فهرست مطالب

فصلنامه مطالعات مدیریت راهبردی
پیاپی 57 (بهار 1403)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/03/29
  • تعداد عناوین: 15
  • کارکردهای یادگیری استراتژیک در شکل گیری نوآوری سبز و عملکرد پایدار
    محمدامین آئینی* صفحه 0

    رقابت‎ ‎و موفقیت در‎ ‎صنایع گوناگون با‎ ‎مفاهیم نوآوری سبز و پایداری عملکرد اجین شده است و حرکت به سوی‎ ‎توسعه‎ ‎پایدار ‏همواره‎ ‎ چالشی جدی و بستر ‎دستیابی‎ ‎به‎ ‎مزیت و توان مندی‎ ‎پایدار در نظام ‎اقتصادی  کشور است. ‏بر این اساس، هدف این پژوهش،‎ ‎تبیین و تحلیل ‎‎تاثیرگذاری کارکردهای یادگیری استراتژیک در شکل گیری نوآوری سبز بر عملکرد پایدار شرکت های تولیدی و صنعتی باست.‏‎ ‎روش‎ ‎پژوهش ازنظر‎ ‎هدف،‎ ‎کاربردی‎ ‎و‎ ‎از نظر جمع آوری‎ ‎و نوع داده ها،‎ ‎توصیفی‎ ‎همبستگی‎ ‎است.‏‎ ‎جامعه‎ ‎پژوهش شامل مدیران 197 شرکت کوچک و متوسط فعال‎ ‎در شهرک ‏صنعتی‎ ‎بوعلی استان همدان است که تعداد 125 نفر از مدیران این شرکت ها با روش تصادفی ساده انتخاب ‏شدند. نتایج تحقیق حاکی از تاثیر مثبت‎ ‎نوآوری سبز بر یادگیری استراتژیک و عملکرد پایدار شرکت های تولیدی و ‏صنعتی است. البته یادگیری استراتژیک نقش میانجی در تعامل نوآوری سبز و عملکرد پایدار دارد. نتایج نشان ‏می دهند، نوآوری سبز و یادگیری استراتژیک از‎ ‎عوامل‎ ‎مهم‎ ‎اثرگذار‎ ‎بر‎ ‎عملکرد پایدار هستند. همچنین، نتایج‎ ‎در‎ ‎حوزه‎ ‎مباحث نوآوری سبز، یادگیری استراتژیک و عملکرد پایدار، نوآوری های‎ ‎نظری‎ ‎به‎ ‎همراه‎ ‎داشته‎ ‎و‎ ‎به‎ ‎مدیران‎ ‎و ‏ذی نفعان‎ ‎صنایع گوناگون‎ ‎در درک‎ ‎چگونگی‎ ‎تاثیرگذاری‎ ‎نوآوری سبز بر‎ ‎عملکرد پایدار با‎ ‎تاکید‎ ‎بر‎ ‎یادگیری استراتژیک ‏کمک‎ ‎می کند‎.‎

    کلیدواژگان: نوآوری فناوری، نوآوری فرایندی، نوآوری مدیریتی، عملکرد محیطی، عملکرد اجتماعی، یادگیری و خلق دانش
  • پیشایندها و پسایندهای خودسانسوری سازمان های دولتی
    مرتضی پیری، میثم جعفری، مهدیه ویشلقی* صفحات 0-0
    هدف این پژوهش، شناسایی و رتبه بندی پیشایندها و پسایندهای خودسانسوری کارکنان در سازمان های دولتی است. این پژوهش در حیطه پژوهش های آمیخته بارویکرد کیفی-کمی با رهیافت استقرایی-قیاسی است. تحقیق ازنظر هدف، کاربردی و ازحیث روش، ماهیت و نوع داده ها، توصیفی - پیمایشی است. نمونه پژوهش در بخش کیفی، اساتید رشته مدیریت و روانشناسی است. نمونه گیری پژوهش  هدف مند و به تعداد 16 نفر است. نمونه آماری با حجم 32 نفر در بخش کمی، مدیران میانی و ارشد سازمان های دولتی شهرستان ارومیه است که به روش غیراحتمالی و دردسترس  انتخاب شدند. در بخش کیفی پژوهش برای گردآوری داده ها از مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته استفاده شد و روایی و پایایی آن بااستفاده از ضریبCVR و آزمون کاپای کوهن تایید شدند. علاوه بر این، در بخش کمی از پرسشنامه با مقایسات زوجی استفاده شد، پایایی تحقیق با آزمون مجدد و روایی آن با روایی محتوا مورد تایید قرار گرفت. در کدگذاری داده ها از نرم افزار MAXQDA بهره گرفته شد که منجر به شناسایی پیشایندها و پسایندهای خودسانسوری گردید. سپس با بهره گیری از فن دلفی فازی، رتبه بندی پیشایندها و پسایندهای خودسانسوری کارکنان انجام پذیرفت. نتایج پژوهش حاکی از آن است که جوسازمانی، عدم امنیت شغلی و ترس از دست دادن موقعیت شغلی، مهم ترین عوامل به وجودآورنده خودسانسوری در کارکنان و افزایش فشار روانی، کاهش بهره وری سازمان، ممانعت از تحول و افزایش تمایل به ترک خدمت از جمله مهم ترین پیامدهای خودسانسوری شناسایی شدند.
    کلیدواژگان: جوسازمانی، عدم امنیت شغلی، خودسانسوری کارکنان، فشار روانی، بهره وری
  • چگونگی تاثیرگذاری ظرفیت جذب و چابکی استراتژیک در بین المللی شدن شرکت های صادرکننده
    سمانه لاجوردی* صفحه 0

    نقش و کارکرد ظرفیت جذب و ابعاد چابکی استراتژیک در تسهیل بین المللی شدن شرکت ها، برای توان مندسازی مزیت های بنیادی رقابت و  اثرات تعاملی آنها در سطوح و فرایندهای آمادگی بین المللی روزبروز مورد توجه و تحلیل قرار می گیرند. لذا هدف این تحقیق تبیین شکل دهی ظرفیت جذب و چابکی استراتژیک در تسهیل کسب آمادگی بین المللی شدن شرکت های صادرکننده برتر است. نوع پژوهش، توصیفی پیمایشی است. داده ها از  38 شرکت های صادرکننده، نمونه تحقیق در سال 1400 کسب شدند. سپس با استفاده از تحلیل همبستگی، تعامل اجزای مدل پژوهش بر اساس داده های حاصل از پرسشنامه ترکیبی، برای سنجش ظرفیت جذب از مطالعه فلاتن و همکاران، قابلیت های چابکی استراتژیک و تسهیل بین المللی شدن از مطالعات دوز؛ و چنج و همکاران و سامر، آزمون  شده است.  نتایج آزمون تعامل اجزای مدل پژوهش نشانگر نقش مهم ظرفیت جذب در انتخاب اهداف و قابلیت های چابکی استراتژیک و ارتباطات موثر برای بهره برداری از هوشمندی راهبردی است. مهمترین نقش مربوط به سازه حساسیت راهبردی، و پس از آن، انتخاب اهداف دانشی فناورانه راهبردی، درک ارزش دانش مفید در محیط، و توانایی تبدیل آن به کارایی است. پس از آن، میزان چالش های راهبردی مشتریان در حال و آینده، برای انتخاب اهداف دانشی فناورانه راهبردی بر آمده از ظرفیت جذب از طریق چابکی استراتژیک شناسایی و تحلیل شدند و شرکت ها با این نقش و کارکرد اذعان داشتند.

    کلیدواژگان: حساسیت راهبردی، دانش فناورانه راهبردی، درک ارزش دانش محیط، توانایی کارامد شدن
  • طراحی مدل کنترل استراتژیک در صنعت کشتی سازی
    طاهره سادات سلامی* صفحات 0-0
    شرکت های کشتی سازی برای موفقیت بر رقبای خارجی و داخلی خود علاوه بر تکیه بر مزیت های رقابتی، نیازمند دانش عمیق در حوزه کنترل استراتژیک در صنعت خود هستند. البته بیشتر آنها شناخت کافی از مباحث استراتژی، برنامه ریزی استراتژیک و کنترل استراتژیک در محیط رقابتی، متلاطم و پیچیده خود ندارند. تحقیق حاضر درصدد طراحی مدل خاص برای تبیین کنترل استراتژیک در صنعت کشتی سازی ایران بر اساس نظریه داده بنیاد است. داده های تحقیق با مصاحبه های عمیق و نیمه ساختار یافته از هشت نفر از مدیران و کارشناسان  صنعت کشتی سازی گردآوری شده است. داده های حاصل  از مراحل مصاحبه های باز و نیمه ساختار یافته با نرم افزار MAXQDA نسخه 12 تحلیل شد، پس از عبور از بخش تحقیق کیفی و دستیابی به طراحی مدل کنترل استراتژیک،  بخش کمی تحقیق آغاز شده و در این بخش از روش های دلفی و مدل سازی ساختاری تفسیری استفاده شد. با بهره گیری از مدل سازی ساختاری تفسیری مهمترین عوامل اثرگذار در کنترل استراتژیک و سطح اثرگذاری و اثرپذیری آن ها بر کنترل استراتژیک صنعت کشتی سازی تبیین شدند. لذا کنترل استراتژیک دربردارنده اهرم های کنترلی: کنترل تحدیدی،کنترل آگاهی های ویژه، کنترل تعهد به مشتری،کنترل اثربخشی، کنترل قابلیت های استراتژیک،کنترل رضایت مشتری، کنترل مهارت ها، کنترل محتوای استراتژی، کنترل سیاسی، کنترل وظیفه ای، کنترل فرهنگی، کنترل تعاملی، کنترل اجرای استراتژی است . کنترل اثربخش و رضایت مشتری جزو تاثیرگذارترین عوامل در شکل گیری کنترل استراتژیک صنعت کشتی سازی شناخته شدند.
    کلیدواژگان: کنترل تحدیدی، کنترل آگاهی های ویژه، کنترل تعهد به مشتری، کنترل اثربخشی، کنترل قابلیت های استراتژیک، کنترل رضایت مشتری
  • طراحی مدل حاکمیت شرکتی درنظارت اثربخش بر تسهیلات اعطایی بانکی
    هادی نیک قلب، سعید صیاد شیرکش*، فریده حقشناس کاشانی صفحات 0-0
    بانک ها به دنبال این هستند تا بتوانند در چارچوب حاکمیت شرکتی، نظارت اثربخشی را بر تسهیلات اعطایی داشته باشند. زیرا یکی از مهمترین آسیب های حال حاضر در نظام بانکی، عدم مصرف صحیح تسهیلات اعطایی است که منجر به انحراف تسهیلات می شود و هرگونه ضعف و کوتاهی در این خصوص باعث بلوکه شدن منابع بزرگی از بانکها و کاهش سرعت پول می گردد. از اینرو هدف اصلی این پژوهش، طراحی مدل حاکمیت شرکتی برای نظارت اثربخش بر تسهیلات اعطایی بانکهاست که مطالعه موردی این پژوهش، بانک ملی ایران است. پژوهش حاضر از نوع کیفی می باشد. جامعه خبرگان مورد مطالعه، برخی مدیران ارشد بانک ملی ایران در شهر تهران می باشند. این خبرگان به روش نمونه گیری هدفمند، و به صورت گلوله برفی انتخاب و تا رسیدن به حد اشباع نظری با دوازده تن از آنان مصاحبه نیمه ساختار انجام پذیرفته است. روایی مدل با روش بازبینی توسط خبرگان و پایایی، با روش بازآزمون بررسی گردیده است و با استفاده از روش تحلیل مضمون، پنجاه مضمون فرعی، بیست و یک مضمون سازماندهی شده و ده مضمون فراگیر شناسایی گردیده است. یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد بکارگیری این مدل به بانک ملی کمک خواهد کرد تا با شناسایی دقیق مفاهیم حاکمیت شرکتی مرتبط با تسهیلات بانکی، نظارت اثربخشی بر پرداخت تسهیلات انجام دهند.
    کلیدواژگان: حاکمیت شرکتی، نظارت اثربخش، تسهیلات اعطایی، بانک ملی
  • طراحی الگوی برنامه ریزی راهبردی مدیریت پروژه در شرایط نااطمینانی
    علیرضا شهرکی*، سید سیامک مرشد، وحید برادران صفحات 0-0
    مسئله ی زمان بندی پروژه با منابع محدود یکی از مهم ترین دسته مسائل در زمینه ی موضوعات مدیریت راهبردی در پروژه ها می باشد که در سال های اخیر به شدت مورد توجه محققین قرار گرفته است. ترکیب این مسئله با سایر موضوعات مدیریت پروژه را می توان ازجمله پررونق ترین موضوعات در این زمینه در سال های اخیر عنوان نمود. در این تحقیق، یک مدل برنامه ریزی استوار برای مسئله ی یکپارچه ی سفارش دهی مواد و زمان بندی پروژه در شرایط وجود عدم قطعیت، وقفه های تقویمی، تجدیدناپذیری، فسادپذیری و سناریوهای مختلف اجرای پروژه روی یک نمونه واقعی مخزن سقف شناور نفت خام ارائه شد. مدنظر قرار دادن همزمان مباحث فوق الذکر در قالب این مدل منجر به نزدیک تر شدن مدل به شرایط دنیای واقعی، کاربردی تر شدن نتایج حاصله و بهبود کیفیت نتایج در عمل خواهد شد. مدل ارائه شده دارای تابع هدف حداقل سازی کلیه ی هزینه ها شامل هزینه های سفارش دهی، نگهداری، خرید و جریمه ی تاخیر منهای پاداش بابت زودتر تحویل دادن پروژه بود و با رویکرد امکانی نسبت به استوارسازی مدل اقدام شد. پس از ارائه ی مدل، یک روش حل ترکیبی از الگوریتم ژنتیک و نرم افزار GAMS برای حل مسائل عددی در اندازه های مختلف طراحی شد. همچنین، مسئله ی نمونه ای مربوط به یک پروژه ی تعمیرات مخزن سقف شناورنفت و نیز چندین مسئله ی عددی طراحی و با رویکرد مورد نظر حل شد. نتایج به دست آمده حکایت از کاهش قابل ملاحظه ی زمان حل با استفاده از رویکرد ترکیبی ارائه شده در این تحقیق داشت.
    کلیدواژگان: برنامه ریزی راهبردی، زمان بندی پروژه با منابع محدود، عدم قطعیت، تخفیف، تعمیر مخزن نفت خام
  • اکبر محمدی*، سحر بابایی، غلامرضا توکلی صفحات 1-19
    حکمرانی توانایی اداره جامعه از طریق تعامل اثربخش با بخش های دیگر است. برای اینکه بخش حکمرانی یک سازمان دولتی بتواند نقش های خود را در این زمینه به خوبی ایفا کند، نیازمند قابلیت هایی برای انجام امور کاری خود است و باید بتواند این قابلیت ها را در سازمان نهادینه کند. لذا هدف این پژوهش شناسایی قابلیت های مورد نیاز حکمرانی و دسته بندی آنها می باشد. در این راستا از مطالعات کتابخانه ای و مصاحبه با خبرگان جهت گردآوری داده ها بهره گرفته شد و در ادامه با روش تحلیل محتوای کیفی قابلیت های کلیدی برای حکمرانی اثربخش در سه مقوله اخلاق حکمرانی، عقلانیت حکمرانی و رفتار ماهرانه حکمرانی احصاء شدند. هر یک از این مقوله ها، دارای چهار مولفه می باشد که در نهایت برای هر یک از این مولفه ها، قابلیت های مورد نیاز شناسایی شده اند. در ادامه تلاش شد که با برگزاری یک پنل خبرگی، قابلیت های شناسایی شده مورد بررسی قرار گیرند و نهایتا در این پنل، قابلیت های استخراج شده تایید شدند. در این پژوهش در مجموع 59 قابلیت برای حکمرانی مطلوب معرفی شده اند. نتایج این مطالعه علاوه بر اینکه بینش مناسبی به مبانی نظری قابلیت های حکمرانی اضافه نموده است، راهکارهای سیاستی مناسبی نیز برای خط مشی گذاران و مدیران به منظور توسعه قابلیت های حکمرانی در سازمان پیشنهاد داده است.
    کلیدواژگان: قابلیت های حکمرانی، عقلانیت، اخلاق، مهارت، سازمان دولتی
  • محمدحسین یوسفیان، سید حمید خداداد حسینی*، اصغر مشبکی اصفهانی، علی شایان صفحات 21-54

    در سال های اخیر تحقیقات متعددی درحوزه زیست بوم کسب وکار انجام شده و این توجه در حال افزایش می باشد. با توجه به ویژگی های خاص زیست بوم ها، انتظار می رود بسیاری از مفاهیم کسب وکار و از جمله راهبرد سازی در زیست بوم کسب وکار نیز از الزامات و ویژگی های خاص خود برخوردار باشد. به منظور شناسایی موضوعات راهبرد سازی در زیست بوم کسب وکار و با استفاده از روش فراترکیب، مقالات منتشر شده در این حوزه در بازه زمانی سال های 1993 تا 2021 و در برترین مجلات و پایگاه های داده مورد بررسی قرار گرفت و در نهایت 107 مقاله انتخاب و بررسی شد. نتایج حاصل از ترکیب یافته های این مقاله ها منجر به استخراج 10 زمینه اصلی مرتبط با راهبرد سازی در زیست بوم کسب وکار شامل محرک های تشکیل زیست بوم، پیشران های زیست بوم، هدف زیست بوم، مرز زیست بوم، جایگاه های راهبردی، نقش های راهبردی، عوامل کلیدی سلامت زیست بوم، چالش های زیست بوم، پویایی زیست بوم و راهبرد سازی در زیست بوم گردید که هر کدام شامل زمینه های فرعی و مفاهیم مرتبط می باشند. در ادامه با توجه به این زمینه ها و همچنین با مد نظر قرار دادن روابط بین آنها، مدلی یکپارچه جهت راهبرد سازی در چرخه عمر زیست بوم کسب وکار طراحی گردید. مدل طراحی شده جامع ترین مدل موجود در مبانی نظری جهت راهبرد سازی در زیست بوم های کسب وکار می باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: : زیست بوم کسب و کار، برنامه ریزی استراتژیک، پیشران های زیست بوم، پویایی استراتژی، بینش استراتژیک
  • حمیدرضا یزدانی*، رضا اکبری اصل، مهرزاد شیرازی صفحات 55-71
    موانع متعددی برای پیاده سازی طرح های تحولی وجود دارد. مهم ترین آن ها موانع رفتاری در سازمان ها است. بررسی موانع بیشتر قائم به فرایند، تهیه و تدوین، ابعاد فنی و توجیهی طرح های تحولی محوریت اصلی بوده اما مراحل اجرا و پیاده سازی این طرح ها نادیده گرفته شده است. به همین منظور، هدف پژوهش شناخت موانع رفتاری مرحله پیاده سازی طرح های تحولی در بانک شهر است. پژوهش از نظر هدف توسعه ای و از نظر نوع روش توصیفی- اکتشافی است. راهبرد پژوهش نظریه داده بنیاد مبتنی بر رهیافت ظاهرشونده گلیزر است. مشارکت کنندگان در پژوهش، شامل مدیران ارشد و اعضای هیات مدیره، مجریان و کارشناسان خبره بانک شهر است که با منطق اشباع نظری با 13 نفر مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته انجام شد. شیوه تحلیل داده ها کدگذاری باز، انتخابی و نظری بوده است. یافته های پژوهش بیان می کند که موانع رفتاری پیاده سازی طرح های تحولی در بانک شهر در سه دسته کلی موانع قبل برنامه ریزی، موانع حین برنامه ریزی و موانع زمان پیاده سازی برنامه ریزی قرار می گیرند که هر یک از مقولات، مفاهیم و کدهای مشخصی تشکیل شده اند. در پیاده سازی طرح های تحولی موانع شناسایی شده باید به دقت درنظر گرفته شوند.
    کلیدواژگان: شایستگی ها، ناتوانی کارکنان، موانع قبل و حین، اجرای راهبرد، پیاده سازی راهبرد
  • کامران رحیمی، علیرضا آقا قلیزاده سیار*، جواد فغانی صفحات 73-91
    در دنیای امروز با افزایش رقابت و گذر از اقتصاد سنتی، مشتریان به محور اصلی تمام فعالیت های سازمان بدل شده اند. هدف این پژوهش ارائه الگوی کاربردی برای حفظ مشتریان فعلی و جذب مشتریان جدید در یک موسسه مالی است که این امر به طور مستقیم بر سودآوری و بقای سازمان موثر است. بنابراین از مبانی و مولفه های اثربخشی تبلیغات در جذب و نگهداری مشتریان در موسسات مالی بهره گرفته شد. بدین منظور شاخص های اصلی موثر بر عملکرد سازمان از مبانی نظری پژوهش استخراج گردید. سپس با استفاده از نظرات افراد خبره این شاخص ها بررسی و پالایش شدند. در گام بعدی برای مشخص شدن میزان تاثیر متغیرها بر یکدیگر از روش نگاشت شناختی فازی استفاده شد. این امر با کمک نرم افزار نت درا انجام پذیرفت. با استفاده از این نرم افزار ضرایب اهمیت هر یک از متغیرهای پژوهش استخراج گردید. از ضرایب به دست آمده برای متغیرهای پژوهش به عنوان ورودی قسمت شبیه سازی استفاده شد. فرایند شبیه سازی در نرم افزار ونسیم صورت گرفت و بر اساس آن نمودار علت و معلول، دیاگرام جریان و سناریوهای پیشنهادی مطرح شدند. در نهایت نیز الگوی اثربخشی تبلیغات در حفظ و نگهداری مشتریان ارائه شد. با توجه به سناریوهای مطرح شده، مشخص شد در بازه زمانی مورد مطالعه میزان جذب مشتریان از این طریق به میزان تقریبی 40 درصد افزایش داشته است. بدین منظور با افزایش بودجه آموزش کارکنان، استفاده از فناوری اطلاعات و تبلیغات مناسب و همچنین افزایش مشارکت کارکنان شاهد افزایش چشمگیر جذب مشتریان خواهیم بود که تاثیر مستقیمی بر افزایش سودآوری سازمان خواهد داشت.
    کلیدواژگان: جذب مشتری، حفظ مشتری، نگاشت شناختی فازی، بهینه سازی
  • ترکان علی پور، رامین بشیر خداپرستی* صفحات 93-107
    دولت با توسعه سیاست ها و راهبردها می تواند از کاربرد راهبردهای تمایز در بین شرکت های صادراتی حمایت کند. به این ترتیب، راهبرد تمایز احتمالا ابزاری را برای توسعه یا تطبیق محصولات جهت ارضای نیازهای خاص خریداران در بازارهای خارجی فراهم کند. راهبرد تمایز نشان دهنده ایجاد و بازاریابی محصولی است که در کل صنعت نسبتا منحصربه فرد تلقی می شود. در این راستا، این پژوهش به تحلیل پیشایندهای راهبرد های تمایز در شرکت های صادراتی فعال در شهرستان ارومیه می پردازد. پژوهش پیش رو، از لحاظ هدف توسعه ای و از لحاظ روش جمع آوری داده ها توصیفی- پیمایشی و در دسته تحقیقات همبستگی قرار می گیرد. همچنین این پژوهش به صورت میدانی انجام شد. جامعه آماری پژوهش را شرکت های صادراتی فعال شهر ارومیه تشکیل می دهند. حجم نمونه طبق جدول مورگان، تعداد 185 شرکت به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده انتخاب شد. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات پرسشنامه استاندارد گربینگ و اندرسون و نونالی مبتی بر طیف لیکرت است. برای پایایی پرسشنامه از ضریب آلفای کرونباخ بهره گرفته شد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از روش معادلات ساختاری به کمک نرم افزار های اس پی اس اس نسخه 23 و اسمارت پی ال اس نسخه 3 انجام شد. نتایج پژوهش حاضر نشان داد که پیشایند های راهبرد تمایز (جهت گیری کارآفرینی، جهت گیری یادگیری بین الملل، جهت گیری رشد بین الملل) تاثیر مثبت و معناداری بر روی راهبرد تمایز دارد.
    کلیدواژگان: راهبرد تمایز، جهت گیری کارآفرینی، جهت گیری یادگیری بین الملل، جهت گیری رشد بین الملل
  • مریم تعمت الهی سروستانی، معصومه حسین زاده شهری*، محمدعلی بابایی زکلیکی صفحات 109-128

    کسب و کارهای سکویی همانند دیگر کسب و کارها، به منظور حفظ مزیت رقابتی، پایداری خود و پیشرو بودن در بازار، نیازمند نوآوری هستند. با توجه به تحول مفهوم ارزش پیشنهادی بازیگران در کسب و کارهای سکویی، دستیابی به نوآوری بر مبنای نگاه و تفکر شبکه ای و زیست بومی، مستلزم برخورداری و توسعه مجموعه ای از قابلیت ها می باشد. در این راستا، هدف پژوهش حاضر شناسایی قابلیت های سکویی است که می توانند همچون توانمندساز نوآوری ارزش پیشنهادی بازیگران در کسب و کارهای سکویی عمل کنند. به این منظور، داده های پژوهش از طریق مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته با مدیران، مشاوران و صاحبان 12 شرکت سکویی با روش نمونه گیری هدفمند و گلوله برفی، جمع آوری و با روش تحلیل مضمون در قالب قابلیت هایی دسته بندی شده است. یافته های تحقیق نشان می دهد که قابلیت های توانمندساز نوآوری ارزش پیشنهادی بازیگران به سه گروه قابلیت های پلتفرم، قابلیت های طرف عرضه و قابلیت های طرف تقاضا دسته بندی می شوند؛ قابلیت های سکو شامل قابلیت بازاریابی، قابلیت زیرساخت فناوری، قابلیت همسوسازی ارزش پیشنهادی، قابلیت حس گری بازار، قابلیت جمع سپاری و قابلیت تحلیل داده های کلان است. قابلیت های به اشتراک گذاری/ مدیریت دانش، تطبیق پذیری و مهارت الکترونیکی از جمله قابلیت های طرف تقاضا و در نهایت قابلیت های ارتباطی، بهبود مستمر کیفیت، شبکه سازی با سایر خدمت دهندگان (مکمل ها) و یادگیری بازار از جمله قابلیت های طرف عرضه محسوب می شوند که شرکت ها می توانند با به کارگیری آنها در راستای ایجاد نوآوری ارزش پیشنهادی اقداماتی انجام دهند. این پژوهش به توسعه مبانی نظری قابلیت های سکویی و نوآوری ارزش پیشنهادی بازیگران سکو کمک شایانی می نماید. همچنین می تواند رهنمودی در اختیار مدیران، مشاوران و صاحبان سکوها قرار دهد تا با بهره گیری از آنها در جهت ایجاد نوآوری و حفظ پویایی پلتفرم خود به منظور پایداری مزیت رقابتی گام های موثری بردارند.

    کلیدواژگان: سکوی چند جانبه، قابلیت های سکو، قابلیت، نوآوری ارزش پیشنهادی
  • ابوالقاسم ابراهیمی*، محمد صادق میرزائی، امین نیکبخت صفحات 129-156
    جمهوری اسلامی مانند هر نظام دیگری دارای عناصر و مولفه هایی است که آن را از سایر نظام ها متمایز می کند. مدیریت جهادی یکی از این عناصر است. با این حال، مفهوم مدیریت جهادی برای پژوهش گران داخلی، هم چنان مبهم بوده و مناقشات بسیاری در راستای این مفهوم مطرح است. از این رو،  این پژوهش با هدف ارائه چارچوبی راهبردی از مدیریت جهادی با استفاده از مفاهیم مطرح در نظریه های مدیریت کسب وکار صورت پذیرفت. این پژوهش با استفاده از استراتژی پدیدارشناسی ذیل روش کیفی، در قالب پارادایم تفسیری انجام شده است. جامعه مورد مطالعه، مدیران ارشد سازمان ها، مدیران و رهبران گروه های جهادی و اساتید رشته مدیریت هستند. بدین منظور، اشباع نظری داده ها پس از مصاحبه با 12 نفر از خبرگان مدیریت و محققین حوزه مدیریت جهادی بدست آمد و از روش نمونه گیری هدفمند استفاده شد و جهت گردآوری داده ها، ابزار مصاحبه مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. با استفاده از رویکرد پدیدارشناسی، مفاهیم استخراج و با استفاده از مطالعات کتابخانه ای، در نظریه های مدیریت کسب وکار تطبیق داده شد. نتایج نشان داد که در مدیریت جهادی، «تفکر حل مسئله بر پایه تفکر جانبی»؛ «تنظیم اثربخش اهداف بر پایه همگرایی ارزش ها»؛ «تنظیم موثر روابط بر پایه نظریه تبادل اجتماعی»؛ «تنظیم موثر فرآیندهای شناختی بر پایه نظریه هویت اجتماعی»، «بهبود فرآیندها بر پایه بهره گیری از تئوری بهبود مستمر»؛ «ارتقای بهره وری سیستم با بهره گیری از تئوری محدودیت» و «ایجاد مزیت های رقابتی پایدار، با بهره گیری از دیدگاه مبتنی بر منابع»، قابل بررسی است.
    کلیدواژگان: مدیریت کسب وکار، مدیریت جهادی، رویکرد پدیدارشناختی
  • فاطمه خواجه فینی، محمدرضا حمیدی زاده*، عبدالله نعامی، فتانه علیزاده مشکاتی صفحات 157-179

    با توجه به اینکه شناخت تمایل به خرید و مصرف شرطی مهم و اساسی در رونق کسب وکارها و بنگاه های اقتصادی است، هدف این پژوهش بررسی تاثیر نویزهای محیطی، همانند: نوع و ارزش محصول، محتوا و نحوه طراحی پیام بر قصد و رفتار خرید مشتریان در بازاریابی رسانه های اجتماعی می باشد. این تحقیق از بعد هدف کاربردی بوده و از لحاظ رویکرد تحقیق ابتدا کیفی و پس از آن کمی و دارای استراتژی توصیفی پیمایشی می باشد. جامعه آماری این تحقیق شامل کلیه ی مشتریان فروشگاه های مواد غذایی تهران بوده و نمونه آماری این تحقیق شامل 384 نفر از مشتریانی بوده است که در زمان انجام تحقیق قصد خرید مواد غذایی از فروشگاه داشتند. ابزار گردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه می باشد و برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از مدل معادلات ساختاری با نرم افزار Smart PLS استفاده شد. نتایج این تحقیق نشان می دهد که نویزهای محیطی، همانند: نوع و ارزش محصول، محتوا و نحوه طراحی پیام اثر مثبت و معناداری بر رفتار مصرف کننده دارند، همچنین متغیرهای محتوا و نحوه طراحی پیام، نوع و ارزش محصول اثر مثبت و معناداری بر قصد خرید دارند ولی برخلاف تحقیقات انجام یافته متغیر پیام های ترغیب کننده اثر منفی بر قصد خرید دارد. رفتار مصرف کننده نیز اثر مثبت و معناداری بر قصد خرید دارد. نقش میانجی متغیر رفتار مصرف کننده برای روابط نوع و ارزش محصول و محتوا و نحوه طراحی پیام با قصد خرید مشتریان مورد تایید قرار گرفت.

    کلیدواژگان: پیام، بازاریابی رسانه های اجتماعی، قصدخرید، نویز و سیگنال های محیط
  • نیکا خواجه پورشیروان، پرویز ساکتی*، کاوه تیمورنژاد صفحات 181-208
    مفهوم اکوسیستم کارآفرینی به معنای اندیشه و عمل برای طراحی سیاست های کارآفرینی بکار گرفته شده است هدف این تحقیق ارائه چارچوب ارزیابی اکوسیستم کارآفرینی پارک های علم و فناوری است. این پژوهش به صورت کیفی و بر مبنای نظریه داده بنیاد سیستماتیک می باشد. داده های پژوهش از طریق مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته شامل 15 نفر از خبرگان حوزه کارآفرینی و پارک های علم و فناوری کشور تا رسیدن به اشباع نظری صورت گرفت و نمونه گیری از نوع هدفمند به روش نظری وگلوله برفی انجام شد. روایی از روش لینکلن و گوبا و پایایی از طریق پایایی باز آزمون و توافق بین دو کدگذار انجام شد. تحلیل داده ها نیز با رویکرد استراس و کوربین در سه مرحله کد گذاری باز، محوری و گزینشی انجام شد. چارچوب ارائه شده حاکی از آن است که عوامل علی (ویژگی ساختارهای محلی، سیاست های کارآفرینی و شاخص های کارآفرینی محلی)، عوامل زمینه ای (منابع مالی، انسانی، زیرساخت فیزیکی و ناملموس، ظرفیت سازی، ترویج، توانمندسازها)، عوامل مداخله گر (سازگاری، حذف تنش، تاب آوری)، راهبردها (تعاملات درون و برون اکوسیستمی)، پیامدها (خلق ثروت، نیروی کار، کسب و کارها) و پدیده محوری، ارزیابی اکوسیستم کارآفرینی پارک های علم و فناوری (با شاخص های حمایت گری ، واسطه گری، فرصت سازی فناورانه، کمک به بهره برداری از فرصت، ماهیت اکوسیستم) می باشد. چارچوب پیشنهادی می تواند به عنوان مبنایی برای ارزیابی اکوسیستم کارآفرینی ایجاد شده یا توسعه پارک های علم و فناوری مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.
    کلیدواژگان: اکوسیستم کارآفرینی، چارچوب، پارک های علم و فناوری
  • The mediating role of strategic learning in the relationship ‎between green innovation and sustainable performance (case ‎study; Hamedan Buali Industrial City‏(‏
    Mohammad Amin Aeiny * Page 0

    Aim and


    competition and success in various industries are combined with the concept of ‎performance sustainability and moving towards sustainable performance in manufacturing and industrial ‎companies that play a key role in the implementation of programs development of every country and ‎considering the many benefits they have for different industries, their beneficiaries and their followers for ‎society and the country, it is one of the most important issues and always one of the most important concerns ‎of managers. Arshad and policy makers in this area. Based on this, the aim of the current research is to ‎investigate the effect of green innovation on the sustainable performance of manufacturing and industrial ‎companies by analyzing the mediating role of strategic learning.‎


    The methodology of this research is quantitative in terms of the main strategy, and in terms ‎of the goal, it is practical, and in terms of the operational strategy, it is field. And in terms of analytical ‎technique, it is descriptive of the correlation type. The method of research hypothesis testing, structural ‎equation modeling with the partial least squares method, and specifically, Lisrel software was used. The ‎statistical population of this research includes managers of 197 small and medium-sized companies active in ‎Buali industrial town, located in Hamadan province. Among the managers of these companies, 125 company ‎managers have been considered as a sample for the current research using Morgan's table and by simple ‎random method.‎


    The findings of the research indicate the confirmation of the four tested hypotheses. So that the ‎positive effect of green innovation on strategic learning of manufacturing and industrial companies was ‎confirmed. Strategic learning also has a positive effect on the sustainable performance of manufacturing and ‎industrial companies (confirmed). Also, the positive effect of green innovation on the sustainable performance ‎of manufacturing and industrial companies was confirmed. Moreover, strategic learning plays a mediating role ‎between green innovation and sustainable performance.‎Discussion and


    In recent years, sustainable performance has been one of the most important ‎concerns of senior managers of manufacturing and industrial companies and even the country due to its ‎importance and role in various industries and various stakeholders. An effective solution has had a very ‎important place in the growth and development of the country. Therefore, identifying and testing the most ‎important factors affecting it are very important and practical. Therefore, in this research, using library studies ‎and field research, two very important and vital factors affecting the sustainable performance of ‎manufacturing and industrial companies were identified. In the continuation of the research, we tried to ‎investigate the relationship between research variables in manufacturing and industrial companies by using ‎structural equation modeling. Finally, we came to the conclusion that green innovation and strategic learning ‎are among the most important factors affecting the sustainable performance of manufacturing and industrial ‎companies. Also, the results showed that companies that have strategic learning and benefit from it achieve ‎better and more effective sustainable performance than companies that lack it. In addition to this, the current ‎research in the field of green innovation, strategic learning and sustainable performance, theoretical innovations ‎and related to managers and It helps the stakeholders of various industries, especially the country's industrial ‎estates, in understanding how green innovation affects sustainable performance by emphasizing strategic ‎learning.‎

    Keywords: Sustainable Performance, Green Innovation, Strategic Learning, Buali Industrial‏.‏
  • Identify and ranking the antcedents and consequences of self-censorship in gpvernment organizations with a mixed approach
    Morteza Piri, Meysam Jafari, Mahdieh Vishlaghi * Pages 0-0
    IntroductionHuman resources in organizations, by sharing their knowledge, attitude, ideas and experiences, are the most essential factors in moving the cycles of the organization, the expertise and capabilities of human resources can make organizations flexible. Make it acceptable and realize strategic goals in challenging conditions (Dudokh, 2020). Knowledge sharing is a behavior in which a person voluntarily provides his knowledge, expertise and experiences to other actors inside and outside the organization (Hosseinpour, Qurbani and Vishalghi, 2018). Thus, self-censorship is a phenomenon that hinders the transfer and sharing of knowledge (Hamari et al., 2017). Self-censorship of employees is a deliberate and voluntary action that employees refrain from disclosing when they have information, and it increases the tendency of employees to provide false information (Bartel, 2017).Organizational self-censorship is a dangerous obstacle for organizational change and transformation and hinders the development of pluralistic organizations. Self-censorship in organizations can have harmful effects on the decision-making and change process (Hamari et al., 2017). The issue of organizational self-censorship and efforts to solve it are very important and require the serious attention of managers of organizations. This phenomenon can be effective in learning and discovering errors, reduce organizational effectiveness and cause pessimism and dissatisfaction among employees, so it is necessary to address this important issue.Also, due to the existence of a theoretical gap in the field of self-censorship, it is necessary to carry out research in this field and solve this existing theoretical gap. Considering the scope of the research problem and the need to use strategies to counter self-censorship, this research aims to identify and explain the antecedents and consequences of self-censorship of employees in Urmia government organizations. Research MethodsThe current research is in the field of combined and inductive-comparative research, in such a way that it is done qualitatively-quantitatively. The purpose of this research is applied and descriptive-survey. Due to the fact that the current research is a hybrid one, the tools and methods used in the qualitative and quantitative sections are expressed separately. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part consists of management and psychology professors. In this regard, using the purposeful sampling method, 16 professors were selected as samples. The sample size was determined using the principle of theoretical saturation in such a way that the interview process ended with the sixteenth participant. The tool for collecting information in the qualitative part of the research is a semi-structured interview, the validity and reliability of which were confirmed using the CVR coefficient and the Kappa-Cohen test, respectively. The statistical population of the research in the quantitative part is the middle and senior managers of Urmia government organizations, which was determined using the non-probability sampling method with a sample size of 32 people. In the quantitative part of the research, a pairwise comparison questionnaire was used, whose reliability was confirmed by retesting and its validity by content validity. In the fuzzy Delphi approach, questionnaires are distributed and collected in two stages and at different times. Therefore, based on the average difference of de-fuzzification and compatibility rate, reliability can be checked. If the difference of the de-fuzzified average is less than 0.1, it can be said that the questionnaire has the necessary reliability, and according to the result of the de-fuzzified average in two stages, it can be said that the questionnaire has the necessary reliability.ResultsBased on the results of the antecedents and factors affecting the self-censorship of employees in government organizations, organizational climate, maintaining the current position, fear of losing the job position, low job motivation, organizational structure based on bureaucracy, common perceptions, prioritizing individual interests, time monopolies, Weakness in effective communication, lack of effective cooperation, protection of the reputation and identity of the organization, compatibility with values and norms, harmony with the crowd, expediency of employees, lack of responsibility, lack of security. The results containing the identification of the consequences of self-censorship of employees show that the decrease in enthusiasm of employees, increase in stress, decrease in happiness in the organization, decrease in individual performance and efficiency, decrease in organizational agility, decrease in organizational productivity, employee dissatisfaction, job burnout, The difference in human resources hinders entrepreneurship in the organization, ineffective decisions, increases the desire to leave the service, hinders development and transformation, reduces trust in the organization, reduces timely reactions, and lacks learning. Also, the findings of the research show that the organizational atmosphere, fear of losing job position, conformity with the crowd, lack of security, expediency of employees and maintaining the current position are among the most important antecedents and factors affecting self-censorship of employees in organizations. They are government. In addition to this, factors such as lack of organizational changes, increased stress, reduced organizational productivity, reduced organizational agility, reduced individual performance and efficiency, and increased desire to leave the service of employees are among the most important consequences or consequences of self-censorship of employees in government organizations. ConclusionDutiful and authoritarian organizational atmosphere is the most important factor that creates self-censorship of employees. Spreading the culture of knowledge sharing and increasing employee participation, which is basically not a process that can be realized all at once, can lead to increasing the participation of human resources and knowledge sharing among employees. Therefore, it is necessary to spread and strengthen the culture of participation and knowledge sharing in organizations in order to become the basis for increasing creativity in the organization. By organizing brainstorming sessions, organizations challenge employees and increase participation and interactions between work groups, which leads to innovation and creativity, all of which lead to increased organizational learning, increased courage and boldness of employees in stating the truth and adopting Strategies to prevent self-censorship will be provided to employees.
    Keywords: Self-Censorship, Employees, Government Organizations, Fuzzy Delphi, Mixed Approach
  • The relationship between absorptive capacity and strategic agility with the internationalization of exporting companies
    Samane Lajevardi * Page 0

    Aim and


    Recently, the role of absorptive capacity and dimensions of strategic agility in facilitating the internationalization of companies have been considered from different angles in the national and international arena, and their interactive effects have been analyzed at different levels. The importance of the skills and abilities necessary to achieve strategic agility is focused on those specific functions of human resources that promote the skills and capabilities required for strategic agility in entrepreneurial companies. The angles of effective management of entrepreneurial teams in different fields have revealed the importance of the relationship between strategic agility and human resource management. Therefore, in this study, the relationship between absorptive capacity and strategic agility is considered and the question is raised, how is absorptive capacity through strategic agility capabilities related to facilitating the internationalization of exporting companies?


    According to the theoretical foundations, the research hypotheses and the conceptual model of internationalization facilitation are presented. The research strategy is a survey type and in terms of a descriptive method, which has been tested in an exploratory-correlational way, the relationships of the research model and using a combined questionnaire, to measure absorptive capacity from the study of Flatan et al., strategic agility capabilities and facilitating internationalization from dose studies; and Cheng et al. and Samer have been used. From the statistical population of exporting companies, the number of 38 exporting companies of the national sample in 1400 has been selected as a statistical sample.


    Based on the test of relationships, the most important relationship is related to the structure of strategic sensitivity, which has the highest factor loading (0.921) for the index "The company has effective communication to exploit strategic intelligence". After that, the most important relationship is related to the structure of "selecting strategic technological knowledge goals". This structure has a higher factor load for its four indicators, the most important of which is related to the index "strategic challenges of customers (related industries) identified in the present and future.", and the second index is "technological knowledge goals to face the strategic challenges of the determined industry." Is". These two indicators have factorial values of (0.845) and (0.785), respectively. This value of the factor load indicates the importance and significance of the relationship of this construct, which shows its descriptive power and significance from a statistical point of view. The lowest significant coefficient is related to the path (continuous innovation → internationalization) and the lowest statistical value (0.400) indicates the weak relationship of this construct with the issue of absorption capacity and facilitation of internationalization through strategic agility capabilities. According to the above, in order to facilitate the process of internationalization through absorption capacity, it is necessary to provide a greater understanding of the mediating role of strategic agility capabilities, and consider the degree of influence of the independent variable on the facilitation of internationalization and considering the coefficient of determination of about 65%, another study The variables influencing the facilitation of internationalization can be explained.Discussion and


    To facilitate the process of internationalization through absorption capacity, it is necessary to provide a greater understanding of the mediating role of strategic agility capabilities, consider the degree of influence of the independent variable on the facilitation of internationalization, and consider the determination coefficient. The relationship test of the research model shows the important role of absorptive capacity in the selection of goals and capabilities of strategic agility and effective communication for exploiting strategic intelligence. The most important relationship is related to the structure of strategic sensitivity, and after that, the selection of strategic technological knowledge goals, the understanding value of useful knowledge in the environment, and the ability to convert it into efficiency. After that, the level of identifying the strategic challenges of customers in the present and the future is strategic for choosing technological knowledge goals. This empirical evidence supports the argument that international activities and the facilitation of the internationalization of the company are highly dependent on the process of absorptive capacity through strategic agility in the company. In this way, strategic agility helps managers to recognize the importance of knowledge evolution in the context of specific international business and to increase strategic alignment with precise orientation and strategic agility capabilities. This point requires specialists to emphasize strengthening organizational ability, especially having a set of management knowledge and strategic agility. Also, managers should carefully select target markets that have a similar culture. The precise step-by-step orientation of managers from the management of actions, towards the recognition of more strategic alignment, through the capabilities of strategic agility from emerging issues and new balance. Creating this balance or alignment, and how you use your time to focus on wise curiosity, is of vital importance.

    Keywords: : Absorptive Capacity, Strategic Agility Capabilities, Strategic Sensitivity, Exporting Companies
  • Strategic control model in the shipbuilding industry
    Tahereh Sadat Salaami * Pages 0-0
    Shipbuilding companies need deep knowledge of strategic control in their industry to succeed over their foreign and domestic competitors. Unfortunately, most of them do not have sufficient knowledge of the topics related to strategy and strategic control in their turbulent and complex environment. The present study seeks to produce a theory and model in order to explain strategic control in Iran's shipbuilding industry. The research data were collected through in-depth and semi-structured interviews from 8 managers and experts in the shipbuilding industry. The data collected from open and semi-structured interviews were analyzed by MAXQDA software version 12 and a model was designed which was tested in quantitative stage using Delphi methods and interpretive structural modeling. Using interpretive structural modeling, the most important factors affecting strategic control and the level of effectiveness and effectiveness of factors affecting strategic control in the shipbuilding industry were identified. It was found that strategic control has control levers including restrictive control, control of special awareness, control of customer commitment, effectiveness control, strategic capability control, shared satisfaction control, skills control, strategy content control, political control, task control, cultural control, interaction control, strategy performance control. Effectiveness control and customer satisfaction were identified as the most influential factors in strategic control in the shipbuilding industry.
    Keywords: Strategic Control, Shipbuilding Industry, Interpretive Structural Modeling, Delphi
  • Designing a corporate governance model for effective supervision of bank grant facilities
    Hadi Nikghalb, Saeed Sayad Shirkosh *, Farideh Haghshenaskashani Pages 0-0
    Banks are looking for this to be able to monitor the effectiveness of granted facilities within the framework of corporate governance. Because one of the most important current damages in the banking system is the failure to use the granted facilities correctly, which leads to the deviation of the facilities, and any weakness and shortcoming in this regard causes the blocking of large resources from the banks and the reduction of the speed of money. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to design a corporate governance model for effective monitoring of bank loans, which is the case study of the National Bank of Iran. The current research is qualitative. The community of experts studied are some senior managers of the National Bank of Iran in Tehran. These experts were selected by purposeful sampling and in the form of a snowball, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve of them until reaching theoretical saturation. Validity of the model has been checked by expert review and reliability by retest method, and fifty sub-themes, twenty-one organized themes and ten overarching themes have been identified using the theme analysis method.
    The research is of qualitative and exploratory type and it is an extension research because by presenting a model, it seeks to expand the concept of corporate governance to effectively monitor the facilities granted by National Bank. The data collection method is field and library. The tool for collecting data in the field is a semi-structured interview. The statistical community of experts includes some managers of central offices of National Bank in Tehran. The number of these managers is thirty. Ten of these experts were interviewed by the snowball method in a targeted manner, but the interview was continued with two other experts to achieve theoretical adequacy. The data obtained from the interviews have been studied and analyzed with thematic analysis method. In thematic analysis, after conducting each interview quickly and without delay, coding is done until all interviews and first round codings are done. Then the second and third rounds of coding are done to obtain the research model. Internal validity is measured by the review method by experts, and reliability is checked by the retest method.Results  and
    The corporate governance models presented in our country have a structural weakness.  Because the design of the corporate governance system model for banks is derived from the existing reality of the nature of banks, and the real nature of Iranian banks is their government status. This is despite the fact that the implementation of corporate governance in a bank with government ownership or control is not efficient enough. The exploratory nature of the present research, by clarifying the dark and ambiguous corners of the implementation of corporate governance in banks, has succeeded in discovering its unknown facts and methods in order to effectively monitor the facilities granted in the National Bank of Iran. 
    The developed model for corporate governance to effectively monitor the granted facilities is shown in chart No. 1 listed on page 12, and the proposed model can be used and exploited for the National Bank of Iran and other similar banks. According to the opinion of experts and the researcher's interpretative view, the following suggestions are presented:1- in addition to exercising sufficient care in the selection of employees, special attention should also be paid to the issue of succession, training and strengthening of specialized human resources.2- while institutionalizing the thinking of responsibility, the necessary grounds for strengthening and continuity of this aspect of corporate governance should always be considered by bank managers..3- In order to provide various products, especially in the field of granting facilities and effectively monitoring its various stages, banks should use electronic tools to know how and how to use payment facilities.4- The laws related to the corporate governance system should be formulated in the amendment bill of the trade law.5- Correct implementation of corporate governance can contribute to a great extent in timely and appropriate response to all stakeholders.6- The employees of each of the three control departments of the facility should be different and one employee should not be used to control and monitor all three control departments.7- When granting the facility or even before any payment of the facility, the relevant officer in the bank should clearly announce the exact terms of payment of the facility installments to the applicants to receive the facility.8- They should distance themselves from bureaucracy and take steps towards becoming agile.9- Intelligent systems for collecting, archiving and disseminating information should be implemented in the facilities department.10- The implementation of corporate governance should be carefully followed up with consideration of the rights of all stakeholders. Examining the findings of the current research with the results of previous research shows the comprehensiveness of the current research and its similarity with the results of the findings of other researchers. For example, Rezaei, Sharifi, and Etimadi Ahri (1400), Falah, Haqshanas, and Rezaian (1399), Kurd, Bagheri, and Mohibi (1399), Isaei and Hasannia (1399), Babajani (1399), Rezaei and Nazimi (1398), Farzin Vash (2016), Seyd Noorani (2016), Ramadan Nia and Rezaei (2016), Talebi (2015), Mohajaran (2015), Yahyapour (2014), Sepe Vand (2014), Kashif Bahrami (2014), Manzoor and Yadi Pour (2017) also, from foreign researches similar to the research, we can refer to the researches of Sakawa, Hideaki et al. Haveril Chek (2018), Agarwal (2016), Masri, Abdul Fattah and Al Bahar (2016), Young et al. (2006), Alford (2006), Brindle (2005), Young (2001), Talwar (1999).
    Keywords: Corporate Governance, Effective Supervision, Paid Loans, The Melli Bank
  • Designing a Strategic Planning Model for Project Management in Uncertainty Situations (Case Study: Crude Oil Storage Tank Maintenance Project)
    Alireza Shahraki *, Seyyed Siamak Morshed, Vahid Baradaran Pages 0-0
    Considering the key role of storage tank capacity in increasing and sustainability of oil production and preventing daily fluctuations due to production-related operational problems as well as maintaining storage capacity in oil exports, minimizing all costs and being included in the service of tanks is the main strategy at the Ministry of Petroleum.The resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) is one of the most important problems in the field of project management that has attracted a lot of researchers in recent years. Combining this with other project management problems has recently become very common.Classical approaches such as the critical chain assume that project resources are unlimited. However, this assumption does not make sense in most projects. Subsequently, the resource constraint assumption was added to the model. Such problems are called resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP).Most studies assume that activities are performed in an ideal setting and that the proposed schedule can be executed exactly according to plan. The existence of uncontrollable factors such as lack of access to resources, the addition of unforeseen activities to the project, and bad weather conditions practically lead to the failure to achieve the project objectives in the desired time. This can bring significant costs to the project. Therefore, one of the main challenges facing construction projects is the existence of uncontrollable factors. The effect of these factors on the project can be greatly reduced if different scenarios are predicted in the planning done for the project and the planning is done based on these scenarios. A robust optimization is a new approach that has been proposed in recent years to deal with data uncertainty in various scenarios. In this approach, near-optimal solutions are considered that are highly feasible and resistant to change. In other words, the feasibility of the solution obtained in different scenarios is guaranteed by slightly deviating from the value of the objective function. Accordingly, in this study, a robust optimization approach is used to deal with changes in different scenarios to minimize the effect of different modes of events in the project on the accuracy of the plans made. In real conditions, ignoring some limitations and realities in modeling can reduce the applicability of the proposed model. Therefore, in this study, several important issues in modeling are considered. These issues include non-renewability, perishability, discounts on project resources, uncertainty, and lag times. The following is a brief description of these concepts for more familiarity with them. In this study, a robust planning model for the problem of robust integrated project scheduling and material ordering under uncertainty, lag times, non-renewability, perishability, and various project implementation scenarios was provided. Simultaneous consideration of the above in the model brought the model closer to real-world conditions, made the results more practical, and improved the quality of results. The model had the objective function to minimize the total cost, including ordering, maintenance, purchasing, and penalties for delay minus the bonus for hastening the project delivery. Model robustification was then performed with a possibilistic approach. After providing the model, numerical problems of different sizes were solved using a hybrid solution method of genetic algorithm and GAMS software. Moreover, a sample problem concerning an oil resource repair project and several numerical problems were designed and solved using the desired approach. The results indicated a significant reduction in solution time using the proposed hybrid approach.
    Keywords: Strategic Planning, Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem, Uncertainty, Discount, Crude Oil Storage Tank Maintenance
  • Akbar Mohammadi *, Sahar Babaei, Gholamreza Tavakoli Pages 1-19
    IntroductionGovernance is a term that lacks a precise and clear definition due to its broad scope and evolving nature. It can be broadly defined as the capacity to effectively manage a society through productive engagement with various sectors. For a public organization's governing body to fulfill its responsibilities effectively, it must possess and institutionalize the necessary capabilities within the organization. Given the significance of good governance in today's intricate societies and its substantial impact on organizational outcomes, it is crucial to have a governance framework capable of fulfilling its role competently. This framework should be able to establish the organization's objectives, vision, and trajectory, steer its subordinates towards achieving these objectives, and enact essential reforms through timely evaluations of goals and stakeholders' conduct. Failure to possess these essential capabilities and execute its role effectively will lead to program inefficiencies and the inability to attain set objectives, eventually resulting in discontent among stakeholders. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify and categorize the essential governance capabilities required. The methodology involved literature reviews, surveys, and interviews with experts. Through qualitative content analysis, key capabilities for effective governance were delineated. The expert panel consisted of ten seasoned researchers and managers specializing in organizational management within an Iranian government entity. The research timeline spanned from 2020 to 2022, focusing on one of Iran's ministries.Methodology The thematic analysis in this research followed the Brown and Clark method, which involves three steps: analysing the interview texts and coding them, creating a network of themes, and extracting categories. For qualitative interviews in this study, the semi-structured interview method was chosen due to the subject's nature and the necessity of obtaining exploratory information while minimizing research bias. The interviews were conducted until theoretical saturation was achieved. To reach theoretical saturation, the researchers adopted a gradual approach to analysing the interviews. After each interview, the complete process of coding and thematic analysis was carried out, instead of analysing all interviews at once.Results and Discussion In general, it can be inferred that the governance level within government organizations must possess a range of capabilities to effectively manage their responsibilities. These capabilities encompass ethical considerations, systemic understanding, attention to complexities, and leadership skills within the governing team. The integration of all these capabilities is essential for ensuring effective governance. Ethical governance entails key characteristics that define the individuals involved in governance. These characteristics, identified through literature review and interviews, include commitment, determination, openness, critical thinking, honesty, and accountability. Organizational structures should be designed to promote these characteristics as standard behaviours, minimizing the likelihood of breaches. Systemic governance involves capabilities linked to managers' awareness of the organization's systemic aspects and insights derived from human experience. Neglecting these capabilities can lead to systemic issues and eventual failure. Subcategories within this domain encompass foresight, holistic thinking, attention to complexities, and creativity. Competent governance behaviour encompasses leadership and managerial skills necessary for guiding subordinates towards goal attainment and creating a conducive environment for their success. This category includes subcategories such as organization and leadership, policy formulation, fostering a conducive culture, creating opportunities, and facilitating processes. Each of these categories comprises four dimensions, identifying a total of 59 minor capabilities essential for effective governance.Conclusion This study has comprehensively identified governance capabilities ranging from overarching dimensions to minute routine behaviours, a level of detail not previously explored in existing research. The findings of this research not only contribute valuable insights to the existing literature on governance capabilities but also offer practical policy recommendations for policymakers and managers to enhance governance capabilities within their organizations.
    Keywords: Governance Capabilities, Rationality, Ethics, Skill, Public Organization
  • Mohammad Hossein Yousefiyan, Seyyed Hamid Khodadad Hoseini *, Asghar Moshabaki Esfahani, Ali Shayan Pages 21-54

    Recently there are remarkable interests about business ecosystems in businesses and academic environments and increasing. Regarding special characteristics of business ecosystems, it is expected that management concepts including strategy and strategizing are different in business ecosystems and they have special specifications and require special considerations. In this research and using related articles published in this area, we review previous researches and extract related concepts and themes about strategazing in business ecosystems and realation between them and to design an integrated model for strategizing in business ecosystem’s life cycle.


    To identify related themes about strategizing in business ecosystems, we use Metasynthesis and Sandelowski and Barroso method in this research that the mothod includes seven steps. Published articles in this area between 1993 to 2021 and in top scientific databases are reviewed by the research group. These databases include Science Direct, Emerald, Scopus and EBSCO. In addition and regarding the importance of some journals, the resarch group considered articles of four pioneer journals by Berry-picking and Journal Runs and Hand Searching method to be sure that all influential articles are reviewed. These four pioneer journals include Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, California Management Review and Strategic Management Journal. We reviewed related articles and screened articles three times and at the end, 107 articles selected and studied in this research. We extracted required information from these selected articles and then categorized and synthesized them to extract concepts and themes.

    Results and Discussion

    Using Metasynthesis results, 10 themes about strategizing in business ecosystems are identified including Ecosystem Creation Motivators, Ecosystem Drivers, Ecosystem Goal, Ecosystem Boundary, Strategic Positions in Ecosystem, Strategic Roles in Ecosystem, Critical Health Factors of Ecosystem, Ecosystem Challenges, Ecosystem Dynamism, and Strategizing in Ecosystem that every theme has its sub-themes and concepts. These themes are related together and can make an integrated model to describe how different factors influence strategizing in business ecosystems and how designers and managers of an ecosystem can nurture an acosystem by deliberately strategic initiatives.


    In the end and using identified themes and regarding the relationships between them, an integrated model for strategizing in business ecosystems’ life cycle are designed by the researchers. In this model and based on the research question, strategizing has a dynamic charactristics and is a continuous attempt during whole life cycle of business ecosystem and plays as a core of the model. There are several motivators that encourage different ecosystem players to participate in the ecosystem. While these motivators exist, the ecosystem evolve and otherwise will collapse. On the other hand, customer value proposition is the core goal that whole ecosystem moves toward that goal and strategizing is a leading engine that pushes the ecosystem toward this goal. In addition to strategizing, there are some soft and hard drivers that provide dynamism for ecosystem. After creating ecosystem, different participants play various roles in the ecosystem that based on their responsibiliy, they are assigned to special positions and these positions determine the strategic role of every participant in the ecosysetm. Participants influence the strategizing in the ecosystem by these strategic roles. Also, strategic positions maybe change by ecosystem dynamism and then they are dynamic. By prticipation of players in the ecosystem, the boundary of ecosystem will be detremined that include players in different strategic positions. According to the model, this boundary is dynamic and based on the different factor, the boundary can change during ecosystem’s life cycle. Survival and competitiveness of an ecosystem deponds on its health. During evolution of the ecosystem, different factors emerge that based on these factors we can evaluate healthiness of ecosystem that we call them Critical Health Factors. These factors play a very important role in decision about ecosystem strategies. Ecosystem challenges are other factors that influence strategizing in ecosystem that these challenges related to charactristics of ecosystems and these challenges must be considered for any strategic initiatives. But ecosystem dynamism is the crucial issue in ecosystem strategizing that accomplish by ecosystem’s life cycle. Comprehensive understanding of this dynamism is so important for strategizing in an ecosystem. Also, dynamism variables are the most important issue about ecosystem dynamism. These variables make dynamism in the ecosystem or they will be affacted by ecosystem dynamism. These dynamism variables influence on strategizing in ecosystem and also will be affacted by new strategies and changes. In addition to strategic roles, strategic challenges and dynamism variables, there are another factors that impact on strategizing that we call them as Effective Factors on Strategizing. These factors have mutual relationship with strategizing and they have dynamism charactristics. In addition, Strategic Approach is another factor that can influence strategizing in ecosystem. Every strategic approach has its own requirements and can make different effect on strategizing in ecosystem. These strategic approaches are related to strategic positions and ecosystem dynamism. Regarding complexity of strategizing in ecosystems, it is necessary to consider all these themes together simultaneously and also their relationship. This comprehensive understanding leads to a best decision during strategy develpoment and execution and this designed model is the most comprehensive known model for strategizing in business ecosystems.

    Keywords: Strategizing, Strategic Planning, Strategy Dynamics, Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Hamidreza Yazdani *, Reza Akbari Asl, Mehrzad Shirazi Pages 55-71
    The discussion of "feasibility" of strategic transformational plans is one of the major challenges facing managers in the field of organizations in the current changing era. A problem that usually goes back to the implementation of transformation plans. Correct formulation of strategic plans is considered a heavy duty of the management team, but its implementation in the organization is much more difficult. There are many obstacles in the way of implementing strategic transformation plans, and behavioral obstacles are considered to be one of the most important obstacles in the implementation of plans in the organization. The existence of behavioral obstacles in employees is not an issue that can be easily ignored in the implementation of strategic transformation plans, but this issue is often neglected or less addressed, because mostly in this process, the preparation and compilation of technical and justification dimensions. Transformational plans are the main focus and the stages of implementation and implementation as well as evaluation of these plans have been ignored. For this purpose, the aim of the current research is to provide a model for identifying behavioral barriers in the implementation of transformation plans in Shahr Bank.
    The current research was from the perspective of the main applied-developmental orientation, from the perspective of exploratory nature, and from the perspective of qualitative and questioning approach. The participants in the research include senior managers and members of the board of directors, managers (heads of departments and regions) and expert experts of Bank Shahr who were related to transformation plans in various roles, and by using targeted sampling and reaching the theoretical saturation point, there were 13 people from They were selected as samples. Theoretical saturation logic was used to determine the sample size at this stage. To check the reliability of the interview from the reliability of the two coders and to check the internal validity of the interview questions, a pre-test was done with three interviews, which led to literary and writing editing and adding two questions to the interview questions. Foundation data theory with Glazer's emergent approach was used as the analysis method. In the foundational data theory with Glaser's emergent approach, there are two stages of coding, which are respectively: real coding (open coding and selective coding) and theoretical coding.
    Results and Discussion
    The findings of this research state that the behavioral barriers to the implementation of transformation plans in Shahr Bank fall into three general categories: barriers before planning, barriers during planning, and barriers during implementation, each of which consists of specific categories, concepts, and codes. Pre-planning obstacles include factors: individual characteristics, thoughts, beliefs and mental beliefs, lack of attention to feasibility studies for the implementation of a transformational plan; Obstacles during planning include factors: structural, process and content weaknesses, human resource system weaknesses and communication weaknesses; Obstacles at the time of implementation include factors: cultural inefficiency, relative instability, lack of meritocracy system, lack of leadership skills, lack of management skills, inability of employees, lack of learning and transfer of knowledge in the bank and lack of flexibility of transformational plans.                           
    Before implementing transformational plans, managers and officials need to create the necessary background for implementing transformational plans, and without proper planning and conditions, the plan's implementation will fail. Many of the platforms necessary for the implementation of transformation plans are not available in Shahr Bank. The existing infrastructures have not been updated along with the change of approach from traditional to strategic. The statistics and information system does not have sufficient coherence, and there is no possibility of timely access to the required information in many cases. Behavioral obstacles during planning are the obstacles that affect how the plan will be implemented in the future during the planning stage. All these activities form the content of transformational plans, the result and output of which are documents that are used as a practical guide for implementation at the bank level after approval in the form of a set of processes. It is necessary to comply with some requirements in preparing development plans and producing the content of these plans. Requirements that if any of them are not met, the implementation of the plan will face many challenges. The implementation phase is the most important phase of planning and implementing transformation plans. Because success in achieving the goals of the plan is not possible except in the shadow of the correct implementation of the plan. A transformational plan needs legal and comprehensive rules in which the rules are specific and transparent so that there is no conflict between different levels from planning to implementation and it has an integrated structure. The culture of resistance to change, the culture of subjugation, the governance of the branch-avoidance culture, etc. are some of the things that will become obstacles to the proper implementation of transformational plans in Shahr Bank. The lack of meritocracy and recommendation assignments is one of the most important obstacles to the implementation of transformational plans. Successive changes of leaders and managers and short-term service periods lead to a feeling of lack of commitment to implement a transformational plan. If managers and employees have a correct understanding of strategic planning and transformation plans; They will have less resistance to the implementation of the plan. The new officials deny the previous activities and in some cases defy the existing plans. Planning and implementation of the plan must have continuous and proper communication. In the implementation of transformational plans, the obstacles identified in the three mentioned stages must be carefully considered.
    Keywords: Competencies, Employee Disability, Obstacles Before, During, Strategy Implementation, Strategy Execution
  • Kamran Rahimi, Alireza Agha Gholizade Sayar *, Javad Faghani Pages 73-91
    IntroductionToday, with the passing of the traditional economy and the intensification of competition in new dimensions, the customer has become the main pillar and axis of all the activities of organizations; In such a way, from a competitive point of view, the survival and continuity of life of organizations depends on identifying and attracting new customers and maintaining existing customers. With the widespread use of information and communication technology by banks and financial and credit institutions, numerous requests and needs have been formed by customers and the services of the banking system have diversified to a great extent. Hence, banks and financial and credit institutions need a precise definition of customer needs in order to gain a competitive advantage. Customer satisfaction depends on the provision of appropriate services by the bank. Attracting and retaining clients along with the quality of service can greatly improve the efficiency of banks and thus be directly effective in increasing the profitability of banks, therefore managing and formulating the general strategies of the bank in attracting and retaining customers with the knowledge of how to behave the system is possible. Due to the increasing speed of changes in information technology, bank managers will need to proactively change and focus more on customer preferences.Methodology The purpose of this research is to provide a practical model to retain current customers and attract new customers in a financial institution, which directly affects the profitability and survival of the organization. Therefore, the basics and effective components of advertising were used in attracting and retaining customers in financial institutions. For this purpose, the main indicators affecting the performance of the organization were extracted from the research literature. By reviewing the researches of the last 10 years, the indicators of the theoretical model were developed. This work was done by analyzing previous studies, naming data and classifying data extracted from interviews, observations and notes. The common codes along with important variables from the researcher's point of view were entered into the Delphi questionnaire. In the first stage, 28 variables were identified based on the opinions of experts and previous studies. Then, the 28 variables identified in the first stage were entered into the Delphi questionnaire with a range of 1 to 10, and the average answers were presented as the result of each variable. According to the researcher's opinion, 5 points were considered as the acceptance threshold of the variables, and based on this, the total number of variables was reduced from 28 variables to 17 variables. In the next step, the Delphi questionnaire was again distributed among the experts and the average answers were presented as the result of each variable. At this stage, according to the researcher's opinion, 4 points were considered as the acceptance threshold of the variables and the number of variables was reduced from 17 variables to 11 variables. Finally, after summarizing the scores and following the steps of the Delphi method, 11 variables were extracted as the final variables of the research.Results and Discussion In the next step, fuzzy cognitive mapping method was used to determine the effect of variables on each other. This was done with the help of Net Draw software. Using this software, the importance coefficients of each research variable were extracted. The obtained coefficients for the research variables were used as input for the simulation part. The simulation process was carried out in Vensim software, and based on that, the cause-and-effect diagram, flow diagram and suggested scenarios were proposed. The model of advertising effectiveness in customer retention was presented. Based on this and according to the proposed scenarios, it was found that the amount of customer attraction increased by approximately 40% during the studied period.Conclusion Finally, by increasing the staff training budget, using information technology and appropriate advertising, as well as increasing employee participation, we will see a significant increase in customer attraction, which will have a direct impact on increasing the profitability of the organization, so the results obtained from this research can be a basis for explaining attraction strategies. Customers in other financial institutions. The results of this research show the functionality of the concept of systems dynamics in financial institutions. It should be kept in mind that this issue is considered a powerful decision-making tool for managers, with the help of which they get a complete picture of the organization's processes in the form of a system. In addition, with the increase in attracting customers, the profitability of financial institutions will directly increase.
    Keywords: Customer Attraction, Customer Retention, Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, Optimization
  • Turkan Alipoor, Ramin Bashir Khodaparasti * Pages 93-107
    IntroductionBy developing policies and strategies, the government can support the application of differentiation strategies among export companies. Additionally, gaining knowledge about customers and distribution channels may provide a basis for identifying products and services that may be unique to the industry. As such, the differentiation strategy is likely to provide a means to develop or adapt products to satisfy the specific needs of buyers in foreign markets. Small and medium-sized exporting firms face external obligations, being small and new. Because of these commitments, small and medium-sized companies must formulate and use appropriate strategies and guidelines to sustain performance when operating abroad. In addition to the different obligations faced by small and medium-sized exporting companies, globalization is associated with more intense competition. How can companies, especially small and medium-sized companies and global start-ups, which typically face significant resource constraints, compete in such environments? The solution is that they should differentiate themselves from competitors.  Differentiation strategy refers to creating and marketing a product that is considered relatively unique in the entire industry. In other words, companies can differentiate their offerings based on brand image, product design, advanced technology, product features, customer service, and other dimensions. Differentiation by creating brand loyalty and less price sensitivity keeps the company away from competitor's aggressive move. Companies use their expertise to invent products and product approaches that differentiate them from competitors. SMEs typically do not have the economies of scale to pursue cost leadership approaches, and foreign markets may include multiple competitors. While the concentration strategy is often suitable for small and medium-sized companies, it is difficult to use in international business because of the diversity that companies face in different foreign markets. Differentiation strategy is closely related to innovation, and organizational learning is considered an important introduction to innovation and provides the knowledge needed to develop differentiated products. The company may need to conduct basic market research to understand distinct customer needs. In addition, gaining knowledge about customers and distribution channels can provide a basis for identifying products and services that may be unique to the industry. The need to pay more attention to environmental activities in business matters has increased. Considering the fact that carrying out sustainable activities, especially in manufacturing companies, requires the expenditure of very large financial resources, and according to studies carried out on manufacturing companies, it can be concluded that most of these companies suffer from a lack of resources. They suffer financially. to deal with environmental and sustainable activities. On the other hand, the cost of production is increasingly high, the power production process is weak and inefficient, the distribution infrastructure is largely weak, and most importantly, regulatory standards are almost non-existent, giving most companies the opportunity to ease their environmental situation. The insurance these companies want is that if they truly go green, they will pay off both financially and environmentally. The green innovation environment also improves competitive advantage and reduces uncertainty. Another important issue that should be considered is the inability of companies to use their financial resources properly, which alone can be an important reason for the failure of companies to gain a competitive advantage. In this research, the antecedents of differentiation strategies in active export companies in the city of Urmia were explained. The current research falls under the category of co relational research in terms of its practical purpose and descriptive survey data collection method. Also, this research was conducted in the field.MethodologyThe statistical population of the present study consists of active export companies of the city of Urmia. The sample size was selected from Morgan's table, 185 companies using the available sampling method. The data collection instrument is a standard questionnaire (Gerbing and Anderson, 1988, Nunnally, 1978) based on the Likert scale, which includes a 7-point Likert scale. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used for the reliability of the questionnaire. The data analysis was carried out using the structural equation method with the help of SPSS and SmartPLS software's.Results and DiscussionThe results of the present research showed that the antecedents of the differentiation strategy (including: entrepreneurial orientation, international learning orientation, international growth orientation) have a positive and significant effect on the differentiation strategy.  Conclusion According to the research findings, future researchers are advised to collect evidence from listed companies to generate valuable information. As a result, a comparative study between unlisted and listed manufacturing companies will contribute to the validity of the results. Second, the current research design was tested using cross-sectional data that present threats of common method bias, so future researchers should use longitudinal data as well as in-depth interviews to reduce the social desirability of the results. In addition, future researchers are advised to collect data from companies in other provinces to obtain richer results. Third, in this research, the effect of financial resources on green business environment was determined by the mediating role of competitive business environment, however, sustainability and environmental practices in companies may be affected by other factors.
  • Maryam Nematollahi Sarvestani, Masoumeh Hosseinzadeh Shahri *, Mohammad Ali Babaie Zakliki Pages 109-128

    IntroductionThe emergence of digital platforms is increasing as a result of technology development [4]. Although organizations consider digital platforms as a very important way to achieve technological innovation, the platform companies themselves also need innovation to be the leader and achieve a superior competitive position in the market, because digital platform capability is only one capability that alone cannot directly affect the company's competitive advantage and innovation, and this capability requires "activating some activities" that affect innovative functions through performing "specific behaviors"[3]. In this regard, despite the fact that researches have been conducted in the field of capabilities that affect value proposition innovation [5, 6], the enablers capabilities of value proposition innovation, especially in the context of the platform, have not been comprehensively addressed. In order to emphasize this matter, [1] emphasized that there are limited researches regarding the drivers and consequences of value proposition innovation. Based on this gap in the existing literature, the question is raised as to what capabilities platforms can use to innovate the value proposition of actors. In fact, this research, with a comprehensive look at platform capabilities, seeks to identify capabilities that can enable the innovation of value proposition of the platform actors.Methodology In order to develop theory in the context of the platform's value proposition, this study was conducted using an exploratory approach. The paradigm of the current research is interpretative and among the various interview-based qualitative research strategies, thematic analysis was chosen in this study to discover the views of the respondents/informants. In order to provide relevant and extensive information about the subject under study, theoretical and targeted sampling was used both for platform selection and expert selection. Then, semi-structured and in-depth interviews were conducted with managers, consultants and owners of 12 platform companies including platform managers and consultants. Finally, the data were analyzed in three stages (open, axial and selective coding).Results and Discussion Platform capabilities are classified into three capability categories according to the multiple actors participating in platform businesses. This means that the main actors of each platform, i.e. platform owners, customers or users on the demand side and suppliers and providers of products and services on the supply side, each have capabilities that each of these capabilities can be considered as an enabler of value proposition innovation. The capabilities of the platform include marketing capabilities, technology infrastructure capabilities, value proposition alignment capabilities, market sensing capabilities, crowdsourcing capabilities, and big data analysis capabilities. Knowledge sharing/management capabilities, adaptability and digital proficiency skills are among the demand side capabilities and finally relational capabilities, continuous quality improvement, networking and market learning are among the supply side capabilities that companies can use to create value proposition innovation.                Conclusion Like other businesses, platform leaders face not only ongoing opportunities but also competitive pressures to innovate. Therefore, in the face of almost constant changes and innovative pressures in the current business environment in which digital platforms operate, innovation capabilities and a sense of opportunities and threats are essential [2]. But since platforms are not like traditional businesses and as their name (multi- sided platforms) suggests, they are dependent on different parties or groups for their survival, the concept of value and innovative value should also be considered for different groups because of their nature. It is such that without applying such a comprehensive view, innovation will also fail. Therefore, the current research has addressed these capabilities as drivers and enablers of value innovation. The results showed that in order to achieve value innovation, multiple actors including platform owners, suppliers of products and services (supply side) and customers or end users (supply side) must have the capabilities to be able to engage in joint innovation. Some of these capabilities directly contribute to innovation. For example, among platform capabilities that include marketing capabilities, information technology infrastructure, aligning the value proposition of actors, market sensing, crowdsourcing, and big data analysis, it seems that information technology infrastructure capabilities, market sensing , crowdsourcing and big data analysis lead directly to innovation while, the other two cases enable value innovation through creating trust and increasing engagement of different actors. Customers, in turn, should be equipped with capabilities such as the ability to adapt to platform businesses through training and gaining awareness and receiving consulting services, digital skills through the acquisition of media literacy skills, and the ability to produce digital content in order to participate in Innovation as well as the ability to manage/share knowledge so that they can take effective steps in this direction by gaining more awareness. Finally, service providers, especially by strengthening the capability of continuous quality improvement and market learning, directly create innovation, and communication and networking capabilities are considered to be their enablers in the path of value innovation.

    Keywords: Multi- Sided Platform, Platform Capabilities, Capability, Value Proposition Innovation
  • Abolghasem Ebrahimi *, Mohammad Sadegh Mirzaei, Amin Nikbakht Pages 129-156
    The Islamic Republic, like any other system, has elements and components that distinguish it from other systems. Jihadi management is one of these elements. However, the concept of jihadi management is still vague for internal researchers and there are many controversies regarding this concept, also, one of the most important issues that should be taken into account in the management of society is its management method based on culture and customs and using tools based on the values of that society. In a historical review, it is possible to clearly see the effect of correct management during the growth period of Iranian civilization and the period of decline due to improper management. Many different management styles were used in our country, among which we can mention Jihadi management, which is one of the native management styles inspired by Iranian civilization and Islamic religious sources.Therefore, this research was carried out with the aim of providing a strategic framework of jihadi management using the concepts raised in business management theories.
    The current research has used the phenomenological strategy of qualitative method and interpretive paradigm. The reason for this choice is that the phenomenological strategy deals with explicit explanation and identification of phenomena as perceived by individuals in a specific situation. Qualitative method has been used because it involves gathering information and describing jihadi management within the framework of business management theories. Therefore, considering the qualitative nature of the research data, the research has an abstract nature. In terms of implementation outcome, it is also a developmental research as this final framework can be used for developing the concept of jihadi management and explaining its indicators by drawing on similar management theories and completing the literature; which, due to its decision-making dimension, falls into the category of developmental research. From the perspective of the purpose of implementation, it is also a descriptive research as it describes and explains the existing reality in jihadi management, which corresponds to the corresponding business management theories. It addresses what is happening and what is real. Among the types of descriptive research, it also falls into the category of exploratory research, meaning that it studies the attitudes, beliefs, and opinions of experts in the field of business management on the subject under investigation through their responses to the questions asked. In this research, interviews are used to collect data. The data is collected through interviews with professors and practitioners in the field of business management and jihadi management. Then, the themes and meanings of interest are extracted from the data and the phenomenological approach is used.
    Results and Discussion
    By examining the interviews and extracting the explanatory codes to merge and unify similar codes and remove duplicate codes, the type of problem solving thinking in 11 concepts and 3 categories, setting goals in 7 concepts and 2 categories, setting people's relationships in 6 concepts and 2 categories, setting processes Cognitive in 10 concepts and 3 categories, improving processes in 8 concepts and 2 categories, improving productivity in 6 concepts and 2 categories and creating sustainable competitive advantages in 3 concepts and 1 category were extracted. Then, with document analysis, the components identified in each strategic process in jihadi management were tracked and the corresponding and related concepts in business management science were extracted.
    In relation to problem-solving thinking and lateral thinking, it can be said that what is considered as problem-solving approaches in Jihadi management is a type of lateral thinking. Therefore, it seems that combining jihadi management with lateral thinking can help in achieving the ideals of jihadi management. Jihadi manager must be creative and have a problem solving perspective. A result-oriented and goal-oriented view, a view that underestimates the problems of the path and works effectively without the effect of obstacles in achieving the goal. In relation to the effective setting of goals in jihadi management and the convergence of values as one of the business management theories, it can be concluded that the setting of goals in jihadi management is better in such a way that both individual values It should include the organizational goals and the main goals should be based on the common goals of the employees. Regarding the cognitive processes in jihadi management and social identity and paying attention to the characteristics of the concept of jihadi management and the results of the interview, it seems that jihadi management and its implementation will not be possible without considering social identity. In relation to the improvement of processes and continuous improvement and the results presented in the interview, it seems that achieving a suitable jihadi management approach is to pay attention to continuous improvement in the subject under jihadi management. That is, a process look at the formulated vision and operationalization of the processes, formulation of standards for these operational processes and dynamics in order to improve the processes. These standards must be developed in all dimensions required by each process.
    Keywords: Business Management, Jihadi Management, Phenomenological Approach
  • Fatemeh Khajehfini, Mohammadreza Hamidizadeh *, Abdollah Naami, Fataneh Alizadeh Meshkani Pages 157-179

      Consumer behavior has been one of the most important topics of attention of marketing researchers in recent decades. The variety and variety of consumer behavior is due to the variety of factors affecting individual behavior and individual motivation to buy. In the new business, Internet marketing is considered an important part of the marketing activities of any business name. In fact, with the emergence of virtual organizations, Internet marketing has become a basic need for the possibility of movement and continued development. One of the communication tools in today's business world is social media. Considering that the existence of marketing is dependent on the environment, this research has been conducted with the aim of how environmental noise affects the consumer's purchase intention in social media marketing. Considering that in the last three years, the desire of consumers to buy from social networks has increased in the conditions of the Covid pandemic, and since marketers are looking to shape the consumer's decision in a dynamic and competitive environment, and considering the increase and variety of advertisements and the ever-increasing progress The methods of presenting and introducing products in social media marketing systems, the main problem of this research can be expressed as follows: How will marketing signals be effective in the social media environment? What factors affect the intention of customers to buy food in the social media environment? Which environmental factors affect consumer behavior in social media space?


    This research is practical in terms of its objective, and in terms of the quantitative research approach, it has a descriptive survey strategy. The statistical population of this research includes all the customers of food stores in Tehran, and the statistical sample of this research includes 302 customers who were planning to buy food from the store at the time of the research. The data collection tool is a questionnaire and a structural equation model with Smart PLS software was used for data analysis. The results of this research show that the variables of persuasive message signals, the type and value of the product, and the content and the way the message is designed have a positive and significant effect on consumer behavior, as well as the variables of the content and the way the message is designed and the type and value of the product have a positive and significant effect on purchase intention, but contrary to the conducted research, the variable of persuasive messages has a negative effect on the purchase intention.

    Results and Discussion

    Purchase intention shows the probability of customers buying, according to Schiffman and Canuck, the decision to buy a product (purchase intention) largely depends on the value of the product and the recommendation of other consumers. For example, when a product is shared in the social space, users share and discuss the features of that product, and the positive or negative points presented about that product lead to the intention to buy or not to buy that product. Social media are increasingly accessible to everyone and such media are used at all times and places. These media have emerged as a digital communication channel through which consumers can purchase their desired brands and they evaluate them and through these media, they share their information with others and communicate with brands (a significant percentage of people transmit information to others through social media. Also, social media is one of the channels It has been reported that consumers receive information about the goods or services they need in order to make a final purchase through these social media; therefore, companies are trying to understand the purchase intention, drivers, and also the effect of social media on these factors. Considering that knowledge of purchase intention and consumption is an important and fundamental condition for the prosperity of businesses and economic enterprises, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of persuasive message signals, the type and value of the product, the content and the way the message is designed on the intention and the buying behavior of customers is evaluated by evaluating the mediating effect of consumer behavior in social media marketing.


    Consumer behavior also has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. The mediating role of consumer behavior variable was confirmed for the relationship between the type and value of product and content and message design with customers' purchase intention.
    It is very difficult to measure consumer behavior according to cultural and religious patterns. Due to the economic situation and the increase in prices, most consumers prioritize economic savings over other factors. In this regard, it is suggested that researchers investigate the impact of pricing methods on consumer behavior in social media marketing in future research.

    Keywords: Message, Social Media Marketing, Purchase Intent, Noise, Message Signals
  • Nika Khajepourshirvan, Parviz Saketi *, Kaveh Teymournejad Pages 181-208
    The study of science and technology parks literature shows that approaches based on regional economy, technological and industrial clusters, and innovation systems are the basis for creating science and technology parks. The main idea of the formation of science and technology parks is to develop technology and entrepreneurship and promote innovation culture through managing the flow of knowledge and technology between universities, research institutes and private companies and the market. In the past years, many policymakers, academics and company managers have increasingly recognized the benefits of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems. Accordingly, the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystem means thinking and action have been used to design entrepreneurial policies. Examining the research reports indicates that a small number of technological businesses enjoy parking services in the life cycle of the company, which is caused by two categories of factors, the first includes the macro issues, such as reduction of government budgets, lack of management efficient systems, sanctions and bottlenecks in international communication, lack of participation of the private sector, and the second includes lack of experience of the park headquarters in managing technology and innovation, crisis management and solving upcoming challenges, and issues such as managing interactions, resilience and sustainability of businesses. Hence, the purpose of this research is to provide a framework for evaluating the entrepreneurial ecosystem of science and technology parks, because according to the experiences gained, providing the framework prevents the partiality and insularity of science and technology parks in drafting programs to support entrepreneurial processes and minimizes parallel work and waste of resources.
    The research is qualitative and based on systematic grounded theory. The data of the research was collected through semi-structured interviews including 15 experts in the field of entrepreneurship and science and technology parks of the country until reaching theoretical saturation and purposeful sampling was done by theoretical and snowball method. The statistical population of this research consists of experts related to the field of research. Sampling is also purposeful and in the form of snowballs. Sampling continued until theoretical saturation was reached. Furthermore, results evaluation criteria are as follows: 1. Matching, 2. Ability to understand, 3. Ability to generalize, 4. Control, 5- Practical relevance, 6- Efficiency, and 7- Modifyability. For determining the overall validity of the model in this research, the ratio test wass used to measure the validity of the ground theory.
    Results and Discussion
    Data analysis was also done with the Strauss and Corbin approach in three stages of open, axial and selective coding. The result showed that causal-conditions (characteristics of ecosystem place structures, entrepreneurship policies and ecosystem place entrepreneurship indicators), contextual-conditions (financial, human, physical and intangible infrastructure, capacity building, promotion, enablers), Intervening-conditions (adaptability, elimination of tension, resilience), strategies (inside- and outside- entrepreneurial ecosystem interactions), outcomes (wealth creation, workforce, businesses), pivotal include, evaluation the entrepreneurial ecosystem of science and technology parks (with  indicators of support, mediation, technical opportunism,  and help for explotation of opportunity).
    Unfortunately, science and technology parks rarely evaluate the entrepreneurial ecosystem created by themselves and only rely on performance evaluation results. A short-term solution in this field is to sensitize the officials of the parks and the Ministry of Science to the issue of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, so that they consider the evaluation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem along with the evaluation of the park’s performance, because the most important task of the park is streamlining and creating stable connections
    to carry out its missions. Considering the financial constraints and the threatening environmental conditions of the country, the best strategy is to use the capabilities of the ecosystems in a win-win relationship to advance the park’s goals.The proposed framework can be used as a basis for evaluation the establishment or development of entrepreneurial ecosystem of science and technology parks. To this end, the following suggestions are presented: 1. It is suggested that in future research, the framework presented in this research should be used to evaluate the entrepreneurial ecosystem of other Science and Technology Parks of the Ministry of Science across the country with a wider population and statistical sample and compare the results with these results. 2. It is suggested to conduct comparative studies to take advantage of the situation of other countries in evaluating the entrepreneurial ecosystem of science and technology parks in the world. 3. It is suggested that the evaluation framework of the entrepreneurship ecosystem of science and technology parks related to executive bodies and specialized parks be designed and its results be compared with this research
    Keywords: Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Science, Technology Park, Framework