval from seven experts.
    To address the second question, the book's tasks are categorized into three types: direct writing tasks, directly related to writing skills (summary, essay and story writing), indirect tasks, indirectly related to writing skills (reading a text and answering questions or reading a text and writing answers to its grammar exercises), and tasks unrelated to writing skills (pronunciation exercises et.). After excluding tasks from the third category, the direct and indirect writing tasks from the fifth book are individually collected and analyzed based on the review's criteria and data. The data related to direct and indirect writing tasks are subsequently compared using a chi-square test.


    In this research study, a novel approach was taken to assess the effectiveness of Persian language teaching textbooks in academic writing using the task-based approach. Specifically, the fifth book of Modern Persian Language Learning was chosen as the subject of analysis and review. To address the first research question, an innovative comprehensive review, developed by the researchers, drew upon theoretical sources and expert opinions was designed in six key areas: general principles of task-based method, task cycle, focus on grammar, task dimensions and characteristics, task types, and utilization of written tasks. This reviewer then evaluated and analyzed the book's direct and indirect writing tasks based on this research design.
    For the second research question, the fifth book was examined in detail. Initially, all the components within each of the six indices were recorded for frequency analysis. Averaging these frequencies yielded the percentage representation of each index within the total number of direct and indirect writing tasks. An aggregated number was then calculated by summing up the averages for each indicator within the direct tasks, as well as for the indirect tasks. Subsequently, the frequency percentage of these indicators was determined by considering the proportion of direct or indirect tasks in relation to the entire book. This analysis resulted in the overall frequency of these indicators within both categories of tasks across the entire book.


    The findings reveal that the fifth volume of Modern Persian Language Learning book series demonstrates a 47.68% conformity with task-based method (direct tasks: 23.20%, indirect tasks: 45.27%). Overall, the book performs at an average level in terms of quality, considering its alignment with task-based method 's components and principles for teaching academic writing. However, deficiencies are observed, particularly in direct writing tasks, which are crucial for enhancing writing skills. It is important to note that the fifth book serves as a general Persian learning resource, encompassing various aspects beyond solely writing instruction. Therefore, the observed level of conformity in the writing section with task-based method can be reasonably justified and appropriate.

    Conflict of Interest

    No conflicts of interest are disclosed by the authors.


    We would like to express our gratitude to Imam Khomeini International University for providing financial support for this study.

    Keywords: review, Evaluation, Academic Writing, modern Persian language learning, Task-based Method
  • Ebrahim Rezapour *, Abolfazl Mouchani Pages 168-194

    This research has been done to investigate the impact of gender on different processes usage in writings of foreign learners of Persian language based on Halliday's systemic functional grammar approach. The method of this research is descriptiveanalytic method. The sample and the corpus of this research was the writing of 248 advanced female and male foreign learners of Persian language of the center for teaching Persian language in Ferdowsi university of Mashhad. Sampling method is done in this order: first, the writing of 248 advanced female and male foreign learners of Persian language was separated based on gender (124 men and 124 women); Then, the process of the verbs in the texts was determined based on the segmentation of Halliday; after that, the distribution of all processes, was determined and shown by charts and compared. The results indicate that the material and relational processes are the most frequent processes and the existential and verbal processes are the least frequent processes in writing of advanced female and male foreign learners of Persian language. The results showed that the women have used the different processes in their writing more than the men. The men have used the material process, 3.26 percent more than the women. The women have used the mental process, 2.83 percent more than the men.

    Keywords: Written Varieties, Advanced Foreign Learners of Persian Language, Gender, Language, Halliday', s Systemic Functional Grammar, process