فهرست مطالب

نشریه نقد ادب معاصر عربی
پیاپی 25 (پاییز و زمستان 1402)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1402/11/01
  • تعداد عناوین: 12
  • حسین الیاسی*، زینب قاسمی اصل صفحات 5-25

    در اندیشه «هابرماس»، خرد اجتماعی از مهمترین پیشفرض های عصر روشنگری است وهر گونه تغییر وتحول در سایه خرد جمعی و کنش ارتباطی مبتنی بر عقلانیت امکان پذیر خواهد بود. هابرماس بر این عقیده است که خردگرایی ریشه در فرآیند ارتباط دارد، وی عقلانیت ابزاری «مارکس وبر» را نمی پذیرد و در مقابل، مفهوم عقلانیت ارتباطی را مطرح می سازد . از نگاه وی تداوم حرکات توده ها و خنثی کردن دیگری و مقابله با تضادهای اجتماعی حاکم، نتیجه خردگرایی جمعی و کنش ارتباطی توده است. ایهاب الشلبی از شعرای نوگرای اردن و فلسطینی الاصل است که با نگاهی انتقادی، واقعیت سیاسی و اجتماعی کشورهای عربی را ترسیم می کند. پژوهش حاضر با تکیه بر روش کنش ارتباطی هابرماس که پرچمدار مکتب فرانکفورت است به بررسی کنش ارتباطی سوژه ها وعوامل موثر در شکل گیری بهار عربی در آینه اشعار این شاعر اردنی می پردازد. نتایج پژوهش بیانگر این است که در اندیشه االشلبی بازگشت به آگاهی و وتعامل مبتنی بر عقلانیت انتقادی مهمترین عامل در شکل گیری خیزش های عربی وشروع دومینوی فروپاشی قدرت ها است و علاقه رهایی بخش سبب خروج و برخورد بهنجار کنشگران با قدرت های سلطه گر بوده است. زبان عربی و دین به عنوان مهمترین پایه های فرهنگی نقش مهمی در خلق جهان زیست فعلی و همچنین تسری خیزش های انقلابی به دیگر کشورها داشته است. بهار عربی در دید شاعر مرحله عقلانیت حاکم بر اندیشه توده های رنج کشیده است.

    کلیدواژگان: شعر معاصر اردن، إیهاب الشلبی، ستیز وناپذیرایی، هابرماس، جامعه شناختی
  • محمودرضا توکلی محمدی* صفحات 32-53

    فراداستان به عنوان یکی از شیوه های داستان نویسی پسامدرن، تغییر در شیوه های رایج نویسندگی داستان و کاربرد متفاوت آنها است. نویسنده ی فرداستان، تمام تلاش خود را به کار می بندد تا خواننده را از ساختگی و داستانی بودن اثر ادبی خود آگاه سازد و در این زمینه از شگردها و روش های ویژه ای در زمینه ی داستان نویسی بهره می برد. این شیوه ی نگارشی در دهه ی هفتاد میلادی توسط نظریه پردازان غربی معرفی شد و نه تنها در جهان غرب که در ادب عربی نیز نویسندگان بسیاری به آن روی آوردند. رمان کیدالنساء نوشته ی خیری عبدالجواد -رمان نویس معاصر مصری- را می توان از جمله رمان هایی به شمار آورد که در بردارنده ی میزان قابل توجهی از مولفه های فراداستانی است. پژوهش حاضر بر آن است تا به شیوه ی توصیفی - تحلیلی، به بررسی کاربست شیوه ی روایی فراداستان در رمان کیدالنساء و معنادار بودن فراوانی مولفه های فراداستانی در آن بپردازد. نتایج به دست آمده از پژوهش حاضر نشان دهنده ی این مطلب است که رمان کیدالنساء در کنار دارا بودن بسیاری از مولفه های فراداستانی مانند حضور نویسنده در داستان و گفتگو با خواننده، اتصال کوتاه، کولاژ فراداستانی، بیان داستان داستان نویسی و حضور شخصیت های واقعی و... شیوه ی فراداستان گویی را به شیوه ی نگارشی منحصر به فرد نویسنده پیوند زده و روشی تازه را در داستان گویی و رمان نویسی به ادب عربی معرفی کرده است. مولف ضمن استفاده از این مولفه هایی فراداستانی توانسته است به نحوی شایسته خیال و واقعیت را در هم آمیزد و خواننده را به غیرواقعی بودن داستان خود آگاه نماید.

    کلیدواژگان: پست مدرنیسم، فراداستان، رمان عربی، خیری عبدالجواد، کیدالنساء
  • مسلم خزلی*، پیمان صالحی صفحات 59-79

    نقد ادبی نوین با توسعه نظریه های علمی جدید، ساختاری منظم تر یافته است. نظریه آشوب از نظریه های علمی پرکاربرد در علوم تجربی و انسانی به ویژه ادبیات است و حوادث غیرخطی و پیچیده را مطالعه می کند. از آنجا که داستان های پسامدرن جهانی آشفته و پر از احتمالات را توصیف می کنند، نظریه آشوب می تواند روش نقدی مناسبی برای تحلیل ساختار روایی داستان های پسامدرن باشد. حرب الکلب الثانیه اثر ابراهیم نصرالله رمانی پسامدرن و برنده بوکر جایزه جهانی رمان عربی در سال 2018 و موضوع آن مسائل فرامنطقه ای و جهانی است که مولفه های نظریه آشوب در آن وجود دارد، لذا پژوهش حاضر می کوشد مطابق نظریه علمی آشوب و در قالب مطالعات بینا رشته ای ساختار روایی این داستان و ارتباط آن با جهان بیرون را نقد کند . یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهند که رمان حرب الکلب الثانیه تصویری از نظامی آشوبی است که حوادث آن غیرخطی و پیشی بینی ناپذیرند که عناصر آن به شرایط اولیه خود حساسیت دارند و اثر بال پروانه به خود می گیرند و با خاصیت خودمانایی با کل سازگار می شوند. ابراهیم نصرالله با خلق شخصیت های پیچیده، حوادث غیرعادی و عجیب، شکست ها و پرش های زمانی متعدد، ابهام و فرجام چندگانه، جهانی تکه تکه می آفریند که با وجود اجزای ناهمگون و نامنظم دارای نظمی پنهانی است.

    کلیدواژگان: نظریه آشوب، رمان پسامدرن، ابراهیم نصرالله، رمان حرب الکلب الثانیه
  • بهنام فارسی*، فاطمه قادری، زینب توکلی صفحات 86-109

    زنانه نویسی یکی از شاخه ها و گرایش های مرتبط با مکتب فمنیسم است که بر اساس خصوصیات و خلقیات روحی و روانی زنان و ویژگی های اجتماعی آنان شکل گرفته است؛ در واقع رسالت اصلی این گرایش «بررسی جنسیت در زبان» است که تفاوت های رفتاری زنان و مردان در استفاده از ظرفیت های زبانی را مورد بررسی قرار می دهد رمان «الاسود یلیق بک» نوشته «احلام مستغانمی»، رمانی به قلم یک زن است که در آن می توان ضمن مشاهده ی مولفه های زنانه، ردپایی از مسائل مرتبط با الجزایر و موضوعات مرتبط با استعمار را دریافت. پژوهش حاضر با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی، ضمن بررسی عوامل پیدایش ادبیات زنانه در الجزایر، با استفاده از ویژگی های ادبیات زنانه، زنانه نویسی و میزان بهره گیری نویسنده از عناصر آن به این سوال پاسخ داده که از میان مولفه های این ادبیات، وی از کدام مولفه بیشتر استفاده کرده و علت آن چیست. نتیجه ی پژوهش حاکی از آن است که حضور زنان تحصیل کرده و انتشار آثار آنان، هرچند به صورت محدود، به شکستن تابوی سکوت زنان کمک کرده و منجرشده است تا آنان بیشتر به نوشتن و بیان مشکلاتشان در اجتماع مردسالار الجزایر مبادرت ورزند. در این رمان، مولفه های «بیان خاطرات و احساسات، استفاده از تردیدنماها، جزئی نگری و استفاده از رنگ ها، به کار گیری اصطلاحات زنانه» قابل مشاهده است که از این میان، استفاده ی نویسنده از دو مولفه ی «بیان احساسات (ترس و نگرانی) و تردیدنما» بیشتر به چشم می خورد که مورد اول می تواند گویای به خطر افتادن امنیت روانی زنان در جامعه ی الجزائر باشد و مورد دوم از محدودیت های خاص زنان برای اظهارنظر آزادانه حکایت کند.

    کلیدواژگان: ادبیات زنانه، زنانه نویسی، احلام مستغانمی، الاسود یلیق بک
  • صابره سیاوشی*، معصومه نعمتی قزوینی، آوا قاسمی صفحات 115-134
    نقد روان شناختی تلاشی برای کشف مسائل روان شناسی از خلال متون ادبی است. یکی از نظریه های روان شناختی که بابرخی متون ادبی قابل تطبیق می-باشد،نظریه عقده حقارت آلفرد آدلر است. از نظر آدلر عقده حقارت وقتی ایجاد می شود که فرد نمی تواند حقارت های معمول خود را جبران کند و از همین رو احساس درماندگی می کند. مقاله حاضر به بررسی روان شناختی شخصیت سعید مهران در رمان اللص و الکلاب نجیب محفوظ می پردازد. از جمله اهداف این پژوهش شناسایی عوامل شکل گیری عقده حقارت در شخصیت قهرمان داستان یعنی "سعید مهران" است. بازیابی پارامترهای عقده حقارت در شخصیت مذکور و تبیین مکانیسم های جبرانی مورد استفاده وی، از دیگر اهداف این جستار به شمار می آید. پژوهشحاضربا روش توصیفی _تحلیلی و با رویکرد روان شناختی انجام شده و به این نتایج دست یافته است که سعید مهران ازدوران کودکی به دلیل از دست دادن والدین، فقر و انزوای اجتماعی احساس حقارت می-کرده و پس از آن حوادث ناگواری مانند خیانت همسر و احساس شکست در باورها سبب ایجاد انگیزه برای گرفتن انتقام از تمام افرادی می شود که به زعم او در زندگیشاثر منفی داشته اند.در نهایت این احساس حقارت در وجود سعید مهران تبدیل به عقده حقارت می شود، به گونه ای که در نتیجه آن، زندگی وی به تاریک ترین نقطه ممکنرسیدهو به مرگ وی می انجامد.
    کلیدواژگان: نقد روان شناختی، عقده حقارت، آلفرد آدلر، اللص و الکلاب
  • حسین شمس آبادی، علیرضا حسینی، رفعت فیضی، سحر دهقانی* صفحات 140-157

    پرسونا واسطه ای میان شخص و دیگران در اجتماع است. در حقیقت پرسونا در قالب ماسکی است که شخص به چهره می زند تا به صورت موجه در جامعه ظاهر شود. رد پای پرسونا را می توان در داستان ها دید. به عنوان مثال، مجموعه صانع الحب در نگاهی کلی به سان آیینه ای تمام نما از زندگی روزمره افراد و احساسات آن ها بوده که به گونه ای روزنامه وار نگاشته شده است. بررسی این اثر از منظر پرسونا یونگ، باهدف شناخت بیشتر از احساسات واقعی اشخاص و نحوه برخورد درست با آن ها در اجتماع صورت گرفته است. از آن حیث که یکی از برجسته ترین عناصر داستانی در این مجموعه، پرسونای شخصیتی است، لذا تلاش شده تا با روش توصیفی - تحلیلی، جنبه های پرسونای مجموعه داستان های این اثر مورد کندوکاو قرار گیرد. نتایج پژوهش حاکی از این است که بیشترین نقابی که شخصیت های صانع الحب در روابط اجتماعی خود از آن بهره جسته اند پرسونای لبخند است که در موقعیت های مختلف برای پنهان کردن من واقعی بر چهره شخصیت ها قرار گرفته است. در جایگاه دوم نقاب خونسردی و یا بی تفاوتی بوده که مختص عبدالقدوس است و نقاب های دیگری چون دانایی، نقاب دروغین باکرگی، بی خبری، ثروتمند بودن، محبوبیت، قدرت و قهرمان را در داستان می توان دید. همچنین در نقاب های مستخرج تنها یک نقاب به عنوان نقابی منفی دیده شد و مابقی نقاب ها، همه نقاب هایی مثبت بودند که در زمان مناسب، نقاب متناسب باهدف انتخاب شده و فرد از انتخاب آن اطلاع کامل داشته و در ادامه داستان آن نقاب را از چهره برداشته است.

    کلیدواژگان: یونگ، پرسونا، عبدالقدوس، صانع الحب
  • رسول بازیار*، شهریار نیازی صفحات 164-186

    فمنیسم، جنبشی سازمان یافته جهت دفاع از حقوق زنان است که ریشه های آن به دوران روشنگری اروپا می رسد. این جنبش در سرتاسر تاریخ پرفرازونشیب خود، خواهان برانداری نظام مردسالار و از بین بردن سیطره تبعیض جنسی بوده است. دفاع از آرمان های عدالت طلبانه زنان و مطالبه حقوق از دست رفته این قشرجامعه، محدود به سرزمین خاصی نشد و دراین بین کشورهای عربی؛ مصر، لبنان و سوریه در جنبش دفاع از حقوق زنان پیشگام شدند. کمال ابودیب یکی از پیشگامان نقد فرهنگی در گفتمان انتقادی عربی می باشد که در طی چند دهه اخیر، بسیاری از آثار خویش را به موضوع فرهنگ و زن اختصاص داده است. از زمان انتشار کتاب «الحریه»، موضوع فرهنگ و به ویژه مسائل مربوط به زن، به محور اصلی گفتمان نقدی ابودیب تبدیل شده است. آثار ابودیب دربرگیرنده چالش های فرهنگی جامعه عربی در برخورد و تعامل متفاوت با جنس زن می باشد که مراحل مختلف زندگی زن از تولد تا دانشگاه و زندگی مشترک را شامل می شود. وی مانند فیلسوفانی چون فوکو و دریدا معتقد است که علت جایگاه متفاوت زنان در جوامع مردسالار را باید در روند زندگی زنان عرب جست که از لحظه تولد شروع و تا بزرگ سالی ادامه دارد. در واقع علت این تبعیض جنسیتی، رفتارهایی است که از همان بدو تولد بین این دو جنس بشری تفاوت هایی ایجاد می کند.

    کلیدواژگان: نقد فرهنگی، نقد فمنیستی، انظر فی جمیع الإتجاهات بغضب، الکتابه وإشکالیه السلطه
  • ساجد زارع*، محمدمهدی سمتی صفحات 192-209

    اصطلاح آشنایی زدایی ادبی پس از مطرح شدن توسط شکلوفسکی منتقد شکل گرای روس مورد توجه بسیاری از پیروان مکتب نقد فرمالیسم قرار گرفت. در نقد فرمالیسم با تکیه بر بررسی عناصر درون متن در پی آن است که از جنبه های آشنایی زدایی در این عناصر پرده بردارد؛ لذا شخصیت -نویسنده، رویدادهای اجتماعی و تاریخی که پیرامون اثر ادبی رخ داده است در نقد فرمالسیتی تا حد زیادی نادیده گرفته شده و با تمرکز بر شکل و بافت زیانی متن، بررسی میزان انسجام و ادبیت متن مورد تحلیل قرار می گیرد. از این رو یکی از مهم ترین مباحثی که با اصول فرمالیسم پیوند می خورد نظریه باقت زبانی است زیرا هر یک از این دو نگرگاه نقدی به شیوه متن کاوی به بررسی یک اثر ادبی می پردازد و این مهم از طریق تحلیل بافت زبانی اثر ادبی و عناصر تشکیل دهنده آن در سطوح مختلف از جمله سطح واژگانی، دستوری، بلاغی و آوایی حاصل می شود. پژوهش حاضر با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و با تکیه بر نظریه بافت زبانی به بررسی نمود آشنایی زدایی در شعر «الحریه» سروده احمد مطر در سطح زبانی و درونمایه می پردازد. نتایج نشان می دهد که مفهوم آزادی و تقابل آن با اسارت در این قطعه شعر به شکلی نامتعارف به تصویر کشیده شده است. گزینش هدفمند واژگان و اصوات حروف، چینش عبارت ها در کنار یکدیگر و کاربست آرایه های بلاغی همسو با بافت زبانی متن همگی در راستای ایجاد آشنایی زدایی در عناصر زبانی و درون مایه شعر به کار رفته اند.

    کلیدواژگان: نقد فرمالیسم، آشنایی زدایی ادبی، بافت زبانی، احمد مطر، الحریه
  • علی صیادانی*، یزدان حیدرپور مرند صفحات 216-240
    تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی گرایشی از زبان شناسی است که زبان را به مثابه یک عمل اجتماعی در ارتباط با قدرت، ایدئولوژی و گفتمان و در چهارچوب موقعیت اجتماعی مورد ارزیابی قرار می دهد. روث وداک از نظریه پردازان تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی است که قدرت و ایدئولوژی را مسبب سلطه پذیری می داند و این سلطه پذیری در موقعیت های اجتماعی و سیاسی مختلف خود مولد تبعیض است. این تبعیض از سوی گروه های زبانی سلطه پذیر و منفعل در چارچوب بافت های کلامی مورد انتقاد و اعتراض قرار می گیرد. انتقاد کلامی از تبعیض به واسطه حضور مولفه های نژادپرستی، ناهنجاری های اجتماعی، محرومیت و طرد اجتماعی و هویت طلبی در بستر شایسته سالاری مطرح می شود. بررسی توصیفی- تحلیلی مولفه های زبانی مزبور به عنوان روش های تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی وداک در قالب اعتراض و انتقادهای کلامی از محتوای رمان النوم فی حقل الکرز (2019) به قلم ازهر جرجیس از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار است. محتوای رمان به گونه ای ترسیم شده است که شخصیت اصلی روایت «سعید ناصر مردان» در تعامل با شخصیت های مکمل دیگر از تبعیض ها و ناعدالتی ها انتقاد می کند. تبعیض هایی که از سوی قدرت و رفتارهای یک جانبه حکومت حاصل می شود و این انتقاد در بستر چارچوب های گفتمانی میان شخصیت ها صورت می پذیرد. نظریه انتقادی وداک با توجه به این نکته که عموما بستر اعتراض در چارچوب تبعیض ها را از مولفه های موردنظر فراهم می سازد؛ لذا تطبیق و بررسی آن در محتوای رمان به وضوح نمایان می شود. بر این اساس نتیجه پژوهش نشان از تصدیق قابلیت برابرسنجی مولفه های موردی وداک بر محتوای رمان حاضر دارد و این قابلیت متناسب با موقعیت های اجتماعی، شرایط زبانی و ارتباطات کلامی نمود یافته است.
    کلیدواژگان: گفتمان اجتماعی و انتقادی، انتقادهای کلامی، رمان النوم فی حقل الکرز، روث وداک، ازهر جریس
  • ریحانه حمزه*، معصومه تقی زاده، معصومه شبستری صفحات 246-264
    یکی از پیروان مکتب پسا یونگی، روان پزشک آمریکایی-ژاپنی و تحلیل گر مکتب روان شناسی یونگ، جین شینودا بولن است. او به تاسی از نظریه کهن الگویی یونگ، نظریه خود را به نام کهن الگوی های شخصیتی که متاثر از شخصیت ها و خدایان اسطوره ای یونان باستان است ارائه داد. این نظریه در شناخت ویژگی های اخلاقی و شخصیتی افراد نقش مهمی ایفا می کند و می توان از آن در حوزه های ادبی و هنری گوناگون مانند: رمان، داستان کوتاه، نمایشنامه، فیلمنامه و... بهره جست. در همین راستا رمان افراح لیله القدر اثر عبد الکریم ناصیف که به روابط اجتماعی و عاطفی دو خانواده پرداخته است، گزینه مناسبی برای تطبیق کهن الگوهای شخصیتی بولن بر شخصیت های اصلی این رمان بوده است. این پژوهش بر اساس نظریه شینودا بولن و با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی سعی دارد کهن الگوهای شخصیتی هر یک از شخصیت های اصلی مرد و زن رمان افراح لیله القدر را شناسایی کرده و تاثیر عواملی مانند خانواده، جامعه، محیط، دوستان، شرایط فرهنگی و.. را نیز بررسی کند. نتیجه حاصل از نقد و بررسی رمان افراح لیله القدر این بوده است که تمام هفت کهن الگوی شخصیتی زن و هشت کهن الگوی شخصیتی مرد در همه ی افراد وجود دارد اما میزان آن در شخصیت ها متفاوت است و در نهایت تنها یک کهن الگو است که درصد بالایی را به خود اختصاص داده و کهن الگوی غالب شخصیتی آن فرد را مشخص می نماید.
    کلیدواژگان: یونگ، شینودا بولن، کهن الگو های شخصیت، رمان افراح لیله القدر، عبدالکریم ناصیف
  • احمد محمدی نژاد پاشاکی*، حسین تک تبار فیروزجائی صفحات 270-293

    به کارگیری تصاویر شاعرانه با هدف انتقال تجربیات (افکار و احساسات) و تامل در عناصر نشانه ای آن، بازتابی از جهان بینی شاعر محسوب می شود؛ چنانکه نمی توان از نقش آن، در بازنمایی کیفیت اثر ادبی و همچنین میزان تاثیر آن بر مخاطب غافل ماند. نگارنده در مقاله حاضر، به بررسی اشعار بردونی با رویکرد نشانه شناسی پیرس و مبتنی بر روش توصیفی- تحلیلی، و در پی شناخت، تحلیل و تبیین نشانه ها و رمزگان های شعری شاعر، است. همچنین در این جستار با استمداد از رهیافت های مختلف نشانه شناسی بر اساس فرآیند اولویت، ثانویت و ثالثیت، لایه های فکری و نشانه هایی همچون: بینامتنیت، زمان، مکان، شخصیت، روایت، مولف، شگردهای کشف معانی اضافی، مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است تا آفاق تازه‏ای را در راستای تصویر هویت بخش شعر مقاومت در برابر مخاطب وی پدیدار سازد. در سروده های بردونی، هدهد رمزی برای سیل مهاجرانی، خانه، را رمزی برای کشورش و دزد، را رمزی برای غارتگران فرهنگ و تمدن، سندباد را رمزی برای بیان رنج و آوارگی و سکوت مردم در مقابل شهادت زبیری را شکست انقلاب تلقی می کند. وی واقعه ای جزیی که بر تصوری خرد دلالت می کند را در نشانه ای عمومی دال بر حقیقتی جامع، به کار می برد. بردونی با اینکه در وطن خود است در اشعارش تقاطب مکانی ایجاد کرده و اتحاد عرب صحبت می کند. بکارگیری واژگانی چون، روز روشن، بامداد پیروزی، نور، آتش، عروس، صاعقه و رعد و برق، که روایتی است از واقعیت تلخ حاکم بر کشور و تلاش ها برای رهایی از بند اسارت، به صورت ضمنی نشانه هایی از شاعر آن را به دست آورد.

    کلیدواژگان: نشانه شناسی پیرس، تصویر پردازی، عبدالله بردونی، رمزگانهای نشانه ای
  • عبدالاحد غیبی*، سجاد صدقی صفحات 299-316
    کوبلر راس از جمله نخستین روان-پزشکانی است که سعی کرده است تا یک روش و چارچوب منظمی را برای مرگ و چگونگی مواجهه با آن تعریف کند. وی در نظریه سوگ خود، پنج مرحله یعنی انکار، خشم، چانه زنی، افسردگی و پذیرش را برای بیماران لاعلاج در نظر می گیرد تا آن ها با شناخت و کاربست این مراحل، بتوانند مرگ خود را بپذیرند و ادامه زندگی را بدون ترس و اضطراب، با آرامش سپری کنند. نظریه کوبلر راس را می توان برای تمامی افراد سوگمند و کسانی که در زندگی شان دچار شکست های روحی و عاطفی شده-اند، به کاربست. «قصیده بلقیس» نزار قبانی از آن جمله متونی است که قابل تطبیق با نظریه مذکور است. این قصیده که به عنوان سوگنامه ای در وصف «بلقیس الراوی» سروده شده است، آینه ای تمام نما از آشفتگی روحی و روانی و دیدگاه های تند نزار قبانی نسبت به مسائل جاری در جامعه عربی است. پژوهش حاضر می کوشد تا به روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و با نگاه به نظریه سوگ، چگونگی حالات روحی و روانی نزار قبانی را در قصیده مذکور واکاوی کند. بر اساس نتایج پژوهش، شاعر در این قصیده، تمام مراحل پنجگانه نظریه سوگ را به صورت نامنظم طی می کند و در آخر، به عالی ترین مرحله آن یعنی مرحله پذیرش می رسد و با مرگ همسرش کنار می آید. او در هر مرحله، گریزی به مرحله خشم نیز می زند و انزجار خود را از عوامل دخیل در کشته شدن بلقیس نشان می دهد.
    کلیدواژگان: مرگ، قصیده بلقیس، نزار قبانی، نظریه سوگ، کوبلر راس
  • Hossein Elyasi *, Zeinab Ghasemiasl Pages 5-25

    The title represents the true identity of the poetic text, which is the text, the meaning, and what is meant by the reduced image. In fact, the initial semantic illuminations emanate from the threshold of the title and direct the title of the textual readability. In the light of this fact, Mahmoud Abdel Wahhab considered him the wealth of the poetic text for his great contribution to expressing the identity of the poetic text, pampering and guiding the recipient when he faces the blockages of the text and its pitfalls that prevent access to the textual truth. This research paper attempts, by relying on the semiotic vision, to address textual thresholds, especially the mother title in the book “I grieve the water as a river” by Ihab Al-Shalabi. Semantic. The pivotal signifier from a semiotic perspective in Shalabi’s poetic discourse is the focus on the act of resistance and the implantation of certainty of the occupier’s exit and return to life and joy. Which ranges from a group of connotations, semantic rumors, and the reporting function of the important functions of the title, and it is replete with intense suggestions and references that reveal the identity of the poetic text. The real presence that would return the land to its original identity and its legendary time,The title represents the true identity of the poetic text, which is the text, the meaning, and what is meant by the reduced image. In fact, the initial semantic illuminations emanate from the threshold of the title and direct the title of the textual readability. In the light of this fact, Mahmoud Abdel Wahhab considered him the wealth of the poetic text for his great contribution to expressing the identity of the poetic text, pampering and guiding the recipient when he faces the blockages of the text and its pitfalls that prevent access to the textual truth. This research paper attempts, by relying on the semiotic vision, to address textual thresholds, especially the mother title in the book “I grieve the water as a river” by Ihab Al-Shalabi. Semantic. The pivotal signifier from a semiotic perspective in Shalabi’s poetic discourse is the focus on the act of resistance and the implantation of certainty of the occupier’s exit and return to life and joy. Which ranges from a group of connotations, semantic rumors, and the reporting function of the important functions of the title, and it is replete with intense suggestions and references that reveal the identity of the poetic text. The real presence that would return the land to its original identity and its legendary time, we see the paradoxThe title represents the true identity of the poetic text, which is the text, the meaning, and what is meant by the reduced image. In fact, the initial semantic illuminations emanate from the threshold of the title and direct the title of the textual readability. In the light of this fact, Mahmoud Abdel Wahhab considered him the wealth of the poetic text for his great contribution to expressing the identity of the poetic text, pampering and guiding the recipient when he faces the blockages of the text and its pitfalls that prevent access to the textual truth. This research paper attempts, by relying on the semiotic vision, to address textual thresholds, especially the mother title in the book “I grieve the water as a river” by Ihab Al-Shalabi. Semantic. The pivotal signifier from a semiotic perspective in Shalabi’s poetic discourse is the focus on the act of resistance and the implantation of certainty of the occupier’s exit and return to life and joy. Which ranges from a group of connotations, semantic rumors, and the reporting function of the important functions of the title, and it is replete with intense suggestions and references that reveal the identity of the poetic text. The real presence that would return the land to its original identity and its legendary time, we see the paradoxThe title represents the true identity of the poetic text, which is the text, the meaning, and what is meant by the reduced image. In fact, the initial semantic illuminations emanate from the threshold of the title and direct the title of the textual readability. In the light of this fact, Mahmoud Abdel Wahhab considered him the wealth of the poetic text for his great contribution to expressing the identity of the poetic text, pampering and guiding the recipient when he faces the blockages of the text and its pitfalls that prevent access to the textual truth. This research paper attempts, by relying on the semiotic vision, to address textual thresholds, especially the mother title in the book “I grieve the water as a river” by Ihab Al-Shalabi. Semantic. The pivotal signifier from a semiotic perspective in Shalabi’s poetic discourse is the focus on the act of resistance and the implantation of certainty of the occupier’s exit and return to life and joy. Which ranges from a group of connotations, semantic rumors, and the reporting function of the important functions of the title, and it is replete with intense suggestions and references that reveal the identity of the poetic text. The real presence that would return the land to its original identity and its legendary time, we see the paradox

    Keywords: Contemporary Jordanian Poetry, Shehab Al-Shalabi, Conflict, Reception, Habermas, Sociology
  • Mahmoodreza Tavakkoly Mohammadi * Pages 32-53

    Postmodernism should be considered a dramatic and revolutionary development that took place in the second half of the twentieth century in Europe and was influenced by the prevailing political and social conditions, and entered the world of humanities, arts and literature and had a significant impact on writers.This influence on Western literature led to the formation of many literary works known as postmodern literature, of which the novel's share was very significant, and it followed that postmodern critique also found its way into the world of literature and art. meta-fiction can be considered as one of the most important features of postmodern literature, so much so that it has even been called a new postmodern achievement in the field of literature. Kheiri Abdel Jawad, a contemporary Egyptian writer, uses some of the features of meta-fiction in the novel Kid al-Nisa ', and brings his writing closer to the features of postmodern literature, especially meta-fiction. Accordingly, the present study intends to answer the following questions in addition to examining the components of meta-fiction in his work: 1. Can the novel "Kid al-Nisa '" be considered a meta-fictional novel? 2. What are the most important features of meta-fiction in this novel?


    One of the most important features of postmodern literature is its meta-fictional aspect. The reason this style of writing is known as metanarrative is that the author of metanarratives, unlike the writers of previous stories, not only does not try to hide himself and show the real storytelling process, but also tries to make the reader Familiarize the unrealityof the story and do so by playing with traditional storytelling techniques. The main difference between meta-fiction and earlier storytelling methods lies in how the storyteller deals with the elements of storytelling.Based on what has been said, the present article intends to study and critique the prominent components of meta-fiction in the novel Kidal Nisa written by Kheiri Abdoljavad in a descriptive-analytical manner.

    Results and Discussion

    The most important features of Kid al-nisa's novel can be mentioned as follows:1. The narrator's explicit reference to storytellingIn the non-fiction style of storytelling, the author tries to figure out the events of the story in such a way that the reader does not doubt the reality of those events and for this reason, the author hides himself and his presence in the story. However, in postmodern literature and the meta-fiction writing style, explicitly stating that the author's work is at the heart of the work is one of the earliest meta-fiction tricks that the author may rely on in his story. In the novel "Kid al-nisa" we often encounter cases in which the author explicitly refers to the narrative of his work and directly or indirectly confronts the reader with the fact that he is actually reading a story written by him.2. The presence of the author in the story and the conversation with the readerThe author's entry into the story and his direct conversation with the reader can be considered one of the main differences between postmodern stories and the way the story was written before; Because before this stage, the author did his best to hide behind the characters of the story and in this way, to assure the reader that his story is real. "Kheiri Abd al-javad" enters the events of the novel throughout his story and talks directly with the reader and asks him to accompany him throughout the story.3. The presence of real characters in the storyBy bringing real and historical characters in his story, the author tries to inform the reader about the unreality of the story text by including real elements in unreal elements, and thereby emphasize the fabrication of his story. Kheiri Abdoljavad used thismethod well in the novel Kid Al-Nisa 'and by mentioning the names of historical characters in the heart of his story and their interaction with the characters of the story, he was referring to a story of his work and its unreality.4. The author speaks of his literary workKheiri Abdoljavad in the novel Kidalnasa and as it happened in the subject of the author's presence in the story, often enters into narrative events and sits directly in conversation with his audience or fictional characters. By making a short circuit, he points out that the events of the novel are fabricated and unreal. In addition, in some parts of the novel, he explicitly mentions the reason for writing this story and using the heritage of Egyptian Sufism in this regard.5. Meta-fictional collage (fusion of fantasy and reality)In this section, we are faced with cases such as: dreams and fantasies, story in story, allegorical reference to historical events and bringing news of newspapers and magazines in the novel. Kheiri Abdoljavad has used all these cases in the heart of his novel and has highlighted themeta-fictional aspects of his novel.


    The present study was devoted to the trans-provincial aspects of the novel "Kid al Nisa" written by Kheiri Abdoljavad. In this regard, an attempt was made to examine the components of meta-fiction in this novel, to determine whether Kid al-nisa can be considered a meta-fiction novel or not. Examining Kidalnessa's novel, it was found that this novel has significant features of meta-fiction. Finally, it should be noted that although Kidalnessa's novel contains many meta-fiction, we also encounter some other components that are not consistent with the meta-fictional style. One of the most important of them is the existence of special components of magical realism that need to be studied separately, but what is clearly seen in this novel is a new way of storytelling in Arabic literature that can be pioneered by Kheiri Abdul Javad and by combining meta-fictional techniques and magical realism have been formed and introduced to Arabic literature.

    Keywords: Postmodernism, Meta-Fiction, Arabic Novel. Khairy Abdol-Javad, Kid Al-Nisa
  • Moslem Khezeli *, Payman Salehi Pages 59-79

    Introduction and goal:

    Chaos theory is one of the new scientific theories born of the developments of the modern era, which examines complex systems and has a direct relationship with mathematical studies and believes in the existence of order in chaos. After the development of studies on the theory of chaos, the field of application of this theory expanded and entered the human sciences as well. Literature was one of the fields that was influenced by this theory, and literary and critical studies influenced by this theory came to the conclusion that literary works are not free of chaos and disorder. Novel is one of the literary genres that is the best example for the application of chaos theory due to its dynamic and unstable system. Due to their different, innovative and complex narrative structure compared to classic and modern novels, postmodern novels are considered the most obvious literary texts that reflect a kind of order in chaos in their inner world. Some features of postmodern novels such as "accident, chaos, uncertainty, stereotyping, ambiguity and complexity" (Hasan, 2018: 106; Nowzari, 2011: 110) distinguish them from other novels. In these novels, the method of narration is non-linear and probability prevails over certainty.Arab storytellers also turned to the postmodern narrative style and wrote countless works according to postmodern principles. Ibrahim Nasrallah is one of the most prominent postmodern story writers of Arabic literature who has used the postmodern narrative style in many of his works, and his novel “Harb al-Kalb al-Thanya” also has the most important postmodern components. With the non-linear narration of the events of this story and the multiple use of time failures, Nasrallah transforms the world inside his story into a world of a thousand of pieces, which, despite being multiplicity, chaos and disorder, has a certain order and coherence. The characters of this story are different parts of a whole unit whose actions affect each other's lifestyle and destiny. With the help of a special narrative method, Nasrallah wants to create a post-modern atmosphere in his story, to depict the wide-ranging developments of the new age in a metaphorical form and with the language of a novel, and to express the impact of human actions on the environment and the environment on humans, and also the perspective of the modern world. Based on the theory of chaos and its four characteristics, this article tries to analyze the formation of the world in the story of “Harb al-Kalb al-Thanya” and its relationship with the external and real world and the political, social, economic, cultural and environmental transformations in the new and ultra-developed world, and also the goals of the author to analyze the creation of such a postmodern story. This research tries to provide proper answers to these questions:1- How does the application of chaos theory in the novel “Harb al-Kalb al-Thanya” highlight the postmodern components of this novel?
    2- How does Nasrallah explain the rule of order in disorder in the novel “Harb al-Kalb al-Thanya”?


    The present study tries to analyze the narrative style of the novel “Harb al-Kalb al-Thanya” with a descriptive and analytical method, relying on the foundations of the scientific theory of chaos. It analyzes the reflection of the four characteristics of the chaos theory, i.e. the butterfly wing effect, strange attractions, self-immortal and dynamic adaptation in this novel and expresses their role in strengthening post-modern dimension.


    Nasrallah creates a fragmented and postmodern world in the story of “Harb al-Kalb al-Thanya” and metaphorically refers to the extensive changes in the real world of the new age. The events of this chaotic world move in different and multidirectional channels, and countless and uncertain environmental, human and non-human causes, political issues and long-term social and economic plans of countries are repeated in a coherent framework and in the form of strange attractions in different forms and in time and space. They take on the effect of butterfly wing under the influence of sensitivity to their initial conditions, and lead to a big event called the second dog war.

    Discussion and results

    With the help of various time jumps, Nasrallah causes the death of time in the structure of this novel, and the characters and events of this novel show irregular and unexpected behaviors in a non-linear and unpredictable manner, for which no causal relationship and no outcome can be imagined, and this leads to the ambiguity and complexity of the novel and causes the audience to construct the world of this story and consider it as a symbol of the outside world and its characters and events as a creation of the author's mind and find it full of possibilities and without any certainty. By arranging disparate elements side by side extensively, Nasrallah draws a chaotic world whose actors and characters, despite their different nature and independent identity, have a desire to converge and identify with the whole and move in the direction of its goals. This convergence makes the components of this system adapt themselves to any climatic, social and political changes and the laws issued by the Castle System and achieve dynamic and recurring adaptation. From these irregularities, an ultimate and hidden order will emerge and the chaotic world of the story will continue to exist.

    Keywords: Chaos Theory, Postmodern Novel, Ebrahim Nasrallah, Harb Al-Kalb Al-Thania Novel
  • Behnam Farsi *, Fatemeh Ghaderi, Zeinab Tavakoli Pages 86-109

    In different periods of history, women always believed that they were in second position in terms of gender and were not considered as a main character. Moreover, the believes was true to some extent due to the behavior of men in front of them and caused women to become pessimistic towards the patriarchal society and its ideas. Considerably, in the 20th century, women entered into the economic and political areas to achieve the rights that they thought had been denied to them throughout history. In addition, women’s literature and writing were among the topics raised by some experts of the school of feminism. After that, the goal of experts in defining women’s writing was that women have their own writing style like men and show their inherent differences from men well in their texts. In fact, feminism can be defined as the study of gender in language, determined the phonetic, lexical and syntactic differences, identified what issues are related to women’s language.In the field of Arabic literature, the entered of the term women’s literature can be related to the Renaissance era, in which intellectuals realized the importance of the role of women in the awakening of the society and participating in social, cultural and literary fields. Moreover, new words such as women’s education and women’s association entered the language and culture of that society. (Momtahan & others, 2011: 137) believed that women’s literature in Algeria can be considered a late phenomenon and belongs to the last century. In addition, compared to the seventies more women published their works in the eighties. Considerably, Yasmin Saleh, Fazileh Farouq, Enam Bayoud, Sara Haider, Abir Shahrazad, and Ahlam Mostaghanami are among Algerian women writers, among whom Fazileh Farouq, Yasmin Saleh, and Ahlam Mostaghnami are more involved in their activities than others. The novel Al-Asud Yaliq Bek, written by Ahlam Mostaghnami, is one of the works in which the female language and its related components can be clearly observed. This research aims to provide a brief explanation of the phenomenon of women’s writing and examines women’s writing in the novel Al-Aswad Yaliq Bek written by Ahlam Mostaghanami.In addition, it answers the following questions:1. What were the factors influencing the emergence of women’s literature in Algeria?2. How are the female writing components of Al-Soud Yaliq Bek’s novel manifested?3. What are the most obvious characteristics of women’s writing in Al-Soud Yaliq Beyk’s novel and what could be the reason for it?


    This research, in a descriptive-analytical way, has tried to define the components of this literary style after explaining the relationship between feminism and women’s writing in Arab countries, especially Algeria. And moreover, this research tries to define the author’s purpose of using this writing style by presenting evidence and statistics of each of the female linguistic components.

    Results and Discussion

    The author of Al-Aswad story, Yaliq Bek, tried to show her intellectual space to the audience by using skepticism, expressing memories and feelings, detailing, using different colors and feminine terms. For example, considered to the component of expressing memories and feelings, the author has made a lot of use of the components related to the expression of feelings. Moreover, there are 63 cases for Hala and 27 cases for Tala, which shows that the main character of the story, Hala, is dominated by emotions. For Hala, she has used the fear and worry component more, which may be considered a reflection of the existence of Algerian women; women who spend their whole lives in fear. On the other hand, for Tala, the characteristics of love and infatuation is more, which is due to the infatuation and love that he felt for Hala in his being. This could go back to the psychological security that men have and could easily love and care for each other, but women must always be in fear and worry.


    The following results can be obtained from the conducted research:1. The presence of educated women writers and the publication of their works, even in a limited form, broke the taboo of silence imposed on them. Moreover, other Algerian women writers started writing stories to claim their rights and created the emergence of women’s literature in Algeria.2. In the novel Al-Asoud by Yaliq Bek, features such as the expression of memories and feelings, the use of ambiguous shots, detailing, different colors and feminine terms are used for the main character of male and female and the narrator.3. The most obvious characteristics of female writing in the novel of Al-Asoud Yaliq Bek is the author’s use of uncertainly terms, which has a frequency of about 143 and shows uncertainty of the author and the characters of the story, especially the main female character, Hale. Moreover, this issue can refer to the caution of women in their speech and lack of self-confidence of women in expressing their words. Considerably, speaking for women is always limited to certain conditions, and they want to go beyond that limit, they must observe the aspects of caution. The author uses the element of expressing emotions, especially fear and worry, which is repeated 60 times. This issue can point to the psychological characteristics of women and the lack of psychological security. In such society’s women are considered the second sex, and they should always use anxiety and stress to prove their existence.Keywords: Women’s Literature, Women’s Writing, Ahlam Mostaghnami, Alsoud Yaliq Bek

    Keywords: Women&Rsquo, S Literature, S Writing, Ahlam Mostaghnami, Alsoud Yaliq Bek
  • Sabereh Siavashi *, آوا Ghasemi Pages 115-134
    Psychological criticism is one of the new approaches in literary criticism that has searched vast fields in literature in order to unfold writer’s mentality and psychological attitudes for the reader. Story characters have psychologically close relations with story’s theme and cause different reactions including fear, despair, joy, anger, and other emotional feelings. This type of criticism aims for discovering psychological issues through literary texts and interpreting relations between story characters and writer’s mental attitudes. Psychology can help a lot in recognizing story images and indexes. Literature as a branch of art represents different aspects of human behavior, therefore, it has always been used as one of the important instruments for psychology insofar as many of prominent contemporary psychologists have based their psychological theories on literary works. For example, Alfred Adler have presented his theory about inferiority complex under the influence of Shakespeare works and writers influenced by him like Stendhal and Dostoyevsky.Inferiority complex is a level after inferiority feelings. And it appears in those individuals that inferiority feelings have left a negative influence on their character. When inferiority feeling is not followed by success it intensifies failure and discouragement and causes the formation of inferiority complex. In such a case the person is constantly seeking superiority over others to compensate for his defects but since he can never resolve his defects he suffers frustration, excuse, aggression, and withdrawal. Physical deficiencies, parents’ strictness and being compared to others, psychological weaknesses and social defects are considered as the main elements for inferiority complex formation. Adler recognizes society to be influential in individuals’ character formation and considers it aside from heredity. From his point of view inferiority complex is caused when the individual cannot compensate his common humiliations and therefore, he feels helplessness. After this level the individual, looks for a way to compensate his inferiority complex. This is the same mechanism by which the individual amends his inferiority feeling. Compensation is visible in every vital side of the individual including physical, psychological, and social aspects. Among the characters of this novel Saeed Mehran is the most negative mentioned character. In this article the psychological root of this issue is assumed to be due to his inferiority complex. The similarity of individuals’ features having inferiority complex like arrogance, jealousy, hate, ambition, vengeance, behavioral conflict, and narcissism with Saeed Mehran’s psychological attitudes that can be seen during the course of the novel can prove the assumption of this article. The present article by a descriptive-analytic approach deals with a psychological study of Saeed Mehran’s character inNaguib Mahfouz’s novel Al-Las va Al-Klab according to Adler’s inferiority complex theory. This article is about to study the protagonist of Al-Las va Al-Klabnovel according to Adler’s inferiority complex theory and answer the following questions:- According to Adler’s theory which one of the inferiority complex parameters in Saeed Mehran’s character could be retrieved?- What are the elements of inferiority complex formation in the character of “Saeed Mehran”?-Which mechanisms Saeed Mehran has used for compensation after suffering inferiority complex? Considering the parameters presented by Adler about inferiority complex it can be concluded that story’s hero i.e., Saeed Mehran, is an individual suffering from inferiority complex as a result of inferiority feelings and lack of success for compensating them. The most important parameters of inferiority complex in Saeed Mehran’s character include; feelings of hate, vengeance, narcissism, anger, jealousy, behavioral conflict, pessimism, social solitude, poverty and misery, losing parents in childhood years, failure at entering university, defeat of beliefs and feeling of deception by his mentor and intellectual guide, prison experience, his wife’s cheating and her marriage to his student, and getting rejected by his family, friends, and society; each of them separately are among the elements causing inferiority feelings in Saeed Mehran. In order to compensate his inferiority feeling Saeed Mehran turns to mechanisms such as daydreaming, humiliation, and vengeance that all of them finally met with total failure and defeat and resulted in his death. The most important parameters of inferiority complex in Saeed Mehran’s character include; feelings of hate, vengeance, narcissism, anger, jealousy, behavioral conflict, pessimism, social solitude, poverty and misery, losing parents in childhood years, failure at entering university, defeat of beliefs and feeling of deception by his mentor and intellectual guide, prison experience, his wife’s cheating and her marriage to his student, and getting rejected by his family, friends, and society; each of them separately are among the elements causing inferiority feelings in Saeed Mehran. In order to compensate his inferiority feeling Saeed Mehran turns to mechanisms such as daydreaming, humiliation, and vengeance that all of them finally met with total failure and defeat and resulted in his death.
    Keywords: Psychological Criticism, Inferiority Complex, Alfred Adler, Al-Las Va Al-Klab
  • Hossein Shamsabadi, Alireza Hosseini, Rafaat Feizi, Sahar Dehghani * Pages 140-157

    Mask plays an important role in accepting people in society since it brings people a social image. It can be said that mask is a social necessity and can find its traces in the literature. Ihsan by his interest in fiction, just began writing stories and novels. Sane’ al-Hub is his first collection of stories. He describes what happens during his travel to Europe and about the customs and beliefs of the West.


    Persona is the mask we put on or hide behind it to introduce ourselves as something different from what we really are (Schultz, 1990, p. 79). Jung divides persona into: 1-The mask that a person puts on to present himself what he is not, 2- The unreal thoughts that impede the development of his true personality. Carl Jung sees the mask that impedes people’s development harmful (Heidarian Ataabadi, 2013, pp. 29-30). Masks have positive and negative aspects. It should be stated that the positive role of mask has nothing to do with ethics.

    Results and Discussion

    “Dutch virgin girl” story: Here we see three masks that the characters put on in different situations: the wisdom persona, the indifference persona, and the virginity persona. The wisdom and indifference persona are the masks that the writer uses when facing the Dutch girl and the virginity persona is the mask that the Dutch girl puts on to prevent men from approaching her. Eventually this mask is removed and the truth is revealed.“The beautiful secretary” story: The characters of “the beautiful secretary” used four masks while interacting with others: composure persona, smiling persona, indifference and being bossy persona, and joking and laughing persona for hiding the seriousness of speech. The personas of composure, indifference and being bossy are the masks that Abd al-Quddous uses while dealing with women and the secretary girl. The smile mask belongs to the women who came for interview, where she used it for hiding her defects. Joking and laughing were used by the male secretary, when he had fallen in love and uses smiles and laughing.“The Russian queen” story: Here we can see two masks. The job mask that is put on by the shopkeeper and the attendants, and the richness mask that Abd al-Quddous uses to revenge, put himself in the place of rich people, and enjoy the pleasures.“A girl from London” story: As the name calls, the main character of the story is a girl who stands in front of a man and uses the smile mask to keep her composure, but she did not use this mask properly and the paralyzed man finds out when her behaviorchanges.“The virgin girl” story: Abd al-Quddous has two masks in this story. He puts on one of the masks when he is in a job situation (he is a respectable man in the situation) and the other one is used in the Hotel du Louvre (who is a reckless man). Another mask that can be seen in this story is the girl's mask (Valentine), which she wears when facing with different people and shows herself as a powerful and authoritarian person who gives orders to all others and other people obey her.The story of “The unfamiliar faces (Marseille port)”: Popularity is the persona that a Greek woman puts on in Marseille port to attract the attention and support of the people on the ship. She tries to make people love her by reciting her stories and by her behavior.The story of “unfamiliar faces (London)”: here, Abd al-Quddous became emotional when seeing the picture of a lonely man in the snow, but by pressing his lips and his hands together tried to keep calm and put the indifference mask.The story “The unfamiliar faces (Paris)”: In Paris, Abd al-Quddous visited Mr. "K" at the request of his friend. Mr. "K" always had a smile on his face while it was with hypocrisy, meanness, and cowardice, but he did not use the persona fully and did not impact favorably on his audience. So, people understand who really he is behind his smile.The story “Familiar faces (six men and a girl)”: Here, only one mask is clear for the girl. The mask is put on when the men introduce themselves one by one and they expect the girl to choose them, but smiles after the introduction to hide her feelings.The story “Familiar faces (girls)”: Here, the Palestinian immigrant girl puts on the mischief mask after emigrating and assumes and accepts the mask and does not want to forget it.The story “Familiar faces (new generation)”: This story begins when the Abd al-Quddous introduces his friend who had accidentally involved in politics and took refuge in a house to escape the punishment. He then fell in love with the daughter of the landlord. So, he do political issues and put on the mask of a political hero to get close to the girl and see her all the time.


    Using the Jung's theory shows that the most mask used by the characters of Sane’ al-Hub in their social relationships is a smile that is placed on the characters' faces in different situations in order to hide the their true self. The second one is the mask of indifference that is specific to Abd al-Quddous in the stories. Such other masks as knowledge, virginity, ignorance, popularity, and hero can be seen in the novel. Moreover, the positive or negative function of a persona has nothing to do with ethics but its kind is determined only according to its conscious and unconscious use and being useful or useless in a particular situation. Only one mask was found to be negative and all others were positive and the right one had been put on at the right time. The person had been totally aware of his choice and took it off in some situations. . The “Palestinian girl” mask that the person forgets her own self is the negative mask.

    Keywords: Jung, Persona, Abd Al-Quddous, Sane&Rsquo, Al-Hub
  • Rasool Bazyar *, Shahriar Niazi Pages 164-186

    Feminism is an organized movement to defend women's rights, whose roots go back to the European Enlightenment. Throughout its tumultuous history, this movement has wanted to uproot the patriarchal system and eliminate the rule of gender discrimination. The defense of women's justice-seeking ideals and the demand for the lost rights of this segment of the society was not limited to a specific land, and among Arab countries; Egypt, Lebanon and Syria pioneered the movement to defend women's rights. Kamal Abudeeb is one of the pioneers of cultural criticism in Arabic critical discourse, who has dedicated many of his works to the topic of culture and women in the last few decades. Since the publication of the book "Al-Hurriya", the issue of culture and especially women's issues has become the main focus of Abu Dhabi's critical discourse.


    With a descriptive-analytical method, this research analyzes the manifestations of the Cultural criticism of Kamal Abu Deeb. The research is trying to use Weber's descriptive-analytical method based on the method of document analysis and content analysis, which often relies on the text along with all the textual features and analysis, critical works of critics, including; To examine and analyze "Anjar fi Jami al-Itjahat Baghadh", "Al-Kataba and Eshakali Al-Salah" and "Al-Huriyah" from the perspective of feminist criticism and ideas related to women.


    In most of his researches, especially: the analysis of Al-Stallah, al-Huriyya and other scientific research articles in prestigious European journals, Abu Deeb aims to provide a deep and profound reading of women and their relationships within male culture. The distinction of Abu Deeb's intellectual project is in his treatment of women as a model and a cultural sign. The critic's boldness in expressing his theories is one of his distinct differences with other Arab critics, to the extent that he considers himself the first critic who entered cultural criticism methodically. His classification of the level of culture, into official and unofficial, shows that the writers and writers of the Arab world at the level of official culture means; Compliance with the borders and lines drawn by the governments are taking steps. In such an environment, real writers and heroes will never emerge because the heroes of this world are the result of imagination produced by the repressive culture. Abu Dhabi's feminist critique approach influenced by deconstruction, post-structuralism; The theories of Kristeva, Linda Naklin, Michel Foucault and Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis and authentic Arabic culture.

    Result and Discussion

    He intends to help the Arab world by looking at the categories of deconstruction, post-structuralism and special post-modern concepts, and relying on his achievements and extensive studies in the fields of philosophy, psychology, literature, etc., while introducing the challenges of the past. Propose a solution for women in Arab societies. Abu Deeb, like philosophers like Foucault and Derrida, believes that the root of women's challenges in dependent Arab societies and the different treatment and interaction with them should be sought in the stages of a woman's life, from birth to university and cohabitation. He considers the lack of initiative and innovation in Arabic literature, especially in the field of story writing, to be due to the structure of domination and power, and he believes that not only a female artist, but no artist will grow in this incomplete structure. In fact, he offers a more comprehensive opinion than Linda.

    Keywords: Cultural Criticism, Feminist Criticism, Views In All Directions With Anger, Literacy, The Problem Of
  • Sajed Zare *, Mohammadmehdi Semati Pages 192-209

    Analysis of defamiliarization in ‘Alhurria’ as composed by Ahmad Matar within the Context Theory framework. The term ‘defamiliarization which usually appears in the formalists’ works is in fact a major item of their literary theory and implies the application of expressions and strategies to make the discourse as ‘literary’; in other words, it attempts to make the perception of words as unconventional, unusual and unfamiliar. The basic tenets of formalistic theories mainly rely on the criticism of the ‘form’. In this view, form means any element which can create a cohesive composition in relation to other interrelated elements provided that each element plays its role in the whole system. In this way, every part of the text like imagery, prosodic meter, rhyme, syntax, syllables, voiced and voiceless consonants, figures of speech, etc. constitutes the form. It focuses on the intertextual elements and attempts to uncover defamiliarization realizations of the text; therefore, it overlooks issues like the author’s character, and social and historic contextual factors surrounding the literary work. On the other hand, linguistic forms and properties are analyzed so as to examine the cohesion and literary aspects of the text. Since its formulation by Shkolovsky, the Russian formalist critic, defamiliarization has attracted many critical formalism adherents. In other words, formalism embraces the Context Theory and analyzes the literary text including its lexical items, grammatical structure, rhetorical devices and phonological properties. The term ‘context’ has attracted a lot of attention in modern linguistics. In general, a context can be viewed from both linguistic and extralinguistic perspectives. Extralinguistic context refers to the outside of the text conditions affecting and crystalizing the author’s words. In addition to out of the text factors, linguistic function of each textual element in lexical, syntactic, semantic and phonological levels can be analyzed in relation to the linguistic aspects of the text and the way they affect the literary work. The present study, hence, enjoyed a descriptive-analytical research method and a formalistic theoretical framework to show linguistic and inner representations of defamiliarization in ‘Alhurria’ as composed by Ahmad Matar. This piece of poem is composed of lexical items which conceptualize freedom. The poet attempts to illustrate himself or any other free person as a driven away captive distressed by the confinement sufferings. The first representation of defamiliarization in ‘Alhoriah’ can be seen in an overall perspective it presents. It means that the poet gives such an uncommon picture of freedom that one can live a free life even in captivity. Purposeful selection of some lexical items has made the poet’s language as distinguished and prominent. In addition, with respect to defamiliarization features represented in the preceding analysis, it seems that the concept of freedom is depicted such a way that, in depth of captivity and confinement, one can live a free life. Such a freedom cannot be interpreted as the liberation of man’s body from chains and shackles. It is, on the other hand, faith crystalized in the character and nature of the liberated man, spreading over other organs of his body in a way that even the most evident human emotions originated from sorrows and anguish, anxiety and mental confusion are conceptualized very differently from the way they are conventionalized in the native’s beliefs. In symbolic imagery, this concept shows itself as a drop of tear released from the prison of an eyelid as if destiny and the end of all captives ended in liberation, liberation from both material and spiritual imprisonment. This way, defamiliarization offers a far-fetched unconventional imagery of liberty, for the poet has revealed the concept of freedom as a fantastic idea to show that it can be perceived even in depth of captivity. By using verbs with a special semantic load and with a gentle and purposeful arrangement of words next to each other and its coexistence with emphatic letters at the syntactic level, the intensity of defamiliarization of the text of the poem has been increased. Also, in order to induce the sense of violence, suffocation and unpleasantness of captivity and the sense of pleasantness and continuity of freedom, letters have been used in each of the words that phonetically correspond to the linguistic context of the text. The results indicated that the concept of liberty and its confrontation with captivity is depicted unconventionally in this poem. Purposeful selection and arrangement of phonemes, lexical items and rhetorical devices tend to support defamiliarization throughout the text. the Keywords of this study are formalistic criticism and literary defamiliarization and context, and Ahmad Matar and Alhurria.

    Keywords: Formalistic Criticism, Literary Defamiliarization, Context, Ahmad Matar, Alhurria
  • Ali Sayadani *, Yazdan Heydarpour Marand Pages 216-240
    Critical discourse analysis as a branch of linguistics discusses language as a social act and function, and its relationship with power, ideology, and discourse within social contexts. Ruth Wodak is a critical discourse analysis theorist who believes that power and ideology lead to domination. Being dominated in different sociopolitical situations produces discrimination. The existence of such a process by vulnerable linguistic groups within verbal contexts has been criticized. Verbal criticisms on discrimination is due to the existence of such elements as racism, social disorders, social depriveness and limitation, and seeking identity in meritocracies. Descriptive-analytical exploring and comparing the mentioned linguistic components using critical discourse of the novel Sleeping in Cherry Field written by Azher Jerjis (2019) would be of great significance. The protagonist of the novel, Saeed Nasir Mardan, in social actions and interactions with other characters criticizes the discrimination and injustices; that is, the discriminations and unjust behaviors practiced by the dominant power. The critiques happen in discursive forms among characters. The results of the study show the ability of correspondence between different elements of Wodak's critical discourse analysis and the content of the the novel. The capability is crystalyzed in different social contexts and linguistic situations of verbal communications. Critical discourse analysis as a branch of linguistics discusses language as a social act and function, and its relationship with power, ideology, and discourse within social contexts. Ruth Wodak is a critical discourse analysis theorist who believes that power and ideology lead to domination. Being dominated in different sociopolitical situations produces discrimination. The existence of such a process by vulnerable linguistic groups within verbal contexts has been criticized. Verbal criticisms on discrimination is due to the existence of such elements as racism, social disorders, social depriveness and limitation, and seeking identity in meritocracies. Descriptive-analytical exploring and comparing the mentioned linguistic components using critical discourse of the novel Sleeping in Cherry Field written by Azher Jerjis (2019) would be of great significance. The protagonist of the novel, Saeed Nasir Mardan, in social actions and interactions with other characters criticizes the discrimination and injustices; that is, the discriminations and unjust behaviors practiced by the dominant power. The critiques happen in discursive forms among characters. The results of the study show the ability of correspondence between different elements of Wodak's critical discourse analysis and the content of the the novel. The capability is crystalyzed in different social contexts and linguistic situations of verbal communications. Critical discourse analysis as a branch of linguistics discusses language as a social act and function, and its relationship with power, ideology, and discourse within social contexts. Ruth Wodak is a critical discourse analysis theorist who believes that power and ideology lead to domination. Being dominated in different sociopolitical situations produces discrimination. The existence of such a process by vulnerable linguistic groups within verbal contexts has been criticized. Verbal criticisms on discrimination is due to the existence of such elements as racism, social disorders, social depriveness and limitation, and seeking identity in meritocracies. Descriptive-analytical exploring and comparing the mentioned linguistic components using critical discourse of the novel Sleeping in Cherry Field written by Azher Jerjis (2019) would be of great significance. The protagonist of the novel, Saeed Nasir Mardan, in social actions and interactions with other characters criticizes the discrimination and injustices; that is, the discriminations and unjust behaviors practiced by the dominant power. The critiques happen in discursive forms among characters. The results of the study show the ability of correspondence between different elements of Wodak's critical discourse analysis and the content of the the novel. The capability is crystalyzed in different social contexts and linguistic situations of verbal communications. Critical discourse analysis as a branch of linguistics discusses language as a social act and function, and its relationship with power, ideology, and discourse within social contexts. Ruth Wodak is a critical discourse analysis theorist who believes that power and ideology lead to domination. Being dominated in different sociopolitical situations produces discrimination. The existence of such a process by vulnerable linguistic groups within verbal contexts has been criticized. Verbal criticisms on discrimination is due to the existence of such elements as racism, social disorders, social depriveness and limitation, and seeking identity in meritocracies. Descriptive-analytical exploring and comparing the mentioned linguistic components using critical discourse of the novel Sleeping in Cherry Field written by Azher Jerjis (2019) would be of great significance. The protagonist of the novel, Saeed Nasir Mardan, in social actions and interactions with other characters criticizes the discrimination and injustices; that is, the discriminations and unjust behaviors practiced by the dominant power. The critiques happen in discursive forms among characters. The results of the study show the ability of correspondence between different elements of Wodak's critical discourse analysis and the content of the the novel. The capability is crystalyzed in different social contexts and linguistic situations of verbal communications.
    Keywords: Sociocritical Discourse, Verbal Critiques, Sleeping In Cherry Field, Ruth Wodak, Azher Jerjis
  • Reihaneh Hamzeh *, Masome Taghizadeh, Masoumeh Shabestari Pages 246-264
    One of the methods of modern literary criticism is literary criticism based on the science of personality psychology, which has used the views of Carl Gustav Jung and the followers of Jung in the school of postmodernism such as Jane Shinoda Bollen. Dealing with how to create a literary work, discovering the mental process of writers and poets, and exploring their psyche to understand the work they have created are among the fields of study of this method of literary criticism. The postmodernists developed different approaches to analytical psychology and acted in line with Jung's views; In such a way that the analysis of postpartum is not possible without considering Jung's psychology. Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist, with his extensive research on the nature of the human mind, came up with two very important and effective ideas for literary criticism: the concept of the collective unconscious and the archetypal theory. Attracted motivations in the characters of literary works that often those characters themselves are not consciously aware of. Also, the accuracy of the mental processes of the characters, by examining their free association, changed the method of character analysis in literary criticism. In contrast to the subconscious mind of the individual, which contains the events, memories, and aspirations of one's life, the collective subconscious mind is the heritage of our ancestors' potential ways of representation (phenomena of the universe) and has no individual aspect but with all human beings. Perhaps it can be said that all living things are common. Jung's archetypal theory, which is closely related to the collective unconscious theory., is one of the most important theories in psychology and psychoanalysis, which has a special place in the discussion of personality analysis. Becoming, as well as through perception, is transformed and acquires its characteristics from the individual mentality in which it has occurred for whatever reason.Archetypal critique focuses on general, repetitive, and conventional elements in the literature; Elements that cannot be explained in terms of tradition or historical influences. This critique studies each literary work as part of the whole literature. The basis of archetypal critique is that archetypes, images, characters, narrative schemes and typical themes and other phenomena of some kind of literature are present in all literary works "One of Jung's most influential figures in the field of personality archetype theory or personality typology is Shinoda Bolen. Bolen's theory and her personality types are one of the new typological approaches in the field of psychology and are not very well known even among Iranian psychologists and psychoanalysts. According to him, archetypes have a great impact on human life, behavior, culture and human civilization. Personality archetypes are directly related to ancient Greek mythology and are derived from the personalities of the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece. In fact, inspired by mythical gods and goddesses, he painted a series of different personality types for men and women.
    Influenced by the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece, Bolen presents seven female archetypes named Hera, Hastia, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Aphrodite, Persephone, and eight male archetypes named Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, and Hephaestus. Gives. The description of all these archetypes is out of the question and we will deal only with the cases that are in line with the characters of the novel under study.
    Results and Discussion
    In this article, the main characters of Afrah Laylat al-Qadr novel and also the sub-characters who were incidental during the novel and played a role in clarifying the aspects of the main characters are analyzed separately for men and women based on Bolen's personality model. The reason for choosing this novel to apply Bolen's theory is that in addition to the multiplicity of characters, their ups and downs in the novel can be analyzed and adapted based on Bolen archetypes; Therefore, this study seeks to answer these two fundamental questions:What effect did the conditions of family, surroundings, environment and society have on the formation of the dominant archetype of characters?After determining the dominant archetype of the characters in this novel, did the second and third archetypes exist for all of them?
    In this regard, the novel Afrah Laylat al-Qadr by Abd al-Karim Nassif, which deals with the social and emotional relations of the two families, has been a suitable option for adapting Bolen's personality archetypes to the main characters of this novel. Based on Shinoda Bolen's theory and descriptive-analytical method, this research tries to identify the archetypes of each of the main male and female characters in the novel Afraha Laylat al-Qadr and the influence of factors such as family, society, environment, friends, cultural conditions and .. Also check. The result of the review of Afrah Laylat al-Qadr novel is that all seven archetypes of female personality and eight archetypes of male personality are present in all individuals, but the amount is different in the characters, and in the end there is only one archetype that has a high percentage. Dedicates itself and identifies the dominant archetype of that person.Keywords: Jung, Shinoda Bolen, Archetypes of personality, the novel Afrah Leilat Al-Ghadr, Abd Al-Karim Nasif.
    Keywords: Jung, Shinoda Bolen, Archetypes Of Personality, The Novel Afrah Leilat Al-Ghadr, Abd Al-Karim Nasif
  • Ahmad Mohammadi Nejad *, Hosein Taktabar Pages 270-293

    Poetic images are the product of emotional and intellectual experiences of the poet. Using poetic images with the aim of conveying experiences (thoughts and feelings) and reflecting on its elements is considered a reflection of the poet's worldview; It is impossible to ignore its role in representing the quality of the literary work as well as the level of its impact on the audience. In this article, the author has examined Abdullah Bardoni's poems with Peirce's semiotic approach and based on the library approach and descriptive-analytical method, and seeks to recognize, analyze and explain the poet's poetic symbols and codes. Also, in this essay, referring to different approaches of semiotics, intellectual layers and signs such as: intertextuality, time, place, character, narrative, author, the methods of discovering additional meanings along with the codes in the poet's poems are evaluated to open new horizons. in line with the image of the identity part of the poem of resistance against his audience. In Bardoni's poems, Hodhed is a symbol for the flood of immigrants, Bayt (house) is a symbol for his country and a thief, Sindbad is a symbol for expressing suffering and displacement, and the silence of the people in front of Zubiri's martyrdom is considered the failure of the revolution. he does. The poet looks at Yemen's exile (mother) as a child whose bloodlust is gnawing at her in the darkness of displacement. Even though he is in his homeland, Berdouni creates a place in his poems and talks about Arab unity. The use of words such as bright day, the dawn of victory, light, fire, bride, lightning and thunder, which is a narrative of the bitter reality ruling the country and the efforts to free it from captivity, implicitly obtained signs of the poet. .Poetic images are the product of emotional and intellectual experiences of the poet. Using poetic images with the aim of conveying experiences (thoughts and feelings) and reflecting on its elements is considered a reflection of the poet's worldview; It is impossible to ignore its role in representing the quality of the literary work as well as the level of its impact on the audience. In this article, the author has examined Abdullah Bardoni's poems with Peirce's semiotic approach and based on the library approach and descriptive-analytical method, and seeks to recognize, analyze and explain the poet's poetic symbols and codes. Also, in this essay, referring to different approaches of semiotics, intellectual layers and signs such as: intertextuality, time, place, character, narrative, author, the methods of discovering additional meanings along with the codes in the poet's poems are evaluated to open new horizons. in line with the image of the identity part of the poem of resistance against his audience. In Bardoni's poems, Hodhed is a symbol for the flood of immigrants, Bayt (house) is a symbol for his country and a thief, Sindbad is a symbol for expressing suffering and displacement, and the silence of the people in front of Zubiri's martyrdom is considered the failure of the revolution. he does. The poet looks at Yemen's exile (mother) as a child whose bloodlust is gnawing at her in the darkness of displacement. Even though he is in his homeland, Berdouni creates a place in his poems and talks about Arab unity. The use of words such as bright day, the dawn of victory, light, fire, bride, lightning and thunder, which is a narrative of the bitter reality ruling the country and the efforts to free it from captivity, implicitly obtained signs of the poet. .Poetic images are the product of emotional and intellectual experiences of the poet. Using poetic images with the aim of conveying experiences (thoughts and feelings) and reflecting on its elements is considered a reflection of the poet's worldview; It is impossible to ignore its role in representing the quality of the literary work as well as the level of its impact on the audience. In this article, the author has examined Abdullah Bardoni's poems with Peirce's semiotic approach and based on the library approach and descriptive-analytical method, and seeks to recognize, analyze and explain the poet's poetic symbols and codes. Also, in this essay, referring to different approaches of semiotics, intellectual layers and signs such as: intertextuality, time, place, character, narrative, author, the methods of discovering additional meanings along with the codes in the poet's poems are evaluated to open new horizons. in line with the image of the identity part of the poem of resistance against his audience. In Bardoni's poems, Hodhed is a symbol for the flood of immigrants, Bayt (house) is a symbol for his country and a thief, Sindbad is a symbol for expressing suffering and displacement, and the silence of the people in front of Zubiri's martyrdom is considered the failure of the revolution. he does. The poet looks at Yemen's exile (mother) as a child whose bloodlust is gnawing at her in the darkness of displacement. Even though he is in his homeland, Berdouni creates a place in his poems and talks about Arab unity. The use of words such as bright day, the dawn of victory, light, fire, bride, lightning and thunder, which is a narrative of the bitter reality ruling the country and the efforts to free it from captivity, implicitly obtained signs of the poet. .

    Keywords: Peirce', S Semiotics, Imagery, Abdullah Bardoni, Semiotics Codes
  • Abdolahad Gheibi *, Sajad Sedghi Pages 299-316
    Death is one of the natural phenomena that has always been a challenging issue for humans and according to their cultural and social environment, people have had different dealings with death and the anxiety caused by it. Kubler Ross is one of the first psychiatrists who tried to define a systematic method and framework for death and how come face to face with it. In his theory, he considers five stages namely denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance for terminally ill patients so that they can accept their death by knowing and applying these stages and continue their lives with calmness and without fear or anxiety. Kubler Ross's theory can be applied to all bereaved people and those who have experienced spiritual and emotional failures in their lives. Nizar Qabbani's "Balqis Ode" is one of the texts that can be adapted to the mentioned theory. This ode, which was written as an obituary in the description of "Balqis al-Ravi", is a full-view mirror of Nizar Qabbani's mental and emotional turmoil and sharp views on current issues in the Arab society. The present research tries to analyze the mental and psychological states of Nizar Qabbani in the mentioned Ode by descriptive-analytical method and based on the theory of mourning. According to the results of the research, in this ode, the poet goes all through the five stages of the theory of mourning in an irregular manner and finally reaches its highest stage, which is the stage of acceptance and accepts the death of his wife. At each stage, he returns to the stage of anger and shows his anger at the factors involved in the killing of Balqis.Death is one of the natural phenomena that has always been a challenging issue for humans and according to their cultural and social environment, people have had different dealings with death and the anxiety caused by it. Kubler Ross is one of the first psychiatrists who tried to define a systematic method and framework for death and how come face to face with it. In his theory, he considers five stages namely denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance for terminally ill patients so that they can accept their death by knowing and applying these stages and continue their lives with calmness and without fear or anxiety. Kubler Ross's theory can be applied to all bereaved people and those who have experienced spiritual and emotional failures in their lives. Nizar Qabbani's "Balqis Ode" is one of the texts that can be adapted to the mentioned theory. This ode, which was written as an obituary in the description of "Balqis al-Ravi", is a full-view mirror of Nizar Qabbani's mental and emotional turmoil and sharp views on current issues in the Arab society. The present research tries to analyze the mental and psychological states of Nizar Qabbani in the mentioned Ode by descriptive-analytical method and based on the theory of mourning. According to the results of the research, in this ode, the poet goes all through the five stages of the theory of mourning in an irregular manner and finally reaches its highest stage, which is the stage of acceptance and accepts the death of his wife. At each stage, he returns to the stage of anger and shows his anger at the factors involved in the killing of Balqis.Death is one of the natural phenomena that has always been a challenging issue for humans and according to their cultural and social environment, people have had different dealings with death and the anxiety caused by it. Kubler Ross is one of the first psychiatrists who tried to define a systematic method and framework for death and how come face to face with it. In his theory, he considers five stages namely denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance for terminally ill patients so that they can accept their death by knowing and applying these stages and continue their lives with calmness and without fear or anxiety. Kubler Ross's theory can be applied to all bereaved people and those who have experienced spiritual and emotional failures in their lives. Nizar Qabbani's "Balqis Ode" is one of the texts that can be adapted to the mentioned theory. This ode, which was written as an obituary in the description of "Balqis al-Ravi", is a full-view mirror of Nizar Qabbani's mental and emotional turmoil and sharp views on current issues in the Arab society. The present research tries to analyze the mental and psychological states of Nizar Qabbani in the mentioned Ode by descriptive-analytical method and based on the theory of mourning. According to the results of the research, in this ode, the poet goes all through the five stages of the theory of mourning in an irregular manner and finally reaches its highest stage, which is the stage of acceptance and accepts the death of his wife. At each stage, he returns to the stage of anger and shows his anger at the factors involved in the killing of Balqis.
    Keywords: Death, Balqis Ode, Nizar Qabbani, Mourning Theory, Kubler Ross