فهرست مطالب

فصلنامه نگرش های نو در جغرافیای انسانی
سال شانزدهم شماره 1 (پیاپی 61، زمستان 1402)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/03/13
  • تعداد عناوین: 5
  • عقیل عباسی، مهدی وطن پرست*، عزت الله مافی صفحات 1-22

    سکونتگاه های شهری، به واسطه گسترش کالبدی و افزایش جمعیت، با مسائل پیچیده ای مواجه هستند. در واقع با گسترش شهرها و زیاد شدن مشکلات زندگی شهری، انتظارات مردم از مسئولین برای ایجاد امکانات رفاهی بیشتر شده و به همین دلیل ساخت شهرهوشمند از ضروریات است. شهر بجنورد نیز همچون بسیاری از شهرهای ایران، با استانداردها و شاخص های جامعه هوشمند اختلاف زیادی دارد. در این راستا، هدف اصلی از انجام این پژوهش تحلیل وضعیت شهر بجنورد براساس شاخص های شهر هوشمند است. روش انجام پژوهش توصیفی تحلیلی می باشد. برای گردآوری اطلاعات از ابزار پرسشنامه استفاده شده است. در این پژوهش هفت شاخص اصلی و 74 زیرشاخص در رابطه با جامعه هوشمند مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. برای تحلیل اطلاعات از آمار توصیفی، آزمون تی، تحلیل دو بعدی استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد شاخص تکثر اجتماعی و قومی بالاترین نمره میانگین یعنی نمره 87/3 را کسب نمود و وضعیت بهتری نسبت به سایر شاخص ها دارد.نتایج رتبه بندی و تبیین ضریب اهمیت شاخص ها نشان داد که، از دیدگاه کارشناسان، شاخص جهان شهرگرایی (F) با ضریب 218/0 نسبت به سایر شاخص ها در تحقق جامعه هوشمند از اهمیت بیشتری برخوردار است. نتایج تحلیل دو بعدی در شهر بجنورد نشان داد که دو شاخص خلاقیت و جهان شهرگرایی از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار بوده و از نظر مردم بومی وضعیت مناسبی ندارند. از این رو در شهر بجنورد برای توسعه جامعه هوشمند در گام های اولیه باید وضعیت این دو شاخص را بهبود بخشید.

    کلیدواژگان: جامعه هوشمند، رشد هوشمند، بجنورد، شهر هوشمند
  • تیمور محمدپور، مجید شمس*، عباس ملک حسینی صفحات 22-39

    بروز ضایعات زیست- محیطی و کاهش سطح عمومی زندگی مردم، بویژه در جوامع شهری، رهیافت توسعه پایدار به عنوان موضوع روز دهه آخر قرن بیستم، از سوی سازمان ملل مطرح و به عنوان دستور کار قرن بیست و یکم در سطوح بین المللی، منطقه ای و محلی تعیین گردید. بر همین مبنا، پژوهش حاضر، به سنجش وضعیت مناطق شهری کرمانشاه از نظر ابعاد توسعه پایدار پرداخته است. تحقیق حاضر از لحاظ روش شناسی از نوع توصیفی _تحلیلی و از نظر هدف گذاری کاربردی است. گردآوری اطلاعات در این تحقیق از طریق مطالعات کتابخانه ای و پیمایشی انجام گرفته است. ابزار جمع آوری داده ها، پرسشنامه است. جامعه آماری این تحقیق شامل شهروندان ساکن در شهر کرمانشاه می باشد. تعداد حجم نمونه انتخاب شده با توجه به جمعیت 1032000 نفری کرمانشاه در سال 1400 و بر اساس فرمول کوکران با خطای 5 درصد و سطح اطمینان 95 درصد، 356 نفر برآورد شد. روش نمونه-گیری به صورت تصادفی است. تحقیق در ابعاد اقتصادی، اجتماعی، کالبدی، زیست محیطی انجام گرفته است. نتایج بیانگر آن است که ابعاد اجتماعی، اقتصادی، کالبدی، زیست محیطی، کالبدی در شهر کرمانشاه در وضعیت نامطلوب قرار دارد. براساس نتایج استخراج شده می توان چنین استنباط کرد که وضعیت منطقه یک در سطحی مطلوب تر نسبت به دیگر مناطق از نظر ابعاد توسعه پایدار قرار دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: مناطق شهری، توسعه، توسعه پایدار، شهر کرمانشاه
  • سید تاج الدین منصوری*، اسماعیل ضرغامی صفحات 40-65

    توانایی در خواندن مسیر به عوامل بسیاری وابسته است. یکی از این عوامل پیکره بندی فضا و ارتباطات فضایی می باشد. هر چه میزان خوانایی مسیر بالاتر باشد، افراد راحت تر با محیط تعامل برقرار می نماید و احساس امنیت بیشتری در فضا می کنند. مسیریابی در فضاهای عمومی با سیرکولاسیون پیچیده مانند فضاهای داخلی بیمارستان، به دلیل تراکم فضاها، مسیرهای متعدد و گاه هم شکل، بسیار دشوار است. بنابراین این پژوهش باهدف، تحلیل مسیریابی با تعامل بین پیکره بندی و ارتباط فضایی بر اساس ابزار نحو فضا در مسیرهای داخلی بیمارستان تامین اجتماعی خرم آباد صورت می گیرد. در این پژوهش، برای ارزیابی این موضوع، یک توصیف ساختاری از مبانی نظری نحو فضا و نظریه های مسیریابی ارائه می شود. بر همین اساس، برای رسیدن به هدف پژوهش، با استفاده از نرم افزار Depthmap X 0.50 و با استخراج روش های مبتنی بر گراف و تفسیر نمودارهای دید محوری، اتصال پذیری، هم پیوندی و عمق فضا، ادراک و تفسیر مردم از مسیریابی در فضای داخلی بیمارستان تبیین می گردد. یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهند که هر میزان درجه اتصال پذیری و طول محوری مسیر بیشتر باشد، خوانایی آن بیشتر است. از طرف دیگر هم پیوندی فضاها با درجه و میزان عمق فضایی رابطه معکوس دارد. همچنین بر اساس نتایج، کاهش موانع دید، افزایش نشانه ها، افزایش اتصال پذیری و هم پیوندی و همچنین کاهش درجه و میزان عمق فضایی می تواند خوانایی مسیر را افزایش دهد و افراد راحت تر مسیر مناسب را انتخاب نمایند.

    کلیدواژگان: بیمارستان، ارتباط فضایی، مسیریابی، نحو فضا، پیکره بندی
  • حمید آسایش*، مهدی کمالی صفحات 66-81

    آنچه امروزه در بازارهای مختلف از جمله گردشگری سلامت اهمیت دارد، وجود گردشگر وفادار می باشد. زیرا هزینه یافتن گردشگر جدید بیش از 8 برابر نگهداری گردشگر وفادار است. از طرفی تاکنون عمده تحقیق هایی که در حوزه تقاضای گردشگری سلامت انجام شده است، بر تعداد گردشگران به عنوان متغیر وابسته تمرکز داشته است. ضمن اینکه در تمام توابع گردشگری سلامت به موضوع ناهمگنی گردشگران در بررسی تقاضای گردشگری توجه نشده است. لذا این تحقیق برآن است که تقاضای گردشگری را به تفکیک مناطق آمایش سرزمین تخمین بزند. با توجه به 9 منطقه آمایش سرزمین گردشگری در این مقاله که هدف تحقیق، تخمین حساسیت گردشگر سلامت در 8 منطقه آمایش سرزمین (بغیر از منطقه 7) با استفاده مدل گلینوس و همکاران (2007) می باشد، که طبق نتایج تحقیق که داده های آن از پرسشنامه ها گردشگران خارجی استخراج شده است، در تمام مناطق بالاترین حساسیت نسبت به هزینه ها وجود دارد. با توجه به تاثیر حساسیت بالای گردشگری به هزینه ها از قبیل، هزینه حمل و نقل و سفر، هزینه اقامت و بهای خدمات تندرستی در تقاضای گردشگری پیشگیری و تاثیر قیمت های نسبی (نرخ ارز)، هزینه اقامت، هزینه درمان و قیمت خدمات، توسعه و افزایش خدمات داخلی به قیمت تمام شده کمتر از رقبای خارجی توسط دولت برنامه ریزی شود

    کلیدواژگان: مناطق گردشگری، گردشگری درمانی، گردشگری پیشگیرانه، گردشگری سلامت
  • مصطفی مومنی*، ناصر برک پور صفحات 108-136

    در طول سه دهه گذشته، دولت های محلی در زمینه سیاست های تغییرات اقلیمی نقش مهمی ایفا نموده و بسیاری از شهرهای جهان برنامه ها و اقدامات اقلیمی خود را در چهارچوب حکمروایی چندسطحی توسعه داده اند. از سوی دیگر برنامه ریزی کاربری زمین یکی از موثرترین ابزار برای تسهیل سازگاری محلی با تغییرات اقلیمی است. هدف از این پژوهش ارزیابی برنامه های کاربری زمین در راستای سیاست های سازگاری با تغییرات اقلیمی در منطقه شهری قزوین بوده است. در این مطالعه از روش پژوهش اسنادی و فن بازبینی نظام مند متون و روش تطبیقی-تحلیلی استفاده شد. پس از استخراج، طبقه بندی و تقلیل داده ها به تحلیل آنها و بررسی میزان مطابقت برنامه های تبیین شده با سیاست های سازگاری تغییرات اقلیمی پرداخته شده است. ارزیابی ها نشان دهنده انطباق نسبتا بالایی بین سیاست های سازگاری با تغییرات اقلیمی و سیاست ها و برنامه های تدوین شده بود. این موضوع نشانگر توفیق نسبی در برنامه ها و سیاست های موجود در سطح ملی و منطقه ای در راستای مواجهه با تغییرات اقلیمی است، لیکن عدم هماهنگی و اجرای نامناسب برنامه ها، موجب بروز مشکلات اجرایی و در برخی جهات منجر به افزایش تغییرات اقلیمی در منطقه و آثار و پیامدهای آن شده است. بنابراین تاکید بر هماهنگی بیشتر بین نهادی و جلوگیری از تضاد منافع چه به صورت افقی و چه به صورت عمودی و به کارگیری تمام ظرفیت های نهادی و قانونی در زمینه سازگاری با تغییرات اقلیمی باید در دستور کار مدیریت محلی قرار گیرد.

    کلیدواژگان: حکمروایی چندسطحی، منطقه شهری قزوین، سیاست های سازگاری اقلیمی، برنامه ریزی کاربری زمین
  • Aghil Abasi, Mehdi Vatanparast*, Ezzatullah Mafi Pages 1-22

    Urban settlements are facing complex issues due to physical expansion and population growth. In fact, with the expansion of cities and increasing problems of urban life, people's expectations from officials to create welfare opportunities have increased, and for this reason, it is necessary to build a smart city.

    Materials and Methods

    is descriptive-analytical, and a questionnaire was used to collect information. The statistical population of the research is the citizens of the city of Bojnourd. In this research, 7 main indicators and 74 sub-indices related to the intelligent society are studied. T-test and confirmatory factor analysis have been used for data analysis.

    Results and Discussion

    The results showed that the index of social and ethnic multiplicity obtained the highest average score of 3.87 and is in a better position than other indicators. The competency level index with an average score of 3.55 is in second place. The public life participation index is also in the third place with an average score of 2.97. According to the results, the indicators of flexibility, urbanism, interest in learning over time and creativity are ranked fourth to seventh, respectively. The results of ranking and explaining the importance of indicators showed that, from the perspective of experts, the global urbanism index (F) with a coefficient of 0.218 is more important than other indicators in achieving an intelligent society.


    The indicators of social and ethnic pluralism (C) and participation in public life (G) are in the second and third ranks.The results of two-dimensional analysis in the city of Bojnourd showed that the two indicators of creativity and the world of urbanism are of great importance and are not in a good position for the local people. Therefore, in the city of Bojnourd, in order to develop an intelligent society in the first steps, the situation of these two indicators must be improved.

    Keywords: Analysis, Key Component, Smart Society, Bojnourd
  • Teimoor Mohammadpoor, Majid Shams*, Abbas Malek Hosseini Pages 22-39

    The growth of Kermanshah urban population and the rapid process of migration from rural areas, has led to the development of cities and the emergence of new urban areas and has led to some urban environmental problems. Therefore, considering the vulnerabilities of urban environment in Kermanshah metropolis and the intensification of its degradation in recent years, the present study has assessed the situation of urban areas in Kermanshah in terms of sustainable development indicators. The most important question addressed in this article is: What is the situation of Kermanshah urban areas in terms of sustainable development indicators in various dimensions (social, economic, environmental and physical)?

    Materials and Methods 

    The present research is methodologically descriptive-analytical and applied targeting. Data collection in this research has been done through library studies and surveys. A field study used a questionnaire and the data collection tool is a questionnaire that was conducted in in Kermanshah. The statistical population of this study includes citizens living in Kermanshah. The number of selected samples according to the population of people in Kermanshah in and based on the Cochran's formula with an error of and a confidence level of , was estimated at people. The sampling method is random. Research has been done in economic, social, physical, environmental and managerial dimensions.

    Results and Discussion 

    Accordingly, emphasizing the management structure in the city of Kermanshah and paying attention to it in the dimensions of sustainable urban development is more necessary than other sectors of sustainability. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to investigate the status of indicators and dimensions of sustainable development in Kermanshah and their differences in urban areas. The means obtained were in the numerical range of . to . . The highest average for economic dimension was . for region one and the lowest average for economic dimension in region was eight times. To examine the indicators of sustainable development in Kermanshah based on regions, analysis of variance was performed at a significance level of . Based on the results, the f-statistic for social, economic, physical-spatial, environmental and managerial dimensions was obtained at a significance level of p≥ . . 


    Findings indicate that social, economic, physical, environmental, physical and managerial dimensions in Kermanshah are in an unfavorable situation. Also, it was found that the situation of the management dimension in region one is significantly different from other regions and the region is in a more favorable situation in terms of management structure than other areas of Kermanshah. Zone two has a more favorable situation than zones five, seven and eight and is in a relatively similar situation compared to zones three, four and six. Zone three was in a better position than Zones five, seven, and eight, in a more unfavorable position than in zone four, and in a relatively similar position compared to zone six.

    Keywords: Development, Sustainable Development, Urban Areas, Kermanshah City
  • Seyed Tajeddin Mansouri *, Ismail Zarghami* Pages 40-65

    Routing is a process that a person has to choose between two points of origin and destination. Routing is always based on the goal and planned by people. In choosing the path, having a specific motivation facilitates this. People develop their navigation as they grow. On the other hand, getting lost, which is actually the result of not being able to find the right path, is one of the issues that have troubled the human mind since the past and has become more complicated today with the increasing growth of the artificial environment in terms of intensity and complexity. The process and categories that lead to the successful routing of people in a complex building such as a hospital is a challenging issue. Users of an environment (in the hospital; patient, patient's companion, medical service providers) each have a different level of awareness in the perception of the environment and ability to navigate; Also, the behavior patterns of people in the process of finding the path are different from each other. The ability to read the path depends on many factors. One of these factors is space configuration and spatial communication. The higher the legibility of the path, the easier people interact with the environment and feel more secure in the space. Routing in public spaces with complex circulation, such as hospital interior spaces, is very difficult due to thedensity of spaces, multiple and sometimes uniform paths. Therefore, this research aims to analyze routing with the interaction between configuration and spatial communication based on the space syntax tool in the internal routes of Khorram Abad Social Security Hospital. In other words, the purpose of this research is to understand the interaction and relationship between the configuration of the space in the choice of the path by people in the environment. Based on this, this research is a type of applied research whose findings and results can be used in the design of hospital interior spaces. The scope of the research field includes architecture, urban planning and behavioral sciences (sociology and environmental psychology).

    Research Methodology

    The information used in this research was collected in two parts. The first part of quantitative data was obtained using the images and data available in the Road and Urban Development Department of Khorramabad city, and the second part related to qualitative information was collected by accessing valid library documents and theses and referring to valid domestic and foreign sites. In this research, the diagrams of axial view, connectivity, co-connection and depth of space are used with the help of Depthmap X 0.50 software. By using mathematical operations on the matrix obtained in this software, it is possible to compare the aspects of human environmental behavior with the aspects of spatial configuration and provide results to predict the future of the project. Based on this, in order to achieve the goal of the research, by using Depthmap X 0.50 software and by extracting graph-based methods and interpreting conne ctivity diagrams, co-connectivity, average depth and distribution pattern, people's perception and interpretation of routing in the interior of the hospital will be explained.

    Results and Discussion

    Readability, spatial coherence, contrast and spatial diversity are the factors that can help people understand the path correctly. Taking advantage of the configuration and physical features of the space can become a suitable model for designing collections with many and complicated paths. Among the spaces that many people use and find their way in, are hospital spaces. The multiplicity of spaces in the hospital and their compactness make it necessary to determine and design the correct and appropriate paths. This is intensified when time is of the essence to save lives. People who are unfamiliar with the communication routes in the hospital environment should make sure that the navigation guides are sufficient and clear for them and that they will reach their destination without getting lost by following the guide. The use of various guide tools in guiding the visitors provides the possibility of understanding the general spatial arrangement of the environment and the relationship between them. People who are more familiar with the area determine the route with the navigation strategy and by using the distance and direction representation, while the people who are less familiar with the environment use the sign strategy and by recognizing the elements and recognizing theposition as They route to a point. People with more familiarity identify their conditions mentally and through coordinates in a more general situation, on the other hand, people with less familiarity identify the situation in smaller areas and through symbolic points and connections between symbols and follow the points towards the destination. Therefore, legibility of the route is of great importance for people. The findings of the research show that the greater the degree of connectivity and the axial length of the track, the more readable it is. On the other hand, the connection of spaces has an inverse relationship with the degree and amount of spatial depth.


    According to the diagram of the axial length of the sight lines, the axial length of the lines is longer in the paths whose spaces are arranged linearly, and the rest of the length of the axial lines are almost similar to each other. Routes with longer axial lines (red color) have this feature due to the connection to other routes. Also, the connectivity diagram is almost a function of the axial length diagram, which means that the paths that have the least connection to other paths and have a longer axial length still have a high degree (red color) in the connectivity diagram. The interconnection diagram that shows the connection and visual connection of the spaces in the internal paths shows that the connectivity has a direct relationship with the interconnection of the spaces. In the paths that have high connectivity, their degree of coconnection is also higher than other paths. As a result, the legibility of the routes increases and these routes have a higher readability than other routes and are more easily chosen by people in the environment. In the spatial depth diagram, it can be seen that any path that has more length of axial lines and as a result more connectivity, has a lower degree of spatial depth. The lower the degree of spatial depth of an environment, the more secure people feel in it because they are less visible to other people. From the findings of this section, it can be concluded that the longer the axial length of a path, the more accessible it is, but its spatial depth is proportionally less. In other words, space permeability has an inverse relationship with space depth. The results of this research showed that the location of Khorram Abad Social Security Hospital is appropriate. This hospital is located in a densely populated part of the city and is also close to green spaces, fire stations, and cemeteries, providing quick and easy access to citizens. Proximity to the main roads of the city is another feature of this hospital's location. On the ot her hand, according to what was said about the analysis of the routing diagrams in the space of Khorram Abad Social Security Hospital, it can be concluded that the depth and connection of the space has a relative proportion with its use. In other words, some routes, such as the emergency route to the service area, have greater axial length, connectivity and connectivity, and on the other hand, less spatial depth. Also, the rest of the routes have less axial length, less connectivity and greater spatial depth. Therefore, the flow of movement and access is more in the paths with less spatial depth. Also, the paths that have more spatial depth have the most connections.

    Keywords: Configuration, Spatial Communication, Way Finding, Spatial Syntax, Hospital
  • Hamid Asaysh *, Mahdi Kamali Pages 66-81

    What is important today in various markets, including health tourism, The existence of a Loyal tourist is because the cost of finding a new tourist is more than 1 times the Maintenance of a loyal tourist . on the hand, the main research that has been done. In the Field of health tourism demand so far, It has focused on the number of tourists as a Dependent variable. In addition, in all functions of health tourism, the issue of Heterogeneity of tourists in the study of tourism demand has not been considered.

    Materials and Methods

    Therefore, this study aims to estimate the tourism demand by land management areas. According to 3tourist land management areas in this article, which include area (Gilan, Mazandaran, Golestan and Semnan), Region (East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Ardabil And Kurdistan), Region (Hamedan, Kermanshah, Lorestan and Ilam), Region (Isfahan, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, and Khuzestan) Region (Fars, Bushehr, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad), Region (Tehran, Qom and Alborz), Region (Zanjan, Qazvin and Markazi), Region (Yazd, Kerman, Sistan and Baluchestan and Hormozgan), And Region (South Khorasan, Razavi Khorasan and North Khorasan) Therefore, the Purpose of this study is to estimate the sensitivity of health tourism in land management Areas (except area5) using the model of Glinus et al. ( ).

    Results and Discussion

    According to the results of The research, the data of which were extracted from the questionnaires of foreign tourists, In all areas there is the highest sensitivity to costs.


    Due to the impact of high tourism Sensitivity to costs such as transportation and travel costs, Cost of ccommodation and the Cost of health services in tourism demand Prevention and the impact of relative prices (Exchange rates), Accommodation fee, treatment fee and service price, Develop and Increase domestic services at a lower cost than foreign competitors by the government.

    Keywords: Health Tourism, Preventive Tourism, Medical Tourism, Tourist Areas
  • Mostafa Momeni *, Naser Barakpur Pages 108-136

    Over the past three decades, local governments have played an important role in climate change policies. During this period, many cities around the world have developed their own climate plans and measures within the multilevel governance framework. On the other hand, land use planning is one of the most effective tools to facilitate local adaptation to climate change. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to evaluate land use plans in line with climate change adaptation policies in Qazvin urban region.

    Materials and Methods

    In this study, the documentary research method and the technique of systematic review of documents and plans prepared for urban and peri-urban development in Qazvin urban complex at different levels during the last two decades has been used. In addition, in order to adapt the climate adaptation policies and the formulated policies in these documents, the comparative-analytical method has been used. The measurement scale in the method was the Likert scale. The validity of the answers has been obtained based on the audit method and the use of expert opinions.

    Results and Discussion

    The assessments showe a relatively high level of conformity between climate change adaptation policies and developed policies and programs. This indicates the relative success of existing plans and policies at the national and regional levels in the face of climate change, but the lack of coordination, causes implementation problems and in some ways leads to increased climate change and its effects and consequences in the region. The policies of Qazvin province spatial planning document have the most compliance. Among the climate adaptation policies in the field of land use, the policy of "determining the activity of polluting uses and their appropriate location according to environmental assessments" has the most compliance and the policy of "planning for the establishment of uses based on ecological capacity" has the least compliance with the policies of this document.


    Considering the mentioned features of multi-level governance and considering the existence of weaknesses in the body of the land use planning system both in the field of policy and in the field of performance in the Qazvin Urban Region in general, and weakness in facing climate changes in the city of Qazvin in particular, using new management approaches in this region, such as multi-level climate governance, can be a way forward. The establishment of such a system requires knowing the effective actors and stakeholders and examining the capacities and governance methods that can be used in this region. Therefore, the emphasis on greater interinstitutional coordination and the prevention of conflicts of interest, both horizontally and vertically, and the use of all institutional and legal capacities in the field of adaptation to climate change should be on the agenda of the local government.

    Keywords: Multilevel Governance, Land Use Planning, Climate Adaptation Policies, Qazvin Urban Region