فهرست مطالب

بازیابی دانش و نظام های معنایی - پیاپی 38 (بهار 1403)

نشریه بازیابی دانش و نظام های معنایی
پیاپی 38 (بهار 1403)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/03/26
  • تعداد عناوین: 7
  • محمدحسن عظیمی*، هادی الهایی صفحات 1-41

    لایه های وب معنایی در حوزه های مختلف همچون تلفیق داده ها، مهارت یابی، اتاق فکر برخط، سرویس گذاری مجموعه های چندرسانه ای، خرید برخط و تعامل بین سامانه ها به کار می رود. به نظر می رسد به کارگیری وب معنایی در نرم افزارهای مدیریت دانش مسلما در ارائه اطلاعات مفید موثر واقع خواهد شد؛ بنابراین هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی میزان پیاده سازی فناوری وب معنایی در نرم افزارهای مدیریت دانش است. جامعه آماری پژوهش حاضر سه نرم ا فزار مدیریت دانش که شامل نرم افزار مدیریت دانش دانا، سامانه جامع مدیریت دانش نداک و نرم افزار MTA share است. داده ها از طریق تدوین سیاهه وارسی بر مبنای مقیاس بله/ خیر، گردآوری شدند و تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها نیز با کمک نرم افزار اکسل انجام شد. یافته ها نشان داد معماری فناوری معنایی در هر شش لایه (یو آر ال، ایکس ام ال، آردی اف، هستی شناسی، فراداده و منطق) در نرم افزارهای مذکور، مورداستفاده و در سطح مطلوبی قرار دارد. ولی ابزارهای معنایی برای جستجو و بازیابی اطلاعات در هر سه لایه (هستی شناسی، آردی اف، فراداده) کاربرد چندانی در این نرم افزارها نداشته و موردتوجه قرار نگرفته است. لذا نتایج پژوهش حاضر نشانگر آن است که نیاز است کاربرد معماری فناوری معنایی در نرم افزارهای سامانه جامع مدیریت دانش نداک و MTA share بیشتر موردتوجه قرار گیرد و از آن ها در تمامی لایه های مذکور استفاده شود. همچنین نیاز است که از ابزارهای معنایی برای جستجو و بازیابی اطلاعات در تمامی لایه ها (هستی شناسی، آردی اف و فراداده) در نرم افزار مدیریت دانش دانا و سامانه جامع مدیریت دانش نداک استفاده بیشتری شود. با توجه به نتایج در به کارگیری حوزه کاربرد معماری فناوری وب، در نرم افزار مدیریت دانش دانا نسبت به دو نرم افزار دیگر توجه بیشتری شده است.

    کلیدواژگان: مدیریت دانش، نرم افزارهای مدیریت دانش، لایه های وب معنایی، فناوری های وب معنایی
  • محمدجواد اسماعیلی، سید علی اصغر رضوی*، صفیه طهماسبی لیمونی صفحات 43-84

    هدف پژوهش شناخت رابطه بین دایره واژگانی آرشیویست های صداوسیما و توانایی های اطلاع رسانی آنان به همراه ارائه الگوی هستی شناسی آرشیو صداوسیما است. این پژوهش، کاربردی و ازنظر نوع پژوهش ترکیبی متوالی (کیفی-کمی)، ازنظر روش پژوهش، آمیخته[1] است. گردآوری اطلاعات از طریق مصاحبه و پرسشنامه بود. ابتدا در مطالعه دلفی از طریق مصاحبه با خبرگان و صاحب نظران در حوزه آرشیو که تعداد افراد در مطالعه دلفی 10 نفر بود، مولفه های اصلی تهیه شد و پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بین آرشیویست های صداوسیما مستقر در تهران که تعداد آن ها 120 نفر بود به صورت سرشماری توزیع شد. برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده های گردآوری شده از دو روش کیفی (مطالعه دلفی) و کمی (پرسشنامه) استفاده شده است. جهت آزمون فرضیه ها از آزمون کولموگراف اسمیرنوف، جهت نرمال بودن داده ها و تحلیل داده ها از آزمون t (همبستگی)، از نرم افزار لیزرل[2]، برای ارائه الگوی هستی شناسی از نرم افزار پورتژه[3] استفاده شده است. فرضیه های پژوهش نیز با استفاده از فن مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری آزمون شده است. KMO یا آزمون مشخصه کایزر- مایر- اولکین یک معیار ارزیابی است که در تحلیل عاملی و تحلیل مولفه ها برای ارزیابی مناسبی داده ها و استفاده از مدل های عاملی استفاده می شود. این آزمون به اندازه گیری این موضوع می پردازد که آیا داده ها مناسب هستند تا از روش های تحلیل عاملی استفاده شود یا خیر. KMO یک اندازه گیر از میزان مشابهت بین متغیرها در داده ها است. مقادیر KMO بین 0 و 1 قرار دارند. اگر مقدار KMO نزدیک به 1 باشد (به عنوان مثال 8/0 یا بالاتر)، این نشان دهنده این است که داده ها به خوبی برای تحلیل عاملی مناسب هستند. نتایج حاصل از پژوهش تائید کننده این نظر هست که آرشیویست با دایره واژگانی غنی می تواند در اطلاع رسانی به کمک هستی شناسی آرشیو، بهینه و مفید باشد. هستی شناسی پیشنهادی حاصل تبدیل مفاهیم حوزه برنامه های صداوسیما که در آرشیوهای آن موجود است  در چهار مرحله: گردآوری مفاهیم، کشف و تعیین روابط میان مفاهیم، ایجاد کاربرگه برای هر مفهوم و پیاده سازی هستی شناسی در محیط پروتژه انجام پذیرفت. این الگوی پیشنهادی می تواند برای تولید هستی شناسی آرشیو صداوسیما مفید واقع شود. میانگین دایره واژگانی غنی در بین پاسخگویان برابر با 01/4 و حداقل و حداکثر آن 3 و 5 است بنابراین میانگین دایره واژگانی غنی در حد متوسط به بالا است که نشان دهنده این است که آرشیویست با دایره واژگانی غنی به کمک هستی شناسی آرشیو، می تواند منابع اطلاعاتی مرتبط با نیاز اطلاعاتی مراجعان به آرشیو های صداوسیما را در اختیار آنان قرار دهد. همچنین میانگین متغیر کیفیت اطلاع رسانی آرشیویست های صداوسیما در بین پاسخگویان برابر با 89/3 و حداقل و حداکثر آن92/2 و 72/4 است؛ بنابراین میانگین متغیر کیفیت اطلاع رسانی آرشیویست ها در حد متوسط به بالا است و با هستی شناسی آرشیو، کیفیت اطلاع رسانی بهتر خواهد شد. رابطه مثبت و معنی داری بین هستی شناسی و دایره واژگانی آرشیویست های صداوسیما برای اطلاع رسانی وجود دارد؛ به این معنا که با افزایش این متغیر میزان استفاده بهینه از دایره واژگانی و اطلاع رسانی بهینه آرشیویست های صداوسیما نیز افزایش می یابد. ارائه اطلاعات مفید در کمترین زمان، قابل توجه است و آرشیویست های صداوسیما توانایی ارائه اطلاعات متناسب با نیاز اطلاعاتی مراجعین را دارند. آموزش استفاده از ابزارهای بازیابی اطلاعات، هستی شناسی و به کارگیری تجربیات حرفه ای آرشیویست ها، کیفیت اطلاع رسانی را بهتر می کند. [1]. Mix methode[2]. lisrer[3]. protege

    کلیدواژگان: هستی شناسی آرشیو، آرشیویست، اطلاع رسانی، صداوسیما، تهران
  • آزاده اسدیان، داریوش مطلبی*، فهیمه باب الحوائجی، نجلا حریری صفحات 85-115

    نیاز به افزایش بهره وری در سازمان ها برای سودآوری بیشتر، امری اجتناب ناپذیر است و سالانه هزینه های زیادی صرف آن می شود. پژوهش حاضر با هدف واکاوی مولفه ها و شاخص های کسب وکار اینترنتی برای کارگزاران دانش با رویکرد افزایش بهره وری در کسب وکارها به سه روش فراترکیب، دلفی فازی و روش معادلات ساختاری به انجام رسیده است. جامعه آماری در بخش اول تعداد 10617 سند هست که از این میان تعداد 65 سند انتخاب شد. جامعه آماری در بخش دوم تعداد 20 نفر از خبرگان حاضر در رشته های مدیریت دانش، مدیریت فناوری و کسب وکار بوده اند که تعداد 10 نفر از آن ها به پرسشنامه پاسخ دادند. جامعه آماری در بخش سوم پژوهش نیز تعداد 155 کارگزار فناوری و دانشی تحت نظر معاونت علمی و فناوری ریاست جمهوری، فن بازار ملی ایران و شبکه تبادل فناوری نانو بوده اند. یافته ها تعداد 149 شاخص ذیل 30 مولفه در قالب اجزای نه گانه مدل کسب وکار استروالدر را نشان می دهد. نتایج حاصل از انجام این پژوهش نشان می دهد احصاء مولفه ها و شاخص های کسب وکار اینترنتی برای کارگزاران دانش می تواند به کاهش شکاف اطلاعاتی میان پژوهشگران، سیاست گذاران و تصمیم گیرندگان، ساختارها و نهادهای حکمرانی و ساختارها و نهادهای بخش عرضه و تقاضا کمک کند و منجر به افزایش بهره وری در کسب وکارها گردد.

    کلیدواژگان: مدل کسب و کار استروالدر، کسب و کار اینترنتی، کارگزاران دانش، بهره وری
  • مهدی همایون فر*، آرمان آراسته صفحات 117-146

    امروزه موفقیت سازمان ها بیش از هر زمان دیگری درگرو کسب مزیت رقابتی به واسطه عملکرد نوآورانه ناشی از دانش محوری است. بر این اساس پژوهش حاضر به بررسی نقش رهبری دانش محور در عملکرد نوآورانه در سازمان های دولتی استان گیلان پرداخته است. این پژوهش ازنظر روش توصیفی- پیمایشی و ازنظر هدف کاربردی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل سازمان های دولتی شهر رشت است که به دلیل در دسترس بودن، بین همه آن ها پرسشنامه توزیع گردید. به منظور تحلیل داده های جمع آوری شده نیز از روش مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری مبتنی بر حداقل مربعات جزئی استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان دهنده معنادار بودن تاثیر انتقال دانش بر عملکرد نوآورانه (63/0r =)، به کارگیری دانش بر عملکرد نوآورانه (26/0r =) و ایجاد دانش بر عملکرد نوآورانه (21/0r =) است. تاثیر انباشت دانش بر عملکرد نوآورانه نیز هم از طریق انتقال دانش و هم به کارگیری دانش، معنادار است. نهایتا، بر اساس یافته ها، تاثیر رهبری دانش محور بر مستندسازی دانش (58/0r=)، تاثیر رهبری دانش محور بر به کارگیری دانش (39/0r=) و تاثیر رهبری دانش محور بر ایجاد دانش (41/0r=) معنادار است. بااین وجود، تاثیر رهبری دانش محور بر انتقال دانش معنادار نیست. بر اساس نتایج حاصل از مسیرهای غیرمستقیم مدل پژوهش، رهبری دانش محور به واسطه متغیرهای ذخیره سازی و انتقال دانش، بیشترین اثر غیرمستقیم را بر عملکرد نوآورانه شرکت ها دارد؛ بنابراین، با تاکید بر ذخیره سازی دانش از سوی مدیریت سازمان، انتقال دانش و نوآوری بیشترین افزایش را خواهد داشت.

    کلیدواژگان: رهبری دانش محور، عملکرد نوآورانه، مدیریت دانش
  • امیر قاسمیان*، امیررضا اصنافی، محمدامین عرفانمنش صفحات 147-178

    پژوهش حاضر درصدد است تا با استفاده از شاخص های کیفی علم سنجی در یک بازه زمانی ده ساله، به مطالعه بروندادهای پژوهشی حوزه های موضوعی علوم اجتماعی و رفتاری در دانشگاه های بزرگ ایران بپردازد. این پژوهش از نوع کاربردی است و با رویکرد علم سنجی انجام شده است. برای گردآوری داده ها از پایگاه های اسکوپوس و ابزار علم سنجی آن از سای ول استفاده شده است. تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آمار توصیفی و استنباطی در نرم افزار اکسل انجام شده است. ازنظر تعداد استنادات و شاخص اچ حوزه موضوعی تجارت، مدیریت و حسابداری با 18711 استناد و اچ 58 در دانشگاه تهران، ازنظر شاخص اثرگذاری استنادی وزن دهی شده در سطح رشته، درصد مقالات پراستناد و درصد مقاله های منتشرشده در مجله های برتر، حوزه موضوعی تجارت، مدیریت و حسابداری به ترتیب با مقدار 62/1، 1/33 و 5/52 درصد در دانشگاه تبریز، بیشترین مقادیر را در حوزه های موضوعی علوم اجتماعی و رفتاری در دانشگاه های بزرگ ایران به خود اختصاص دادند. تاکید هر چه بیشتر دانشگاه ها به کیفیت بروندادهای پژوهشی در کنار کمیت این بروندادها از اهمیت بسیار زیادی برخوردار است. همچنین در نظر گرفتن امتیاز و اعتبار پژوهشی ویژه برای نویسندگان مقالات در مجله های برتر می تواند راهکار مناسبی برای افزایش کیفیت بروندادهای پژوهشی باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: شاخص اچ، شاخص اثرگذاری وزن دهی شده، درصد مقالات پراستناد، علوم اجتماعی و رفتاری، دانشگاه های بزرگ ایران، بروندادهای پژوهشی
  • مهری شهبازی*، فرامرز سهیلی، نسرین گهواره، علی اکبر خاصه صفحات 179-207

    هدف پژوهش تعیین رابطه بین ویژگی های شخصیتی با مهارت های سواد دیجیتالی کتابداران کتابخانه های عمومی استان کرمانشاه بود. پژوهش حاضر از نوع کاربردی است و به روش پیمایشی انجام شد. به منظور جمع آوری داده ها، از دو پرسشنامه ویژگی های شخصیتی مک کری و کاستا و مهارت های سواد دیجیتالی استفاده شد. جامعه آماری این پژوهش متشکل از 170 نفر از کتابداران کتابخانه های عمومی استان کرمانشاه و حجم نمونه 118 نفر است که از طریق جدول مورگان به دست آمد. تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها با آمارهای توصیفی و استنباطی با استفاده از نرم افزار spss انجام شد. مقدار ضریب همبستگی بین ویژگی های شخصیتی با مهارت های سواد دیجیتالی مثبت و برابر با 48/0 بوده و بیانگر آن است که این دو متغیر از شدت همبستگی مناسبی برخوردارند. در مورد سایر فرضیه های پژوهش نیز مقدار ضریب همبستگی صفات روان نژندی، برون گرایی، سازگاری، تجربه پذیری و وجدان گرایی با مهارت های سواد دیجیتال مثبت بوده و با توجه به شیب خط رگرسیون در نمودار پراکندگی، به ترتیب برون گرایی، تجربه پذیری، وجدان گرایی، سازگاری و روان نژندی، بیشترین تا کمترین تاثیر را در این زمینه داشته اند. نتایج پژوهش رابطه بین ویژگی های شخصیتی و مهارت های سواد دیجیتالی را در بین کتابداران تایید می کند و بر این اساس نتیجه گیری می شود که برای توانمندسازی کتابداران توجه به ویژگی های شخصیتی و ارتقای سواد دیجیتالی کتابداران ضروری است.

    کلیدواژگان: مهارت های سواد دیجیتالی، ویژگی های شخصیتی، کتابداران، کتابخانه های عمومی
  • ناهید شاه ویسی*، شبنم شاه ویسی صفحات 209-236

    پیشینه های پژوهش نقش و جایگاه ویژه ای در بین پژوهش ها دارند و زمانی ارزش آن ها بیشتر خواهد شد که پژوهشگر منابع مرتبط را به صورت انتقادی موردبررسی و تحلیل قرار دهد. ازاین رو، هدف پژوهش حاضر، مرور انتقادی مطالعات و شناسایی مهم ترین مباحث و معیارهایی است که به بررسی پیشینه های پژوهش پرداخته اند، است. روش این پژوهش کتابخانه ای- اسنادی است که با استفاده از مرور نظام مند و با رویکرد تحلیل انتقادی، به بررسی و تحلیل منابع و مطالعات صورت گرفته پرداخته است. با استفاده از مراحل، مشخص کردن هدف پژوهش، جستجوی منابع، تجزیه وتحلیل منابع و استخراج دسته های موضوعی به بررسی منابع و تحلیل آن ها پرداخته شده است. در پایگاه های فارسی ایرانداک، سیویلیکا، پایگاه اطلاعات علمی جهاد دانشگاهی (SID)، نورمگز، پرتال علوم انسانی، مگیران و در پایگاه های غیرفارسی ساینس دایرکت، اریک و امرالد جستجو انجام شد و با بررسی منابع ، دسته های مطالعات نظری و راهنماها (تعریف، اهمیت، هدف و کارکرد) پیشینه های پژوهش، انتقادی بودن پیشینه های پژوهش و معیارهای ارزیابی پیشینه های پژوهش استخراج گردید. در دسته مبانی نظری پیشینه های پژوهش، از محاسن مطالعات آن است که به تشریح اهمیت، فواید و کارکردهای پیشینه پژوهش پرداخته اند، اما به دلیل قابل فهم نبودن راهنماها، عدم تشریح مسئله پژوهش و ارائه مطالب نامرتبط موجب سردرگمی مخاطب شده اند. در دسته معیارهای ارزیابی پیشینه پژوهش، پژوهش ها با تدوین معیارهایی جهت بررسی پیشینه ها به پژوهشگران این امکان را داده اند که منابع و مطالعات گذشته را با دیدگاهی عمیق تری موردبررسی قرار دهند، اما این معیارها نیز گاه به دلیل گویا و قابل فهم نبودن مشکلاتی را برای پژوهشگران به ارمغان آورده است و در دسته تحلیل انتقادی پیشینه ها، با این که در عنوان و متن پژوهش ها قصد داشته اند به بررسی تحلیل انتقادی بپردازند، اما آن ها نیز نه تنها به تشریح کامل موضوع نپرداخته اند، بلکه خود نیز منابع موردبررسی را با رویکردی انتقادی مورد تحلیل قرار نداده اند. نتایج نشان می دهد، پژوهش ها توجه به بحث تحلیل انتقادی در پیشینه های پژوهش را مورد کم توجهی قرار داده اند و این مسئله نشان دهنده ی آن است که پژوهشگران با دیدگاهی سطحی به این مسئله پرداخته اند و به عمق منابع و متون پیشینه های پژوهش نفوذ نکرده اند.

    کلیدواژگان: پیشینه پژوهش، مرور انتقادی، معیارهای ارزیابی، مطالعات و پژوهش ها
  • Mohammad Hassan Azimi *, Hadi Alhaei Pages 1-41

    The explosive growth of information and lack of structuring of information and the problems of information retrieval caused the emergence of the third generation of the web. The third generation of the web, which was called the semantic web, sought the connection between humans and computers and tried to make information understandable to machines. The Semantic Web, an extended version of the current Web, provides a standard structure for representing and reasoning with data. The semantic web is about sharing data and facts, not sharing the text of a page. The Semantic Web helps build the technology stack to support the "Web of Data" rather than the "Web of Document". The ultimate goal of the Web of Data is to enable computers to perform meaningful tasks and to develop systems that can support reliable network interactions (Patel & Sarika, 2021). Semantic web technologies can be used in various fields such as data integration, skill-finding, online think tanks, serving multimedia collections, and so on. Semantic web technologies can be used in various fields such as data integration, skill finding, online think tank, serving multimedia collections, and such things.
    It seems that the use of the semantic web in KM software will certainly be effective in providing useful information. In KM, various software appeared, which in the context of KM, play an important role in the field of registration, distribution and sharing, application and use of information and knowledge, automation of processes, reduction of costs of acquisition, creation, organization, and application of a large amount of information and knowledge without time and place restrictions for people in organizations and companies, and causes changes in the methods of production, transfer and use of knowledge in them and prevent the entry and exit of unrelated and repetitive information and knowledge and improper processing of information and knowledge. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to investigate the implementation of semantic web technology in KM software.

    Literature Review

     Over the past few decades, many technologies related to the Semantic Web have appeared or been developed. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which works intensively on semantic standards, has endorsed the Resource Definition Framework (RDF) and the OWL Web Ontology Language (OWL), which provide a solid foundation for building semantic enterprise applications and Moving the Semantic Web from the research level partially led to its becoming the industry standard needed to build next-generation applications (Tjoa et al., 2005).
    The Semantic Web is an extension of the current Web that improves machine-human interaction by giving information clear meaning. The idea of the Semantic Web is to hand over most of the tasks and decision-making to machines. This is made possible by adding knowledge to web content through machine-understandable language and creating intelligent software agents that can process this information. The Semantic Web, on the other hand, consists of structured information and explicit metadata, paving the way for rapid access to information and semantic search capabilities (Hassanzadeh & Keyvanpour, 2012). The semantic web was first introduced in 1988 by Tim Bernersley, known as the father of the web. But its definition was officially presented including seven-layer architecture in 2001. These seven layers include (URL), XML, (RDF), (Ontology), (Proof Layer), (Logic Layer) and (Trust Layer) (Gerber, Barnard & Van der Merwe, 2007).
    The structure of the semantic web is a way of organizing data in a descriptive technology, RDF, which specifies data sources and their relationships, and identifies or names the resource's URAs, and OWL describes specifications. and data classes with a common language. Sparquel is a query language that searches RDF data. Another part of the Semantic Web is making sure that different databases use the same vocabulary to describe everything (Azimi & Rafieinasab, 2022).


    The current research is applied, using a survey method and a descriptive approach. The statistical population of the current research is three KM software, which includes Dana KM software, Nedak comprehensive KM system, and MTA share software, which were investigated and analyzed. The data collection tool was also a checklist using a yes/no scale. After collecting the data and in order to confirm that the criteria of the Semantic Web, the checklist (questionnaire) was provided to the experts, and using their opinion, the presence or absence of the application of the Semantic Web capabilities in the KM software was confirmed. Finally, the obtained data were analyzed in Excel software.


    Therefore, the present study shows that the architecture of semantic technology in all six layers (URL, XML, RDF, ontology, metadata, and logic) in all three software (Dana KM software, Nedak's comprehensive KM system, and MTA share software) is used and at a favorable level. But the semantic tools for searching and retrieving information in all three layers (ontology, RDF, metadata) in these types of software have not been used much and have not been paid attention to.


    The results show that it is necessary to pay more attention to the application of semantic technology architecture in the comprehensive KM system software of Nadak and MTA share and to use them in all the mentioned layers. It is also necessary to use semantic tools for searching and retrieving information in any software called Dana KM, Nedak Comprehensive KM System in all layers (ontology, RDF, and metadata). In the field of application of web technology architecture, Dana's KM software is at a favorable level compared to the other two software.

    Keywords: Knowledge Management, KM Software, Semantic Web, Semantic Web Technologies
  • Mohamadjavad Esmaili, Seyed Ali Asghar Razavi *, Safiyeh Tahmasebi Limooni Pages 43-84

    The importance of this research will be to add more color to the inherent characteristics of the field of information science and epistemology in terms of storing and retrieving information and meeting the information needs of the clients by producing an archive ontology and the role and impact of the information profession in meeting the information needs of the clients.

    Literatur Review

    Since librarians play an intermediary role in the exchange of knowledge. In the new era, their challenges and the scope of their responsibilities have increased significantly so that they are able to be important helpers to control the expanding world of information.
    What constitutes the main problem of information science today is the methods of accessing information. If previously the concern of information science specialists was to regularly collect resources and provide bibliographies, now most efforts are focused on providing more information about resources and delivering them to the end user. For these reasons, it can be said that today the traditional structures of libraries have collapsed and the new order has replaced it. In the past, the traditional role of reference department employees of libraries and information centers was to provide bibliographic information to the referents, that is, to provide information about the information, but today their duty is to guide the referents to the same information. Another important thing that happened in the process of the information revolution is the sharing of resources, the creation of information networks using new information technologies made not only the information centers of a country but all the information centers of the world share in each other's resources. (Mahdavi, 1998)
    Libraries play an intermediary role in the exchange of knowledge, the emergence of the Internet created the impression that libraries will go away, but the passage of time has shown that this impression only stems from a lack of proper understanding of the position and function of the library (Middleton, 2012)


    This research is applied in terms of purpose and sequential combination (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of type. In this way, first by using the library method based on the study of literature and backgrounds related to the subject, the components and characteristics of the dictionary were extracted, then by using the qualitative method (Delphi study) based on the opinions of experts in information science and an in-depth interview was conducted in three stages, the components were extracted by the content analysis method and the lexical circle was determined. After the analysis of quantitative data, the necessity of creating an ontology for radio and television archives became clearer, and in the following, the proposed ontology model of radio and television archives was presented.
    In this research, the studied community of archivists of radio and television archives in Tehran, whose number was 120, has been investigated through a census through a digital questionnaire. Also, in order to present the proposed ontology model, the words related to the topics and production programs in the broadcasting organization were collected and a preliminary ontology was prepared for the broadcasting archive as a sample using Protege software. The proposed ontology resulting from the transformation of concepts in the field of radio and television programs, which is available in its archives, was carried out in four stages: collecting concepts, discovering and determining the relationships between concepts, creating a worksheet for each concept and implementing the ontology in the project environment. This proposed model can be useful for producing the ontology of radio and television archives.


    After three rounds of interviews with experts in the field of archives (10 experts in the field of archives and managers of radio and television archives in Tehran) and analysis of the opinions of the participants in the Delphi study panel, it was determined that 15 components were used to measure vocabulary. From these main components, a number of quantitative questions were developed by the researcher. 85 questions were asked from the statistical population. The following results are the results of the analysis of the research questionnaire for the section related to the vocabulary of radio and television archivists:Descriptive statistics indices such as: frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation have been used to examine and analyze the respondents' information. Research hypotheses are also used. The structural equation modeling technique has been tested. In order to get a better understanding of the research community and get more familiar with the research variables, before analyzing the statistical data, it is necessary to describe these data. Therefore, before testing the research hypotheses, the descriptive statistics of the variables used in the research were examined. The average, as one of the central parameters, represents the center of gravity of the society, and in other words, it shows that if the average is placed instead of all the observations of the society, there will be no change in the sum total of the society's data. Also, the maximum shows the highest variable number in the statistical population and the minimum shows the lowest variable number in the statistical population.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    Broadcasting archives play a role in program production as the beating heart of programming, since these centers are considered as a center for storing the produced resources, less attention has been paid to their role and influence in the program production process. Radio archivists, since they are educated in information science and science, and professionally, can play an effective role in retrieving information and providing optimal information for producing programs and helping to improve the programming process. Archive ontology and training related to information retrieval and the use of information retrieval tools can play a more colorful role in professional activity. The strength of the relationship between the rich vocabulary and the quality of the information provided by radio archivists has been calculated as 0.74, which shows that there is a favorable correlation between vocabulary and ontology in information delivery. The t-statistic of the test is also 2.14, which is greater than the critical value of t at the 5% error level, i.e. 1.96, and it shows that the observed correlation is significant. Therefore, the hypothesis of the research is confirmed and it can be said that there is a direct relationship between the rich vocabulary and the quality of information provided by radio archivists and the ontology of the archive.
    Enhancing their vocabulary, which is one of the main components of the field of information science and epistemology, can help in achieving the goal of providing quality information and retrieving resources in archives and using them in programming. The results of the present research also confirm the opinion that an archivist with a rich vocabulary using archive ontology can be useful in retrieving information and providing information optimally. The proposed ontology resulting from the transformation of concepts in the field of radio and television programs, which is available in its archives, was carried out in four stages: collecting concepts, discovering and determining the relationships between concepts, creating a worksheet for each concept and implementing the ontology in the project environment. This proposed model can be useful for the production of the ontology of radio and television archives.

    Keywords: Ontology Of Archive, Lexical Circle, Archivists, I.R.I.B, Archive
  • Azadeh Asadian, Dariush Matlabi *, Fahimeh Babalhavaeji, Nadjla Hariri Pages 85-115

    All efforts of business managers are to achieve productivity. In such a way that the need to increase productivity in organizations for more profitability is inevitable and every year a lot of money is spent on how to increase productivity and promote their business. One of the important and fundamental prerequisites for achieving a business model is its components and indicators in a standardized format. The changes that have come from the internet space have made knowledge flow and be exploited in a faster way in the departments of an organization. In the meantime the knowledge brokers can help to correct and improve the flow of knowledge and fill the information gap between producers and users of knowledge, thereby helping to increase the productivity of organizations and businesses.

    Literature Review

    Knowledge brokers provide the act of creating, sharing and using knowledge in an organization or between organizations. One of the ways to correct and improve the flow of knowledge is to use knowledge brokers who fill the gap between producers and knowledge users. The unique possibilities of the Internet have led to the emergence of a new form of business, which is now known as Internet business. These businesses have been created by entrepreneurial people with new ideas who have a creative and talented mind. Osterwalder's business model is known as the most common and broad business model canvas. This model is the provider of a common language for describing, visualizing, evaluating, and changing the business model. Productivity is called a method, a concept and an attitude about work and life, and in fact, they look at it as a culture and a worldview. Productivity is the effective and efficient use of inputs or resources for production by providing outputs. The background check shows that so far, many researches have been done in the field of knowledge brokers and internet businesses and the relationship between business and productivity inside and outside the country. On the other hand, studies show that many researches have been conducted abroad on the role and functions of knowledge brokers. This is despite the fact that none of them have analyzed the components and indicators of the internet business model for knowledge brokers with the approach of increasing productivity.


     The current research is applied in terms of purpose and mixed and exploratory in terms of approach. The research has been done in three stages: to identify the components and indicators of knowledge-based internet business for knowledge brokers using the meta-combination method, to determine the level of agreement of experts using the fuzzy Delphi method, and to determine the importance of each of the components and the calculated indicators were used using the survey-analytical method. In the first stage, the statistical population was 10,617 documents related to the research subject, out of which 65 documents were selected and studied further. In the second stage, in order to confirm the components and indicators calculated from the first stage, the fuzzy Delphi method and a questionnaire (with a 5-point Likert scale) were used in two stages. The statistical population in the second stage was 20 PhD graduates and subject specialists with more than 5 years of experience in the fields of knowledge management, technology management, and business. The snowball method was chosen and 10 of them responded to the questionnaire. In the third stage, in order to determine the priority and importance of the calculated components and indicators, a survey-analytical method was used. The statistical population of the research in the third stage was the number of 155 technology and knowledge brokers under the supervision of the Presidential Vice President for Science and Technology, Iran's National Fan Market and the Nano Technology Exchange Network, who were selected by census method.


     The results of data analysis show the number of 149 indicators under 30 components for Internet business for knowledge brokers in the form of nine components of Osterwalder's business model.


     The results show that knowledge brokers can create an information network between researchers by holding structured joint workshops in a client-oriented and problem-oriented manner, holding seminars and online webinars, etc., and establishing proper communication between the main customers of their business through virtual communication channels. Since the ultimate goal of designing a business model is to create sufficient value for customers, knowledge brokers can attract and retain their customers by providing value propositions such as facilitating decisions and policies through the acquired knowledge. Considering that every business model requires a number of key activities; knowledge brokers can provide their desired services to customers through key activities such as knowledge monitoring and evaluation, etc. One of the goals of every business and organization is to create partnerships with colleagues and key partners; based on this, knowledge brokers can achieve success in their business by establishing partnerships with influential investors, governmental and non-governmental supporting organizations, and influential governmental and non-governmental social organizations. The cost structure in any business is one of its main pillars and you should pay enough attention to its arrangement. This section usually contains two sections of fixed and variable costs. Knowledge brokers can manage the wages of human resources, administrative costs and provision of workplaces and the costs of providing equipment and depreciation in the fixed costs department and managing the wages of experts and researchers for sharing knowledge. Marketing, advertising and holding events and costs of development and maintenance of technology infrastructure in the variable costs department to achieve cost management in their business. The resources needed to run a successful business are called key resources. At first, it is believed that only the initial capital is enough to start a business, but the fact is that before starting any business, identifying key resources is of particular importance. Value proposition, communication with the customer, communication channels, how to communicate with the customer, making money, are all related to key resources. Knowledge brokers can start and maintain their business through key resources such as human, financial, physical and intellectual resources. In order to obtain profit, expenses must be deducted from income. In a business, if we consider the customer part as its heart, the income streams are the arteries of a business. Knowledge brokers through a variety of income models such as receiving commissions/fees from communicating between users and knowledge producers, advertising and receiving charges or royalties in providing consulting services and pricing mechanisms such as considering a base price for knowledge services, price dynamics based on the level of knowledge used and price dynamics based on advertisements, they can manage their business income flow.


     Since every business needs components and indicators to be implemented in the form of a business model, it shows the architecture of a company to create, market, deliver value and earn a stable and profitable income; statistics of internet business components and indicators for knowledge brokers can help to reduce the information gap between researchers, policymakers and decision-makers, governance structures and institutions and supply and demand sector structures and institutions and lead to an increase in interest and be successful in business.

    Keywords: Osterwalder's Business Model, Internet Business, Knowledge Brokers, Productivity
  • Mahdi Homayounfar *, Arman Arasteh Pages 117-146

    Organizations think about improving their KM (KM) system and their business performance, consequently. This advantage provides a clear understanding of how to create, develop and distribute knowledge through the organization. KM could bridge between different departments of the organization so that employees can use existing knowledge in the proper way (Kiklhorn et al., 2020). In the literature, different dimensions for KM have been introduced. In one definition, KM includes knowledge creation (Kusumastuti et al., 2021), knowledge sharing (Abbas and Sagsan, 2021), knowledge application (Sarboland and Nakhostin, 2014), knowledge distribution (Jasimuddin, 2007) and knowledge transfer (Oli and Dhanasekaran, 2021).
    Many researchers studied how KM practices facilitate innovation, and some studies argue that KM is an important precursor for organizational innovation. Despite the interest in KM and innovation, a few studies have been conducted in this field that relate KM practices to innovation at the business level, especially in developing countries (Ode & Ayavoo, 2020). While leadership researches have mainly focused on leadership styles and their relationship with explorative and exploitative innovation or specific KM incentives, this research focuses on the knowledge-oriented leadership style. Kelly emphasizes that it simultaneously supports both explorative (knowledge creation) and exploitative (knowledge accumulation, transfer and application) incentives. Therefore, the topics of this research show that this type of organizational leadership is necessary for organizations in the field of technology in order to improve innovation through effective development and implementation of KM incentives.

    Literature Review

    In recent decades, several studies have investigated KM in organizations. Chaithanapat et al. (2022) investigated the relationships between knowledge-based leadership, customer KM, innovation quality and performance of SMEs in Thailand. Kusumastuti et al. (2021) investigated KM for natural disaster preparedness in Indonesia. Oli and Dhanasekaran (2021) studied the product service system, service quality and KM system in their study. Mikovic et al. (2020) addressed key challenges for development projects and international cooperation of non-profit organizations with social integration and KM. Anjaria (2020) investigated new perspectives for KM in learning organizations. In another study, Ode and Ayavoo (2020) investigated the mediating role of knowledge application in the relationship between KM practices and company innovation. Vaio et al. (2021) investigated the role of digital innovation in KM systems. Abbas and Sagsan (2019) examined the impact of KM practices on green innovation and sustainable development of organizations. Martins et al. (2019) examined the research gaps in terms of research themes, strategies, goals and approaches in SMEs companies. Among older researches, we can mention the study of Curado et al. (2017), Oliveira et al. (2015), Sáenz et al. (2012), Liu and Phillips (2011), etc.


    The current research is descriptive-correlational in terms of method, applied in terms of purpose, and field-type in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of the research includes all the public organizations of Guilan province (61 organizations), which were studied in the period of six months ending in September 2018. Due to the possibility of access to all the elements of the statistical population, all the organizations were examined, in such a way that the researcher went to each of the general offices, and the questionnaire was given to the head of the organization, the vice presidents and HR manager. In this procedure, 104 usable questionnaires were collected, and the average answers given in each organization were considered as one questionnaire. To answer the questions, a 5-point Likert scale from completely disagree (1) to completely agree (5), was used. Content validity was used to check the validity of the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to calculate its reliability. Finally, SPSS software was applied to describe the research variables, and structural equation modeling method and PLS software were used to test the research hypotheses.


    The results of the hypotheses test verified the significant impact of knowledge transfer on innovative performance (r = 0.63), knowledge application on innovative performance (r = 0.26) and knowledge creation on innovative performance (r = 0.21). The effect of knowledge accumulation on innovative performance is significant both through knowledge transfer and knowledge application. Finally, based on the findings, the effect of knowledge-oriented leadership on knowledge documentation (r=0.58), the effect of knowledge-oriented leadership on knowledge application (r=0.39) and the effect of knowledge-oriented leadership on knowledge creation (r=0.41) =) is significant. However, the effect of knowledge-oriented leadership on knowledge transfer is not significant.


    Information and communication technologies form a major part of knowledge accumulation procedures and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and its application in the organization. On the other hand, knowledge-oriented leadership has a positive significant relationship with KM procedures, knowledge documentation, knowledge application, and knowledge creation, however, the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and knowledge transfer was not found to be significant. Since knowledge-based leadership acts as the driving force of KM incentives, the leadership style has an indirect relationship with innovation. Especially, the higher the level of knowledge-based leadership in the company, the more developed KM procedures are, which in turn will positively affect innovation. Therefore, with the result of these four sub-hypotheses, except for the first one, they are in line with the results of the research.


    Using a combination of knowledge accumulation and transfer procedures, firms are able to increase the quality of their technological products. On the other hand, KM systems will be suitable for sharing and transferring knowledge when the company develops personalization policies and has adequate knowledge accumulation. Since the procedures of knowledge accumulation include storage, structuring or gathering of information, its effect on performance will be much more impressive when the members of the organization have specific goals. When the implementation of knowledge accumulation procedures is accompanied by knowledge transfer and application procedures, organizational innovation will be affected. In addition, the incentives for knowledge transfer or application will be more effective if it is accompanied by the proper knowledge collection and structuring in a database. Therefore, the transfer and application of knowledge will have a mediating role in the relationship between knowledge accumulation procedures and innovation.

    Keywords: Knowledge-Based Leadership, Innovative Performance, Knowledge Management
  • Amir Ghasemian *, Amirreza Asnafi, Mohammad Amin Erfanmanesh Pages 147-178

    Considering that the goal of social science research is to train and provide skilled and specialized human resources to carry out research, education, management and planning in various social and cultural fields, and also considering that the main emphasis of this field is the education and promotion of excavations. A field about the social issues of the country and the analysis and interpretation of their roots, contexts, causes and factors, description and analysis of their extent in the society and finally the analysis of the information obtained from these studies is to solve social issues, therefore providing considered solutions to deal with them. With these problems and social developments, it is necessary. Considering that one of the evaluation criteria of universities and countries is the quantity and quality of their research outputs in international reliable databases. The status of each country's indexed research outputs in international valid indexes indicates an important part of that country's scientific activities at the international level. Therefore, in order to analyze scientific activities, a clear picture of this situation has always been the focus of the country's research managers. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of research outputs in Iranian universities, which are considered the most important scientific hub of the country. The results of this research can be used for planning at the level of administrations, various vice-chancellors and the entire universities under review, and by knowing the priorities, abilities and weaknesses, provide the necessary facilities to make scientific activities more targeted in the subject areas of social and behavioral sciences in the universities under review.  Therefore, this research studies and analyzes the research outputs of Iran's major universities using qualitative Scientometrics indicators in the subject areas of social and behavioral sciences during the period of 2010-2020.

    Research Question

    What is the status of the research outputs of Iran's major universities in the subject areas of social and behavioral sciences with a Scientometrics approach from the perspective of quantity and impact index based on Scopus database data during the years 2010 to 2020?

    Literature Review

    The review of the literature indicates that the quality of research outputs in Iran's major universities has been less studied over a long period of time and using multiple Scientometrics indicators. In most of the previous studies, only the average index and the percentage of documents were cited and the H index was used to study the quality level of research outputs. Therefore, according to the investigations carried out in the dimension of scientology and the need to pay attention to the quality of research outputs in addition to their quantity, the present article studies and analyzes the research outputs of major universities in Iran in the subject areas of social and behavioral sciences according to several indicators of effectiveness during the period of 2010-2020. In this way, it has helped to identify the scientific position of the universities in the subject areas of social and behavioral sciences, as well as planning for its development at the national level, and to help strengthen and improve the country's scientific rank at the international level.


    The current research is of an applied type and has been carried out with a Scientometrics approach and with documentary and citation analysis methods. The community under review is all research outputs in the subject areas of social and behavioral sciences, including "subject areas of psychology, economics (economics, econometrics and finance)", "management (business, management and accounting)", "social sciences", and "sciences", decision-making", according to the subject classification of the Scopus database, in the major universities of Iran in the years 2010 to 2020. The research implementation environment was Scopus and Scival databases. Research data was collected from March 20 to March 28, 2019 from Scopus and Scival. The method of data collection is to refer directly and get standard outputs from Scopus and Scival databases. The indicators used in this research are: citations, average citations per article, H index, weighted citation impact at the field level, percentage of highly cited articles, and percentage of articles published in top journals. Descriptive statistics (with Microsoft Excel software) were used to analyze the data.


    According to the results, the total number of research outputs in the subject areas of social and behavioral sciences of Iran's major universities in the target period was 19,582 records. In all the studied universities, the subject area of social sciences had the most research outputs. In general, the research outputs of Iran's major universities in the subject areas of social and behavioral sciences have been on the rise in the given period of time. The reason for this can be the increase of students and researchers in postgraduate studies. In terms of the number of citations index, Shahid Beheshti, Isfahan, Ferdowsi, Tabriz, and Shiraz universities have the most citations in the subject area of "social sciences" and in the universities of Tehran, Allameh Tabataba’i, and Tarbiat Modares, the subject area of "business, management and accounting" has the most citations. In most of the cases mentioned in the universities and subject areas under investigation that received the most citations, in terms of the index of highly cited articles at the threshold of 10% and the index of articles published in top journals at the threshold of 25%, they also took the highest percentages. This issue indicates the high quality of research outputs with more citations, which these findings are consistent with the vital and high research (2016) for this reason that the more the citations of the articles, the higher the quality. In terms of highly cited articles at the threshold of 10%, in the universities of Tehran, Tarbiat Modares, Isfahan, Ferdowsi, Tabriz, and Shiraz, the subject area of "Economics, Econometrics and Finance", and in Shahid Beheshti and Allameh Tabataba’i universities, the subject area of "Trade" "Management and accounting" got the highest percentages.


    In terms of the index of articles published in top journals at the threshold of 25%, in Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Tarbiat Modares, Ferdowsi, Tabriz universities, in the subject area of "Business, Management and Accounting", in Allameh Tabataba’i University, in the subject area of "Psychology", in universities Isfahan and Shiraz have the highest percentages in the subject area of "Social Sciences". In this regard, it has been mentioned in most of the cases that they have obtained a high percentage in terms of the index of highly cited articles at the threshold of 10% and the index of articles published in the top journals at the threshold of 25%. This issue shows the high quality of research outputs in the mentioned subject areas, which with the research of Irfan Manesh and Hosseini (2016), in terms of the impact of general impact indicators (H index, weighted citation impact index at the field level, citations) on the increase of articles published in Top journals and highly cited articles match. Since some of the indicators examined in this research, such as citations and the number of highly cited articles, are included in some ranking systems, such as the rankings of Leiden University, Saimgo University, and Shanghai University, increasing the mentioned indicators as much as possible is effective in improving the position of universities in these ranking systems.


    In general, it is very important for universities to emphasize the quality of research outputs in addition to the quantity of these outputs. Attention to the quality of research outputs with the researches of Ebrahimi and Hayati (2007), Yaminifirouz et al. (2015) and Erfanmanesh and Hosseini (2018). Considering the number of received citations of the published research outputs of Iran's major universities in the review of their performance, as well as considering the special research credit and score for the authors of highly cited articles in various subject areas can be a suitable solution in this field. Also, emphasizing the quality along with the quantity of research outputs in universities and research centers should be given special attention.


    We are grateful to Shahid Beheshti University Research Vice-Chancellor for their support in the implementation of this research.

    Keywords: H-Index, Field-Weighted Citation Impact, Percentage Of Highly-Cited Papers, Social, Behavioral Sciences, Major Universities In Iran, Research Outputs
  • Mehri Shahbazi *, Faramarz Soheili, Nasrin Gahvareh, Ali Akbar Khasseh Pages 179-207

    Public libraries are among the essential pillars of a democratic society, serving as symbols of social progress and civil pride in the pursuit of lifelong learning. As these libraries cater to various segments of society, trained and knowledgeable personnel, referred to as librarians or information specialists, play a crucial role in identifying and meeting users' information needs. In line with their responsibilities towards different societal groups, they must adapt their service delivery methods concurrently with societal advancements. Today, with recent technological advancements, achieving this requires librarians to primarily possess digital literacy.

    Literature Review

    Given recent technological advancements, it has been established that primarily, librarians must possess digital literacy skills. On the other hand, previous research indicates that most managers believe a precise understanding of personality traits is crucial in management science because individuals' personality structures significantly influence their perception, evaluation, and response to the environment (Rostami et al., 2009). One of the most effective and comprehensive theories proposed regarding personality is the Five-Factor Model by Costa and McCrae (1992). According to this theory, the personality structure comprises hierarchical dimensions of Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. Conscientiousness, or Dutifulness, is at the highest level and can be broken down into lower-level facets or traits. Additionally, studies show that digital literacy skills correlate with various managerial dimensions, highlighting the significance of identifying the personality structure of human resources, particularly in organizations. According to White (2002), personality traits can be utilized to predict behaviors and job performance of individuals. Since public libraries are among the centers that, in comparison to other types of libraries, serve as crucial informational hubs to various segments of society, they are considered one of the most significant cultural bases. Therefore, in this regard, the personality of librarians can undoubtedly be influential. Their manner of interaction can play a pivotal role in attracting users to libraries. Therefore, this research aims to determine the relationship between personality traits and digital literacy skills among librarians in public libraries of a practical nature, employing a survey method.


    Data collection involved using two questionnaires: the McCrae and Costa personality traits questionnaire and the digital literacy skills questionnaire. The statistical population of this research comprised 170 librarians from public libraries in Kermanshah province, with a sample size of 118, determined using Morgan's table. Data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the SPSS software.


    The correlation coefficient between personality traits and digital literacy skills was positive and equal to 0.48, indicating a moderate correlation between these two variables. Furthermore, the correlation coefficients between the personality traits of Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, and Conscientiousness with digital literacy skills were positive, and based on the regression line slope in the scatterplot, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism had the greatest to least impact on this relationship, respectively.


    The results of the present study revealed that the most influential trait in digital literacy is neuroticism. Perhaps one of the major reasons for the significant relationship between neuroticism and digital literacy is the presence of strong and face-to-face interactions with visitors, high motivation, and attention to career advancement. It's possible that one of the reasons many librarians gravitate towards digital literacy skills is to find relief from obsessive thoughts, anxiety, and life stresses. Another reason could be that the virtual world serves as an escape for librarians from stress, fear, and life difficulties. Therefore, it can be said that personality traits, particularly neuroticism, predict librarians' use or non-use of digital literacy skills. Consequently, individuals high in neuroticism may be attracted to and develop a habit of acquiring digital literacy skills due to the presence of these traits and their inability to cope with such problems, seemingly helping them overcome feelings of loneliness, boredom, and inadequacy.


    In conclusion, the findings of this research provide a clear representation of the relationship and role of librarians' personality traits in digital literacy skills. It is essential for librarians to become aware of their weaknesses in terms of digital literacy skills and take the initiative to enhance their knowledge in this area. Digital literacy skills undoubtedly assist librarians in this regard. If librarians lack sufficient digital literacy skills, they will not be able to provide better services to users based on modern search techniques and information retrieval methods.

    Keywords: Librarians, Public Libraries, Digital Literacy Skills, Personality Traits
  • Nahid Shahveisi *, Shabnam Shahveisi Pages 209-236

    Research is one of the most important processes in scientific societies, and one of the main stages and foundations of any research is the investigation of the Literature Review. Literature review has a special value and place in research, and the value of literature review increases when the researcher analyzes it critically, because stating the shortcomings and merits of past researches informs the researchers to find out in which field more research is needed and what are the deficiencies in research; this work shows the skill of the researcher and his mastery over the investigated researches. The literature review is not only a summary of previous researches, but the review of sources requires a complete and systematic analysis of the strengths, shortcomings and inaccuracies of past researches, and a careful review of the sources can guide the researcher in the field of research.

    Literature Review

    The results of the investigations show that, so far, inside and outside the country, no research has been done with a systematic review method with a critical analysis approach to collect sources on the topic of literature review; although Koreh-Paz (2016) has compared the literature review of two disciplines, a separate research, all the sources that have dealt with the issue of literature review in all disciplines have not been examined. Fatahi and Parirokh (1999), Karami (2017), Yahyavi (2015), Fit (2011), Nopf (2006), Winchester and Selji (2016) have taken steps to guide researchers in the field of literature review and also in research sources Hori (1997), Nariza et al (2014) have examined the year, topic relevance, sharing and quality of literature review.


    This research has collected studies and researches conducted in the field of literature review using a systematic review and a critical analysis approach, as well as a qualitative library-document method. In order to collect sources and select the appropriate source, the following steps were taken, which are as follows:1- Determining the purpose of the research: according to the topic of the research, i.e. literature review and critical analysis of sources, all the researches and studies that were related to the topic of literature review were examined.
    2- Searching for sources: in order to search for accurate sources related to the subject of research, considering that literature review is used in different disciplines and fields with different titles, first by checking in texts and books.
    3- Analysis of sources: After searching the databases, a total of 64 sources were retrieved in Persian and non-Persian databases. By reviewing the sources, 13 sources had duplicate titles, which were removed from the collection of reviews, and then by reviewing the full text of the remaining sources, 20 articles were identified as unrelated to the research topic, although the titles of the sources show thematic relevance, in the review of the text, it was found that they are unrelated, because some sources have chosen literature review in the title of the word review, but within the text, especially in non-Persian sources, they have not paid attention to the issue of literature review. After going through the above steps, a total of 31 sources (articles, books and theses) were examined.
    4- Extraction of thematic categories: after examining the full text of the selected sources, for its thematic classification, the most important topic that the source had examined from its own angle, the literature review, was placed as a category, meaning that the selected categories were extracted from the texts and based on the understanding and inference obtained from the sources, they were considered for this research, then according to the large number of categories extracted from the texts, categories were selected that had the highest frequency; in this way, the sources were divided into three categories, which are: 1- theoretical studies and guides (definition, importance, purpose and function) of literature review 2- evaluation criteria of literature review 3- criticality of literature review.


    The result indicates that the literature review is divided into 4 categories as follows:1- Theoretical foundations and guidelines (definition, importance, purpose and function) of literature review: Most of the studies and researches that have been done in relation to the theoretical foundations of literature review are related to articles. The findings indicate that most of the studies intended to provide guidelines for the preparation of the literature review in addition to the importance and benefits of the literature review for researchers.
    2- Reviewing the criticality of the literature review:Table 2 shows that in the two studies that have been conducted in relation to critical analysis, although the basis of the research work was the critical analysis of the literature review, they did not criticize the sources as they should have, in the end, Korepaz's letter did not pay attention to the critical analysis of the literature review, and in the text of the literature review, he did not examine the literature with a critical approach, but besides this, Akindele's research examined the research with critical analysis, which he counted it as one of its merits.
    3- Literature review evaluation criteria:Most of the conducted researches have investigated the quality of the literature review, these researches take into consideration the criteria of the year, the structure of the literature review, the relevance of the topic, the impartiality of the researcher in the research work and information literacy education.


    Research is one of the important factors for the growth and success of societies, and researchers can be successful in conducting their research when they put the works and resources of the past at the forefront of their work. The review of the conducted researches and studies shows that most of the sources that have been written about the literature review have paid attention to the theoretical foundations of the literature review and it can be said that most of the researches have followed it. 


    The results of the findings indicate that in the category of theoretical foundations, one of the strong points of the researches is that they have explained the importance, benefits and functions of the background of the research in an understandable and expressive manner. Also, one of the weaknesses of these studies is that they have not explained exactly how the researcher can compile a research background, and the guidelines of these studies are mostly theoretical and have not considered the practical development of the research background. In the category of critical review of backgrounds, one of the advantages of the researches is to pay attention to the review of the researches with a critical approach, but these researches have only addressed the weak points of the researches in the review of the sources and the research itself. Also, he did not critically analyze the sources he used. In the category of research background evaluation criteria, the most important criteria proposed in the researches for research background evaluation are: year, research background structure, subject relevance, researcher's impartiality in research work and information literacy education. Also, one of the strengths of the researches in this category is the provision of instructions, providing guidelines and considering criteria for evaluating the quality of the research backgrounds, and the weaknesses are the lack of clarity and understanding of the considered criteria.

    Keywords: Literature Review, Critical Review, Evaluation Criteria, Studies, Research