فهرست مطالب

International Journal of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Science
Volume:13 Issue: 3, Summer 2024
- تاریخ انتشار: 1403/04/11
- تعداد عناوین: 8
Pages 175-183In this study, new teaching methods in primary schools have been investigated. Although the use of old and traditional teaching methods such as question and answer method, lecture, demonstration, etc. still has its own uses, but with the advancement of science and technology, there is a need to use new teaching methods are felt more and relying only on traditional teaching methods will not have the necessary effectiveness and efficiency in the teaching and learning process. In modern methods and education, students' activity in class and their all-round growth is more important. Traditional teaching methods were the result of a one-dimensional view of education, and the teacher was considered as the only provider of information and its transfer to the student. In these methods, the emphasis was on obtaining a better situation in the output of students. Concerning the continuous changes and progress of knowledge every day, and on the other hand, the increasing importance of individual capabilities along with scientific information, teaching methods in the elementary school must be changed. In the following, we have explained some of the best methods of teaching elementary school, which you can learn using various workshops and training courses. On the other hand, it should be noted that despite the advantages of these methods, a single model cannot be used in education for all courses.Keywords: Teaching, teacher, Primary Schools, effectiveness
Pages 184-192The present study examines the impact and role of technology in teaching and learning. Despite its short life, E-learning has entered well into all aspects of the educational system and has become widespread. Due to its special features, this system of education has found its place among educational experts and has been the focus of countless educational systems. Various reports published by organizations such as UNESCO indicate that information technology has caused fundamental changes in the learning process. Today, according to the diversity of societies, people, their creativity and interests, there is a need for diversity of learning methods and this requires a new form of education that has sufficient flexibility in this field. Recent developments in the computer industry and multimedia systems have provided ways to improve learning and better access to information. Computer-based instruction, which is often reciprocal or interactive, relies on the use of multimedia devices. Multimedia environments have created qualitative and fundamental changes in the learning process by increasing productivity. This evolution, which initially started with the employees training in institutions, has now reached the classrooms of advanced countries, and now in these countries, multimedia software packages for teaching high school and even elementary lessons are offered in various languages.Keywords: Telemedicine, Implementation, Healthcare, COVID-19, e-medicine
Pages 193-199The present study has investigated various parameters affecting job satisfaction in education teachers. In this regard, teachers' job satisfaction is related to the characteristics of management style. On the other hand, there are evidences that show that one variable is not able to explain the phenomenon of job satisfaction. Apparently, although environmental variables such as job level, job content, and type of supervision have been able to explain a considerable amount of the dispersion of job satisfaction, they have not been able to clarify everything. The first official definition of the term "Empowerment" dates back to 1788, in which empowerment was proposed as delegation of authority in an organizational role, and this authority should be granted to an individual or seen in his organizational role. Empowerment means a person's desire to accept responsibility, a word that was officially interpreted as accountability for the first time. The English word "Empower" means "to become powerful, to authorize, to empower and to become able" in the compact dictionary of Oxford. This term includes the power and freedom to act for one's administration, and in the organizational sense, it means a change in culture and courage in creating and directing an organizational environment.Keywords: Educational systems, Behavior, organization
Pages 200-210
This study aims to identify the youth problems in Sri Lankan context from 1970 to 2020. This is a sociological study on youth problems in Sri Lanka. Among the youth issues we identify here, unemployment and the reality of working-class life, youth unrest, educational disparities and youth, class disparity and youth problems, open economy and youth, abuse of young women, ethnic crisis, and youth are mainly important. The aim of this study was to analyze the social, economic, and political factors that have affected youth issues in the contemporary era. A qualitative research method has been chosen for conducting this research. Accordingly, the youth issues that arose from 1970 to 2020 became the limits of our research. The research problem here is what are the contemporary youth problems in Sri Lanka? In this investigation, we are building the foundation that the factors that have affected the youth problems in Sri Lanka after 1970 have been ideologically influenced. The importance of this study is that it adds a new field of study to sociology, political science, and psychology. The results revealed that contemporary youth issues are more ideological than superficial. Thus, it is concluded that the influence of the ideological state apparatus has affected the youth problems in Sri Lanka.
Keywords: Youth, problems, Sociology, State, Ideology -
Pages 211-217Every year, huge sums of money are spent on teaching English in Iran's educational system, but unfortunately, the results that should be achieved in learning are not very favorable. In most schools, language teaching begins with writing the English alphabet and reading from the book. While, according to the recommendation of linguists, learning a second language is accompanied by the simultaneous learning of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, which if the order and all aspects are not taken into account, learning will not take place. What are the new English language teaching systems such as Headways' Stream line that are taught in schools? Stream line and Headways books are written based on the active participation of language learners and can be taught in private and semi-private classes, while in our schools the number of people present in a class is beyond the standard. In some areas, we see that a school accepts students in two shifts. Listening skill is considered one of the most stressful parts of various tests and most people are always worried that they will not understand the other person's meaning and they will not be able to give a suitable answer. On the other hand, different accents and the way and speed of people's speech make the work even more difficult. Students always request the professor to share methods with the students that they can use to strengthen their listening skills.Keywords: skill, listening, class, Student, teacher
Pages 218-227The characteristics of the current world are the rapid transformations that take place in various scientific and industrial fields. Education, which is one of the most important fields of human learning, is not exempted from these changes today with the arrival of new technologies, because education is one of the most basic needs in these changes. Education based on communication is possible. In fact, communication is the main and fundamental axis of all educational interactions, because the communication formation is not possible without the presence of the media. Therefore, media presence is essential for education. Education that uses text, image, sound, and animation in the direction of learning is placed in the field of multimedia. In fact, multimedia technologies are one of the new achievements that have greatly contributed to the knowledge expansion in information and in this field; they have been able to be effective in education and training in addition to the field of advertising and mass communication. In this regard, the standards and principles of multimedia design and production should be well respected so that the students can benefit from the advantages and merits of this achievement as much as possible so that the students are more motivated and interested in learning the subjects and principles of the course and thus meaningful learning can be achieved by following effective learning. Given that in today's countries, including Iran, the production of educational multimedia is growing and the use of multimedia in different educational levels is expanding. Their enrichment in the direction of learning is significant, and in this context, the mobile educational agent is a reality character designed to facilitate and increase learning and is used in educational software containing educational programs or educational skills. However, one of the new areas in the field of educational multimedia is the presence of personality and educational agent as a guide throughout the multimedia learning environment, which recently has increased the interest in using this educational agent.Keywords: Educational software, Learning, Learning Agent, Multimedia, Achievement
Pages 228-236This study investigated the factors affecting the empowerment of teachers in the educational system. Empowering employees creates conditions that they control their work life in the light of it and achieve sufficient growth to accept more responsibilities in the future. In another definition of empowerment, it is stated that empowerment is a continuous process based on which the people of a society have a kind of self-confidence and are able to correctly evaluate and know themselves and their abilities and capabilities to achieve their goals. Become aware and be able to achieve the desired goals by increasing their capabilities. Also, Carter defined employee empowerment as a set of systems, methods and measures that are used by developing the ability and competence of individuals in order to improve and increase the productivity, growth and prosperity of the organization and the human force that is used according to the goals of the organization. They will be, he knows. He believes that the organization should strengthen the employee's sense of personal power. The role of the human factor in advancing society's affairs has a special importance and is considered the most effective pillar of economic, social and cultural developments. Economic and social developments require special attention to the training of committed, expert, skilled manpower and efforts to increase the effective factors in his job satisfaction. Man is the biggest and most valuable asset of the organization, which is never reflected in the balance sheets and profit and loss statements of companies.Keywords: Employees, educational system, Empowerment, competence, ability, culture, society
Pages 237-249Being half the population of the world, women form a major part of the assets that cannot be ignored in the journey toward a better world. On the other hand, women are equal and deserve an equal share of opportunities and results. Concerning the role of women in shaping a better world and their equal status, they have been witnessing positive efforts at the domestic and global levels. Among these efforts, the milestone was the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). It is a gender-specific treaty and exclusively deals with human rights from a women’s lens. Even after achieving milestones in many areas, women have very little participation in politics and decision-making. It is a universal phenomenon that most countries are unable to achieve de facto equality in the area of political empowerment for women. India is further no exception to this and is still striving to provide equal opportunities to women. India, being a believer in equality of men and women and a party to CEDAW, is under obligation to ensure the political empowerment of women. Consequently, after long efforts, India has been successful in passing a law that will reserve thirty-three percent of seats in national politics. The present paper analyses whether this reservation law is up to par for providing de facto equality to women and domesticates Articles 7 and 8 of CEDAW that specifically deal with the political participation of women.Keywords: Women Reservation Act 2023, CEDAW, Women Empowerment, Political Empowerment of Women, Women Rights in India